Jake was retired. He’d had enough of the office politics and, before they had a chance to “put him out to pasture”, he left of his own accord. Sure, he gave up what would have been a severance package, but he estimated that the six months it would take for them to make the decision wasn’t worth the extra money — besides, he didn’t really need it. He had a final salary scheme from an earlier employment. He had very little in the way of expenses — he was single now – so if he started to take something from his current pension pot and added it to the existing pension, it would see him through the next twenty-five years. That should be enough. Besides, at age 66 he would start to get his state pension as well.
One of the few expenses he allowed himself was his season ticket to Chelsea Football Club. He had a friend who he’d met many years previously in the seat next to him and they often shared a beer together. However, on one fateful night, Jimmy wasn’t going and had given his ticket to Jake so he could take somebody else along.
That evening there were some problems on the District Line, so rather than making his way to Fulham Broadway, instead he got off at South Kensington Station and walked. Stepping out of the Tube station he looked up and saw a woman walking towards him. A familiar face: Carol still worked at his ex-employer’s office.
“Hello,” he said. “What are you doing here?”
“Oh, nothing much. I was supposed to be meeting a friend who lives round here, but she stood me up.”
“She lives around here? She must be pretty loaded then!”
“Yes, well her husband is a bit of a high-flying lawyer. He demanded that they go out for a meal with business colleagues tonight.”
“Oh, bad luck that. Ummm,” he paused, thinking. “You’re a Chelsea fan, aren’t you?”
“Yes, but I haven’t been for years.”
“Ah! Well, it just so happens I’m on my way there now and I have a spare ticket. Are you interested?”
“Really? Are you sure?” She felt excitement rising in her breast. She had always fancied Jake, although she had never told him so. Although there was a ten-year age gap, he really didn’t seem that old. He was tall, dark handsome and very fit — in both senses of the word.
“Yes, absolutely! I’d be glad of the company, provided you’re prepared to put up with a bit of blue language — we tend to have a bit of banter with the opposition just across the divide.”
“OK then, yes. I’d love to go with you.”
So, they walked the thirty minutes to the ground. Chatting amiably, they discovered that they were both into parkrun (the weekly, free, timed runs held all over the country — in fact the world). Jake confessed he was what is known as a parkrun Tourist (the only requirement being that the runner had to have completed 20 different events — he was up into his 70s).
It was a reasonably enjoyable game and they took their time getting out of the stadium, knowing that there would be a lot of people heading in the same direction.
As they walked, they talked. Initially about the company and the people they both knew, but then the conversation got around to holidays. Carol explained that she had lost the holiday she had booked when a well-known tour operator went under. She may well get a good proportion of her money back, but not for a while and in the meantime, she wasn’t going anywhere next week.
Jake looked at her sideways for a while.
“What?” she asked.
“Well, I’m not sure if I should ask or not.”
“If you don’t ask, then you’ll never know the answer?” she suggested.
“OK then, here goes; I’m going away this weekend. I’m driving up to Stafford on Friday, then on Saturday I’m going to do Isabel Trail parkrun. I’ve done it before, but I was injured, so I want to go back and put in a proper time.
“Anyway, after that I’m going to spend the rest of the day on the Severn Valley Railway. Then, the next day (Sunday) I’m going over to Cheltenham for the second day of the Gloucestershire & Warwickshire Railway Wartime Weekend. Of course, I’ll be dressing in 1940s costume for that.”
“Oh yes, I recall you saying about going to these things in the past. Sounds fun.”
“OK, well the thing is I’m staying in a couple of Travelodge hotels. Now don’t get me wrong, but they have family rooms, so as well as a double bed there’s also a pull-out couch bed thing. Now, if you were interested in going, I’m sure as grown-ups we could work out some sort of sleeping arrangement. That way you’d get a weekend away to make up for your missing holiday. How does that sound?”
“Oh! Oh, that was a surprise! I wasn’t expecting you to ask something like that!”
“Ah, I’m sorry. I said I wasn’t sure if I should ask. I didn’t mean to make you feel awkward. Forget I said anything.”
“No, no, you misunderstand. I don’t mind you suggesting that at all. It just came a bit out of the blue, that’s all.”
“Well? How about it?”
“Umm. Well, it’s very tempting, but I really must work on Friday. What time are you leaving?” escort “I was going up during the morning. There’s a few places that I want to go and look at during the day, before checking into the hotel in the evening.”
“Ah, that’s a problem then. I have to make sure everything is tidy before I take a week off.”
They walked in silence for a while, until an idea occurred to Jake, “I’ll tell you what, there’s no reason why you couldn’t take your bag to work with you and then get the train up to Stafford later in the day. I could meet you at the station and then we could go on to the hotel.”
Carol stopped and looked at him, “That could work, couldn’t it? I might even be able to get away a few minutes early.”
Jake still wasn’t sure if Carol was in earnest. Perhaps he had made the offer because he had always found her sexy and attractive, but had assumed that she would say no. However, it seemed that she was interested. Just to test the water he started talking about the Wartime Weekend.
“Of course, you’ll need to find something to wear for the Gloucestershire & Warwickshire Railway. It doesn’t have to be authentic 1940s, just a reasonable approximation.”
He took a bit of a saucy plunge when he continued, “Mind you, wearing the right underwear can be very important. For instance, a modern padded bra would give completely the wrong shape for an outfit of the time.”
She was intrigued, “What sort of bra would they have worn then?”
“Well, sometimes only a camisole, but for the — shall we say — better endowed lady it would be something with not much support. Utilitarian if you like.”
Jake was feeling his face redden a little as he realised that he was referring to Carol, who herself had a not insignificant bust. He tried to assuage his embarrassment by explaining further, “Some support, but not so much that it pushes up, if you see what I mean?”
“Oh, right, I think I understand. I’m not sure I could have gotten away with a camisole even when I was a teenager,” she chuckled. Jake smiled at her ability to make light of a delicate subject.
“What else?” she asked.
“What, you mean…” he left the words unspoken, but nodded towards her lower body. “Well, obviously the correct clothing would be seamed stockings held up by suspenders. I understand that a lot of women swear by the more substantial six-strap type, rather than the bedroom-style four strap.”
Carol was quite impressed by Jake’s knowledge. She was old enough to have worn stockings at a time when they were fashionable and knew that the flimsier suspender belts were useless (other than in the bedroom). But she decided to tease him a little.
“So, what about panties?”
Jake was glad that it was dark, so that his blushing wasn’t visible.
“Humph,” he cleared his throat before continuing. “Tap pants, possibly, but more likely something loose fitting such as French knickers.” He was surprised that he managed to get the answer out without choking.
“Ah! Right!” said Carol. “Well, I think that I can manage to put an ensemble together. I just need to see if I can get some seamed stockings. The ones I’ve got aren’t suitable. Provided I can organise things, it looks like I should be able to go.”
Jake realised with a jolt that she was saying she already had stockings! Then he recalled seeing her at a company function on one occasion and had wondered if she was wearing. In fact, that night was one where he had experienced a raunchy dream involving Carol.
They had reached the Underground station and went their separate ways, marked by a kiss on each cheek and a promise that Carol would let Jake know as soon as possible if she could make the trip.
Travelling home, Jake realised just how much he lusted after Carol. He’d not consciously thought about it before, but if he was honest there were a few occasions in the past when he had had an erotic dream about her. His thoughts now wandered to imagining what she might look like in period costume — especially what she would look like in the underwear. He was so engrossed in these thoughts that he missed his stop. It seemed easier to stay on and use the alternative route to get home. It would take longer, but not quite so long as getting off at the next stop, changing platforms, travelling back, changing platforms again and then travelling forward once more to Stratford.
By the time he got all the way home it was almost midnight. He had, by now, convinced himself that Carol would realise how awkward this could be and would turn the invitation down the next day. That wouldn’t be quite as bad as if she didn’t contact him again at all, let alone to say yes or no.
But he needn’t have worried. When he looked at his phone, he realised that he had already had a text message from her. She had a shorter journey home and must have got to work organising whatever needed to be arranged.
She wrote, “Hi Jake. It’s on! Managed to get a response back from my Manager and he’s agreed that if I start escort bayan early on Friday I can leave earlier. I’ve already bought a train ticket! Should arrive at about 6.30pm.”
“Wow!” he said out loud. “This is actually going to happen!”
But… he reminded himself that this was two friends sharing a trip together and not to get carried away. Although, that didn’t stop him having another erotic dream that night.
Friday came and Jake set off on his car journey. He went to the places he had intended to visit on the way, stopping off for a light snack at lunchtime. He had just finished walking around the Riverside shopping centre when he felt the buzz of a message on his mobile phone. It was Carol, she was on her way!
Jake killed time for an hour and then went back to his car. It only took five minutes to get to the station and there was no official parking available, but he decided to risk stopping on a cross-hatched area. After all, he was staying with the car, so if anybody complained, or there was a need to move, he could do it immediately.
The train pulled in and after a minute, passengers began to disgorge from the station entrance. Eventually, he spotted Carol pulling her wheeled case and rang her mobile number.
“Hi Carol! I can see you’ve arrived, but you obviously can’t see me yet! Turn right and walk along. I’m parked behind a bloody 4×4!”
“Oh, thank goodness! I thought you’d forgotten me!” she laughed. “Oh! I can see you now!”
She rang off and Jake climbed out of the car to open the boot.
“I’d forgotten you had a sports car! No wonder I couldn’t see you behind that thing!”
She was wearing jeans and a blouse with a jacket over the top. Sensible walking boots topped off her outfit. Jake took her case and put it into the boot of his Mercedes. Fortunately, it just fit in. His bag was a lot smaller and he explained that he had utilised the spare wheel space for quite a few bits and pieces. He shut the boot and held the door for her as she got in.
“Oh dear!” she said. “I’m going to have to be careful getting in and out when I’m wearing a skirt!”
Once seated, she complimented Jake on the car. It was a present to himself on his 60th birthday, bought with money freed up from his pension. It was an unusual bit of splashing out for him; he had always been careful with money, which is why he now found himself to be comfortably off in retirement.
Jake started the engine and drove off. He didn’t show off with fast driving, he was happy just to be seen in such an eye-catching vehicle.
Within ten minutes they had arrived at the hotel and checked in. Jake explained the double occupancy and Carol’s name was added to the records. The Receptionist was also on the ball enough to grab an extra set of towels for them to take up with them.
Jake opened the door to the room and strolled in carrying both cases, then stopped. “Ah!” he said.
“Problem?” Carol asked.
“Err… yes, you could say that. It’s not a family room!”
Carol moved further in and could now see that it contained a built-in desk and chair, an armchair and a just a double bed.
“Oh! I see. Oh well.”
“I’m sorry. I really had no idea that it wasn’t a family room. I have no idea what we’re going to do about it.”
Carol, seeing Jake clearly perturbed, tried to ease his worries.
“Look, don’t worry about it. It’s really no big deal.”
“But…what about the sleeping arrangements?”
“Well, you’ll just have to put up with me being naked in bed next to you, won’t you?”
Jake made a kind of strangled sound, unsure that he had heard her correctly.
“Well, I know from a conversation we had in the past that you don’t normally wear anything in bed. Neither do I. We’re both mature adults and I’m sure we can handle that.”
“Are… are you sure…I mean…”
“Look, I told you it’s OK. If something happens, it happens. If it doesn’t, well, that’s OK too.”
Jake’s mouth had dropped open.
She cocked her head on one side, smiled and said, “Would you like something to happen?”
There was a long pause, “Well?”
All Jake could do was nod.
“Oh, I see,” she said simply. “Well, perhaps we can go and eat now. I’m starving!”
The restaurant was next door. Nothing fancy, a typical chain, but as Jake wasn’t driving, they could order and drink alcohol. In fact, they ordered a round with the starter, main course and dessert. They weren’t inebriated when they left, but they could certainly be described as “merry”.
Back in the room, Jake felt a little awkward and didn’t know what was going to happen. But Carol, seemed emboldened by the alcohol.
“Well, I need to go to the bathroom and get ready for bed. I need to clean my teeth and take my make-up off.” She turned and walked towards the door. Looking back over her shoulder she said, “You might as well start to get undressed while I’m gone.”
Carol looked at her reflection in the mirror — a reflection bayan escort that gave away the flushed cheeks of what she had just said and done. A shiver went through her; one of both delight and more than a little bit of sexual excitement.
Meanwhile, Jake was rooted to the spot, stunned — and incredibly turned on. He had fantasised about this but had never imagined that it could happen. He was getting undressed in a daze and was only down to his trousers and underpants when Carol emerged from the bathroom.
She was stark naked. He couldn’t breathe. Her large breasts drooped a little but were surprisingly firm looking. And the nipples were huge and stuck out an inch while being 3/4″ wide at the tips. She had a bit of excess flesh, but it merely gave her an incredibly voluptuous look.
She sauntered towards him as his attention turned to her pussy and he noted that she was clean shaven. The pink lips appeared to be pouting. He imagined he caught a glimpse of moisture too.
“Come along, get the rest of those clothes off. I can’t wait to see what you look like naked.”
Jake rushed into the bathroom to clean his teeth.
Upon his return, fully five minutes later, when is heart had ceased hammering, he (still in a daze) removed his trousers and underpants.
Carol stared at his rigid cock for a few seconds then looked him straight in the eye and whispered hoarsely; “Oh, but I’m such a lucky girl!”
Carol was sitting on the end of the bed.
“OK, which side did you want to…sleep on?”
“Umm, I don’t really mind. Which one would you prefer?”
“The one without the wet patch,” she said archly and threw back the covers before sliding in and beckoning to him to join her.
Jake gulped and walked to the side of the bed. This beautiful woman — still amazingly attractive without her make-up — was lying there ready and wanting to be taken. She shuffled over as he sat on the bed and swung his legs up.
“Now, first and foremost, I know that you’re feeling very, very horny right now — I know I am — but I want you to give me a damn good snogging first. You won’t believe how long I’ve wanted to do that.”
“Yes, really. Now come here and kiss me.”
Their lips met tenderly at first without any other physical contact, but then he brought his hand up to cup her face and she slid her hand onto his hip. They continued like this for a while, gradually getting closer until eventually their bodies were pressed together. Jake’s erection was now rubbing against Carol’s lower stomach, so she slid her leg up over his, bringing her clit into closer contact.
Jake could feel the wetness and was aware that Carol was ready, but he didn’t want to rush this. He wanted to take his time and enjoy something he had only dreamed about. At the same time, he didn’t want to disappoint her and was conscious of the need to ensure her enjoyment before his own.
Carol was indeed ready and the way that she showed this was to hook her leg behind Jake’s and then lean slightly away from him, turning onto her back. Jake placed his right knee onto the bed and then lifted his body and then left leg from the surface. Carol responded by sliding her right leg out so that he could now lie between her spread legs. She reached down and took hold of his dick. She rubbed the head across her pussy lips, feeling the slickness, knowing that she was well-lubricated.
She broke the kiss and looked into his eyes, “Now Jake. I want you inside me now,” she breathed.
Jake leaned in and his cock began a long, slow penetration. He maintained pressure, allowing Carol’s pussy to relax and gradually let him slide in. They both groaned as he gained maximum penetration.
Slowly, ever so slowly, Jake began to move. Each stroke infinitesimally longer than the last. Each stroke gentle and slow. Carol had never experienced such considerate love-making before and it was driving her to new heights of ecstasy.
Jake wasn’t sure how much longer he could control himself; he wanted to go faster and harder but was desperately trying not to. In the end, it was Carol who broke the dam for him.
“Go faster, faster. Harder. I’m nearly there!” she gasped
Jake felt let off the leash. The bed began to bounce with the motion of his driving thrusts. Carol kissed his face repeatedly, encouraging him.
“Don’t stop! Please don’t stop! I’m nearly… nearly… ohhhhh!”
Jake felt Carol’s pussy tighten around his cock. It squeezed and released repeatedly, milking him with a rapidity that drew forth his own climax. He felt the tightening, but the sudden rush took him by surprise. He had fully intended warning Carol in case she wanted him to withdraw pre-ejaculation, but before he could react his semen was gushing from the ned of his dick and flooding her insides.
Carol felt Jake come while she was still in the throes of her own orgasm. She had wondered if Jake might pull out, but she was glad he didn’t, or she might not have had such an enjoyable climax.
Spent, Jake collapsed a little on Carol, panting. The couple lay like this for some time before Jake rolled off to one side. “Wow!” he said.
Carol smiled, “Wow, indeed! No one has ever made me come while inside me before. Thank you!”