Baby Sis Nat


“Oh my gawd Nat let’s go!” Kelly shouted from the shotgun of Ryan’s car.

I really was trying to hurry. It was just all so exciting. It wasn’t just going to be my first spring break as a college student, it was also my first road trip with my sorority sisters.

Well, my sisters plus Ryan that is. He would be a small but necessary evil to what would otherwise be an epic week.

I wrestled my duffel bag into the trunk of Ryan’s BMW. Truth be told I had probably overpacked. There was no way I would ever wear this many clothes. Our plan was to spend an entire week on the beach, but part of me couldn’t help but plan for the outside possibility that we’d go clubbing or something in the evenings. By the looks of the trunk I wasn’t the only one who had that thought. The small trunk space was jam packed with bags.

I had crammed everything I thought I would possibly need into a single giant duffel. Kelly and Olivia had each packed like three bags and then there was Ryan’s bag and his stupid fucking golf clubs.

Thankfully I was pretty certain he wasn’t planning on joining us for the entire week. He was just going to drop us at our hotel and then head home. He lived a couple hours north of the beach and had some D-Chi networking event or something where they were going to play golf and smoke cigars or whatever douchey shit frat boys do on spring break.

It sounded like a total snooze. I was just thankful it meant that I’d get my big sis and my room mate to myself for a whole week. It felt like Ryan was always hanging around Kelly, and I’m not going to lie – he kind of bugged me. Like I have no problem with most frat guys but he really cranked the douche meter all the way up to eleven. To make matters worse, whenever he was around Kelly was a different person. I don’t know if she felt like she had to show off for him or what, but she got so stern around him. We were told at orientation that our big sisters would be the ones to really show us the ropes of the sorority, but it felt like Kelly was more concerned with how Ryan saw her than making sure I was on solid footing.

I had only been a full Tri-Delt for a couple months now, but through the pledging process I had been to enough parties to figure all the frat boys out. They generally thought they were hot shit and they were happy enough to bring you drinks and wait on you hand and foot when they thought they might get some. They only got problematic in large groups and they fed off of each other’s stupid suggestions and tried to outdo each other drinking.

Ryan was on a completely different level though. He had grown up wealthy. His dad was some sort of high level executive for an insurance company and Ryan seemed to think that greatness must run in the family. He had been dating Kelly for as long as I had known her, for sure, and it seemed like any time he wasn’t golfing he was hanging around the sorority house, even when the officers were telling him to leave. It was like he felt the rules didn’t apply to him or something. I guess that much was probably true. When you grow up with as much money as he had I don’t think anyone really bothers to tell you “no.” Come to think of it I don’t think I had ever even seen Kelly tell him “no.” It felt like she bowed to every stupid little thing he asked for; like if she didn’t he’d dump her or blow up or something.

I don’t know why she put up with it. Kelly was way hotter than him. He was kind of scrawny and had no chin. I guess she either didn’t want to deal with his legendary temper, or maybe she just liked the smell of money.

Of course that money meant he had a car and he was headed in the direction we wanted to go. I could deal with him for six hours if it meant it got the three of us to a sandy beach where we could get wasted and hit on surfer boys.

I shut the trunk and piled in the back seat with my roommate Olivia. She stuck her tongue out at me and handed me a red solo cup. I put my icy Starbucks cup in my door side cup holder and accepted it, ready to party.

“It’s empty!” I shouted over the bass heavy rap that was rattling the car as Ryan peeled out of his parallel parking spot and pulled onto University Dr.

Olivia gestured between her feet to a giant bottle of Popov vodka and a small ice chest. “Not for long!” She shouted back and went back to dancing in her seat.

Liv was my room mate – we had been assigned a room together in the house shortly after we became pledges and typically stuck together on the weekends. She was from one of those northern states where there wasn’t really anything to do in the winter months except sit around in someone’s basement and drink. The only time I she had gone home last semester was winter break which gave her a lot of time to party on the weekends, and Liv was always down to party. I honestly have no idea how she managed to pass her classes but even on the rare weekends where we didn’t have a Greek function, she always seemed to know where to go to get fucked up. I learned pretty quickly that she had a superhuman şişli escort alcohol tolerance. I tried to keep up with her the first time we drank together and that was a huge mistake. She had a tiny frame just like me – we even shared clothes from time to time, but somehow she just didn’t seem to feel alcohol like a normal person. She loved to rub that in people’s faces – especially guys who would try to impress her by claiming they were “built different.” She’d take it as a challenge and go shot for shot with them.

She was also a lot less shy than me about staying at those parties as they wrapped up. She’d usually come home the next morning with stories about how she had hooked up with some new guy after the one she was drinking with passed out. Honestly it sounded like a lot of fun, I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I had only been with one guy – my high school boyfriend Rob – but we broke it off after the first week of school. He didn’t go to college and it seemed like it was a logical time to part ways.

If I’m being completely honest still missed him a bit. Maybe that was why I didn’t just randomly hook up like Liv. It wasn’t like I didn’t want to. It just felt wrong. Our split was so amicable it felt like cheating or something. It wasn’t a big deal though – Liv would give me her signal that she had settled in and I’d leave her to head back to the house. It was a good opportunity to have the room to myself and I looked forward to my weekly “alone” time where I could run my vibrator without the fear of my room mate hearing.

Not that Liv would have likely cared. She was always pretty open about her sexual exploits. It was kind of a Sunday morning tradition for us – we’d grab coffee and she’d tell me which guy she had wound up with, how big his dick was and whether he came early, couldn’t get up or (rarely) went down on her. In a moment of weakness a few weeks back i revealed that I spent my Saturday nights just curled up with a toy buzzing between my legs and Liv made me promise to come with her the following week. My cheeks had burned as I nodded in agreement, but that Saturday night I once again found myself silently ducking out of the room while Liv draped herself over some guy with moussed up hair.

I guess it was just habit, but after I came in just kind of felt empty, and I resolved myself that spring break would be the time for me to tear loose. I was going to fuck a random this week and make some poor decisions. I owed it to myself! I spent all week in the lead-up to our trip getting more and more wound up. It had been like 8 months since I had gotten laid, and once I decided I was ready I was seeing dicks everywhere. I even abstained from masturbating for a few weeks prior.

It felt like I was in heat or something. Like something in my body had reawakened and needed dick to calm back down. On Monday I found myself wishing that Liv would leave our room just so I could get some relief. By Wednesday I had to stop myself when I had leaned up against a counter in our kitchen just right.

Even as I was packing I heavily considered throwing my vibrator in my bag. Ultimately I decided against it. I was frustrated but I reasoned it would incentivize me to not retreat into my shell on the trip.

And that’s how my first spring break kicked off: with an empty solo cup in hand sexually frustrated as we drove way too fast through our college town. I thought for sure we were going to get pulled over and busted for an MIP, but maybe that was why we didn’t break into the vodka until we got on the freeway.

I was smart enough to pace myself. It was going to be a long drive, and if pledging had taught me anything it was that I could get myself in real trouble if I tried to keep up with Liv and Kelly.

An hour into the drive the mood in the car had cooled off. It became less of a party and more of a taxi. I had finished my vodka cran some miles back and had switched back to my Starbucks while I waited for Liv to finish her second, but she didn’t seem to be in any hurry.

At some point in our early miles Ryan got a call from one of his frat brothers and we had all politely gotten quiet while he fielded it. He talked self-importantly into his cellphone about some project they were working on while we all politely sat in silence. Kelly stared out of her window, Liv tapped away on her cell, and I was just left contemplating my empty Starbucks. Between the forced silence the road noise, small bumps and little bit of alcohol in my system, I think I dozed off for a bit.

A pothole knocked be back to consciousness. Ryan was still talking loudly into his phone about some project or something where they were going to “totally make millions bro” once they were out of school and could “take it live” or something. It was pretty cringey bro-speak but I didn’t give it much thought. By that point his self importance was nothing more than background noise.

I slowly regained my senses and was struck by a familiar tug below my navel. At first I just assumed taksim escort it was the same nearly constant need to fuck someone that had been dominating my mind for the last few weeks, but in actuality the alcohol and coffee had worked their way through me. I needed to pee pretty badly.

I looked over at Olivia. Her phone was on the seat between us, open to a Poshmark page she had been browsing. Her head was lolled to the side with her dark hair covering the side of her face – although I couldn’t see her eyes it was clear she had passed out.

Kelly also looked like she might be asleep but It was harder to tell. She was seated in front of Olivia, but her body was turned away from me. Her knees were pulled up to her chest and her chin was rested on them. I watched her for a few minutes, hoping she would just turn around and strike up a conversation now that I was awake but unfortunately she stayed still.

Ryan jabbered away on the phone in front of me. “Yeah. Yeah. Bro, it’s going to be off the chain. Did you put together the presentation for Bill already? You’re an all star.”

I figured once his conversation ended I could just tap him on the shoulder or something and ask him to find a rest stop, so I folded my hands in my lap, crossed my legs and waited.

…and waited.

…and waited.

A minute passed, then five. Mile markers zipped by my window. I got more and more desperate; I’m ashamed to admit that I glanced down at my empty Starbucks cup more than once but I couldn’t quite work out how I would perform the necessary acrobatics without waking everyone up or worse – risking Ryan’s rage by splashing his seats.

The geometry was just too hard. Maybe if I were wearing a skirt I could scootch forward and pull my bikini bottoms aside, but I just had to be wearing denim shorts. I kicked myself for that. I had chosen them because I knew we had a long car ride, and if I wiggled just right I could catch my seam. Don’t judge me. It had been a while since I had gotten laid. Most of my decisions seemed to revolve around how I could cheat some stimulation out of my self imposed ban. Unfortunately though, now my shorts were just a hindrance. I’d have to take them all the way off, then scootch forward, pull my bottoms aside with one hand, hold the cup with the other and…

I had to stop myself. The thought of relief as physically impossible as it may have been was making my situation harder to deal with. My muscles were beginning to ache desperately. An intrusive thought flashed through my mind for a split second. “I could just let a little out… It would relieve a little pressure, and nobody would know.” But it was just the alcohol giving me stupid ideas. Like everything, the naughtiness of the thought made me tingle slightly. I almost got a little too lost in that thought before I snapped out of it. I had to shut that thinking down immediately before I did something incredibly stupid.

“Hey Ryan?” I couldn’t take it anymore and I cut into his conversation.

“Yo hold on Hold on Hold on.” He repeated into his phone as if he was trying to interrupt his partner’s grand plan.

“What?” He snapped back at me, annoyance dripping from his voice. His eyes darted to me in the rear view mirror. It caught me off guard and I had trouble finding my words.

“I… uh… are we going to stop soon? I could use a break.” I couldn’t bring myself to flat out tell him I needed to pee. It’s almost like if I said it, I was going to do it. Maybe I should have, but the way he was looking at me in the rear view was intimidating. I could tell he was pissed for me interrupting his call, and it just felt like if I told him why I needed to stop he might use it against me.

I really hated him in that moment, but something about the way he was looking at me was making my pee want to come out even more.

He looked back at the road. His voice wasn’t as angry as his eyes seemed at all. “I was planning on stopping after we passed Coachella.”

I mean I wasn’t even sure if we had crossed into California yet. It still had to be a couple of hours away. Panic set in and I unashamedly gripped myself roughly through my jeans shorts. I was so desperate that I didn’t even get any pleasure from it. I couldn’t believe how quickly the desperation had hit me – I guess I had been asleep but it was like the coffee and alcohol had combined to ambush me.

“Uh… how far away is that?” I whimpered. Sending the panic in my voice, Liv started to stir as well.

“What the fuck?” He muttered and threw he phone back up to his ear. “Hey Marco let me hit you back in a bit…. Yeah… yeah. Chicks right?” Then he chuckled and ended his call.

His eyes shot up to mine in the rear view mirror again. “Alright. You gotta shit or something?” He asked me crassly.

“What? No!” I shot back. I couldn’t believe the nerve he had. “I just really really need to pee.”

“I figured we’d stop in about 30 minutes. Does that work?”

“No!” I whined. “I…” my muscles spasmed, but mecidiyeköy escort I think I stopped them before anything came out. “I don’t really think I can even make it 3.”

Liv was fully awake by then and gave me a sympathetic look. She saw that I was in dire straits and couldn’t stick up for myself so she chimed in: “Can you just pull over here? I’m sure she’ll be quick.”

I was so grateful she was advocating for me I could have kissed her.

Without saying a word he signaled and started slowing down. When we passed over the rumble strips (which was agony) Kelly stretched. “Why are we stopping?” She asked sleepily through a yawn.

“Your baby sis needs to tinkle.” Ryan explained condescendingly as he pulled the car onto the shoulder. “She’s totally killing the good time we were making.”

I couldn’t believe it but Kelly just let him talk to me like that and played along, acting like she was still half asleep. “What the fuck, Nat? Can’t you just hold it?”

“No!” I whined as I popped open my door. I swung my feet out to stand but right as I did a semi truck buzzed passed us, blowing my door back into me and pushing me back into my seat. My original plan was to walk (run, who am I kidding?) over to the scrubby bushes on the other side of the car so that I would have at least a little bit of privacy, but as soon as I released the grip on my crotch to catch myself I felt my muscles relax and let go.

My knees were weak as I tried to stand. I was out of time. Forget the bushes, there was no way I would even have a chance to make it to the other side of the car. I descended into blind panic. I needed relief immediately. I couldn’t be bothered shutting the door. I had no time for dignity. A small spurt escaped out of me. It felt molten hot as it shot into my bikini bottoms. The heat and embarrassment of what had just happened caused me to reflexively snap my knees shut. That was at least enough to briefly stop the stream. I ground my thighs together while I struggled to unbutton my shorts. I couldn’t stop moving. If I did, I knew my floodgates would open. Waves of shame washed over me as it dawned on me that I had just peed myself. Even if was only a little, even if it was only for a second, it was the first time it had happened since that camping trip in third grade. I didn’t have time to dwell on it though. My mind was in panic mode but somehow I was finally able to unbutton my shorts. I hooked my thumbs into my waistband to pull them off as quickly as I could but tragically I missed my bikini bottoms. If I had known what that one little misstep was going to lead to I would have taken my time even if it meant I soaked myself a little more.

Anyway I’m sure everyone in the car had a full view of my butt as I squatted in the doorway of the car but I was out of time. Pee started flowing out of me before I was able to get my bikini bottoms down. I clumsily wrestled them down to my knees in my half squat. The back of them got a little soaked but my relief was so intense from my emptying bladder I almost fell over. I heard a semi blare his horn at my performance, but it felt so good I didn’t care.

As my stream waned I took stock of myself. I was an absolute mess. I had dribbled all over myself. I had pee on my feet, in my flip flops, on my hands and down my butt cheek. Luckily it looked like my shorts had been spared at least. My bikini bottoms had taken most of the abuse and they felt wet and icky as I stood and pulled them back up. I didn’t dare look back into the car to see if everyone was watching. I did my best to not react. I couldn’t let everyone know I had just peed my pants. Even if it was only a little bit.

Still as I got back in the car I heard laughter. I felt my cheeks turn pink. It was possible they noticed that I didn’t get my bottoms down in time. “Damn Nat!” Yelled Liv “you did have to go!”

I just laughed her off as best I could and sat back in my seat thankful that it was only my black bikini bottoms that had really gotten wet. My light denim shorts were spared and the swimsuit material of my bottoms would probably dry out pretty quickly in the hot arid spring air.

“Anyone else need a break before we pull out?” Ryan asked temperamentally while shifting. “I don’t want any accidents on my leather.”

My cheeks were burning with embarrassment and my ears were ringing. I couldn’t shake the sinking feeling. I was a grown ass woman and I had basically just peed my pants in front of my friends. I had lost all control. Did they know?

I guess it was possible that they didn’t. I hoped that was the case anyway.

Olivia waved the bottle of vodka at me and I found my solo cup in the door and held it out. Kelly leaned over and whispered something quietly to Ryan while Olivia poured me a new vodka cran. I knew she was probably talking about me but with that ordeal over I could drown my worries in some vodka and try to forget about it entirely.

With everyone rested and Ryan off of the phone it didn’t take long for the party to start again. Any worries I had that we were all going to dwell on my accident quickly evaporated as the music got loud and the drinks started flowing. Kelly wasn’t drinking because she was in the front seat with Ryan, but Liv and I started getting after it.

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