Analytical Chemistry


My name is Mitchell and I am a chemist. I wasn’t always a chemist, and there was a time not too long ago when I was merely a chemistry student. Back in 2005 I was a junior in college and one of my fall semester courses was analytical chemistry. In my career now I often look back to this course to recall techniques and equations. I keep my analytical book at my desk at work. But there is another reason I look back at this course with fondness; a story that I hope to tell now.

I had always been an awkward boy, and my college days were no exception. I stand at about 5’3″ so girls that were only interested in tall men never bothered to even talk to me. During college I weighed in at a spectacular 115 lbs, which would made for an awesome build if I were a woman. I was a nerd in the purest sense of the word. Glasses, questionable fashion sense, pretty much no athletic coordination. But in the lab I was in my element. It was analytical lab where I truly found my innate talent.

There were eight of us in the course. The professor broke us up into 4 pairs for the lab portion. There were 5 males and 3 females in the class. Two of the girls paired up immediately, as did two of the guys. To my surprise, the 3rd girl approached me and asked me to be her lab partner. Of course I agreed.

Her name was Alicia and she was gorgeous. She was about the same height as me and pretty close to the same build. She had very short dark hair and it looked really good on her. I had always been attracted to long hair on girls, but Alicia challenged that opinion and demonstrated how hot short hair can be. She had beautiful blue eyes and made the cutest sounds and gestures when she laughed. Making her laugh became a priority.

I wasn’t one of those nerds that has trouble talking to girls, so we started chatting right away. She had transferred at the beginning of the semester from a women-only college because they didn’t offer two of the classes she needed for her degree; analytical chemistry was one of them.

She was a nerd, though maybe not quite at the same level as me. She had to be at least a little bit to have made it to Junior year of a chemistry degree. She was a mathematical genius; the same way I mastered lab techniques and reaction chemistry, she had a special gift with numbers.

When I got the chance to talk about myself, nerd that I was, I mentioned that I was a World of Warcraft player. My girlfriend, Heather, and I played together, in fact; I played shaman at the time and she played warrior. I took care not to speak of Heather, but why would this beautiful girl who picked me as her lab partner want to hear about WoW?

“My older brother used to play EQ with his friends back in the day,” Alicia said.

“Used to? What happened?” I asked

“He deleted his necromancer when he started dating a girl in college.”


I should have taken that exchange as an indication of her intentions, but I was either too slow or too naïve to put the obvious pieces together. Or maybe I couldn’t believe it was true. Heather and I had been together for so long I had forgotten what the early stages of romantic interest were like. It wasn’t like I set out to cheat on her. I wasn’t taking a 300 level chemistry class looking to pick up girls , but it seemed to be happening without my conscious effort.

The months rolled by and Alicia and I became close friends. The common analogy for two people who are romantically compatible is that they have good chemistry. Alicia and I had good chemistry in the literal sense; we were always finished with the lab before the rest of the class, and more importantly, it was always done correctly and completely. I had perfect technique and her math was flawless. Most days when we finished an hour or more early, we would walk together to the student cafe and sit down for coffee.

One day in mid November we went to the lab and it was about 40ºF in the room. The professor was standing by the fume hood arranging the materials for the experiment.

“Why is it so cold in here?” I asked him.

“They’re fixing the gas lines,” he answered. “Don’t worry though, the lines to the Bunsen burners are still ok; we can still do the experiment!”

“Fantastic,” I muttered under my breath.

“It’ll be ok, Mitchell,” said Alicia. “We’re always done in like an hour anyway.” She smiled. That smile was intoxicating, and pretty soon, I was smiling too.

My hands were shaking as I adjusted the valve on the Bunsen burner and lit it. I held my hands out to the flame like one would a campfire. Alicia did the same thing and scooted closer to me.

Before I could realize what was happening, she was pressed up against me, resting her head on my shoulder.

“We’ll be able to stay warm,” she whispered to me.

We stayed close for the duration of the experiment, and for the first time, we weren’t the first pair out of the lab. I don’t know if were were distracting each other from the experiment or if we just wanted an excuse to stay later and cuddle, but it Lara Escort was almost 5pm by the time we got out.

“Let’s go get something to eat, I’m hungry,” she suggested. I didn’t disagree, and we made our way across campus in the cold. Usually we would walk about an arms length apart and chat the whole way, but this particular evening we were silent. We were also walking a lot closer than usual. I half-expected to run into someone that knew Heather, but it never happened.

We ordered and ate but didn’t say much. We glanced at each other a few times across the table, but that was the limit to the physical flirting.

“I have to go, Mitchell,” said Alicia after some time. “Will you walk me to my car?”

“Sure,” I said. We stood and headed towards the parking lot. It was after dusk and the campus lot was pitch black. I can understand why she wanted someone to walk with her, not that I’d be any good at fighting off a determined rapist. I might buy her time to run while getting stabbed or something, though.

“Thanks,” she said when we got to her car. She sprung forward and gave me a quick peck on the lips. I was stunned, and she immediately seemed to regret it.

“I’m sorry, I…”

“No, it’s okay,” I said and reached out for her hands. I touched her fingertips and smiled.

She hesitated for a couple of seconds before adding, “See you tomorrow in lab… maybe the heat will be on by then.”

“Maybe not,” I suggested. She gave me a sly smile and a quick wave before ducking into her car, starting the engine, and disappearing from the parking lot into the cold. I sighed.

I got back to the apartment late, went inside, and locked the door. I leaned back against the door and closed my eyes, trying to process everything that had happened in the last few hours.

I heard muffled whimpers coming from the bedroom. Heather.

Her older brother had died back in 2003 and she never really recovered. I expected a normal grieving period, so I wasn’t surprised when she withdrew from classes that semester, but every time she tried to go back it was one excuse after another and now she was essentially a full-fledged dropout. She didn’t work, either, and her grandparents gave her the money to pay our rent while I was in school full time plus a lab.

She spent her days on World of Warcraft grinding out PVP rating and crying to herself about how miserable her life had become. I would try to take her out to dinner or movies and the excuses were bottomless. She didn’t want to leave because she was too tired, or her clothes weren’t washed, or she was scared someone would burglarize the apartment if she left.

Sex was an emotional roller-coaster. She’d basically lay there and let me fuck her, which might sound nice occasionally, but after two years of virtually no emotional engagement, I had found it was better to just masturbate by myself and not have to tolerate the after sex crying session.

But for whatever reason, I really did love her and it broke my heart every time she had one of her emotional episodes. I would try to help and get rejected to the point where I would lose my temper and have to leave. I stormed out of that apartment more than once while she was sobbing in the background.

This night she managed to stop crying long enough to drag herself out of bed and confront me in the doorway.

She was a mess. Her long brown hair was in tangles and her eyes were swollen and red from crying. She hadn’t gotten dressed all day and was wearing a T-shirt and pajama bottoms.

Heather was about 5’8″, a good deal taller than me, and back when she took care of herself she had the most fantastic, flowing hair one could imagine. She had a full figure and nice solid c-cup breasts. She always complained that they were too sensitive though, and never let me touch them for long.

“Where were you?” she demanded, “I was so worried.”

“I had lab,” I answered. “Analytical lab goes until 5.”

“But it’s 7,” she snapped. “You’re always home by 4:30.”

“It went until 5 today and we were hungry, so my lab partner and I went to get a bite to eat at the cafe.”

“Oh,” she responded more calmly, “well call next time!” she quickly added.

Your phone is never on, I thought to say, but resisted the urge to open this into an argument.

“Ok,” I said instead. “I will.”

She turned away from me and started towards the bedroom.

“Wait, Heather…” I approached her. I extended my arms to give her a hug.

“No, not tonight, I don’t feel good.” I lowered my arms and sighed.

“You never feel good,” I said.

“That’s not my fault!” she shrieked. “It’s not my fault I’m sick all the time!”

“Maybe if you got out of bed once in a while you’d feel better!” I started to raise my voice.

“Don’t shout at me!” she started to sob.

“Ok, whatever,” I surrendered. I sat down at my computer desk and turned the power on. She stormed off into the bedroom. I pressed my face into my palms and took a deep breath. Escort Lara Why was I here arguing with Heather when I could be with Alicia?

Heather and I didn’t speak for the rest of the night, and when I went to bed she was already passed out. I fell asleep next to her without touching her.

The next day in lab, Alicia could tell something was wrong. The heat was back on, and we returned to our normal analytical lab partner behavior. No cuddling.

“What’s the matter Mitchell?” she asked me. She was avoiding getting too close. I looked over at her and caught a glimpse of her dangling silver earrings. She caught me looking and pulled on the left one a little bit.

“Oh, nothing,” I said.

“Look, if you felt weird about yesterday…”

“No, it’s not that,” I said. “I had a good time, Alicia.”

“I’m glad,” she said. I looked into her eyes to see genuine concern. I hadn’t experienced that emotion radiating from another person in years. It was almost alien to me.

“Don’t worry about me, Alicia,” I said. “I’ll figure it out eventually.”

“Okay,” said Alicia. “If you need someone to talk to let me know, Mitchell.”

She reached over and put her hand on mine. I smiled, and then she did too.

“Thank you,” I said. This girl was incredible. She was smart, had a great sense of humor, was genuinely interested in me, and didn’t seem to be carrying a bag of emotional trash around with her.

Alicia was fantastic, and I could totally imagine myself with her. But then there was Heather. As much of a wreck as she was, I did love her. But then, what would my life be if she just disappeared one day. What if one day while I’m at school she just decides to slash up her arms or drive off a bridge into the river? I’m not there to control it, and I shouldn’t have to be.

Heather and I had history. We had been together since high school, and I always had the good days to look back on. We were a team, at least we used to be. We gamed together, had the same taste in music and movies, and even had a similar political worldview. I barely knew Alicia, but there seemed to be a powerful spark there. Was I staying with Heather because of the past and not looking towards the future? I couldn’t decide.

“I’m having a party,” Alicia said abruptly. “Do you want to come?”

“A party?” I asked. I wasn’t a party person; not in the least. Alicia didn’t strike me as a party-goer either. We were chemistry majors; we had way too much work to do to be partying.

“Well, just a little Christmas get-together. Just me and my roommate and our friends. Nothing too wild,” Alicia explained. “It’s on Saturday the 10th.”

“We’ll see,” I gave a vague answer. I wasn’t sure that I could sneak this past Heather.

I got lost in my own thoughts. I shouldn’t have to justify anything to Heather. If I was my own person and had the capacity make my own choices, why was this choice so hard? Why did I have such a moral dilemma about ditching an emotional train-wreck to hang out with a girl that actually cared about my feelings and had the potential to be an intellectual equal?

That wasn’t fair. Heather was my intellectual equal, even if she didn’t remember it. She had changed, but my memories of who she used to be kept us together.

“Mitchell?” Alicia broke me out of my deluge.

“Huh?” I snapped back to reality.

“We need to add the copper sulfate now.”

“Oh yeah, “I stammered, reaching across the bench for a weigh pan. “Sorry.”

The afternoon of the 10th came and Heather and I were having the usual heated argument. I don’t know why I let myself get sucked into the fighting every time, but I was pretty sure that she was doing it just to feel alive. Arguments and anger were the closest things to pleasure she could feel anymore.

“You don’t care about me, you don’t care about me at all!” Heather shouted, “you’re just here because I let you fuck me!”

“That is fucking bullshit!” I shouted back, “If it was just about sex, I could find a lot better sex than you!”

She burst out crying.

“You just lay there like you don’t even fucking care; like you’re stoned or something,” I continued. “You say you’re putting out for me, but you’re just doing the bare minimum so I keep bringing home groceries and putting up with your bullshit! I’m working my fucking ass off at school and in the lab and this is what I come home to every night? Fuck you.”

There was a loud knock at the door.

“Leave her alone, you fuck!” shouted a voice. Typical. There’s an argument, and people immediately side with the girl. It’s never the woman’s fault, and she’s always being abused. I started to get dressed.

“Go away!” Heather shouted at the door. “Where are you going?” she asked me, in a hushed voice.

“I don’t know. Away from you!” I shouted. I started towards the door.

“No!” she shrieked, “don’t leave me! Please, please don’t leave me!” She started to reach for me and I brushed her away.

I stepped outside, locked the door, Lara Escort Bayan and was met suddenly by a larger man about my age. He was about 6′ and at least 250 lbs. He was staring me down.

“Back off,” I told him. My stature didn’t do much for intimidation, but he could sense the seriousness in my voice. “Mind your own fucking business and back off,” I repeated. I motioned my hand towards my pocket as though I was going to draw a knife. I didn’t have a knife on me, but Brawny over here didn’t know that.

He moved and let me outside the main door. I never liked living in an apartment, but I didn’t have any choice at that stage in my life. The thin walls made your business everyone else’s, and people would imagine what they wanted to to fill in the gaps of what they couldn’t hear.

I got in my car and drove. I ended up in a Burger King parking lot, and went to check my wallet to see what I could afford for food. A slip of paper was stuffed between a couple of ones.

Sat Dec 10, Alicia’s

The party. I had forgotten. At that point I had no place else to go, and couldn’t even afford Burger King, so I decided to go to Alicia’s.

“Mitchell!” she chirped when I appeared at the door.

“Hey Alicia,” I said, “Am I early? Where is everyone?”

“Come in, I have to tell you something,” said Alicia and guided me inside.

“Where is your roommate?” I asked. Alicia looked over at me. She was wearing one of those ugly Christmas sweaters that looked like it was a size or two too small for her. The woolen fabric clung to her figure and highlighted her amazing perky breasts. I’m not a breast expert, but I would say that they were a B or C cup, and they were pleasantly on display. It was a nice sight compared to Heather’s sports bras that mash her tits against her ribcage and the baggy thrift-store clothes she sloppily draped over herself.

She was wearing a pair of ornate earrings that dangled almost to her shoulders. Her short hair was gelled up in a neat spiked style, and she was wearing dark pink lipstick. This was new to me as I had never seen Alicia with lipstick on before.

“Mitchell,” she said, taking a step closer to me. “There is no party.”

“Oh,” was all I could say. I froze for a second or two before the complexity of the scenario dawned on me.

It turned out that her roommate had left already to visit her parents for Christmas, and that Alicia had been planning out for weeks how to get me alone in her apartment.

“You aren’t mad, are you?” asked Alicia after a few minutes of quiet.

“No,” I said. “I just… I didn’t think that…”

“Come in, I’ll get you something to drink,” she guided me to her couch and disappeared into the kitchen. “Rum and coke okay?”

“Yeah,” I said, “That’s my favorite actually. Alicia listen, I…” I trailed off. “I think you’re great and all…. no, more than great,” I corrected myself. “I think you’re perfect. You’re smart and fun and…”

“But what?” she interjected as she returned with the drinks and handed one to me. “Is there already someone?”

I looked right at her. I stared right into her gorgeous blue eyes and lied right to her face.

“No, of course not,”

“Well then kiss me,” she said and dove towards me. I struggled to keep my drink balanced as she pressed her lips against mine. The heat from her breath bathed me with sensation. She tasted really good, and smelled even better. I had forgotten the entire palette of senses that came with a good kiss, and I was overwhelmed. My hands found her waist and supported her as she leaned over me. I kissed her back and we remained entangled for several seconds.

I felt around the side of the couch for the coffee table and set down my glass before allowing her to push me completely on my back. Our lips separated and she sat up to focus her eyes on me.

“Wow,” she said, stunned.

“I know,” I said. “That was great.

“I want you,” whispered Alicia. “I’ve wanted you since the day I first spoke to you.”

“You want a twiggy nerd?” I joked.

“I’m a nerd too, you know,” she said as she repositioned herself on top of me. “But most nerdy guys are all gross. Hygiene problems… social problems… you can carry on a conversation without sounding like an ape. It doesn’t matter if it’s about science or video games.”

“Well, we are apes,” I said. She laughed that special cute laugh that I couldn’t get enough of.

“You aren’t macho either, is what I mean,” Alicia giggled. “That’s all there are for guys… socially inept intellectuals and burly, arrogant assholes. You know the type; they don’t care at all about a girl’s feelings, just getting into bed with her.”

I paused in thought. “I really do care about a girl’s feelings,” was my response. Here I was in the heat of passion with this goddess and Heather kept popping into my mind.

“You seem preoccupied, though,” said Alicia. My attention focused on her and I realized she had taken her sweater off.

“Oh wow,” was all I could think to say. Alicia smirked and lowered herself towards me. My hands moved from her hips towards the front of her stomach and up towards her ribs. I paused short of her breasts; still contained by a lacy black bra.

“Go ahead,” she coaxed, “touch them.”

An Expression Of Lust


Lying on her bed, Sarah’s body tingled with anticipation. With crisp, fresh sheets below her and wearing only a smile, she awaited his approach. Entering the bedroom, Carl saw her lying naked and proud as she awaited waited expectantly for him. Sarah’s eyes shone with desire as Carl crossed the room and climbed on to the bed to kneel beside her. With a glance, he devoured her. With a smile, he lowered his face to hers.

Their lips touched, igniting their passion. Sarah’s hands explored Carl’s firm body. He caressed her face tenderly as his tongue explored her mouth.

As they kissed, Sarah reached down, almost absently, and began to stroke Carl’s cock. As Sarah’s fingers caressed his shaft, Carl sighed. “I’ll have to do something about this,” Sarah whispered softly, her fingers circling his thick rod. Carl smiled at her, his eyes appealing, telling Sarah, without words, exactly what he wanted her to do.

Wasting no time, Sarah made her way down Carl’s body, kissing his chest and stomach before finally positioning herself between his legs. She wrapped the fingers of one hand around his cock and begin to move them slowly up and down. Leaning forward, she flicked her tongue over the head and Carl moaned appreciatively. Uncurling her fingers, Sarah swirled her tongue around his shaft then licked lightly along the underside, all the way from his balls to the tip.

“You’re so good,” Carl moaned then sighed as Sarah teased him with her tongue, licking up and down his shaft then swirling her tongue around the head. He brought his knees up and she leaned forward, nestling his cock between her breasts. She began to move her body up and down, exciting them both as her nipples brushed against the insides of his thighs, Carl’s cock sliding easily along the length of her cleavage. The short hairs on the inside of Carl’s thighs tickled Sarah’s sensitive nipples as she moved, sending fiery bolts of electricity through her body.

Sarah pushed her breasts together, wrapping them around Carl’s cock. His hips rocked as she slowly fucked him with her tits. “You like that, don’t you?” she asked coyly. Unable to speak, Carl simply nodded as Sarah’s tongue flicked out over tip of his cock, causing him to moan again as his body began to tense.

Sarah’s eyes flashed hungrily as she licked her lips. Slowly, she opened her mouth and moved closer. Holding Carl’s cock steadily in place with one hand, she lowered her head. “Oh fuck, yes!” she heard Carl gasp as her lips encircled his knob and slowly drew him into the warmth of her mouth. She swirled her tongue around his knob then slowly began to slide her lips down his shaft. Glancing up, she caught him watching. She knew how much it turned him on to watch his cock disappear between her lips into her mouth. With one hand, Sarah cupped his balls and gently squeezed them as her lips travelled up and down his shaft.

Moving her head up and down, Carl’s cock slid in and out of Sarah’s mouth. At the top of each stroke she swirled her tongue around the head then flicked it across the slit, causing his hips to surge towards her.

Sucking hard, Sarah’s lips slid down Carl’s shaft, taking as much of his thick cock as possible into her hungry mouth. Carl lifted his hand to her head, winding his fingers in her hair as the moist warmth of her mouth began to drive him wild.

Knowing how much her lover was enjoying her attentions, Sarah wrapped her fingers around the base of his shaft and began to move her hand up and down in time with her mouth. Still cupping and squeezing Carl’s balls with her free hand, Sarah’s mouth and other hand slid up and down in tandem. To Carl, it felt like the entire length of his cock was disappearing into the warm, wet confines of Sarah’s hungry mouth and he gasped his appreciation.

“Oh Sarah!” Carl groaned as his breathing deepened, “That feels so good.” His moans grew louder as Sarah’s mouth glided skilfully up and down his shaft. Sarah varied the pace. First slow and gentle than hard and fast then slow again, sucking harder and then more gently as she bobbed her head up and down.

The bucking of Carl’s hips became increasingly frantic as Sarah used her mouth and hand to draw draw him towards his inevitable climax. Holding her head lightly in place, he fucked her mouth, thrusting his cock between her lips as Sarah tightened them around his shaft.

“I’m getting close!” Carl gasped. Sarah felt his stiff cock begin to twitch inside her mouth, tasting his pre-cum on her tongue. “I can’t take much more,” she heard him say, smiling inwardly to herself as she noticed the strain in his voice as his swollen knob dragged along the roof of her mouth.

Pausing briefly, Sarah let Carl’s cock slip from between her lips. She smiled then said, “That’s all right. I want you to cum. That way you’ll last so much longer when you fuck me. Cum in my mouth, Carl. You know how much I love to taste your hot cum.”

Sarah’s Kundu Escort tongue flicked over Carl’s knob then her lips engulfed it once more. She looked up, her dark brown eyes smouldering as she caught her lover’s gaze, her lips sliding down his shaft. Carl’s hips pressed forward, his cock slipping between her lips, his knob sliding against the roof of Sarah’s mouth. She pushed his hips down then slid her lips up until only the very tip of Carl’s swollen prick remained in her mouth. Sucking hard, she gripped his shaft between her thumb and forefinger and began to rub up and down. Carl’s breathing deepened. As a groan escaped from his mouth, Sarah felt his body stiffen as she drove him ever closer to the edge.

Carl felt his pulse race, his breathing deepened further as he felt his climax approach. With every ounce of strength he possessed, he tried to hold back, prolonging the moment of exquisite pain as Sarah’s mouth drove him relentlessly to the point of no return.

With her lips securely wrapped around the head of his cock, Sarah let her mouth relax in readiness. She tilted her head back, her eyes met his. She winked, teasing him as much with her eyes as with her fingers and mouth, the strangled groans of her lover as he struggled to deny the inevitable adding to her own arousal.

As she used the fingers of one hand stroke Carl’s shaft, she gave his balls one final, gentle squeeze with the other. Unable to endure any more, Carl felt his balls contract. “Ohhhhhh, Sarah!!!!” he cried as he felt his seed boil up through his prick. “I … I’m cumming,” he moaned as, with a growl of sheer animal lust, he allowed himself to let go.

Carl’s cock erupted, filling Sarah’s mouth with thick streams of cum. Still sucking on his tortured prick, she swallowed it quickly, savouring the sensations as her lover’s thick cream trickled down her throat. As his climax began to subside, she let the last of Carl’s cum pool in her mouth, letting it linger on her tastebuds before swallowing it down.

Carl’s cock slipped from between Sarah’s lips. A small trace of cum dribbled down her chin. Looking him in the eye, she licked her lips and smiled, making a show of wiping her chin and licking her fingers before sucking the last few drops from his rapidly diminishing cock.

Finally, Sarah moved up beside Carl and kissed him lightly on the cheek as he struggled to regain control. “Mmmmmm, that was nice. I hope there’s more where that came from,” she purred seductively as she pressed her body against his.

“There will be, don’t worry,” Carl managed to say, “Just give me some time to recover.” He kissed her then smiled, feeling the warmth of her body against his. “While we’re waiting for that, why don’t you let me repay the compliment?” he asked before kissing her again.

“Mmmmm, that would be nice,” Sarah purred, “My pussy could do with some attention.”

Carl’s lips moved from Sarah’s mouth, kissing her face, her hair, her ears. His hands slid over her smooth skin as he began to move down.

Sarah began to moan softly. As Carl gently nibbled her neck and shoulders she squirmed with pleasure beneath him, digging her fingers into his back. She put her hands on his shoulders, pushing him down further. The flames of her passion were fanned higher as Carl’s tongue traced the outline of her breasts.

A fine layer of saliva coated her soft globes. “Yesss …” Sarah murmured softly as Carl’s hands glided over the wet skin. Sarah sighed as his hands squeezed and pushed her breasts together, his tongue flicking over her nipples, alternating back and forth, over and over, slowly driving her wild. Carl sucked one nipple, then the other into his mouth, his tongue flicking their swollen tips. “Oh fuck yes! Suck my tits! Suck them, Carl!” Sarah moaned as Carl used a thumb and finger to delicately tease one nipple while while his teeth bit softly down on the other. As a warm glow spread through her body, Sarah begin to lose all sense of time as she let her breasts lavish in the attention of her lover’s hands and mouth.

After what seemed like an age, Carl started to move downwards again. He kissed his way across Sarah’s stomach and up and down her sides, his tongue dragging across her skin. Sarah squirmed as he made his way slowly, inexorably downwards towards his goal.

As Carl approached his final destination, Sarah’s body began responding to his touch. Stretching out, her legs slowly parted. She felt his hand run lightly up the inside of her thighs, approaching but never quite touching its goal. His tongue replaced his fingers. As it slid up the inside her thigh she began to feel his warm breath against her moist lower lips as Carl’s mouth closed in on its target. Sarah shuddered with anticipation as she waited to feel his tongue slip between the moist folds of her pussy.

Suddenly, without any warning, Carl’s tongue snaked away only to approach Kundu Escort Bayan again, this time up the other thigh. Again and again he approached then retreated, teasing his lover mercilessly. Sarah’s frustration became unbearable. Carl heard her pleading with him not to tease her, begging him to quench her fire with his tongue. “Eat me, Carl!” she demanded with an anguished cry, “Eat my pussy!”

Without any warning Carl’s tongue flicked lightly over her clit. Sarah moaned, shuddering as his tongue sent bolts of pleasure through her highly charged body. Her moist lower lips parted as Carl’s tongue pushed between them. Slowly, he began to caress her most sensitive flesh with broad strokes of his tongue. “Mmmmm, yessssss,” Sarah purred as he lapped at her opening, tasting the warm juices that flowed so freely from within.

Carl pushed his head forward, working his tongue inside Sarah’s tunnel. Her pussy contracted, trying to grip his tongue as it darted in and out.

Absently, Sarah began to play with her breasts as Carl fucked her with his mouth. As her hands brushed over her nipples, She felt the first stirrings of her climax approach. The sensations from below began to take over and she surrendered herself to them. She shuddered as Carl sucked her enflamed lower lips into his mouth. “Yessss! Ohhhh yessssss!” she moaned, the pleasure mounting, the sensations intensifying as Carl gently nibbled on her delicate folds with his teeth.

Sarah’s back arched off the bed as Carl’s lips fastened on her clit, sucking as his tongue flicked its tip, driving her closer and closer to her inevitable climax.

As he sucked and licked her pussy and clit, Carl slowly inserted one finger, then another into her. Sarah felt him twist them around inside her. The walls of her pussy contracted to grip them tightly. “Oh fuck, Carl, that feels sooooo good,” Sarah moaned as his fingers stroked in and out and he licked and sucked her swollen clit.

Felling the pressure inside her mount, Sarah squeezed her nipples, adding to her sensations as she felt the need to release grow. As her body began to shake, Carl felt her reach down and grip his head, pulling him harder against her mound. “Mmmmm, yesssss!” Sarah moaned as her climax approached. Carl’s fingers in her pussy and his tongue against her clit drove her relentlessly onward.

“Yesss! That’s it!” Carl heard her cry. The walls of Sarah’s pussy contracted, gripping his fingers tightly inside her. Carl’s tongue continued to tease her clit, keeping her just below boiling point, not applying enough pressure to tip her over the edge.

Sarah’s movements became wilder. Her moans became louder. Her whole body cried out for release. Slowly, deliberately, Carl held her on the precipice of her orgasm for what seemed like an eternity as he savoured the rich flavour of her juices.

Finally, Carl relented. His tongue applied a little more pressure to Sarah’s throbbing bud. His fingers in her pussy, his tongue on her clit and her own hands on her breasts, her fingers teasing her nipples pushed her over the edge.

“Oh fuck! Ohhhhh fuck!!!” Sarah cried as she came, loudly and violently. Her body flailed wildly, her hips bucked against the mattress forcing her harder against Carl’s mouth as her climax washed over her.

Somehow, Carl sensed that, despite her release, Sarah didn’t want him to stop. More gently now, with less urgency, his tongue continued to trace its way back and forth between her moist lower lips, occasionally dipping inside then lightly caressing her clit.

“Oh Carl! Oh fuck! That … that’s soooo good!!!” Sarah moaned as she rode the waves of her orgasm as it peaked, subsided then peaked again.

Carl’s tongue was tender yet relentless. Each stroke against Sarah’s clit sent another wave of sensations crashing through and over her. With her eyes closed, her body writhed from side to side, her fingers clutched the sheets, the merest touch of her lover’s tongue sending bolts of lightning through her body.

Finally, Sarah reached the point where Carl’s tongue and fingers were no longer enough. With an extreme effort of will, she reached down and pushed his head away.

Carl moved up beside her and held her in his arms as her body continued to shake. Sarah turned to kiss him. Tasting herself on his lips, she sighed. “Fuck me, Carl,” she whispered breathlessly, “I want to feel you inside me.”

Slowly, as control returned to her limbs and her body became her own to command once more, Sarah looked hungrily into Carl’s eyes. There was no further need for words. Her body conveyed her need. Lying face to face, she hooked one leg over his and, as they kissed, Sarah rolled on to her back, pulling him on top of her.

Leaning forward, Carl kissed Sarah lightly on the lips. Reaching round, Sarah held the back of his head and pulled him towards her, kissing him more deeply. “Fuck Escort Kundu me Carl,” she whispered, her lips briefly parting from his. Carl pushed forward, the head of his cock pressing into her entrance. Sarah rocked her hips upwards, guiding him in. “Mmmmmm, yessssss,” she murmured as his cock slid slowly into her.

Feeling the warm wetness of Sarah’s cunt engulf his prick, Carl began to slide in and out, his strokes slow and strong. Sarah bent her knees, pulling her legs back, opening herself up for him. “You feel so good in me, Carl,” she purred, flexing the walls of her pussy around him as his cock filled her. “I love having you inside me,” she added dreamily, her hands reaching down to grip his firm buttocks.

Lifting himself up, Carl craned his neck forward to tease Sarah’s nipples with his tongue as his cock ploughed in and out. Sarah’s hips rocked, meeting Carl on the deepest point of his thrust. Sarah murmured, a series of random pleasure filled sounds escaped from between her lips as Carl’s teeth gently tugged on her nipples, his cock stroking in and out.

Their bodies moving together, the two lovers fucked with increasing intensity. “Harder!” Sarah moaned, digging her fingers into the cheeks of Carl’s arse to urge him on. Rocking her hips she worked her mound against him, the friction against clit increasing her sensations.

Increasing his pace, Carl drove his cock in and out with increasing force. Sarah moaned below him, moving her body in time with his, rhythmically flexing the walls of her pussy around his shaft, gripping him tightly as he buried his cock in her warm, wet depths. “Don’t stop!” Sarah urged, “Don’t stop fucking me!” the movement of her hips becoming more and more frantic as the sensations in her clit intensified.

“Take me from behind!” Sarah demanded as her body’s urgency increased. Carl pulled out and sat back as Sarah rolled over and positioned herself on all fours in front of him. As she opened her legs to reveal the enflamed lips of her pussy, Sarah turned and looked over her shoulder. “Now, fuck me, Carl!” she purred, “Fuck me hard!”

Carl griped Sarah’s hips and plunged his cock into her. “Yesssss!” Sarah cried as the walls of her cunt stretched around his shaft. Carl began to thrust. As his cock stroked in and out, Sarah pushed her hips back, meeting Carl’s prick on the deepest point of its inward stroke. “Yes! Oh fuck, yesss!” Sarah cried as Carl’s cock impaled her, filling her pussy from behind.

As their bodies collided, filling the room around them with the sound of skin slapping against skin, Sarah reached back between her legs to rub her clit as Carl’s cock drove into her. Almost at once, her clit began to throb beneath her fingertips. A low, almost inaudible moan escaped from between her lips.

As her orgasm approached, Sarah became increasingly vocal. Spasms shook her as she began to lose control. “I’m cumming, Carl! Ohhhh yesssss! I’m cumming!” she cried as she slipped over the edge, surrendering herself to her passion. “Fuck!” she moaned, “Keep fucking me Carl! It feels sooooo good!”

Plunging in and out, Carl felt his own climax approach. “I’m going to cum soon too,” he said from between clenched teeth.

“I want you on top of me again,” Sarah said, her body still shaking.

Carl pulled out and Sarah rolled over, spreading her legs wide to receive him. As he entered her, she pulled her legs back then gripped his buttocks with her fingers, forcing him in as deep as he would go as his hips began to surge forward again.

“That’s it … Oh God … yes … that’s it … Fuck me, Carl, Fuck me!” Sarah demanded, urging him on as his thrusts pinned her to the bed. Responding to her urgings, he increased his pace as the sensations took over. His breathing deepened. The rhythmic spasms of Sarah’s pussy as it gripped his shaft added to his sense of urgency. “Cum in me, Carl,” Sarah moaned as her orgasm re-ignited, “I want to feel you fill me with your cum.”

With the pressure mounting, Carl felt himself approach the point of no return. His cock throbbed as he fought to hold back, prolonging the feeling of painful pleasure. The heat of Sarah’s pussy and her almost silent urgings as she writhed and shook beneath him finally pushed him to the brink. “Oh fuck!” he cried as his body shuddered, his hips thrusting of their own volition.

Carl came, releasing his load deep inside Sarah. He slumped forward and Sarah held him close, burying her face between his neck and shoulder as his hips continued to thrust, his cock pumping his seed into her.

As their climaxes subsided they lay, still joined, basking in the afterglow of their shared pleasure. Finally Carl rolled away and Sarah snuggled up beside him, kissing his cheek tenderly as he slowly recovered. “Thank you, Carl,” Sarah whispered, kissing him again, “that was just what I needed.”

Carl returned the kiss then shrugged. “And now, I guess, you have to go?” he sighed.

Sarah kissed him again. “Yes, I suppose I’d better had,” she agreed with a rueful smile. “My husband will wonder if I’m out to much later and neither of us would like it much if your wife came home early and caught me here.”

An Unexpected Encounter


I have been so busy lately that I haven’t had time to hit the gym nearly as often as I’d like. Deciding that it couldn’t hurt to lose a little sleep I leave work, run my errands, and hit a 24 hour gym near my house just as the sun sets. It is Monday and there is only one other vehicle in the parking lot, a bronze colored Jeep Cherokee. I park a few spots over and quickly gather up my small gym bag and purse. Locking my little f-150, I quickly stride into the building. In the foyer, I swipe my membership card and step through the door into the main gym area. There are a bunch of weight machines, stationary bikes, and other equipment. Doors off to the left lead to rooms set up for dance and aerobics. On the other side the doors lead to the locker rooms and the pool. That is my ultimate goal so I head for the women’s locker room to change into my bathing suit. Stashing my clothes and other things in a locker and dropping the key on its beaded chain over my head.

The pool room is warm and steamy. I can feel my hair curling in the humidity so I quickly weave it into a thick coppery braid hanging down to my hips. I ease into the tepid water and begin my laps. I vary the strokes every few laps in order to work different groups of muscles. The first few laps are slow and easy, just warming up, and then I push hard and go as fast as I can for as long as I can handle. Rolling to my back, I swim a few slow laps while my heart rate gets back to normal. I watch the panels in the ceiling go by using them to keep my direction. Finally, deciding that I have been in the pool long enough, I reach the ladder and climb out, enjoying the slightly fatigued feeling in my muscles. I grab a towel and head back to the locker room, intent on rinsing the chlorine out of my hair. I don’t see the large man watching me through the window into the main room.

I reach the lockers and grab my shampoo and conditioner, knowing that I will never get a brush through my hair again if I don’t wash the chlorine out now. I strip off my suit and leave it draped over the bench by my locker, padding quickly to the showers wearing nothing but my locker key. Choosing a shower head in the far corner, I quickly lather, rinse, and condition my hair. While the conditioner soaks in I wash my body with a creamy scented body wash, lingering on my hard, slippery nipples and lower. I shake my head and quickly rinse both my hair and body knowing that it will do me no good to get all excited since I am going home to an empty house. I grab the towel and dry off, wrapping it around myself and heading back to the lockers.

Stashing Konyaaltı Escort my things in the locker, I grab my cocoa butter and sit down on the bench. It is cool against my naked skin where the towel doesn’t quite cover. I unscrew the lid and dip out some of the creamy cocoa butter. I start with my toes and work my way up, my fingers sliding against smooth pale skin. Somewhere in a distant part of my mind I hear myself moan almost silently as my hands move higher. I massage the butter into every inch of skin below my neck, dropping the towel when it gets in my way. My nipples are hard and my skin gleams from the slightly greasy moisturizer. Closing my eyes, I slip my hand between my soft thighs and part the folds of my already wet pussy.

Shaking my head to clear the fog from my mind, I stand up and drop the towel entirely. I hear a step and my eyes widen in shock. I have seen him around the gym before but I didn’t expect to find him in the ladies locker room so I am understandably frightened. He slowly steps forward, stripping the tight black tee off of his massive chest. I gasp and quickly back up, bumping into the cold steel of the lockers behind me.

“Need some help getting your….back?” His voice sends a thrill up my spine and before I can react, he steps close enough to reach out and stroke my shoulder. I shudder and press myself further back against the lockers. He is so big and violent looking that I am afraid he might hurt me but his hand on my shoulder is gentle. One of his large hands reaches down to the jar of cocoa butter sitting on the bench. He takes out a dab and gently pulls me up against his hard chest. His large warm hands stroke the muscles of my back, digging in to unknot the tense spots while the hard tips of my breasts brush maddeningly against his thickly muscled abdomen.

His touch feels so good that I moan softly and melt into his body despite my fears. My hands reach up and shyly trace the contours of his lower belly. He strokes lower and gently cups my ass with both of his large hands, leaning down to drop soft moist kisses against the side of my neck. He smells so good, all soap and clean sweat and man. I know I can’t stop him but I don’t really want to anyway. He is so tall that my lips just barely reach the center of his chest. Seemingly of their own accord, my lips press against his sternum. I run my hands farther up his abdomen and then on to his gorgeous chest. I can’t get enough of him and suddenly I desperately need to kiss him; to be kissed. I tilt my head up, rising up on my toes so I can reach; I kiss the Escort Konyaaltı side of his jaw. There is a shadow of stubble and it feels prickly and exciting against my lips.

“Oh!” The surprised little squeak escapes me as he drops down to straddle the bench and gathers me close to sit across his lap. My ass is tucked close into the wide vee of his strong thighs and I can feel the thickness of his impressive erection digging insistently into my hip. My legs are draped over one of his powerful thighs and his hand strokes slowly from my knee to my hip and back, making me shiver. His other arm wraps around my body, drawing me in close to capture my lips in a searing kiss. He nibbles gently at my lower lip, tongue dipping in for a taste but keeping me wanting more. I whimper and press in closer thrilling at the sound and feel of his low rumbling chuckle against my mouth. Our tongues tangle in a slow sensual dance while the hand on my thigh slides higher to cup my plump breast. The pad of his thumb rasps slowly over my nipple making it even harder.

“You are so beautiful.” His words are barely a whisper against my lips but they go straight to my core. He turns me around, pressing my body down to the narrow bench with my thighs spread wide and draped over his. My back arches as he runs his big hands over my sides and shoulders, back down the center of my chest to my belly. He fills his hands with the pillowy mounds of my breasts and teases the tips to frantic hardness. When he leans forward to lap gently at the valley between them I moan softly. I reach for him and my hands find the buckle of his belt. I want him naked, to feel his skin on mine. He chuckles again and helps me to undo the fastenings of his pants. He scoots back a little and rises from the bench to quickly shuck his pants, shorts and shoes. His cock springs free, seemingly glad to be released from the confining garments and my mouth waters at the sight. Before he can drop back onto the bench, I sit up and reach out, drawing him close to me.

“Mmmmmmm.” I look up at him and make sure he watches me wet my plump pink lips before running them down the sensitive underside of his incredible cock. I suck gently at the velvety skin where his shaft meets his scrotum, lapping him with my tongue. I lick a path down the seam that runs between his testicles and draw first one and then the other into my warm welcoming mouth. I suckle softly, drawing a groan from him. He guides me slowly back to the broad head of his cock and watches intently as I lick all over, making him wet and slick before sliding the Konyaaltı Escort Bayan first few inches into my eager mouth. His hands tangle in my hair as he pulls me closer, giving me more until I feel him bump into the back of my mouth and the opening of my throat. He is so big that I don’t know if I will be able to take him all the way into my throat without choking. I decide to try because despite the aggressive feel of his hands in my hair, he is letting me set my own pace and not pushing me. I push forward, making a swallowing motion with my throat, deliberately forcing back my gag reflex. He is so thick I can feel my lips stretch around his shaft as he slides deep into my throat. With my hands, I guide him to take slow thrusts and my throat muscles ripple up and down his length. I can feel his big body tremble and it thrills me to have such power over this beast of a man.

He pulls back and roughly pushes me back down to the bench, still breathing hard and shaking a little. My thrilled little giggle makes him growl and he drops down to straddle the bench, spreading my thighs as wide as they will go. He kisses and nibbles the insides of my thighs and lower belly, driving me insane with need before he finally licks me from asshole to clit, making me writhe with the intense pleasure. I feel so helpless and exposed but I desperately want more. I am so wet already that I can feel it dripping down between the cheeks of my ass to pool on the bench. When he laps hard at my clit like he is turning a light switch on and off I squeal loudly and when he slides one thick finger deep into my ass I start coming immediately. He presses his huge cock against my drenched little pussy, pushing hard to enter the tight sheath. I can feel him slowly filling up my pussy while his finger continues to slide in and out of my ass.

Suddenly he lifts me up to a sitting position with my widespread thighs wrapped around his narrow hips. He plunges so deep and my clit rubs roughly against his groin with every stroke. I can feel another climax approaching and when he returns to my ass, with two fingers this time, I shatter. Time ceases to exist and one orgasm blends into the next as he pounds harder into my eager body. Hot fluid floods over his belly and thighs and my vision goes gray at the edges. I am coming again, so hard. I need to feel him cum inside me so I grab his shoulders for leverage and throw myself onto his cock, harder and faster, taking him as much as I am being taken. I can feel his cock swell to an even more impossible thickness and he roars loudly as the first hot jet of his seed touches off yet another powerful orgasm.

Slowly, our bodies come to a stop and his fingers slip from my ass. He wraps both arms around me and holds me very close. This was the last thing I would have expected to happen at the gym but I can see many more late night workouts on my future.

An Office Affair Pt. 02


I met Aiden five years ago when I started working for him at McIntyre & McKenzie. He is a corporate attorney and one of the partners at the firm. When I first met him at my interview my breath was taken away. He was so attractive. How would I be able to contain myself if I had to work with him? He couldn’t help but play with his platinum wedding band as we talked and I couldn’t help but notice. Aiden is just the right height and is built perfectly. He has a clean cut look with a nicely kept beard. His eyes are blue and when he looks at me, I feel like he is staring into my soul. It’s intense. He looks great in a suit and tie but I prefer him in khakis and a button down. It’s difficult to work for such a man but somebody has to do it.

Aiden and I have weekly meetings to touch base with one another on our work load. Once we started doing that I could feel the intensity in our relationship heat up. I could tell he was looking at the way I walked into the room. How my legs looked in my heels and skirts. How my ass switched back and forth. How my breasts jiggled ever so gently with each step. The feeling I had as I saw him watch me was surprising. I was aroused and I felt like I had a hypnotic power over him. I had a hard time focusing most meetings because my imagination would run wild thinking of how I’d suck his Kepez Escort dick. Imagining how his dick would feel inside my pussy. I couldn’t get those images out of my mind. I want him desperately.

Days go by, months pass as the flirting continues. He watches me and smiles, and I continue to wear tight skirts, high heels and silky blouses. I thrive on that power I have over him, even if it’s imagined. He is often the center of my fantasy while I’m lying in bed at night. I slowly start to rub my pussy as I think of how it would feel to have him caress my breasts. How he’d run his fingers over my belly. The intense feeling as he touches my clit for the first time. How I long for his dick to enter my pussy. Oh, god, it sends me into convulsions as I cum. Night after night my body wants the real thing.

I actually have a boyfriend, Dillon. We have an unusual relationship but it works for us right now. He is tall, dark and handsome and is a bit older than me. He has the perfect salt and pepper hair and baby soft skin. He is generous and is a hard worker, that’s why he caught my eye. We have a pretty incredible sex life but I tend to need more than I’m getting. Sometimes we’ll have sex and I cum and later in the day I need to masturbate because I must cum again. I’m just a very sexual being. That’s Kepez Escort Bayan why working with Aiden is rather perfect. I get real sex with Dillon and I have fantasy sex with Aiden and it doesn’t complicate the relationship or the work place.

Things started changing about a week ago. Aiden started to touch me more. You know, hand on the shoulder, pat on the back, touch of the knee while sitting at the conference table. It was validating the thoughts I was having about him and it felt amazing. Did he really want me as bad as I wanted him? Then it all changed with just one simple question. I was feeling particularly bold during one of our meetings when Aiden stood up to pick up a file. I could tell his pants were bulging in the front and I knew he was aroused so I just asked what I already knew to be fact. He said yes and I made the first move.

I walked over to him as he sat in his chair. His eyes watching every move I was making. I was in control and I was going to change the game in this very moment. I got down on my knees in front of him and opened his legs. I started to touch him slowly on his inner thighs. I’m not a very patient person so I went for what I wanted. I unzipped his pants and reached in to find his hard cock. Oh, the ecstasy I felt when I touched it. It was soft and Escort Kepez smooth. It was hard and felt rather big. It needed to come out. It needed to be free. I was giddy with excitement like a schoolgirl. I told him to stand and take his pants off. He did so willingly. He was eager to see what I had in store for him.

When he sat back down I began to tease his dick. Licking it up and down, rubbing it with my hand clasped around it. I started to kiss his tip. I wanted all of him in my mouth and I knew he was more than ready. I opened my mouth and slowly slid all of him inside. It felt incredible. I worked his dick in my mouth with all I had and I could tell he was getting ready to shoot his cum inside my mouth. His moans were long, his breath was short, and both were intense. I could tell he was getting ready to cum. Yes!! I wanted to taste him. I wanted to hear him cum. I wanted to see his face as he came. I started sucking harder and moving up and down faster. I grasped his balls in my hand and gently started to rub them. That was it. I suddenly felt his cum fill up my mouth and I savored it as I swallowed, all of it. I slowly moved up to his tip and licked it, trying to lick every last drop of his cum. I could tell he had never been sucked like that before and I was hopeful this wouldn’t be the last. I love sucking dick.

We stood up, gathered ourselves and I walked toward the door. We both smiled at each other as some final words were exchanged. I was hoping this wouldn’t change anything at work but I was hoping it would be the beginning of something amazing.

A Visit to the Chiropractor


Sitting in the chiropractors office at the end of the day proved to be very uncomfortable, and I had dreaded this visit the whole day. I was nervous about this first visit to a “bone cruncher”, but then I met Dr. O’Brien.

I had never been to a chiropractor, but had heard stories from others about what to expect, which included everything from the bone crunching details to total pain relief. I dreaded the bone crunching. I had injured my lower back playing tennis and after a week of pain, I was referred to Dr. O’Brien by a close friend. “Trust me”, she said, “and you won’t regret your visit.” So now I found myself in his office lobby in a rather uncomfortable chair, waiting to have him pounce on my already sore back. The only saving grace was that my friend had given me some of her pain killers and I could feel them begin to work a little, so I hoped they would be in full swing when he began his bone crunching.

My name was finally called and I was led into an exam room by his nurse, and instructed to remove all my clothes except my panties, and to put on a paper gown she handed me. She told me he would be taking X-rays, so all jewelry had to be removed as well. I changed and sat in a typical cold exam room waiting for his arrival.

He finally arrived, and seemed a bit course and hurried when he introduced himself. He was a taller older man, and not that striking in his appearance. He brought with him a stack of forms, and began asking all the usual questions regarding the pain. He then handed me a form to provide him with other information he needed, and told me was going to get the X-ray machine ready. I began looking over the questions, and providing the answers. I came to a section on the form that asked for specific information regarding my “sexual health.” I was bit reluctant to answer, but decided the form must be legitimate, so I filled it out. The questions were very detailed about the number of times I have sex in a week, did I find I preferred one position to others, did I routinely climax, did I ever masturbate, etc. Then of course I had to provide him with the usual insurance information. I once again, felt annoyed that I had to spend money on something I knew would be painful.

He returned and asked me to follow him down the hall, and at first I was reluctant to walk down the hall in only a gown, but he quickly informed me I was his last appointment for the day. No wonder he seemed in a hurry. I now assumed he would be quick with the exam, and therefore I would have to endure more pain. I could feel the sweat begin to build. My nerves were on edge. He took me into a small room, and had me stand for X-rays. He positioned me facing him, and then with my side facing him. As he positioned me with my side facing him, he came from behind me, and with his hands on my hips, he guided me to stand more forward. He then moved his hands up under my breasts, and turned me more to one side. As hands brushed under my breasts, I felt a bit uneasy. He took a picture, and then returned to me, and again placed his hands under my breasts. At this point, my breasts were resting more in his hands, and I could Bodrum Escort feel a small surge of excitement building in me. He took several more photos, checking the development every few pictures, and then informed me something was wrong with the machine.

“The films are blurry today for some reason. I am not getting a clear picture of your spine. I need you to remove the gown.”

I thought to myself, this paper gown is a problem? But he was still kind of course, so I decided I better do this or he might end the appointment, and the pain in my lower back reminded me I wanted some relief, and today. So I removed the gown, and he again had me face him, and he again took pictures. He then had me turn to the side, and again came up from behind me, and placing his hands under my breasts, guided me inches forward, and to the side. Then he asked me if I ever had trouble with my upper back or shoulders. I told him, I hadn’t, and he placed both his hands on my breasts, and holding them in his hands told me they were so full, and that he wondered if the weight of them bothered me.

“I have many clients that experience pain in their upper backs because of full breasts. Yours are very full.”

My breasts did not seem to be that big of a problem to me, but I was more focused on his hands touching and holding my breasts than on any history of pain in my back or shoulders. He took a few more pictures and then repeated his investigation of my breasts. At this point, the pain killers were making me feel a bit woozy, so I was beginning to feel like I had to concentrate on what he was saying. He took my breasts in his hands, and asked if my breasts ever seemed sore to me. I told him only when I had my periods. He informed me had clients that experienced daily soreness because of full breasts. He then took my breasts in his hands and began massaging them.

“Having someone massage your breasts will help with any soreness.” He went on to ask, “Do you ever massage your breasts, or play with your nipples?”

At this point, between the pain pills I took, and his constant touching of my breasts, I could begin to feel pleasure begin to build in me. I told him, without hesitation, that I touched my breasts and nipples when I masturbated. He wanted me to show him how I did this, so I began touching my breasts, and rolling my nipples. I could feel wetness spill out of my already wet pussy.

“It feels good, huh?” he asked.

“Oh yeah.” I said. I was starting to feel an intense urge to put my hands in my panties, but held off. He must have picked up on my signals, because he soon asked me if I wanted to touch my pussy. I wasted no time, and put my hand in my panties and began rubbing my clit. He was so close to me, I could feel his warm breath on my neck, and could smell his Old Spice cologne. His hands were again caressing my breasts, and pulling on my nipples. I continued to massage my clit and pussy, pushing my finger in me. He took my hand and bringing it to his mouth, he began sucking on my hand, licking what juices that had accumulated there. He inhaled deeply, and instructed me to put my hand Bodrum Escort Bayan back.

“Touch yourself for me. I want to see you climax.”

It wasn’t long, and I could feel the rush of an orgasm spread over me. The room seemed to be closing in on me, and I struggled to hang on. As the feeling faded, Dr. O’Brien was leading me back to the exam room. He instructed me to lay on the table on my abdomen. The leather was cold, and the table slightly uncomfortable. My face was placed between a gap in the table, and I was instructed to place my hands on a bar in the front and to the side of my head. Dr. O’Brien told me he was going to start by working the muscles in my back. I could feel him place warm oil on my skin, and I was feeling so relaxed, almost to the point of sleep. I shook off that feeling and tried to focus on what he was doing. He kneaded the muscles of my neck, and shoulders, working down towards my lower back as time passed. After he worked the muscles, he informed me he would be pushing on my back. He pushed, and as he did I could feel bones pop in my back. The pain was quick to pass, and I did find some immediate relief. He then had me lie on my sides, and twisted me, only have me feel more pulling, and bones snapping.

He told me to relax a bit, and as I did, I could hear move about the room. He then had me lie on my back, and came up to my head. He took more oil, and spread it on my shoulders, and began working my shoulders and neck area. The tension seemed to float away as he did. I closed my eyes upon his orders, and enjoyed the massage. He then took my head, and twisted it sharply, from side to side, and again, I could feel bones pop in my neck. He again told me to relax, and keep my eyes closed. I wanted to fall sleep at this point. Between the pain now subsiding, the recent orgasm, and the sedation I was still feeling totally relaxed, almost hypnotic to his voice. He took some oil, and began massaging my breasts, and again advised me to have someone do this if I were to have breast discomfort, due to their size. His hands gliding over each breast made me gasp a bit, and when he began pinching my nipples, I could feel my teeth bite into my lip.

He then told me to lie again on my back, and again took the oil and poured it on my lower back this time, and started to massage my back. I could feel him work over my hips, and down the sides of my thighs. He continued to ask questions regarding any pain in other joints. I mumbled out the answers. I felt him lower my panties, and he asked me to raise my hips. I did as he instructed, and could feel him massage oil into my ass. He worked on the muscles, and I did not want him to stop. I could feel pleasure again beginning to build in me. I could feel him move between my cheeks, and again could feel warm oil being poured on me. His voice was so soothing, and he repeated the command to “relax” while he massaged me. I soon felt his fingers probing deeper and deeper, and instinctively I opened my legs to accommodate his fingers and hands. His hands found my pussy in time, and began rubbing my wetness. He said, “Being this relaxed Escort Bodrum is so good for your back. You’ll see how it helps.”

I did not want him to stop, and opened my legs even further. I could feel his fingers probing my wet slit, and pushing into me. His other hand continued to rub oil into my anus. The combined probing was unbelievable. He instructed me to move onto my knees, with my head remaining down, and I did so without hesitation. Now with my ass in the air, he had an incredible view of pussy and puckered hole. He rubbed my clit, and I could feel my bottom push into his hand. His fingers now pushing into me in long strokes. I wanted more and asked if he would fuck me.

“Please fuck me, please….I need to feel you in me.” I was begging.

“You must be totally relaxed first,” He told me.

I felt like if I was anymore relaxed I would fall off the table. He soon had his tongue licking my wetness, and I could hear him slurping the wetness that had built already. His hands on my hips pulling me into him, I felt his tongue move in me. He sucked on my pussy, and rubbed my clit. His tongue moving in and out of me, and then moving up and down my slit in long strokes. He licked my anus, and pushed his tongue into it. The feeling was overwhelming to me. I had never had anyone do this, and wanted more. He continued to suck and lick my clit and pussy, and I began to beg again.

“Please fuck me, please.”

I could hear him undo his belt, and pants, and soon felt his hard cock against my wet slit. He grabbed me by the hips, and pulled me into him. His cock, moved into me, with one long push. He withdrew it, and pushed it again. I met his strokes with my own, and I could feel pleasure building in me.

“It’s important to take it slow, as not to jar the vertebrae,” I heard him tell me.

Fuck the spine, I wanted his cock to ram me hard. I began to beg with panting breaths. He had one finger now pushed in my ass, and one hand on my hips, pulling me into him. I could tell he was getting close as his breathing seemed to be louder, and now coming in pants as well. He began to pump me harder and harder so I no longer had to push back into him. He was doing all the work. His cock rammed me over and over. I knew I was also close. I had not been fucked liked this in a long time. His finger in my ass was thrusting in me faster and faster. I began to feel his cock spasm, and soon heard him moan in one long breath.

“Oh fuck me, fuck me hard,” I begged.

With one last hard thrust, I knew his cum was spurting deep in my pussy, and I soon began to feel my own climax shake my body. He stood behind me for a few minutes with his cock deep in me, and I tightened my muscles to milk the last few drops of cum from him. I could hear him moan as I did. He withdrew his cock, and I could hear him redress. I settled back down on my abdomen, and enjoyed the tingling in my pussy, while he shuffled papers. He soon asked me to dress and to stop at the desk on the way out.

I dressed and was soon standing at his desk, and I noted his secretary was long gone. He handed me my insurance cards, and told me that until my back was completely healed, I was to visit him three times a week. I had no idea what the cost of these visits would amount to, but I didn’t care. My back was feeling much better., and I couldn’t wait to come back for another bone crunching experience.

A Woman, Awakened


I never imagined waking up next to that face. But there I was, there it was… peaceful, serene, yet determined even at rest.

The bright Roman sun spilled over the tousled hair, highlighting the stubborn lock that always brushed his eyes. He looked like a man who had enjoyed a long evening of play in bed, but in fact, last night had been an experience of a different kind. He had made love to me, yes, but it had been in the way he whispered my name against my lips, stroked my hair as if he were soothing a restless horse, kissed my throat, and held me close to his hard body the entire night.

I watched him, still sleeping. I took in that face that I had adored from afar for so long. An enigma, he was gentle and wild, somber and playful, and his face reflected those contradictions. His grizzly beard framed a mouth that belonged on a sweet child; beautiful lips forming a Cupid’s bow, rose, delicate and utterly devastating. The downcast eyes implied a serious air that was transformed as soon as he opened them, grinning. He was not a young man, yet his skin showed no signs of the hard life he had lived. Smooth olive skin gleaming, untamed eyebrows, proud nose, his face told the story of his land of birth.

How had this dream come to be? I held my breath as I adored his face, willing him to stay warm and safe in sleep yet wanting him to wake and utter my name once more. As if reading my thoughts, he let out a soft sigh and turned towards me.

“Mmmmm…. Buon giorno, cara… good morning”.

I let out my breath, suddenly aware of how terrified I had been that he had forgotten me, that he would unwrap his strong arms from around me. My eyes filled with grateful tears, and I found the voice to answer him.

“Buon giorno, mio amore”, I whispered softly.

His lips curled in a slow smile, and he pulled me closer against his length. Raising his large hand to my cheek, he traced my face in the same way that I had been examining his. He gave a sly grin when he discovered my mouth, parted open in awe. With one curious finger, he traced the outline of my lips, then brought his mouth down to trace the same outline with his tongue.

I shivered at the sensation. Having him so near, having that face so near… it was almost unbearable, yet I did not want to miss one moment of this delicious time. Echoing his move, I reached up to touch his face lightly with my fingertips, relieved and delighted to find that he was real. He remained still as I wandered through the rough terrain of his beard, the smoothness of his high forehead, then the silky softness of his lips.

In an exclamation of tenderness, love and unbound desire, I uttered his name as the prayer that it is…


He sighed deeply, and I feared that I had gone too far, had revealed too much of what was whirling in my mind. I let my hands fall from his face, but he clasped them in his and placed them over his heart. I felt the strong, steady beat, and waited, searching his face for a clue that would tell me what he was thinking. His eyes were closed, and if not for the insistent beating under my fingers and the pulse leaping in his strong neck, I would have thought him to be asleep.

His heart gave him away before any words did. Under his warm skin, I felt his heart begin to beat more insistently, and mine responded unwittingly. The anticipation of not knowing what he was thinking, of what he would say now, was making me squirm, but he held my hand still over his heart. I was longing to stroke the hard muscles of his chest, twist my fingers in the dark hair that was so abundant… to follow that hair down its path as it became richer and thicker before disappearing beneath the duvet. But I sensed that he was trying to tell me something, something that could be very important to me, to us, so I waited until he was ready.

I did not have to wait long.

“Cara…”, he whispered, “last night, I wanted you, more than I have ever wanted a woman. But I did not want to take advantage of you… so I did not make love to you. You will never know how difficult it was for me!”.

I shook my head and started to answer him, to say that I knew exactly how difficult it was, but he stopped me with a small gesture.

“No,” he said gently, “let me finish. I wanted you then, and I want you now, but I have a feeling, a sense, that many men have also desired you. You have given them your heart, and they have only taken your body. I cannot do this to you. You are special, cara mia, and I want this to be different.”

His words set my head spinning. I had no doubt that he wanted me, but to hear that he cared for me… for me… and he had denied himself for me… I was stunned. I slid my fingers from his grasp and reached to pull his head down towards me, bringing his wondrous face close to mine. I couldn’t tell him what his words had meant to me, but I could show him. I softly kissed his smooth forehead, his bearded cheek, the tip Belek Escort of his nose, then finally his sweet mouth.

His lips parted under mine, and the heat of his mouth burned me. “I could kiss him forever”, I thought to myself, “and I would be satisfied!”. The thought made me smile, and he pulled away from my kiss with a quizzical look.

“Don’t worry, Marco, I am just happy… very happy… thank you for your words.”

His face broke into a huge grin that lit up the room.

“If that made you happy, carina, just wait a moment…”, he said before diving under the covers.

I shrieked, giggling, as his rough beard tickled my bare legs and his hands slid down my sides. But then I stopped laughing as I realized what he was about to do.

Marco said nothing else but yanked down the covers and threw them on the floor. I raised my eyebrows and got nothing back except a sinful grin from him. He was lying between my knees, looking quite cozy. His head of dark locks made my pale skin look even whiter.

“Now, there is a sight that I could get used to!”, I muttered to myself.

He raised his head, saying “What?”.

“Oh, it’s nothing, Marco… I don’t even know what I said”. It was his turn to raise an dark eyebrow, but instead of answering he bent his head and started examining the back of my knee with his tongue.

He got the reaction he wanted… I let out a tiny moan, which he pretended to ignore and proceeded to the other leg. More random thoughts came to my mind. “Who would have thought that the back of a knee could feel so erotic? Well, obviously he did, the little Casanova!”. I almost started to giggle again but quickly stopped as his attention moved a little higher. He ran his cheek back and forth across the tender inside of my thigh. It startled my sensitive nerve endings; they couldn’t figure out if this was pleasure or pain. “Oh wait, definitely pleasure…OK, you have to stop thinking so much and pay attention to what is happening”, I admonished myself.

And this is what was happening: he had inched his face up my thigh, tickling me all the way, until he met the turquoise nylon of my panties. Another stray thought, “Why didn’t I wear the black Perla ones last night?”. He seemed quite unbothered by the ordinary panties, in fact, he kind of seemed to enjoy the challenge of an unexpected impediment. He slipped a finger under the waistband, and I lifted my butt a few inches off the bed to make it easier for him to slip them off. But, no, he was not going to make it that easy for me. He laughed and slowly shook his shaggy head from side to side. He was having fun, teasing and tormenting me with this drawn-out seduction, and those panties weren’t going anywhere yet.

This gave me a little more time to reflect. My doubts about his feelings were dissolving. Any other man would have just skipped all this and dived in headfirst, half-heartedly done what he thought was sheer heaven for me, then jumped up saying “OK, my turn now!”. Marco was so different, but I also suspected that he was being especially careful with me. His earlier words were still ringing in my ears, and it made my heart leap to see that he was treating me like a precious gift. All of my hopes, my deepest dreams and desires, were wrapped up in this glorious man… this man who, at this very moment, was very delicately licking me through the fabric of the panties and making it very hard to keep my train of thought.

Hard? Impossible! I wanted him to unwrap me like a Christmas gift, but he was having none of it. He was enjoying himself, that was very plain to see, but he was also sending me an important message that I was trying to hear over the mad rushing of my blood. He was taking his time, showing me that he cherished me, and he knew that was something new for me.

Just when I thought I would have to rip the panties off myself, he stopped his teasing and spoke.

“Cara… do you want this?” he asked in a low voice.

“D-d-do I want this? What do you think?” I answered in a shaky voice. This got a small chuckle from him. But he returned seriously to his inquiry.

“I am asking if you want this… do you want me to love you this way?”. I opened my astonished mouth to answer but he put up his hand gently.

“Because if you do, you must tell me… you must tell me what you want. I promise you, whatever you ask for, I will give to you, but you must ask me for it.”

If I thought I was astonished before, I was now stunned. Stunned, excited, afraid, shy, intrigued by the game that Marco was playing. “No, not a game”, I corrected myself; he was trying to show me, teach me something very important to both of us, and I was missing it, I could tell.

While I thought about what he was saying, he waited patiently, propped on his elbows between my knees. He had mercifully stopped licking me but I could feel his warm breath on me, and the abundant hair on his arms was tickling the Belek Escort Bayan inside of my thighs.

So, what did I want, huh? I wanted him to do what I had always hoped and imagined… but in my imagination, he had just done what the other men had done, maybe just a little more kindly and a lot more skillfully. But this… this challenge he was giving me…?

I will blame it on most of my blood not being around my brain anymore, as to why it took me so long to figure out what he was asking. He was telling me that he didn’t want a passive woman; no, wrong again. He didn’t want for me to be a passive woman anymore. He wanted more for me. He wanted me to have the confidence to demand what was due to me, the confidence in myself as a woman to ask for and get what I wanted, not what the other person thought I wanted. He wanted me to admit to being the sexual woman that I was, and stop hiding behind antiquated ideas about myself and about what women can do. He was handing me the power to ask for sex the way I wanted it, and wasn’t going to let me pretend that I didn’t have a very good idea of what I wanted from him right now!

He saw the growing understanding in my face, and smiled the most lascivious grin I’ve seen on a man. I returned it, just as lasciviously. Before I lost my nerve, I took in a deep breath and said “Marco… thank you… I understand… and I will tell you exactly what I want from you right now…”. He looked up at me expectantly.

“First, come up here so I can talk to you properly… you are too distracting down there!”

“Carina, that was my idea, si?”.

He grinned but obliged me by slithering his way back up my body until we were face to face. It was still awfully distracting having his delicious weight on top of me – particularly when I could feel his arousal pressing squarely against where his face had just been. But I had some things to tell him and I needed to be looking into his eyes.

“Marco,” I began as I snaked my arms loosely around his neck. “I shouldn’t have been surprised at what you said, because I know that you are a very sensitive man, very caring, very giving. I just never realized that you could care for me so much, to give me the gift of myself as you just did. We have an expression in English – you were “right on target” about my way of thinking. It means that you found the center of the problem.” He nodded in understanding but remained silent so I could continue.

“I have never felt like an equal in my relationships with men, and so of course, I was never as important in bed, either. Oh, I am not saying that every man I ever slept with –”

“Every man?” he interrupted. I chuckled in response.

“Did you think I was a virgin? Yes, I have been with more than one man, but not that many, Marco, do not worry. What I wanted to tell you is that it was not always terrible with every man; some were more caring or generous than others. But mostly, I felt that they wanted my body very much but did not care as much about my heart. In those few words that you have said, and in what you did last night, I have seen that it can be so different.. that you are different.. and that I have many more reasons to love you than I did before!”

I finished my speech quickly, in a rush of emotion. I hadn’t meant to mention the “L” word… now I would really know if he was different from other men; would he bolt out of bed now, or get a piece of ass and then bolt?

I did not give him enough credit, once again. He gently took my face between his hands and kissed my cheek, then the tip of my nose, and my forehead, before placing a tender kiss on my lips. He understood exactly what I had told him, there was nothing else I had to do now.

“No, that isn’t exactly true”, I thought to myself, and tapped Marco gently on the shoulder.

He raised his eyebrows quizzically, then understanding dawned as I smiled boldly. I nudged his shoulders in case the smile didn’t get the message across; he had told me to ask for what I wanted, and I was telling him.

He obliged with a devastating grin, wriggling back down to where he had been. I may have sounded bold but I wasn’t feeling it, yet I wasn’t going to disappoint him, or myself for that matter. If he wanted to teach me to be more assertive, I was going to be a willing pupil.

“I think it’s time to find out if it is true, what they say about Italian lovers…”, I drawled.

He started to laugh, but laughing wasn’t exactly what I wanted him to be doing. So I slipped my thumbs under the waistband of my panties, and that did the trick, he was riveted. I teased him by lowering them a bit, then pulling them up tight so that they were molded against my contours. He glanced down appreciatively then raised his eyes to meet mine with encouragement.

“Take them off me”, I whispered.

“Anything you ask!”, he responded lightly, but his eyes were still locked on mine with serious intent.

I Escort Belek felt like I had just found a genie bottle and been granted three wishes. The man of my dreams was laying between my legs, slowly sliding the blue nylon down my hips, and looked like he had every intention of staying there until those wishes were completed. I sighed dreamily and wondered if it could ever get any better.

It did. Four times by the time he was done, but I’m getting ahead of myself.

He was in no hurry, although I was so turned on I was afraid it would be over before he had even touched me. I could feel his eyes on me, then his exploring hands. Like a man gentling a nervous filly, he slid his palms up my legs to my waist, letting me get used to his touch. Soft kisses on the inside of my thighs made me part them for him unconsciously. I was ready for more, but I realized that he was waiting for me to tell him.

All of the encouragement I needed was right before me. I looked down and saw a sight that had only been in my imagination before this: my Marco, eyes blazing with desire, a flush to his cheeks, his breath uneven, his dark hair falling over his forehead, waiting expectantly for a sign from me.

I didn’t trust my voice to speak, so I reached out my hands for his. I slowly guided him to me, and using his hands, opened myself up to him. He needed no further directions as he dipped his head to me, still holding my hands in his. I was so ready, so wet, that his tongue slid over me like a skater on ice. I sighed deeply and let myself fall into this miracle that was happening.

He knew what he was doing, there was no question of that. He quickly understood what I liked, following the signals I was sending. When it was too much, I gently squeezed his fingers and he eased off, then returned anew to his efforts. These wonderful waves of sensation continued, with him following our secret code, in perfect communication with no words at all.

Slowly, something started to build and grow in me, and I began gripping his hands tight and shifting under him. He stayed with me, despite my squirming body under his mouth. I had to let go of his hands, and clutched madly for the sheet that was crumpled beneath us. I heard someone moaning “yes yes oh yes…” and realized that it was me. I slid my fingers through his tousled hair, using his locks as reins to guide him exactly where I needed him most. Marco eased his hands under my hips, raising me closer to his wondrous tongue.

This was my wish come true, so I did something I had always wanted to do. I propped up on my elbows so that I could watch exactly what he was doing. He sensed me watching him, and raised his eyes to meet mine, never stopping. He slowed down, changing his strokes to long, languid ones that ran the length of me. This was torture, and he knew it. He was still watching my face, and again I realized that he was waiting for my desire, my command for him. I looked at him beseechingly but he subtly shook his head. If I wanted this, I was going to have to ask. This was it, the last question on my test.

While he waited, he started to draw slow, insistent circles with his tongue. I think he had mastered what “right on target” meant. But he was still holding back, and I was going to go mad if he didn’t finish this right now.

“Marco… please…”, I whispered. Another small shake of his head.

“Please! I am going to die here… you are killing me”.

This time, he punctuated his response with a flick that almost made me faint.

“Marco… OK… please… please let me come!”

“What took you so long to ask?”, he replied playfully.

“Don’t talk with your mouth full!” was all I managed to blurt out before he went seriously to work on me.

I was still watching him, and he held my gaze as he brought me closer to the edge of reason. I had never seen anything as erotic as this; his glistening beard, tangled hair and blazing eyes that were full of desire for me. That is, until he eased one hand out from under me, and slowly slid one finger, then two, inside of me. His eyes never left my face, and he watched me as my body exploded.

I burst into a thousand pieces, shivery sparks shooting down my toes and up my spine. A hot flush rushed up my belly to my chest, then my face. A kaleidoscope of colors burst in my head, and I felt my bones melt into liquid pleasure.

I could hear Marco murmuring my name as I finally spiraled back to earth. With tears in my eyes, I reached for him and pulled him up to me, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck. I was speechless, overcome with emotion, yet my heart was overflowing with things to say to him. I hugged him closer to me, kissing him deeply, gratefully, tasting myself on him. He held me tight, whispering words in my ear that I didn’t wholly understand, but that felt warm, safe, right. I could feel him pressed hard against my belly, but he waited patiently, just gently brushing my hair off my forehead.

I don’t know how long we stayed like that until my breathing returned to normal and my head started to clear. My first lucid thought was “Dear lord, how I love this man!” followed soon by “I want more of him… and it’s HIS turn, now!”

A Wedding Encounter


I don’t know whether you go to many weddings, or what impression they make on you. On the one hand a lot of people dressed to the nines, on the other, some look clearly as though they need some help on the fashion coordination front. Most people drink far too much. I always detect a certain eroticism, maybe connected to the fertile rites surrounding the event. This shows itself to me in some women having gone to a lot of effort with their appearance, and it having come off fairly well. Tastefully revealing dresses, the thought of nice, expensive underwear being worn for the special day, maybe even the odd hat or two to add to the atmosphere of refined frivolity.

I had an unusual encounter at a wedding some years back, and as I have a good memory (useful at least as a source of masturbation fantasy), I recall the words and events of that day very well.

Joanne(one of my wife’s work colleagues) and Peter( grossly overweight son of a local business magnate) were to seal the knot at a wedding ceremony held at Peter’s parents’ place. The fitting location was St Georges Hill, Weybridge, Surrey. If you don’t know it, this is the gated community of dodgy ranch-style mansions set in the Surrey commuter belt, home to overweight businessmen, pillars of society and the odd rock star . . . and Cliff Richard.

I wore a respectable navy blue suit, nice shirt and tie; very straightforward stuff. My wife wore a long dress and looked very nice. We all met at the house after the church ceremony, had a few drinks and I got into conversation with one of my wife’s female friends whom I knew from one or another company function of hers that I had been to.

As I was talking to her she said, “Look at that, she doesn’t leave much the imagination, does she?”

I looked across the large room to see a girl who indeed did not leave much to the imagination. It was only possible at a wedding, at least in daylight hours. She was very dark, Mediterranean looking, medium height but wearing quite high heels. She was wearing a flouncy pink dress that was fairly see-through, showing a black thong beneath. She could have passed for a hooker had it not been for an expensive Louis Vuitton handbag, expensive looking shoes, and as I saw when she turned around, an attractive and intelligent looking face. My instant impression was that this girl was not the dodgy “slapper” type, but actually a very classy girl who just enjoyed showing off what she had.

So, more small talk, a couple more glasses of champagne, outside for a quick ciggie (yes I am afraid I do) and Kuşadası Escort then into the large gazebo that had been set up for a buffet for the guests. No expenses were spared here. They served excellent wine, and I am at least sometimes a discerning wine drinker, and great food served by a professional catering team.

As I queued for the buffet I put some melon and ham on a plate. A female voice next to me said, “A bit 1970’s isn’t it, Melon and Ham?”

I turned to see Miss Pink Dress. “Could be,” I replied, “but then I am a child of the 1970’s.”

I introduced myself, and this young lady, whose name was Helena, told me that she recognized my name and that I was sitting next to her at a table. Back at the table we got into conversation. I asked after the origin of her name and she told me her parents were Yugoslavs (Serbian) but that she had grown up in this country. Over the food we exchanged some details about our backgrounds. It turned out that she was a hotel manager in London, and like me spoke several languages. This I guess gave us something in common.

A few people had remarked on her somewhat risque appearance, but our conversation was flowing quite naturally and I did not feel self-conscious.

After the dinner it was back to the “ranch” for more drinks and chat. I was sitting with a group of people on chairs and sofas. Helena was in the group and occasionally our eyes met. She smiled confidently but with a touch of wistfulness. On a more profane note I had noticed that she was not wearing a bra. She had a great skin color to compliment the Mediterranean appearance as well as quite a seductive perfume. A number of less than salubrious thoughts were beginning to go through my mind.

“I’ve run out of cigarettes,” Helena said suddenly. “Any idea where I can get some?”

“Yes, there is a petrol station at the end of the road,” replied Joanne, the bride. It was by now 10.00 p.m. and pitch black dark.

“Simon, why don’t you walk up there with Helena?”

Nobody present seemed to bat an eyelid, so I pulled my jacket on and off we went.

“I hope it’s not far to the petrol station,” said Helena, “these heels are not made for hiking.”

We walked up the road and I felt a twinge of nervous excitement.

The road was quiet, barely lit and lined with trees, behind which were driveways leading to various other “ranches.” As she walked, I saw out of the corner of my eye the unfettered movement of her breasts under her dress. Ahead of us we saw the petrol station, for whatever reason Escort Kuşadası closed.

Oh well, it’s back we go we agreed. We turned on our heels and started to walk back. In virtually complete darkness, I said, “You are a really attractive woman and very easy to talk to.”

We had both stopped. “I clocked you at the church” Helena said, “you are an attractive slightly older man.”

Being a mere 37 at the time(to Helena’s 23), I stumbled slightly over the term “slightly older man.” At that moment I put my hands on Helena’s shoulders and turned her round to me. We kissed tentatively at first but then deeply, tongues exploring each other, then lips apart and tongues flicking around each other. We both moaned with the feeling of release. This was going to be an outdoor encounter, with all the logistical difficulties involved.

Now it was down to me. I squeezed her tightly to me and caressed her up and down her back, enjoying the feel of the filmy pink dress. My kisses were now moving down her neck and around the tops of her shoulders. I ran my hands through her hair repeatedly and pulled us closer together. We were both becoming more and more aroused. I put my tongue in her ear. “I wanted to get into your knickers from the moment I saw you,” I told her now without any restraint.

“Do it then,” she replied, by now rubbing my cock through the front of my trousers. I ran my hand up the back of her dress and got to her very well defined buttocks. At the top of her butt I loved the feel of the material of her thong. I moved my middle finger up and down between her butt cheeks and felt the moisture at the top of her pussy from behind.

“Do you like having your pussy licked?” I asked.

Not receiving an answer I got down on my knees in front of her, raised her skirt, and went straight to kissing and pressing my jaw against the front of her pussy, still through her panty. She moaned with pleasure.

“Please, just go inside my thong,” she begged.

I pulled the black thong aside and started licking around her considerable mass of black pubic hair, soon discerning her wet pussy lips and clitoris. Strangely enough it was quite difficult to get good clitoral contact from that angle. Any inhibitions had gone by now as I turned Helena around and she leaned forward against a tree. I pulled her sodden thong down, and she made quite an elegant job of stepping out of it. From behind and below I ran my tongue (and occasionally nose) up and down her soaking wet slit, stopping at the top to lick around the clitoral Kuşadası Escort Bayan area. Normally I would have carried on happily like this for ages, but we were both at least subconsciously aware of some time pressure.

“Please suck me, I really need you to suck me,” I hissed.

Helena knelt down in front of me as I unzipped my trousers and let them fall to the ground. She again rubbed my semierect cock with her manicured hand through my boxers, then took out my cock. She kissed the tip several times then started to move my cock in and out of her mouth. I asked her to look at me. She grasped my shaft firmly and licked up and down it whilst looking up at me.

“Oh for a bed,” I said.

“Have you never done it outside? I rather like it,” said Helena between sucks.

“This place is the end of the world. No-one will come along.”

Helena stood up, and as before leaned forward against the tree, dress hitched up and extremely shapely rear slightly illuminated by a street lamp. We were inside someone’s driveway, luckily with no lights on in the house.

“I wanted to make you cum before when I was touching you.”

“Simon, I want you to put your cock in me.”

Maybe because of the nature of the encounter or alcohol consumed, I was semi-erect. I rubbed my cock up and down from behind in Helena’s wet pussy lips. She moaned in anticipation. I got quite hard and found the hot and waiting wetness of her cunt. What is it about the feeling of abandon that comes from fucking your girl from behind? We started to build a rhythm.

“Do I feel good inside you?”

“Just fuck me, just do it.”

“Play with yourself while I’m fucking you. I really love that.”

Helena’s right hand moved down to her pubic area and I sensed a rhythmic stroking of her clit.

“Give me your hand,” I demanded.

Helena put her fingers in my mouth and I licked and moistened them. She resumed the stroking of her clit. With each thrust I felt my cock go into the nail of one of her right-hand fingers, which was now playing furiously with her clit.

We were both moaning with pleasure as Helena’s movements met my thrusts. “Is it safe to cum inside you?” I asked, conscious of how ridiculously late the question was being posed.

“It’s OK,” she moaned through ragged breaths.

I was beyond the point of no return and came inside Helena. The worst bit of an external encounter is that there is nowhere to cuddle or exchange sweet nothings afterwards.

We got ourselves back together and went back the remaining half mile to the house. On re-entering the house the original conversation group had long dispersed and no-one seemed to remember that we had gone.

Helena went and joined her friends in the kitchen. I swapped some pleasantries with the bridegroom but felt strangely absent.

Abigail Lincoln


Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Abby
Chapter 2 An Idea is Born
Chapter 3 Opportunity Knocks
Chapter 4 Abby Dares All
Chapter 5 Later
Chapter 6 The Second Friday
Chapter 7 Evening Preparations
Chapter 8 Fantasies and Discoveries
Chapter 9 The Spa
Chapter 10 Abby the Showgirl
Chapter 11 Saturday in Columbus
Chapter 12 Evening on the Town
Chapter 13 Waning Days of Summer
Chapter 14 Another Kind of Virginity

Chapter 1 Abby

Her name was a little forbidding. Her parents were quite strict and very true to the church, so her name, Abigail Lincoln, while not one she would have chosen for herself, was helped by the fact that all of her friends called her Abby. Softer and friendlier than Abigail, and Abby herself approved.

As her heels clicked down the hallway of Mitchell High, she was delighted that almost three months of her own time stretched before her before the school term started again. In her second year she felt very comfortable as a teacher in English Lit. Teaching in Middleburg was also very comfortable for her. There were those who said teaching high school would be a real problem with discipline. After all she was very young, and very lovely. But it hadn’t happened, partially because the boys never got tired of looking at her and wondering what she might wear that day, because even in the most modest of dress, there was no hiding what was under it, and the girls all thought she was exactly what they would like to be. The only thing that had happened outside of the norm was one morning, during her second week, she had arrived early and found written on the chalk board , in large letters “I would really like to – – – – Miss Lincoln.” She had quickly erased it and just took it as a compliment, albeit it a very vulgar one.

Her parents had given her the family home after they had retired to Florida, and that gave her the independence that she had always craved.

Anyone watching her as she walked out to her car in the parking lot would have given her more than one glance. She was about five six, and her body was beautifully proportioned to her height. In her high heels and short skirt, a blouse that clung to her in the right places, and her hair, honey colored and moving slightly in the wind, she deserved more than one glance. Indeed, Freddie the school janitor, looked on with approval as she swung her lovely legs into the car affording him a glimpse of much of her thighs before the closing door cut off his view. But it certainly brightened his day.

The only thing missing, in what otherwise was a perfect life for Abby, was a nice relationship with someone who could share things with her. Mostly she just wanted a good friend, perhaps with benefits. She was in no hurry to marry, and often thought that maybe she never would. She had a very serious relationship while attending Ohio State, but it had become very wearing as Frank, as that was his name, became more and more possessive of her until she felt quite smothered by all the questions and control. He was astonished when she declined his marriage proposal, and then became angry. That convinced her that this was not a guy she wanted to spend her life with. The bed part was OK, but the rest of if was going to be very depressing. And a few weeks later she graduated, saying goodbye forever to Frank and Ohio State.

Later on she realized what a great decision she had made and what a disaster marriage to him would have been. Her parents were not so pleased as they thought it very important that she marry Frank. “Now what would she do?” they asked. Those things didn’t concern Abby.

Walking into her bedroom, she began taking off clothes. She looked in the full-length mirror and liked what she saw. She kept herself fit and it showed in the firmness of her breasts, the graceful curves flowing from her waist to her hips, and lovely long legs, which accented her ‘Mound of Venus’. She traced her pubic hair with her finger wondering when someone else would do that to her again. There had been no one since Frank, and her healthy sex appetite had evolved into all sorts of fantasies. (Her favorite one being made love to by two handsome and athletic young males at the same time.) She shivered as she looked at herself in the mirror and then she stepped into her oversize bathroom with its lovely glass shower that had cost her a bunch, but was well worth it. Turning on the shower faucets, she stepped under the soft deluge of warm water that slipped over her body, and taking the secondary showerhead in her hand, she turned on the pulse mechanism, standing with her legs apart she aimed it at her vulva. Immediately she was thrilled by the pulsation action of the warm water as it excited her clitoris and massaged her labia. She closed her eyes and leaned back against the shower wall until she achieved orgasm from the rush of pulsating liquid against her most intimate places. She kept it flowing until she had to stop as her legs became weak from the ecstasy she had experienced. Kemer Escort She turned off the water and stepped out of the shower wrapping an oversize towel around her. Drying off she fell backwards onto the bed, completely naked and fully satisfied. And she drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 2 An Idea is Born

Abby slept the clock around and didn’t wake until 10 am on her first Saturday of the rest of the summer.

She dressed quickly in shorts and a halter-top, breakfasted on toast and coffee, and then decided to go to the market and do some shopping to restock her refrigerator.

As she pulled into the parking lot she saw Jimmy and Michael’s old pickup truck. She smiled to herself as she remembered how awkward they had been in her class their junior year. She had no way of knowing that every boy at Mitchell High dreamed of getting into her panties, and every girl wanted to be just like Miss Lincoln. Their shyness had turned her on in a quiet way. Abby wasn’t much for the ‘Macho’ types. Jimmy and Michael, friends from first grade, had just graduated and were both off to Ohio State where they were the benefactors of baseball scholarships. They were high school standouts that had been recruited by several schools, but signed their intentions to go to Ohio State as their first choice. So now they were earning money in the first summer after graduation by doing yard work, whenever they could, being in possession of a couple of overworked mowers and some second hand garden tools and a third hand pickup truck, battered but still going strong. She could tell that business had been good by their healthy tans and smiling faces as they waved to her when she entered the store. They were both extremely good looking six footers, Michael was the quieter of the two and had those dark, Hollywood leading man looks, while James or Jimmy as he preferred was fairer complexioned and was the more outgoing of the two, and quite as handsome as Michael in his own way. They could have been brothers, and indeed many people thought they were, as they had been inseparable as friends throughout their childhood, and now they were going to the university together. As she thought about them, an idea entered her head. “Don’t even think it Abby,” she told herself. Nevertheless she could not shake it. As she approached the produce department she came upon them loading bags of charcoal into their cart. “Hi Miss Lincoln.” they both said almost simultaneously.

“You look prosperous, business must be good.” she replied.

They grinned and nodded. “You look great too .” said Jimmy, as Michael smiled widely at her.

“Well if you’re not totally tied up, perhaps you could come by my place later today and clean up my yard for me.” said Abby.

“Oh great.” said Jimmy. “How about three o’clock?”

“Three would be fine, see you then.”

Abby turned and headed for produce as Jimmy and Michael looked at her lovely derriere atop those gorgeous legs.

“Wow,” said Jimmy.

Michael grinned at him. “Remember, we are just going to cut grass, don’t get carried away.”

As Abby drove home she wondered what she had done. Do I want to get my grass cut, or what, she thought. Abby you are naughty, she told herself. And she fantasized about what they might look like without their jeans and t-shirts. Well there is no harm in them cutting my grass and cleaning up the yard. And it will help them make some college money. But deep inside her she knew that her impulse to get her yard cleaned up was a lot more than that.

Chapter 3 Opportunity knocks

As three o’clock approached Abby was getting a little nervous. She knew that she could simply let them tidy up the place outside, pay them, and that would be that. But she was making plans, despite herself, to make their visit much more memorable.

She knew she was going to do it when she went into her bedroom and started looking for a bikini. She finally selected her favorite. It was a pale yellow, and showed every curve and feature of the parts that it barely covered. She looked at herself in the mirror, and then slipped her feet into a pair of high platform wedgies that thrust her pussy forward and accentuated her rear end when she walked. In a sudden fit of modesty she put on a short beach robe, and almost immediately the doorbell rang. She opened the front door, and Michael, stared at her, and quickly composed himself and said, “Uh, Miss Lincoln, just tell us what you want us to do”. Jimmy was getting mowers out of the truck and looked over and stared at her. Her beach robe barely covered her, and one could easily imagine that there was nothing on underneath it. Quickly she realized what they were thinking,

“I was just getting ready to get some sun in the back yard. Go ahead and mow and trim, and when you are done, come into the back yard and do the same, OK?”

The boys both nodded and began their preparations to work as she closed the front door. She could hear the mowers running as she came out of the back door onto Escort Kemer the patio. Taking off the robe, she lay on her back on a chaise lounge in her yellow bikini. Her mind was racing as she thought about having the courage to do what she wanted to do.

“When the time comes, I will know,” she told herself, and she closed her eyes and listened to the mowers running in the front yard. After awhile the mowers stopped as Jimmy and Michael began their trimming and cleanup work. Abby was breathing a little heavier because she knew that her decision was coming closer.

“Do I really have the nerve to do this?” she asked herself.

Michael and Jimmy opened the side gate and pushed the mowers through. As they came around the side of the house they were greet by the sight of Miss Lincoln, lying on her back on a chaise lounge wearing a very scanty yellow bikini that just barely covered her mound and her breasts.

They began mowing, and constantly stealing glances at a beautiful sight to two randy 18 year olds.

Abby was very conscious of the fact they had taken off their t- shirts, and their bronze bodies were glowing with perspiration. She couldn’t take her eyes off them. She began to think of all the wonderful things that could happen if she had the courage to do what she was thinking. She rationalized that whatever she did there was always a stopping point, but only to a point. And that was some way off.

The grass was all cut and the mowers were silent. The breeze was whispering through the tree branches as the boys went about their trimming, stealing glances at Miss Lincoln who had turned over and her lovely bottom was just asking to be looked at. She had also untied the bra top and the strings were dangling down the sides of the chaise allowing the swell of her breasts to be clearly seen.

Chapter 4 Abby Dares All

“Uh, Miss Lincoln, we are all done.”

Abbey held her bra top on as she turned over, and stood up. “Would one of you tie me up in the back please?”

Michael stepped forward and clumsily tied a bow in the bikini top.

“Let me go in and get my purse.” she said.

Slipping on her shoes, she walked away from them and was deeply conscious of the four eyes focused on her bottom.

“Phew, I can’t believe how hot she is.” said Michael.

Jimmy was out of words.

Abby emerged from the house carrying her purse, this time giving them the full frontal view. Quickly they settled up and as the boys turned to leave Abby said,

” Oh, if you don’t mind, I have a favor to ask before you go.”

“Anything at all, just say it,” said Jimmy.

“Well, I never can get the lotion where I want it, so I thought if you wouldn’t mind you could spread a little on my back.”

“Oh-0K.” Michael stammered.

Abby stretched out on the chaise with her bottom in the air, and passed Michael the lotion bottle.

“If one of you will get my back and the other my legs please.”

So saying she passed the suntan lotion to Michael. He kneeled on one side of the chaise at the top, and Jimmy kneeled by her feet. Both took lotion into their hands and tentatively began to spread the liquid over the back and legs of the delicious Miss Lincoln.

“It’s OK, I won’t break.” said Abby.

With that encouragement, their hesitancy dwindled as they warmed to the delightful task of not just spreading lotion, but feeling this lovely woman’s flesh.

“Would one of you untie the top so you can get it all.”

Although it was hardly necessary, as it wasn’t more than a thin ribbon of material, Jimmy untied the top with shaking hands and then went back to massaging her legs, but now going higher and higher until he was rubbing the part of her bottom exposed by the bikini bottom that didn’t really cover much of her. Michael was putting lotion further and further down her sides until he was stroking the sides of her breast with his fingers.

Abby is getting very warm and she is aware that she is getting very wet. She knows that the next step will be the one that will commit her to something that can’t be undone.

Reaching down her side she pulled the string that untied her bikini bottom.

“You might as well get all of me Jimmy.” she murmured.

Jimmy can’t believe his good luck as he stared at the beautiful rear end, totally exposed, that is right under his hands. He squeezes lotion on her bottom and begins rubbing her cheeks, feeling her cleavage, even letting his fingers drift down between her legs, while Michael is sliding his hand down and under her breast seeking her nipple, which when he finds them are aroused and erect.

“Oh God, stop.” says Abby, “I think I need you to put lotion all over me.”

The boys sit back on their haunches. Both of them are fully erect and only their jeans hide this.

“Now lets do the front.” She says as she turns over on the chaise, her bikini now fallen to the ground and her beautiful breasts and erect nipples, and her lovely mound now exposed to Kemer Escort Bayan their hungry eyes.

Michael impulsively leans down to kiss her and is greeted by her inviting lips and her tongue as she seeks his, Jimmy is spreading lotion on her belly and continues his exploration to her breasts, then he ventures down to her lovely mound, as she responds by slightly parting her legs so that he can explore the delights of her very wet vulva, and erect clitoris. She is now shuddering under the double admonitions of four hands and the lips that are kissing her passionately. Jimmy has begun to tongue her clit while gently probing her vagina with first two and then three fingers.

Abby is writhing on the chaise as wave after wave of pleasure consume her body, and suddenly she convulses with a wonderful orgasm that leaves her totally limp.

She gasps and gently pushes Michael away and both of the boys back off not quite sure what has happened.

Abby smiles at them.

“I hope that you forgive me, I don’t know what came over me, I owe you both so much for making me feel so wonderful.” As though suddenly aware of her nakedness she sits up and pulls the beach robe around her.

“Please come into the house, I want to talk to you.”

Jimmy and Michael, still in a state of great desire, follow her into the house.

She leads them through the bedroom, and into the bathroom.

“You have both worked hard all day, so let’s take a shower before we talk.” Abby dropped her robe and stepped into the huge shower that would easily accommodate 6 adults, turns on the water and smiling at them beckons them in They need no further prompting, quickly taking off shoes socks, jeans and underpants, and now their masculinity is there for Abby to see. They step into the shower and she hands them sponges and soap. The need no further directions as they begin the sudsing process on both themselves and Abby. She stands there luxuriating in the water, her arms over her head as Jimmy and Michael caress and lavish her body with their soapy hands, exploring every crack and crevice. Abby can’t resist the temptation to feel their manhood. With her eyes closed she can feel that Jimmy is quite thick, while Michael is more slender but long. She stands there with both of them in her hands, fondling them as they cover her body with their caresses and their probing finger, and suddenly both boys stop and clutch her as her fingers massage their swollen penises and they explode in sheer joy with the magic of what this incredible lady has brought to them on this fine June afternoon.

Stepping out of the shower, Abby throws each of them a bath towel and wraps one around her. Walking into the living room she sits down and crosses her legs, and smiles at them as they come in and sit, facing her.

“Please don’t think me a big tease, but I didn’t plan any of what just happened, it just – well it happened.” Jimmy and Michael nod in understanding waiting for her to continue.

“You both know that it could cost me my job if it ever came out, so I am hoping that you can keep it a secret between us. I have never done anything like this before and I am at a loss for words to explain my feelings. I know you both to be good students and very nice young men, and I would hope that you will promise me that you can keep a confidence.”

“No one will ever hear about it from me” said Michael. Jimmy nodded in agreement.

Then Jimmy spoke up, “Do you think we might see you again Miss Lincoln?”

There was a long pause as they waited for Abby to respond. “Would you like it to happen again?” she asked.

“Well I sure would.” said Jimmy, and Michael nodded.

“I think we need to think about this. Pack up your stuff and go home now and everything will look fine in the neighborhood. Then later on when it gets dark, come back if you have no other plans, and we can talk about what happened and what we should do. I would love to make love with you again but I want to know that we can all handle it.”

She looked at them.

Jimmy and Michael looked at each other, and Jimmy turned to her and said. “You’re right. We’ll come back after awhile.”

In a few minutes Abby heard the sound of the truck leaving and she went to the kitchen, poured a glass of white wine and sat meditating. She wondered if they would come back? She wondered if they would have to tell their friends about the great time they had at her home. Well the dye was cast and all she could do was see what the evening brought. But she knew that if they came back she must make sure that there were some things that must be discussed. She wanted them to come back, because her fantasy of making love with two beautiful young men had actually happened, and she didn’t want it to stop. Not only that, she craved taking them inside her. The orgasms that they had brought her to were not enough. She wouldn’t be satisfied until they filled her vagina with those gorgeous (and quite large) cocks.

As she thought about the events of the afternoon and played them again in her mind, she became quite flushed and was breathing rapidly when she remembered how she had felt with four hands moving all over her, and their lips kissing her repeatedly. Yes, she wanted to feel those wonderful feelings again.

A Very Clean Dirty Story


I hear the water running. Lying in bed half asleep I know that she is getting in the shower. I think about her, undressing in the other room. Pleasant thoughts fill my mind as I doze.

It’s been a few minutes now. I am still awake. Thinking of her, the hot steam filling the room keeps me awake. I roll myself out of bed and stretch. I open the door and walk in. Behind the cloudy windows I see her moving back and forth. I see her leg raised on the tile and give her another minute or two. She says hello. I answer back, “Take your time.”

I brush my teeth and think about her, I watch her in the reflection of the foggy mirror

I take off my shorts and slide the door open. Her head is under the water. Her hair, gleaming, almost black, is plastered against her arching back. Her naked form is thrust towards me. I step in.

She turns around and leans against me. She purrs as I reach out and touch her shoulders. Hot from the water. I feel her skin. Standing close behind her I fill my hands with the thick conditioner. I work Bodrum Escort it between my fingers and then work it into her hair. I massage her scalp. I hold her hair in my hands. It is warm and soft and wet. She purrs more as I work my fingers through her thick mane. She seems small pressed against me in the small shower. She takes her hair back away from me. Her hands hold it over her head as she lets the hot water roll down her breasts, her stomach and down her legs.

I find the body wash on the shelf. I’ve always loved the smell of her soap. I pour it over her shoulder, down her back, over her chest. I run my hands over her slick body. I press myself against her working the soap into a thick lather with the hair of my chest. She keeps her hands over her head; I keep my hands on her body, taking in every inch of her. I wrap my arms around her and take each full breast in a hand. I feel her, firm in my palms. I press myself against her, showing that I too have a definite interest. Her hands wander down her body, pushing Bodrum Escort the lather down. I feel her hands on mine, holding them to her breasts. She continues lower. My hands work over her body touching all of her, a little at a time. She purrs. I know that she is touching herself. I touch more of her. I hold her more firmly. She purrs louder and presses harder against me.

She turns around to me and leans her head back into the water flowing over her face, rinsing her hair. I watch the lather wash off of her body, over her hips, down her thighs. I hold myself close to her. I feel her body. She puts her arms around me, her hands on my ass. Pressing myself against her smooth stomach. I wipe the water away from her lips and kiss her.

She washes me now. I stand still and watch her hands at work on my chest, my back, my arms, my hard cock. She watches too, taking inventory of everything she has washed. Her face is serious but relaxed.

Taking her face in my hands I kiss her. We turn so that I can let Escort Bodrum the water rinse me. I hold her close and let the water rush over us both. It pools in the envelope made by her breasts pressed against me. I feel her body, she touches mine, we let the hot water run over us. I kiss her more deeply. My intensions growing. I want her. She wants to be wanted. I hold her. She wants to be held. She feels small when I wrap my arms around her, pulling her up. She presses a foot against the tile ledge and raises the other leg up my leg to my hip. I lift her to me and press her against the wall holding her in place. She whispers in my ear and I know that she is ready. Easily I move her over me and I slip inside of her. I feel her warm and tight around me. The water is washing over both of us, spraying in our faces and down our locked bodies. We hold our lips together as we move in a slow rhythm. As the pace builds she clenches to my chest. Her arms wrapped around me. My hands are on her ass, holding her in place, pressed against the wall.

It doesn’t take long to be over but we reach the end together. Panting and smiling she slides down the tile to the floor. I hold her and kiss her again. She moves back into the water.

“Go make me some breakfast.”

I comply, with a smile.

A Trip To Remember


the daydream beginning after.. Her thoughts began to race.. and ending with… Her own breath was quickening as his fingers inched closer and closer to her private region.

What the hell else could go wrong screamed through her mind as she glared blankly at her monitor? The mesmerizing starfield screen saver had replaced her charts but she continued to stare…

“Stephanie, Stephanie!” Marsha called out with a hand waving wilding in the air, “Over here! Over here!”

They agreed ahead of time that if they should get separated at the security check point they would just meet-up at the gate. With all the terrorist threats, security guards were no longer tolerant of people loitering in airline terminals.

Stephanie was slowly making her way through the oncoming tidal wave of passengers. She felt as if she were paddling against a raging tide with her carry-on reluctantly in tow.

“Where are all these crazy people coming from?” Stephanie asked with a frazzled look as she finally reached her friend and co-worker at the gate.

“Who knows? Who cares?” Marsha answered with a big toothy smile. “We’re out-of-here for seven days and I don’t wanna hear about work, home, kids or husbands. Deal?”

“Deal!” Stephanie answered with a wink.

“Good grief girl friend!” Marsha gasped looking to the large bag half-hidden behind Stephanie. “I thought we agreed to travel light?”

“Well, I have this one project I need to finish.” Stephanie confessed before lowering her head.

“NOOOOO!” Marsha screamed out with a reddening face.

A multitude of bodies turned towards them, including a security guard.

“What’s the problem here?” The muscular uniformed man demanded.

“Oh nothing.” Stephanie answered stepping in front of Marsha.

The crowd was dispersing as Stephanie over-flowed with information about their flight and eventual cruise out of Miami.

Marsha stood there in silence, angry at Stephanie for bringing work along on their much needed ‘girls only’ vacation.

Stephanie was still flirting with the handsome security guard when the flights pre-boarding was announced.

“Well, you two ladies have a safe flight and a great cruise.” The friendly guard said before turning to leave.

In all her excitement Stephanie had forgotten about her carry-on. When she turned to retrieve it, it was gone.

“Oh my God!” She screamed out. “Where’s my bag? My ID? My money?”

She and Marsha frantically surveyed the adjacent area but her carry-on was no where in sight.

Hurriedly the security guard wrote down all the information Stephanie could give him about her baggage including her phone number and address as the last boarding call was announced.

“Don’t worry Ma’am. Get on your plane. I’ll do what I can to locate your luggage. Here’s my card. Call me when you get back in town.” He said with a smile ushering Stephanie off.

She looked at the card while dashing toward the empty boarding area.

“Thank you Darnell!” Stephanie called back as the agent closed the door behind her.

Once on the plane Stephanie found Marsha half way down the aisle, seated on the left by the window. Lucky for them the middle seat in their row was vacant so they had some comfortable distance between them.

“Don’t say it Marsha!” Stephanie warned adding a nervous chuckle as she settled into her seat.

Marsha just grinned before turning to look out the window.

Little did Stephanie know… while she was flirting with the sexy security guard Marsha briefly slipped away with her carry-on, removing Stephanie’s ID and money before taking it to the desk asking to have it sent downstairs for Stephanie’s husband to retrieve later!

Nothing was going to spoil this vacation!

The short flight to Florida was uneventful. Marsha cuddled silently up to the window closing her eyes. Stephanie was quiet; upset at her baggage having been stolen and wondering if Marsha was still angry with her for trying to bring work on their vacation. The last thing she wanted to hear out of Marsha right now was, “That’s what you get for bringing it.”

It troubled Stephanie to think of her laptop with all the sensitive information on it in the hands of a stranger! She closed her eyes envisioning that handsome security guard as she clutched his card in her hand.

“Darnell…” whispered in her mind.

What a sexy name for one sexy guy. He could have been Denzel Washington’s twin. He looked just like him!

Her thoughts began to race…

Darnell was standing on her doorstep returning her carry-on.

“Oh you found it! How can I ever thank you? Come on in. You can leave it here in the foyer.” Stephanie said softly in her seductive voice while standing aside to allow him entry. “I can get it upstairs later.” She added coyly.

“Nonsense!” He insisted heading towards the staircase with her luggage in hand. “Just tell me where you want it and I’ll put it there.”

The muscles beneath his tight black shirt were bulging and his pants were snug showing off his pumped thighs.

Stephanie Erenköy Escort watched almost speechless as his nice round ass rocked from side to side in those snug jeans.

Darnell stopped at the base of the stairs turning as Stephanie almost collided into him.

“Where to Stephanie?” He asked with a grin.

Stephanie was melting inside as she stammered out a reply.

“Top of stairs… bedroom… on right.” She answered with a girlish giggle.

“Not a problem.” He sighed mounting the stairs two at a time like a flighty gazelle!

Stephanie scurried up the stairs trying to catch up.

Darnell was all the way inside her bedroom as she reached her doorway.

“Right here okay?” He asked setting down the bag as he looked around the room. “Your bedroom’s awesome.” He commented before looking to the corner seeing a bow flex machine. “You work-out Stephanie?” He asked with added enthusiasm.

“My hu… actually I just got it.” She corrected herself as her cheeks began to flush.

“They’re great! I have one myself.” He added walking towards it. “I’m actually a personal trainer and masseuse. I just took the security job at the airport while I build up my clientele.”

Stephanie could not believe her ears. Her Doctor recently suggested she find a good masseuse and personal trainer. Was this her lucky day or what?

“Let me give you a demonstration?” He asked guiding Stephanie over to her bed.

“What are you doing?” Stephanie demanded with nervous excitement.

“Well, whenever possible you should start with a good warm-up. Get those muscles limber. Let’s start with a massage.” He answered confidently.

Reluctantly Stephanie slid onto her stomach on the edge of the bed while her thoughts raced illicitly, envisioning him standing naked behind her. Her heart was pounding as his strong hands grasped her shoulders firmly.

An excited moan escaped her sealed lips as her eyes closed in anticipation.

Slowly he mulled the tense muscles across her shoulder blades.

“Relax this is supposed to feel good. You’re still all tense.” He leaned forward now whispering. “Just let go Baby. I promise I’ll make ya feel real good.”

Stephanie felt his warm breath on the nape of her neck and his hardness pressing into her outer thigh… before his talented fingers began working up and down her body.

Her sex was tingling as his strong hands massaged in and out, back and forth, up and down her legs. She could smell his faint manly scent as he worked up a sweat while his talented hands moved methodically over her quivering body. Her own breath was quickening as his fingers inched closer and closer to her private region.

A loud ‘ping’ startled Stephanie from her daydream.

“Please fasten your seatbelts, lock your trays and bring your seats to their upright positions. We will be landing in Fort Lauderdale shortly. Thank you.” sounded over the intercom.

Stephanie with a flushed face took a deep breath before following the attendant’s instructions.

Marsha was adjusting in her seat looking over to her friend. She really wanted to let Stephanie stew about her bag until they were out-to-sea but she knew Stephanie needed her paperwork to board the cruise ship…

“Enjoy the flight?” Marsha asked with her pixie grin.

Still in the thralls of arousal Stephanie answered with only a twisted smile.

By the time the two had disembarked Stephanie was once again agitated over her loss at Dulles Airport.

“Don’t even say it!” Stephanie warned again as they stepped onto the flat escalator in the terminal. She felt naked without her luggage.

Marsha was annoyed at Stephanie’s attitude but just smiled trying to prolong Stephanie’s punishment as long as possible.

When they reached the baggage claim area Stephanie’s cell phone began ringing while she plucked Marsha’s luggage off the carousel.

Marsha’s heart began pounding. She hoped it wasn’t Keith calling to ask why he was summoned to the airport for his wife’s carry-on!

Frowning Stephanie pulled the phone out of her jacket. Looking at the displayed number she sighed. “Already? What the hell does he want?” Groaning under her breath she just shut it off before tucking it back inside her pocket.

Marsha breathed a sigh of relief before thanking Stephanie for retrieving her luggage for her.

The short burly attendant, who had been standing close-by watching their every move, asked if they needed assistance.

“We’re going on the Carnival Cruise today.” Stephanie offered.

“Well then. Your shuttle is already waiting at the curb.” He answered while boldly loading their bags onto his flatbed cart.

The girls reluctantly walked behind the squatty porter, eyeing all the scurrying summer clad passengers in the terminal as they were led outside.

“I don’t have any money to tip him.” Stephanie whispered.

“Don’t worry I got it covered.”

They both watched as he clumsily loaded their luggage into the bus.

“Thank you.” Marsha said reluctantly placing a crumpled dollar bill Erenköy Escort Bayan in the guy’s open hand.

“Cheap broad,” He mumbled turning to leave.

“Next time ask, Asshole!” Marsha retorted with a satisfied expression.

Without looking back, the porter flipped the bird as he pushed his flatbed cart back inside the terminal!

“I can’t believe he did that!” Stephanie gasped.

“I’m over it!” Marsha laughed. “Let’s get our asses on that shuttle!”

The bus was full so the girl’s squeezed together onto the last available bench seat.

A disturbed expression washed over Stephanie’s paling face.

Marsha knew it was time. Reaching into her handbag she pulled out the envelope containing Stephanie’s ID, ship’s boarding pass and money.

Stephanie’s eyes widened as color flushed back into her cheeks.

“You Shit!” Stephanie sneered.

“I’m sorry Stephanie, but no way was I letting you ruin our trip by bringing work along!”

“But where’s my bag?” Stephanie asked with a twinkle in her eye.

“I asked the attendant at the boarding desk to call Keith to come pick it up.” Marsha answered proudly.

Breathing a sigh of mixed relief Stephanie suddenly flashed back to her little daydream of Darnell. “Too bad he won’t be coming to the house after all” she thought with disappointment.

“I don’t know if I should thank you or be pissed.” Stephanie grinned.

“Ya, I’m sorry I let you give your phone number and address to that security guard.”

“Hey, no big deal. Wasn’t he a looker? I’m sure he’s trustworthy!”

“Oh you are, are you? Well, you can never be too sure these days. Just because he could have passed for Denzel’s twin you trust him?” Marsha rebutted with a raised brow.

“Girlfriend, you read way too many suspense novels!” Stephanie answered with a grin.

They sat in their seats both relieved as the bus lunged away from the curb. The driver appeared to be in a hurry the way he dodged and swerved in and out of traffic. By the time they reached the dock their arms were tired and their hands were sore from holding onto the bar to brace themselves during the ride.

They didn’t relax until they were comfortably onboard ship, situated in their suite with all their luggage in sight.

With wide grins they both collapsed back onto their beds.

“We made it!” Stephanie chirped.

“Yip, seven days of freedom. I’m in heaven already!” Marsha sighed before taking in a deep breath.

“There will be a mandatory evacuation drill on the Promenade deck in fifteen minutes” blared over the loud speaker.

Stephanie slowly pushed up onto her elbows with a frustrated expression on her face. “I need a nap.” She sighed before collapsing back.

“What’s the matter Stephanie?” Marsha laughed. “They always do these drills first thing. Don’t you remember?”

The next few days were bliss. The girls slept in every morning, laid by the pool sipping on their umbrella’d drinks during the day and stayed up late every night; gambling, attending musical revues and even viewing a new movie release! The movie they should have avoided. It was a real steamy story which had Stephanie squirming in her seat fantasizing about Darnell again.

“I’ll run a hot shower for you Stephanie. Your first work-out went great! I’m really proud of ya girl!” Darnell called out.

Stephanie was slowly undressing as she sauntered towards the misty bathroom. To her surprise there was Darnell standing nude, facing the mirrored wall. A pleased expression covered his face as he flexed his muscles admiring his reflection in the clouding mirror.

Stephanie’s mouth began watering as her eyes surveyed his beautiful defined body. His gorgeous ebony skin with its mounts and valleys of firm toned flesh was driving her crazy!

With her work-out attire puddled at her feet she stepped out and over them through the doorway. Darnell felt the gush of air precede her and turned about.

Stephanie gasped at the sight of his bobbing erection. Her sex tingled as she imagined her nether lips hugging his thick shiny shaft.

“Like what you see Stephanie?” He whispered in a low sexy slur while walking slowly towards her until their naked bodies touched.

Electricity streaked through Stephanie’s quivering flesh as her jetting nipples gave way to her excitement!

A squeak escaped her lips as Darnell gently scooped his arms under her legs, lifting her off the floor carrying her over to the shower.

Stephanie could not believe this was happening.

Inside the shower Darnell dropped to his knees methodically soaping her body from neck to toe slowly lathering up and down, up and down…

“Relax Baby.” He whispered inching her beneath the cascading water.

“Ohhhh Darnell…” She gasped leaning back against the cold wet wall as his fingers lightly caressed her tingling petals.

With clasped hands she gently cupped his head for support. To her surprise he buried his face in her groin piercing his tongue inside her sweet garden. She moaned and arched Escort Erenköy as his slippery hands inched there way up to cup her breasts. She was tingling from head to toe as his tongue toyed with her sex.

“Ohhh Darrr nelllll…” Stephanie screamed out as the first wave of release swept through her.

“Shhhhhhhhh…!” Marsha whispered elbowing Stephanie in the side.

Stephanie’s eyes shot wide-open as she adjusted in her seat. Her face flushed with embarrassment. She was happy for the darkened hall.

By the forth day at sea Stephanie decided to phone home. To her surprise a stranger answered.

“Who is this?” She demanded.

“Who is this?” retorted back.

“This is my house.” She answered defiantly.

“Hello. This is my house…” echoed through the receiver.

Stephanie’s thoughts were racing wildly. Where was her husband, her daughter? Who was this and what were they doing in her house?

Seeing her distress Marsha asked, “What’s the matter Stephanie?”

Pressing her trembling hand over the receiver Stephanie stammered. “Someone’s in my house.”

With renewed composure Stephanie removed her hand and asked. “Where is Keith?”

“Keith who?”

“Keith, my husband!” She nearly screamed into the receiver.

With a laugh the person answered, “Lady, you got the wrong number.”

Stephanie sighed deeply, flipping her phone closed before breaking into laughter.

“What was that all about?” a confused Marsha asked.

“A wrong number.”

“And you accuse me of reading to much!” Marsha laughed. “I’m going to the pool. You going to be all right?” She asked grabbing her book off the bed on her way out.

“Yeah I’ll meet you there after I phone home.”

Marsha was lounging in the sun, peacefully reading when Stephanie finally joined her.

Stephanie was trembling and looked pale.

“Are you all right?” Marsha asked looking up.

Stephanie eased down onto the chaise lounge beside her before answering.

“You’re not going to believe this.” She whispered in a daze.

“Your house was robbed.” Marsha blurted out.

Stephanie’s mouth dropped open.

“I told you, you can’t trust anyone these days! Bet it was that security guard at the airport!”

“It couldn’t have been him!” Stephanie said defending her daydream lover.

“And why not?” Marsha prodded. “It’s to coincidental not to be. Just because he’s a hunk doesn’t mean he can’t be a thief too!”

Stephanie sat there in stunned silence not wanting to believe it could possibly be true.

Marsha put her book down and with closing eyes the girls eased back into their lounges before Stephanie expounded on the conversation she had with her husband.

“And when did this all happen?” Marsha asked.

“Monday night!” Stephanie answered.

“Well then, see? It could’ve been that airport guy.”

“I wish you’d stop saying that.” Stephanie whined thinking of all the sexual daydreams she’d been having about him. “Darnell wouldn’t do something like that!” She added in a raised voice.

“Did I hear my name?”

The girls’ eyes darted open to find a shadowed frame standing at the foot of their lounges! The afternoon sun radiating from behind him cast rays of light in every direction. All they could distinguish were the bulging muscles of a very well built male…

“Well, well. Isn’t this a surprise?” Darnell said flirtatiously.

Oh my God, how long has he been standing there screamed through Stephanie’s thoughts?

“How… Uhhhh… when… What are you doing here?” Stephanie stammered with embarrassment straightening up in her seat.

“I got a call from Carnival saying they needed a Trainer on the Paradise for the remainder of the season so I jumped at the opportunity! I came onboard at the last port! What a frigin fluke to find you here!” He answered with a wide grin.

Stephanie felt relieved but Marsha was silently calculating when he must have left Virginia.

“I need to get back to the gym.” He said nervously. “Why don’t you and your girlfriend drop by later?”

With a flirty smile Stephanie nodded yes before he turned sauntering off.

“Damn, doesn’t he have a nice ass?” Stephanie sighed while her eyes raped him.

“He must.” Marsha answered with a chuckle. “You haven’t stopped thinking about him since we left Dulles!”

Stephanie laughed settling back into her lounge chair, having forgotten all about the intruder back home. No belongings were reportedly taken; Marsha thought that was odd…

After several hours in the sun Marsha wanted a dip in the Jacuzzi and a short nap before dinner while Stephanie decided to check out the gym!

“Meet you later back in the cabin. Behave yourself.” Marsha teased as she left her seat heading for the pool.

Stephanie sat for a moment struggling with herself over whether or not to visit the gym. She didn’t care about exercising. It was the trainer she wanted to see or so she thought!

With renewed energy she sprang off her lounge letting out a loud squeal as a pinch in her lower back returned her to the cushion.

A passing deck waiter, seeing her distress suggested she visit the ship’s masseuse for relief.

“That’s a great idea.” Stephanie said appreciatively as he helped her to her feet. “I was going to schedule a massage while onboard anyway.”