Our traditional holiday season was well in progress. About 10 years ago, we purchased a few acres with a log house on a small lake about 60 miles northwest of the city as our weekend retreat. Landscape lighting served to create a mystical scene of snowflakes lazily falling to earth. We knew that in the morning our land will have been transferred into the incredible beauty of a winter wonderland by a foot of snow expected by the morning.
The last of our neighbors around the lake had just left after sharing a few bottles of my wife’s favorite Champagne. My bride of 24 years, Ali, had quietly walked upstairs while I brought some additional wood in from our deck to keep the fireplace well fed for the long, chilly night ahead. I was preparing the stage for our very own celebration of the season, placing two crystal Burgundy glasses on the side table, bracketing a breathing bottle of 2005 Clos des Lambrays. I had been lucky enough to have bought 4 cases shortly after our marriage. At that time we decided to have one bottle a year on Christmas Eve. Ali and I have a very happy marriage although not a totally traditional one.
We both shared a great enthusiasm for adventure and were determined to not let complacency and possessiveness destroy not only our great love but more importantly, our friendship. I know the last sentence seems preposterous, but that has made every day of 24 years a great adventure. Our fundamental guideline is to honor, respect, never hurt each other physically or verbally, and to share our wishes, thoughts and emotions.
White waiting for Ali to change and join me, I draped a blanket over the recliner love seat facing the fireplace, poured two glasses of wine and brought two plates of snacks from the kitchen. I inserted several CD’s featuring Andrew Lloyd Weber, Frank Sinatra, Nat “King” Cole, Andrea Bocelli and Ravel. Then I sat down, picked up the glass of wine, held it in such a way to see the fire flickering through the deep ruby color. I now emotionally was a child waiting to see what Santa had brought. My Christmas surprise could not come quickly enough.
I first heard the very faint noise as she stepped down the stairs, the whisper of her feet walking across the carpet. I closed my eyes to accentuate the very soft shuffling sounds and background music. Next came the faint headiness of the Chantecaille Frangipani perfume that she knew was my all-time favorite. I knew there were only four drops of perfume on her body, one below each breast and on in each crease formed where her thighs joined her torso. She paused behind the chair to allow an elevation of the suspense. This moment, entrenched in our intimate tradition was one I anticipated more than any moment in the year. What had she chosen to wear? Every year is a treat from totally nude to an elaborate gown with absolutely nothing but ribbons holding in together while leaving her completely nude from behind.
This year the view was a sensual as it gets. From her neck down she wore a very tight, very elastic, black body stocking that hid nothing but created the mystery and mystique of the most erotic painting imaginable. Her perfect small breasts stood firm within the deep shadowy confines. Her hardened nipples, either from the excitement of anticipation or the chill of the air created micro-mountains just waiting to be encased in my mouth. Her stomach, unlike most women her age was still firm with gentle curves that converged at her pussy which was covered by the most glistening, soft cushion of black hair. Every aspect of sexuality and sensuality was on display yet hidden. Her glistening black hair was uniquely coiffed for her, the left side trimmed and straight to her jawbone, the right side to below her shoulders, totally stunning and achingly erotic. A bright red lipstick with matching finger and toe nails seemed to elevate the room temperature at least five degrees.
Ali had indulged one of my many whims. She had a few strands of hair on her temples that had just started showing a bit of gray at the roots. I had asked her to wait a few days before getting them dyed, not because I wanted to make her feel older, but to allow both of us to reflect on the nearly umraniyekadin.com 3 decades of friendship, then passion, then deep, never-ending love.
She sat down on my left, accepted the glass of wine and leaned back into the cushion. She lifted he feet to the footrest then casually parted her legs. I turned to her, put my left arm behind her shoulders and gently placed my right hand where it needs to be several times a day, cupping her pussy, not as if I am pronouncing my ownership or groping but restating my adulation of her and what she and he body means to me. She wiggles to get more comfortable, spreads her legs a bit more to allow me to feel her heat and softness. Now we pull the cover up, toast each other and reflect on the past year any other events. After a few sips and several kisses, she moves closer reciprocates with her left hand and we talk and most importantly share our feelings.
“You never cease to amaze me. it’s like every day is our first. I am the luckiest guy on earth.” I whisper.
She turns her head, smiles, takes another sip of wine and deliberately sticks her tongue out a bit, to caress her lips, as if she is capturing every tiny nuance of flavor from the wine. She watches my face intently to see my eyes follow every minute motion as her tongue leaves a glimmering residue of saliva. I lean forward and gently pull her lower lip into my mouth and repeat her motion, tasting every square millimeter of her lip. I repeat the motion on her top lip and go back to re-taste her bottom lip. Her eyes seem to light up even more, with a tiny crinkle of skin in the corner of each eye.
After a pause, “You have caused a problem” I continue.
“What’s that?” Ali whispers, knowing that I was totally engorged and aching almost in pain but overwhelmed in anticipation. Looking into her eyes we both feel the heat in the room seem to elevate another five degrees.
Silence reigns as Ali gently strokes me, then removes her hand, lifts it to her mouth and very slowly licks every finger until there is a glistening wetness on each one. She returns her hand to my lap, but only uses her finger tips to lightly stroke the head. After a few minutes, I get up from the chair, get down on my knees, and slowly crawl to her. I put my head at the top of her left thigh and begin breathing very slow as her own, natural, odors of sensuality framed the hedonistic fragrance of the perfume. My arousal is almost overwhelming.
Now the fun begins. I remove the cover, fold it several times to form a mattress on the floor closer to the fire. I stand, reach out to Ali, pull her until she is standing, then draw her closer to me, embrace her in a gentle hug, my face in her hair, my senses on full alert. A finger gently under her chin tilt her head up so I can give her a long, gentle kiss. I slowly reach behind her and star pulling the body stocking down. First her neck, then her upper torso, her arms, the breasts come into unfettered view. After her arms are free I pause, embrace her followed by another long gentle kiss with more sensual tasting of her lips. I step behind her allowing her to bask in the light and heat from the fire. I gently cup her breasts. Next comes many gentle kisses behind her ears, her neck, shoulders and the top of her spine. Then I kneel behind her, pull the body stocking down until the beginning of the divide in her hips is visible and pull it off both of her arms.
I lean forward, stick my tongue out and barely touch the top of her crease. Slowly I draw it upwards. Although she is silent I see the goose bumps rising on her back and neck. When I reach the top of her spine, I stop licking, wrap her in my arms , gently lower her to the blanket. I then place a pillow under her head, grasp the body stocking and completely remove it from her body.
Although I have seen her thousands of times, I am still in awe of her beauty. The flickering fire creates a never-ending light show starring her. The radiant shimmering of her hair is complemented by the glistening hair of her pubic mound. Now her sensual aromas start to dominate the perfume. I lean forward, immerse my face in her hair, stick my tongue out and gently lick her slightly distended slit and flick my tongue where I know her clitoris will soon be emerging in all its glory.
Words have not been needed, the music in the background and the heightened senses of both of us make talking unnecessary. I quietly whisper to her “please turn over and lay on your stomach.”
She complies and spreads her legs allowing displaying her vagina and the deep pink of her rosebud. I reach for the bottle of her favorite massage oil and place a bit on her back. Ali shivers slightly as the coolness of the oil touches her skin. I quickly set the oil aside and start gently rubbing the oil n her back. As I spread the oil, her back starts to reflect the fire and the image grows like the dawn of a beautiful clear morning at sunrise. After her back is glistening I move to her feet and slowly caress each, first with my tongue followed by my fingers with the oil. I have to slow to repeat my licking and massaging on the soles of her feet.
I now sense she is nearly as excited as I am, but I am far from finished. I continue to slowly work up her legs until she is glistening everywhere but her cheeks. Now it’s my turn to get even for her earlier sensual torture. I reach under the love seat to retrieve the two macaw tail feathers I had hidden in anticipation of this moment. I have a feather in each hand. After almost a minute of doing nothing, I place the tip of the feather, barely touching her neck at the hairline and slowly draw it down her spine until I reach the beginning of her divide. I retrace the movement back to the neck and down, not stopping until the tip is touching the rosebud. I tease her for nearly a minute when she loses a bit of control and lifts her hips and opens her legs further allowing a great view of her vagina opening and closing. I also see droplets of her essence glistening in the firelight as her lips become engorged and open revealing her pink inner folds.
I pause change my position a bit which allows me to place a hand on each side of her. I lean forward very slowly so we can both savor the moment when my tongue tip touches and gently enters her anus. I love hearing the long anticipated groan coming from her as her senses immediately enter overload. I quickly pull her to the doggy position with her hips high, her legs parted showing everything and her head buried in the pillow. I lower my head slightly put one hand on each hip, spread her cheeks as wide as possible without causing pain, lean forward place my tongue touching the nubbin of her clitoris and lick upward, probing and tasting ever possible surface of her vulva, lick all the way to her anus. I continue to lick and accelerate the pace until she shudders, moans, vibrates, ejaculates and collapses while still twitching in the throes of her first orgasm of the evening.
I curl up behind her in the spoon position , pull the covers over us and shut my eyes to join her a nap by the fire. I am so incredibly happy that what I have lost in youthful stamina I have more than gained by knowing how to keep the most beautiful, loving woman in the world happy all the time.
Even though age is inevitable, maturity, imagination, love and confidence can keep every day exciting and full of surprises as long trust and love are paramount.
After an hour or three, I don’t know, I slowly wake up. My left hand is cupping her breast, her nipple is soft and totally relaxed. My cock is only slightly enlarged although it is captured between her thighs, its tip encased in her mound. I feel heat and wetness as her pussy is oozing a bit of her essence. Her aromas are starting to dominate as my senses are absorbing all of the my eyes scan the entirety of her body. I craw and turn until my knees are between her legs. I press forward until my eyes and nose are within the soft, glistening hair hiding her slit. She is so irresistible now relaxed and slowing waking in anticipation of round two. I lean forward, my neck rigid my head above her so as to not press on her. my senses are in heightened alert as her odor and fluid emissions elevate. I lean forward and insert my tongue as far as I can and slowly start licking so I can taste her completely. She starts rolling her hips as if she thinks my tongue is my cock and she wants it to fuck her deeply.
I stop, not trying to tease her but to move to the next state, a position and technique I have only experienced once before, many years ago. Eerily, the lady, looked very much like her, slim with almost iridescent black hair, with a very thick black mound of hair hiding her treasure. I gently pull Ali to her feet, and totally, almost possessively embrace her. She turns her face to the side, sighs and whispers “I love you even more now than ever.” I draw in a breath hug her closer as if I am shielding her from the chill of winter. As I hug her, I feel my eyes water a bit with tears of love and joy.
Ali I sit in the recliner, my hips extended with my feet on the floor bracing for the much-anticipated weight as she straddles me.
Ali grasps my now turgid cock points it up and aims it at her very warm, very wet and slightly distended pussy. First the head disappears, then slowing the rest is absorbed within her silky depths. I sit up, put my arms around her look into her opal-like hazel eyes. We sit silently staring into each other’s eyes, my hands gently caress her silky back warmed by the radiant heat of the fireplace. The CD changer clicks and the first whispering notes of Ravel’s Bolero eerily cover the slight rustling noise of the trees as the wind picks up and the snow intensifies. I pull her closer, her now turgid nipples engage my chest. She licks her lips in anticipation as our lips slowly approach and engage. Our mouths open slightly in anticipation as our tongues start their own ballet of love. They touch slightly, almost as if they were two boxers carefully measuring the reach and power of the opponent. However the tongues were preparing their own ballet as they prepare to mimic the building crescendo of “Bolero.”
If there were an audience, it would be disappointed because there are no thrusting genitals pounding away at each other accompanied by a cacophony of moans, grunts and screams. All is silent as two long-time lovers play out their nearly unique concert of love.
I am so blessed that Ali has developed and trained through years of exercise her vaginal muscles to grasp, undulate and milk my cock in a way that surpasses the best fellatio skills. She continues to serenely milk me while slowly intensifying the constrictions in concert with the ever-increasing crescendo of Ravel’s masterpiece. At the peak of the thundering orchestra, I shudder as my whole body and soul feels absorbed by her fiery depths. To quench the fires I explode in waves as I fill her with what feels likes gallons of cum. We cling to each other in total relaxation, contentment and love. I lean backward into a supine position with my legs acting like the legs of the chair. Ali follows me to a horizontal position, my arms encasing her protectively. I reach down, pull the blanket up to cover us and we settle in for another short winter’s nap. I don’t know if we have dozed for minutes or seconds. I feel my flaccid cock slip out of her drenched pussy, my cum encasing both of our organs and her pubic mound.
Wow!! as much as the sex act itself, I love our next ritual even more. This actually started many years earlier the first night in Germany after we had been apart for nearly three weeks. And it is not limited to any particular variation of lovemaking. I reach for the conveniently placed towel that has been gently warmed by the radiating heat from the fireplace. I gently pick her up and carefully adjust her so she is reclining with her legs slightly elevated, her pussy lips almost glowing red and still engorged. Her hair is glistening with patches of cum coating her mound while a flow of sperm continues to ooze from within. I go to the washroom turn the hot water on, wet and wring a washcloth until it is very hot. I wring the excess water until the hot cloth is more than damp but not dripping. I grasp a second wash cloth and return to her. I kneel almost as if I was praying at her throne. I gently wash her hair and very gently I reverently wash her lips. The piece de resistance finally arrives as I gently and slowly lean into her and kiss her pussy.
Now the evening is almost complete. I pick her up and carry her to bed. The perfect Christmas for both of us.
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