She opened the coffee shop door and recognized him right away. He was sitting at a round table with club chairs; the table she and her friend usually sat at when they came for coffee here. She suddenly became very self-aware; every wrinkle in her skirt, the unruly hair at the crown of her heard that stuck straight up when she straightened her hair, the slight limp she had. She had half a mind to run back out the door but she needed to touch him, even just once.
They’d been talking for months, via text, Skype and KiK. What started as a simple joke and a bet in a kink flavoured chat room had morphed into something else entirely. A flirt, a message, online music lessons. But he always returned to their first conversation about deep throating and music theory.
He’d flown out to Edmonton specifically to meet her — they pretended it was over the bet made in the beginning that he could stump her with reading music. He didn’t stump her, she actually read music better than he did, but she faked a few answers to see if he’d really make the more than 2000 km trip from Toronto to meet her.
He stood as she got nearer the table. He nervously ran his hand through his hair, something he’d done from the first moment they spoke on camera. She smiled.
“Your smile lights up the room, Clarissa.” He said as he stepped toward her.
She extended her hand.
“Really? A handshake?” he took her hand and pulled her toward him and wrapped her in his arms. “I think we passed handshakes on our second Skype call.” He kissed the top of her head. “I’m glad to meet you, Princess.”
He felt so good; he smelled even better and was one of the most beautiful people she’d ever seen.
“Your smile lights up the room too, John.” She wondered if she should let go. She didn’t want to seem clingy but she liked being right where she was.
“Come, lets get that coffee you owe me.” He released her and she felt absorbed by him. He slipped his hand into hers and led her toward the front of the shop.
He led her with grace and ease; he claimed to be shy and not confident but he didn’t act that way. Remembering what she liked, he ordered for them both and he stood back when the barista announced the total. She started laughing.
“What? I said you’d owe me a coffee if you didn’t get all the theory questions right. You got five wrong!” he smiled
She tapped her card on the bank machine, “did it occur to you that I might have thrown that test so I could take you for coffee?” she smiled.
He mocked shock, “What! I flew 2603 kilometers to teach you!” he smiled at her.
She punched his arm. He raised an eyebrow.
He took their coffees back to the table and he set them down, “Wait.” He touched her arm, “before you sit.” She looked at him and he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her tight against him, “really? Making me wait.” He lowered his mouth over hers.
Her knees went weak and her heart raced. The kiss was quick by first kiss standards but it was probably just as well, he left her breathless and speechless.
“Sit.” He helped her into the chair, “silly girl. Going all weak for Daddy.”
“John!” she hissed under her breath, “quiet! Someone will hear you!”
“Are you embarrassed by your Daddy, Princess?” he sing-songed.
Her eyes grew wide.
“Shush.” He winked at her, “no one is listening, Clarissa. I’m teasing you, sweety.”
She stared at him for a moment longer than she knew he was comfortable with.
“What!” he exclaimed, as he always did when she did that, “Don’t you dare tell me I’m cute or I will make sure someone hears me.” He grinned.
“I love your smile, John.” She smiled in spite of herself.
He looked at her, “I’m letting you get away with this now but…” she opened her mouth to say something smart. “You sure about that, Princess?”
She closed her mouth.
“I thought not. Now drink your coffee. Daddy thinks you’ve earned a spanking; and within the first five minutes of meeting me. Silly girl.” His dark brown eyes stole her soul.
She looked at her feet.
“Clarissa.” He said.
She knew this game.
“Princess.” She looked up, but not quite at his eyes.
“Look at Daddy.” She met his gaze. “Go to the bathroom and bring back your panties, in your hand, not in a pocket and slip them into my bag. I’m taking them home so I hope you did bring your favourite pair, like you promised.”
She slipped out of her chair and went to the washroom. He was pushing her; he knew she had said she wouldn’t do this for him yet here she was, walking to the bathroom to take off and give her favourite pair to panties to a stranger. But he wasn’t a stranger, not really. Clarissa had shared more pictures, videos and intimate discussions about herself with John than she bedava bahis had during her marriage. Although they’d only just met, she felt so connected to him. He stripped away her insecurities and built her back up.
She returned to the table a few moments later, panties in hand. She discreetly knelt down beside his chair and placed them in the front compartment of his backpack. She said nothing and silently slipped back into the seat.
“I’m pleased you did that for me. I know it wasn’t something you’re comfortable with. Do you like it when Daddy pushes you?” he reached out and touched her chin. “I’m going to push you more today. You know your word, right?” She nodded. “Good and you know my wanting you to call me Daddy is because, I want to care for you and nurture you, not because.”
“I know.” She replied.
“Good. Finish up. I know you’ve only got a few hours today. Daddy sure wishes you could spend the night.” He added.
Truth was, Clarissa made plans specifically so she wouldn’t have to spend the night if she didn’t want to. He seemed normal and fun and she adored him, but she also didn’t want to be stuck if it wasn’t the great connection.
The quickly finished the coffees and went out to the parking lot.
“May I drive?” he asked her, having taken a cab from his hotel to the coffee shop.
“No.. I’m not comfortable with that.” She looked at him sideways.
They got in the car and made the 15 minute trip the hotel. They rode in silence, which struck Clarissa as odd, they never had silence when they spoke on Skype or when they texted. She chalked it up to nerves on both their parts. Once they finally got into the underground parkade, John told her to wait once parked and he came around and opened the door for her and extended his hand.
She took his outstretched and walked with him to the elevator. “Clarissa, when we get to my room, you are to go into the bedroom, disrobe and but on what is laid out on the bed. I expect you to fold your clothes nearly and place them on the chair. I then want you to kneel on the floor at the foot of the far bed. Do you understand?”
She nodded.
They entered his room; it smelled like jasmine and sandlewood. Very heady and she thought it smelled oddly what she pictured submission to smell like. She smiled and hurried over to where he had told her to go. She stripped down and folded her skirt and top and placed it on the chair.
He sat quietly in a chair in the opposite corner, watching her.
On the bed, he’d laid out a beautiful purple sheer baby doll with black ruffled butt panties. She smiled. He’d asked her to paint her nails purple just that morning. She turned to him and although he was in shadow, she could see him smiling. She quickly changed and kneeled down.
“Such a good girl. Daddy likes it when you listen… But my girl hasn’t always listened, has she Clarissa?” he asked.
She knew what he was speaking of; she had a tendency to be a bit lippy, a huge flirt and she teased him more often than she should. Clarissa knew the flirting and being lippy were what she was punished for. He always told her ‘I’m going to have to spank you for that,’ when she ran her mouth.
“Up. Come sit on Daddy’s knee. I need to drink you in, little one.”
He looked so inviting sitting in the chair, blue jeans and a tshirt but it was him that cause her heart to flutter. She sat on his knee, balancing her weight.
“Sit, Clarissa. Properly.” He asked her.
“I don’t want to squ…” he cut her off.
“No. Up and bend over my knee.” He took her waist and managed to turn her over.
He swiftly pulled down her panties and delivered 5 firm smacks to her ass.
“What do good girls say, Clarissa?” he asked as he slapped her ass the sixth time.
“Thank you, Daddy.” She replied.
His hand came down again.
“Thank you, Daddy.” Clarissa repeated.
Again, four more times his hand came down firmly on her ass and she thanked him each time. Her bum was sore but she knew he went easy on her since it was their first time doing impact play together. He rubbed her butt gently and praised her.
“You took that so well, sweetheart. I’m proud of you! Now I’d like your mouth on mine.” He stretched out his hand and helped her to her feet. “Sit on my lap and kiss me.”
She straddled his lap and their mouths met. His hands threaded through her hair and he pulled her head back and drove his mouth deeper onto hers. His tongue probed her mouth, then his teeth bit her lip. She melted into him just a bit.
He pulled away, “as much as I want to linger and absorb you, I know your time today is limited. I don’t like having limits placed upon me. It is my job to limit you.” He stroked her face, “I was so hoping you…”
She casino siteleri cut him off and put her mouth on his and bit his lip and sucked it into her mouth. “Daddy…” she whispered breathlessly, “I can stay if you want me to. All night.” She put her mouth back on to his and kissed him hard.
He pulled her hair hard, forcing her neck back, exposing it to him. He lunged in and bit her hard, his hand found its way around his throat and closed tightly. “Little girl,” he hissed, “don’t piss Daddy off. It’s your job to always be straight with me.” He relaxed his grip and met her eyes, “but I understand. Just know for future, alright?”
He stood, holding her. “Don’t struggle or I’ll drop you.” He laughed softly as he carried her to the bed. “You knew all along you could stay, didn’t you, my little princess..” he kissed her and laid her down on the bed. He stood.
“Undress. I don’t like games, Clarissa.” His voice was stern but his eyes were kind.
She slipped the babydoll off and laid it at the foot of the bed.
“Put your arms above your head.” He ordered. She complied and he zip tied her wrists together. He pulled it tight, but not too tight. He wanted her restrained, not hurt. He looked over her body. On the side table, he picked up the set of nipple clamps he’d purchased earlier that afternoon. He touched her breast and she flinched and looked at him.
Her eyes took his breath away. So he laid down the clamps and picked up the blind fold he’d purchased. He knew she’d focus better if he reduced some of her senses (and so would he if he didn’t see her eyes). He helped her sit up and blindfolded her.
“I won’t use a gag because I need to hear if I’m pushing too much. Remember your safe word?” he smiled at her, even if she couldn’t see him.
“Tomato.” She giggled. He’d picked it because she’d expressed her dislike for tomatoes shortly after they started talking.
“Good girl.” He said as he guided her back into a prone position were he quickly attached the clamps. She moaned.
He slapped her.
“Shush, girl. I want you to be quiet. Be as quiet as you can.”
She whimpered quietly.
“Clarissa.” His tone indicated to her she needed to work harder at silence.
He slipped his belt out of his pants. Fresh and new, it had a good bite to it. He slapped her thigh with it.
Clarissa yelped. He hit her again. She let a small ‘Ooo’ escape her lips. He struck her again; this time, she was silent. “Roll onto your stomach.” He commanded.
She obeyed, even thought she was apprehensive. She liked pain but that belt hurt.
Now prone, bound and helpless, she heard John draw in a breath, “you look amazing like that, little one.” He bent over and kissed the small of her back. He tugged the ruffled panties down, over her hips and off. His hand went to her bottom and he rubbed it softly before it slipped lower, parting her thighs slightly so he could touch her.
She moaned softly and squirmed under his touch.
“Oh, my sweet girl… You’re very wet. Has Daddy woken up his princess?” he slid one finger inside her, paused and slipped in another. “Spread your legs for me, kitten.” He knelt on the bed beside her and rested the belt beside her and put his hand on her waist. Clarissa parted her legs slightly, revealing just a bit more. “Pretty girl, show Daddy a little more.”
She obliged his request and parted her legs further. He withdrew his fingers and caressed her thigh, leaving a slippery shiny trail from her own wetness. He moved his hand up the opposite thigh, his index finger traced her labia and found its way to her clit. He rubbed it slowly with light pressure and inserted his middle finger inside her..
Her body responded to his touch, her pussy contracted, grabbing his finger tightly.
She shifted slightly. “You like that, kitten?” he wiggled his finger and rubbed her clit more firmly. He withdrew his hand and slapped her ass, hard.
She yelped briefly before stifling it. “That’s right. Not a sound until I give you reason to make sound.”
He wanted to be rough with her, slap her around some and fuck her hard. He also wanted to be gentle with her and caress each moment.
He was conflicted.
“Up, off the bed and onto your knees.”
She rolled awkwardly onto her back. He liked watching her struggle. His instinct was to reach out and help her but he knew she was proud and would be upset if she thought he felt her incapable. So he stood and watched as she righted herself, found the edge of the bed and crawled off, hands still bound, and got onto her knees.
“Come closer.” He ordered and took a step back. “Another.” He ordered and she obeyed. “One more.” He said and again, she complied. He took three steps back to her and forced himself bahis siteleri inside her mouth. He moaned in spite of himself. He’d imagined this moment for months and now that it was happening…
She wondered if he liked what she was doing, he seemed to respond to her touch and to her mouth and then he shifted his weight and almost backed away.
“Slow down, sweetie.” He petted her head. “You’ll make Daddy blow his load far too soon.” He tried focus on the curve of her back and less on her mouth.
Her momentum was building and he knew if he didn’t stop her, he’d crescendo long before he’d even warmed her up. But her mouth felt so good.
He took her head in his hands, lacing her hair through his fingers. He couldn’t see her eyes (which helped, he knew if he saw her eyes, he didn’t stand a chance) but he knew she was looking up at him. He held her head still. Allowing himself to calm his arousal momentarily. He needed to take her mouth.
“Baby girl, I’m going to use your mouth. Normally, I wouldn’t warn you, but I’m feeling several months of pent up sexual energy and if I get too aggressive, you need to squeeze my leg three times. Can you do that now to make sure you can with your hands bound.” He held himself inside her mouth.
She squeezed his right calf three times.
“Good. Now, don’t be afraid to use that. I’m pleased with you already, I don’t want to hurt my little china doll. So steady yourself, my sweet princess.”
He held still a moment more before he slipped himself out of her mouth, allowing her tongue to tease the underside of his cock. He shuddered.
With his hands firmly in here hair, he pulled her deeply onto his cock and held her there. Her mouth pulsated on him, she swallowed, which created the most unusual sensation. He relaxed his grip and slid her mouth off as she continued to suck. When only the head of his cock remained in her mouth, he forced his cock back down her throat and thrusted in and out of her mouth until he felt a drip of her spit hit his thigh. He pulled her on tightly and held her there.
She bucked against him and struggled but didn’t squeeze his leg. Just as he felt her started to relax, to go limp, he yanked her head off and quickly administered a slap. She popped her head back up and with his left hand still wound in her hair, he slipped himself back into her mouth and continued to fuck her throat.
Gurgling and gagging slightly, he looked down at her and was tempted to choke her again but instead decided to stop. He withdrew and knelt down with her. He removed her blindfold, her eyes fluttered from the light and he touched her cheek.
“Are you okay, Princess?” he kissed her nose. He reached behind her and released the zip tie.
“More, Daddy? Please?”
“Such a good girl, my baby, is.” He kissed her forehead once more before standing up. “I want to see your eyes, though.”
She looked up at him, her green eyes sparkling. A sly smile crossed her face as she opened her mouth to receive him.
His body shivered at her look; he touched her cheek. “Oh, I’m going to like breaking you, my sweet girl.”
He entered her mouth once more, her bright eyes wide. She looked exquisite on her knees and that alone drove him to use her mouth harder. He placed his hands aside her head and stroked her cheek with his thumbs. He let the fingers of his left hand drape under her chin and he cupped her face and squeezed.
This caught Clarissa off guard, his hold was tight and it hurt her. He squeezed and pulled her mouth slack. She couldn’t suck properly with him doing it but he seemed not to mind. He continued thrusting into her mouth, his eyes closed as his rhythm built.
He abruptly stopped, withdrew and slapped her across the mouth. She recoiled at the hit. It took her by surprise. When she met his gaze, his eyes were cold and expressionless. A quick wink and she knew he was still with her. She smiled in spite of herself to which he responded with another slap across her face. John grabbed a fist full of her hair and yanked her to her feet. This too hurt and she put her hand to her head to try and brace the pulling.
He grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her back, “such a naughty girl. You’re smart, I know it won’t take you long to figure out what Daddy likes and what he doesn’t like. Don’t disappoint me now.”
She forced herself to relax and as he felt her muscles lose tension, he released her arm. She let it hang limply at her side and fought the urge to rub her shoulder. He let go of her hair and crossed his arms.
Clarissa worried she’d displeased him, her stomach flip-flopped. She knit her brow and was trying to think a way out of upsetting him.
He reached out and touched her shoulder, “come here.” She stepped toward him, their bodies centimetres apart. “I’m going to blindfold you again and I want you on all fours on the bed. I’m going to teach you what Daddy likes. You told me you wanted to learn all about my perversions, little girl, so now it’s time to start learning.”
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