Uncle Kurt Pt. 02


Editor’s note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.


I awoke to the near deafening sound of rain falling on the tin roof. I was alone in bed, but not alone in the house. I could smell something cooking and sat up in bed, wondering where Kurt found food to cook. Was that bacon? Getting out of bed, I walked into the kitchen and looked on as Kurt worked on making scrambled eggs. My presence startled him, and he spun to look at me with a jerk.

“Oh, good morning, sleepy head,” he smiled, “I thought you might want something other than corn flakes for breakfast, so I picked up a few supplies at the convenience store.”

“Smells delicious,” I commented as I made my way to the tiny two person table that sat against a wall, “Did you sleep well?” I was baiting him, hoping he would reveal if he had awakened to find his nephew sucking his dick.

“Yeah,” he answered nonchalantly, spooning eggs onto a plate, “I had a rough day at work yesterday. Of course, it was a longer than usual week. I don’t normally work Saturdays, but since I need Monday off to register you into school, I swapped days with one of the guys.”

“Oh, I see.” So, he was legitimately exhausted last night. I could breathe easier knowing that I chose the perfect night to make my move. Of course, if I hadn’t been perving on my uncle, it wouldn’t be an issue now.

Kurt sat across from me, offering me a plate of eggs. I loaded up on bacon and toast and got to making an egg and bacon sandwich. Kurt laughed at me.

“What?” I asked with a mouth full of food.

“Aside from a bowl of cornflakes, you’ve eaten nothing but sandwiches of one kind or another since you got here.”

“Anything that doesn’t have bones in it makes a sandwich,” I told him defiantly. He laughed again and raised his hands in surrender.

We ate our meal in virtual silence, broken only with Kurt telling me that he had already showered, and as soon as I was ready, we would go do the grocery shopping. After finishing my breakfast, I hurried into the bathroom and got busy preparing for the day. Kurt offered me a raincoat, but I pulled out my own, and we set off to a nearby town with a grocery store.

The wind was icy cold, and the rain assaulted us on our way out to the truck. On the drive, the rain alternated between sprinkles and downpours until we arrived at the store. It didn’t take me long before I realized how lost I was in his world, where you had to travel thirty minutes to find any real semblance of civilization. I was totally out of my element.

In the store, Kurt browsed the meat section, determined to fill the deep freeze out on the back porch with the washer and dryer. I noticed it, but I didn’t take much stock of it when I discovered it was empty. Kurt told me that he bought it after one of the guys he worked for gifted him with deer meat acquired after a successful hunt. While he loaded the cart with various cuts of meat, I worked my way up and down the aisles, fulfilling the rest of my list. Before it was over, we had two baskets full of food.

Standing in line, I worried that we went overboard with our shopping. I looked ağrı escort at the carts and tried to find things we could do without.

“What are you doing?” Kurt asked, annoyance in his voice.

“This is too much,” I told him, “It’s going to cost a fortune.”

“I may not be a rich man, Parker, but I’ve lived alone for a long time, and I own my land outright. I’m not hurting for cash.”

I settled down and started piling our finds on the conveyer belt without another thought. Kurt watched, moving the empty baskets to the front to be loaded again with bagged groceries. Once he paid for everything, we set out for the truck to load them into the back.

“I don’t know about you,” Kurt said as we climbed back into the truck, grateful that the rain had subsided, “But I’m hungry again.” I was surprised, but realized it was already lunch time. “What do you say we head over to Whataburger for some grub?”

“I could go for a burger,” I smiled.

“Of course, you could,” Kurt laughed.

At the Whataburger, we placed our orders, then sat down to eat. As I was finishing my French fries, Kurt got up and walked back to the counter. When he returned, he was holding a small glass, which he set in front of me.

“Drink it,” he ordered.

“What is it?” I asked, eyeing it suspiciously.

“It’s a vanilla milkshake.”

“I prefer chocolate.”

“Just drink it,” he ordered again.

A Whataburger milkshake is basically soft serve ice cream in a glass. It took some effort to suck the thick, creamy concoction through the straw, but I eventually succeeded.

“Next time you suck my dick, suck it the way your sucking on that straw,” Kurt instructed.

He knew! I must have turned three shades of red from embarrassment. I just sat there, staring at him, unable to think of anything to say.

“You were awake!” I eventually said.

“Of course, I was,” Kurt laughed, “Did you really think I wouldn’t notice someone sucking my dick?”

“But you didn’t say anything.”

“I was afraid that if I did you would stop. It’s been a long time since I had sex with anyone, and I wasn’t going to blow it on principle.”

“I’m so sorry,” I stuttered, “It’ll never happen again.”

“Now, I hope that isn’t true, but if it is, I’m fine with that.”

“But you’re my uncle,” I protested, “It’s wrong.”

“The same people who say that also think your being gay is wrong. Besides, it’s not like I’m going to get you pregnant. That’s what they’re really worried about. Now, drink your milkshake. You need the practice.”

I continued drinking my lesson in cock sucking, memorizing the intensity of suction that was required to consume the milk shake. Once I hit the bottom of the glass, I came to the conclusion that I had been sucking dick all wrong. I vowed then and there to do better, if I ever had the chance to suck off my uncle again.

It started raining again on the way back home, and by the time we got the groceries inside, we were both soaked to the bone. Leaving the groceries on the table and countertops, we both went into the bedroom to change out of our wet clothes. aksaray escort Kurt caught me checking out his big cock.

“It’s just a dick, Parker.”

“No, it’s a really big dick,” I corrected him, “I should know, I’ve inspected it up close.”

“Looks like you’re nicely hung yourself,” he commented, closing the distance between us to take my dick in hand, “How big are you?”

“I’m eight inches,” I said proudly.

“See, I’m only two inches larger than you are,” he pointed out, “Two inches isn’t such a big deal, is it?”

“I guess not,” I said, considering what he meant, “But ten inches is.”

Kurt laughed and threw up his hands in frustration, giving up on his argument. I gave his cock a couple of tugs and he pulled my hand off it.

“Not now, kiddo, we have work to do.” I moaned my disappointment. “I promise to make it up to you later.”

With his promise in mind, I dressed in warm clothes and put our wet ones in the dryer. I would wash them later, when I did the laundry, but I didn’t want them to mildew in the meantime. Returning to the kitchen, we unpacked the groceries and found a place for them all. Then I put a beef roast into a pot of beef broth and set it on a low heat before peeling potatoes to add later.

Meeting up in the living room, we watched one of the movies Kurt had in his DVD collection. I had never seen it before, and it was pretty good, especially snuggled up next to my uncle. After the movie, I added the peeled potatoes, cut up some carrots and onion and set the roast to cooking once more. When I finished, Kurt led me into the bedroom, where he slowly undressed me. My dick was hard as a rock by the time he was also naked.

Without hesitation, I fell to my knees and began sucking his large cock to erection. I used my new cock sucking technique, sucking on his ample flesh like I was trying to suck the jizz directly from his large balls. Once I had him good and hard, he pulled me off him and lay me down on the bed, only to join me in a sixty-nine position. I had never had my dick sucked, and I was self-conscious about it. It wasn’t that I was ashamed that I had a dick. It’s just that the guys I was with in the past had never had any interest in it.

Kurt took my cock into his mouth, which felt great. His soft lips and warm tongue were working me over in a way I had not imagined before. I returned the favor, sucking as much of his ten inch cock down my throat as I could while maintaining the suction I knew he appreciated.

“Don’t worry about swallowing my dick,” he instructed, “Concentrate on the head. Like this.”

He worked the head and what was left of my foreskin and I was suddenly very close to cumming. I pulled him off me, panting.

“I almost came,” I warned him, “And I’m not ready for this to end so soon.”

“In that case, let’s change things up a bit.” I watched as he pulled a bottle of lube from his nightstand and lubed up his big cock. I bit my lip with anticipation as he climbed back into the bed and positioned himself between my legs. I spread them wide, offering up my waiting hole to him.

He leaned amasya escort over me, supporting himself with one hand by my side and stuck a lubed up finger of the other hand into my hole.

“You’re tight, kiddo,” he whispered to me, “Have you ever been fucked before?”

“Yes,” I whispered back, meeting his lips in a gentle kiss, “But not by anyone as big as you.”

“I wish I could have been the one to take your cherry,” Kurt whispered, pushing in another finger, which made me wince, “Who took your cherry?”

“Bobby Sweitzer,” I answered, enjoying the finger fuck.

“Was he your boyfriend?”

“No. He had a girlfriend, but she didn’t want to have sex until she was married.”

“Sensible girl,” Kurt smiled, “No point in taking the chance of pregnancy until you have a commitment.”

“Have you had sex with a lot of guys?” I asked as Kurt pressed yet another finger inside me, stretching my hole even wider. As much as I enjoyed the finger fucking, I really wanted to have his cock in me.

“Never have,” he answered, to my surprise, “I’ve only been with women.”

“But you’ve wanted to, right?”

“I would actually prefer it,” he told me, pressing his three fingers as deep into me as possible, “I’m bisexual, but I’m more attracted to men than women.”

“Is that why you invited me to live with you?” I asked, daring to press what may be a deal breaker, “So you could fuck your gay nephew?”

“That never occurred to me, Parker,” he practically chastised me, pulling his fingers from my ass, “This was an unexpected development. I’m glad it happened, but it’s not why I invited you here. I invited you because I wanted to protect you from being thrown out on the streets. It’s not your fault you’re gay. You shouldn’t be punished for it.” He guided the tip of his big prick to my opened hole. “Are you ready?”

I nodded and felt the big head of his cock press into me, popping inside me. His girth took me by surprise, and I nearly lost my breath. He smiled down at me and I smiled back. Pushing deeper, we became one, his cock filling me in a way I could have never imagined.

I couldn’t believe this was happening. I had the biggest dick I had ever seen slowly filling my ass. I was having sex with my uncle, one of the hottest guys I knew. I reached up and ran my hands over his hairy, muscular chest as he bottomed out inside me. As he began pumping, slowly and methodically, I grabbed his thick, muscular arms, clinging to him for dear life. His rhythm increased, and I was soon swept away into a blissful state of mind. He fucked me hard, purposefully, and I was out of my mind with ecstasy. Just as I thought it couldn’t get any better, I felt my orgasm begin to mount. I didn’t understand what was happening to me. Soon, my excessively cum leaking cock exploded in orgasm, followed quickly by Kurt’s sudden and abrupt stop. Burying his cock deep in my ass, he gave me his orgasm, shooting his cum inside me.

We lay together, arms and legs twisted together for a few minutes. Kurt’s cock deflated inside me, slipping out on its own. For what felt like a long time, we lay on the bed, cuddled together, sharing a secret we could never tell anyone.

After a while, we got up and washed off, then ate dinner and called it a night, lying in each other’s arms, talking quietly until sleep overtook us. And from that night on, I knew I had found my place in the world, by his side, as his secret love.