This chapter is more about character showing, of Nathaniel if no one else. It also tries to highlight the relationship of Doms/subs. If one cares about the other, and not the other way around, it is a toxic relationship. But, that’s my opinion.
I added the Non-Con tag because the guy is no longer willing. But hey, got what he deserves imho 🙂
* * * * *
When I entered the room the next Friday I found Madeline sobbing. She was dressed, but sitting where she was supposed to be kneeling, hands covering her eyes.
“Madeline?” I questioned. I immediately knew something was wrong. She was not at these sessions against her will. The fact she had not complied with my demands told me it was serious.
Hearing her name led to a increase in her crying. “Sir…Nathaniel…” she choked out before her sobs overcame her again.
I moved to her side and knelt down beside her. “Madeline, what is wrong?”
One of her hands opened and I saw the necklace I had given her there. The clasp had been snapped. Looking closer I saw a thin red line around her neck where the chain used to be, That told me someone had yanked it off her.
“Sir…” she tried again before losing to her tears.
“Tell me what happened.” I requested of her. Her hands shook as she moved them away from her face showing me two black eyes, red cheeks and as she turned I saw the beginning of four finger bruises on her neck. “Who did this to you?”
“One of the new bouncers. He said he was told he could have any of the girls, he said he wanted me. I tried to explain that I was not one, he hit me. I showed him my necklace and he,” sobs wracked her, “he tore if off my neck.”
“Did he rape you?” I asked, already figuring the answer.
She nodded, cringing to herself. “Yes.”
I took her into my arms and that started another round of tears. For twenty minutes I let her cry, offering what comfort I could.
She looked up at me. “Yes, Sir?”
“I want you to show me who did this.” I instructed her. Fear passed through her eyes at the thought. I assumed that her attacker was larger than I was and she feared for me. “Do not worry, I will be fine.”
“I don’t want you hurt.”
“I will not be. Fear not.” I stood, holding my hand out to help her to her feet.
The two of us walked out into the club. Since the numbered rooms were soundproofed, stepping back out into the bustling club was loud. I led Madeline through the crowd to a better vantage point to look for the man who attacked her.
She peered around until stopping to point at a man. He was standing with two other bouncers, laughing.
“I know I do not have to tell you not to lie to me, yes?”
“Yes, Sir. I am not lying.” she insisted.
I nodded. “Wait here.”
I left Madeline’s side and moved toward the man she named as her attacker. Upon reaching him the three turned toward me. Sinking my fist into his stomach doubled him over, leaving him gasping for breath. The other two looked on warily knowing who I was.
“What the hell, you scrawny little shit?” the man tried to right himself but my punch had hurt him more than he realized.
“He touched my property.” I informed the others. “Even when he was told who illegal bahis they belonged to, he beat and raped my property.”
The two companions looked aghast at the man. They took steps away from him, showing me they were trying to distance themselves from him.
The bouncer had recovered enough to try and take a swing of his own. As he reached back for his punch I delivered a stomp kick to his stomach and groin. A gasp escaped his mouth as he toppled to the floor.
“She will tell me if either of you touched her. Did you?” I questioned the other two who listened to the man whimper and cry in pain.
“No, Nathaniel. We’ve seen her for weeks now. She told us who she was with, and we kept our distance.” the first man explained while the second nodded his head in agreement.
“I’ll admit I did ask the first two times, but once she showed she was yours, we kept it professional.”
“Take him downstairs. He will make a good edition to their harem. Let him know what it feels like to be someone’s property, and what it feels like when someone harms something that doesn’t belong to them.”
They nodded and took the man by the arms. The pair had to practically carry him as he couldn’t stand on his own yet. I could see him vainly struggle but the two did not let him go.
I returned to where I had left Madeline, finding her waiting for me. Leading her back to the room we had been using, I shut the door, plunging us both back into silence.
“Thank you, Sir.” she said.
“You don’t have to thank me. He was out of line, but will be understanding what that is like from now on.” I told her. “Do you want to go to the hospital?”
She wiped her eyes, feeling a little better after being stood up for and protected. “No, Sir. I’m not worried about being pregnant.”
“I’m not asking that. I am asking if you need medical attention. Or want medical attention. You and I have an understanding. I will never hurt you more than you want, but this is different.” I told her.
She smiled at me. “No, Sir. I’m fine.” she said. “I don’t know, though, if I can serve you tonight.”
“Not a possibility. Anything I had to do tonight is cancelled.” I told her. “I just want to make sure you are okay.”
She leaned her head against me and closed her eyes. “I have never been better, Nathaniel.”
I stroked her head. “Good girl. I will get you something to eat.”
Not waiting to see if she agreed, I went back out into the club and headed for the kitchen. After asking for nachos, pizza and beer I went looking for the other bouncers that had been with the one now in the basement.
They were a little skittish as I approached, I guess wondering if I believed their story. When I got within speaking distance they straightened their backs.
“Yes, sir…Nathaniel?” the first one spoke as I stopped. My gaze went from one to the other, seeing if either of them would offer an admission.
“What are your names?”
“Abbott and Marlin.” the second pointed to himself first, then the first man. “Is there a problem?”
“Just the man downstairs. What have you done?”
“He’s tied up with the whores downstairs messing with him. It will be a hellish three days, but we got him.” casino siteleri the one identified as Marlin relayed to me.
“I will see him this time next week. Have him denied and primed.”
“Will do, sir.” Abbott agreed.
That business taken care of, I headed back to the kitchen just as the food came under the heat lamps. After retrieving my order I took the plates back to room 5. Madeline was once again kneeling on the floor naked. I saw a smile wash over her face at the sound of the door, but she didn’t look up to me.
“I told you there would be none of that tonight.”
“Yes, Sir. I prefer to be this way with you, session or not.” she told me.
“I brought pizza and nachos, with beer.” I told her and waited to see if she would move. “Find some plates or something to eat on.”
The last command had her on her feet to carry out my bidding. A couple minutes later she returned with plastic plates and two cups.
She returned to the floor, kneeling again as she held out the plates to me. I opened the pizza box and put a slice on a plate and handed it to her, then prepared one for myself. She gave me a smile as she took her plate.
“Thank you, Sir.” she said, digging into her food. She got three bites into her slice before looking at me and saw me watching her. Seeing that I hadn’t touched my food. “I’m sorry, Sir.”
“This is not a session. This is just people eating pizza. Get dressed.”
“I would rather stay nude, Nathaniel. I was serious about wanting to do this. I’ve never met someone that understands me like you do.” she explained. “I would quit my job and do nothing but walk around your house naked all day, waiting for you to fuck me.”
“I don’t live in a house.” I corrected her.
“Then I would live here. Upstairs or down. Chain me to the bed, wall, floor, I don’t care.” she continued.”
“You are a successful lawyer.” I pointed out.
“I would rather be your slave.” she admitted. “But I am doing my best for you.”
“I know you are. The guys have told me you are being aggressive in court. That’s good.”
“Thank you, Sir.” she smiled. I started eating my pizza and she continued on hers.
I pulled a piece of paper from my pocket and held it out for her. She took it, looking at me with a quizzical expression.
“This is my cell number.” I told her. “I want you to call me if you have any further problems.”
“Thank you, Nathaniel. The fact you care so much means the world to me.”
“When I gave you that necklace, I assumed responsibility for your safety.” I told her. At the mention of the jewelry she looked to where she had put my gift down to eat. The chain was stretched and broken beyond repair. “I will replace it. Next week, if you are up for it.”
“Yes, Sir. Thank you for the time to heal. I will be ready next weekend.” she assured me.
“If not, I expect you to tell me. Not safe word, but the truth on your condition.”
“Yes, Sir.” she nodded. “Sir?”
“Please let me service you before you leave.”
“I said…”
“I do not want my last thought on sex to be that animal’s hands on me.” she interrupted me. I glared at her, but she did not back down. She was not being a defiant poker siteleri slave. I had told her that there was no session this evening so she was not required to refer to me as Sir. She just had been because it made her feel better.
I motioned for her to finish eating. She wolfed the food down and came to kneel at my feet. Putting my hand down I brought her to her feet in front of me. She stood nervously before me, her gaze still down.
I leaned forward and planted a kiss on her neck, which caused her to moan. Small, quick kisses followed along her shoulder line. I pulled back and repeated the action on her other shoulder. My hands came up and cupped her breasts, thumbs moving gently over her nipples. Releasing the fleshy mounds I ran my hands on the underside of the breasts, around her back and to her ass.
Her hands came up to undress me, and I allowed her to unbutton my shits and pants. Stepping out of my clothes I moved her to the bed. My lips and tongue came to her left nipple, circling it twice before taking it in my mouth.
She moaned at my gentle treatment, her hands going down to my hardening cock, stroking it as I licked over her. Her fingers kneaded the now stiff flesh, tugging on it to take it to her cunt.
I repeated the action on her right nipple, sucking on the flesh while she moaned. I leaned forward, slowly finding her opening and easing myself in. She grabbed my shoulders and arched her hips up to meet my thrusts.
As I moved, she met each thrust with an enthusiastic one of her own. We moved together for long minutes, moans alternating from both of us.
“Sir? Please, may I?”
“Just a little more.” I told her feeling my own release approaching. Right before it overcame me, I leaned down. “Now.”
She thrust her hips up to mine, squeezing me tightly triggering my own climax. I moaned as I rode it out, hers still holding her.
We separated, both panting to catch our breath. I lay next to her, taking a deep breath and holding it to control my own breathing. She inched closer, taking me in a hug as she lay near me.
“Thank you, Nathaniel.” she whispered before starting to cry. I pulled her to me, resting her head on my chest. I didn’t speak, just gave her comfort as she cried.
“Madeline, it’s ok.” I assured her. “I’ll take care of you. The man who did this to you is downstairs. Next week, instead of a session with you, I am going to go down there and torture him. You are welcome to come with me if you’d like.”
“Come with you?” she asked. “To do what?”
“I will make him regret he ever touched my property.” I told her. She paused at the venom in my voice. “He has been downgraded from bouncer to property.”
She cuddled up closer to me. “Remind me never to make you angry, Nathaniel.”
“If you do, I will just beat you.” She shuddered at my words. “You have a word that keeps you in control. You know that.” I felt her nod. “He has no such control, just like the girls down there. They are required to perform no matter what. “
“Will you really let me see him next week?”
“Of course Madeline. I would not have offered it.”
I pulled away and moved to dress. She watched without a word. “If you want a room upstairs for the night, I will get you one. I have other things I have to do this evening.”
“No, I can go home.” she shook her head and rose from the bed. “I wish I could stay with you.”
“I do not sleep with slaves.” I told her. “I just take care of them. I will see you in a week.”
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