So There You Have It


There you have it.

Well there you have it. She and I had problems in the past with our sex life and it came up again. You see when we first met, she ALWAYS wanted sex. And was open to exploring. As the relationship aged, things changed. I used to read various magazines and she actually got me a subscription one year for Christmas. But as time went by, they made her “uncomfortable”. And my request to call her Mistress in bed occasionally was met with less than enthusiasm.

So when my internet browsing history showed up, she asked to take a break. I was out. She needed time to think, and I needed a place to sleep. As the week went by I realized that I missed her. It wasn’t even the sex as that didn’t happen all that often anymore. I missed her.

So I was very happy when she called. She had been seeing a counselor and told me I needed to go also. This was just great as I don’t need someone fucking around in my head. And I said as much to her. That’s when she laid down the law. If I wanted a future together, it was her way. I was given an address and told be there at 4 pm Friday. Do as I was told, without question, or we were done. Period. No questions.

Friday arrived and I made sure that work would not be disrupting me. I had gotten a reminder call from Elaine that I was to do as told. Immediately and without questions. If I failed to do this she would know almost as soon as I did it. Great.

So I went to the office. Typical medical style office with the glass window and someone sitting behind. She was cute, young and cold. I was asked to sit and wait. And then my cell phone went off. Text Message.

It was from my wife reminding me. “Do what is asked of you without question or hesitation.I will know. And this is important to us. No Questions or hesitation.”

My name was called. I was told to go to room 3. Right down the hall. Wait for directions.

As i went through the door I entered a small stark room. Probably 8X8 with another door on the opisite wall. there were two chairs and a small stainless steel door on another wall. Other than that the room was empty.

I recieved directions from an unseen speaker to remove my bursa escort clothing and place it inside the small door. Then to wait for further instructions. This was crap. I am leaving. Or so i thought. Both doors were locked. No escape. Again the instructions. But this time a little firmer. And a reminder, My wife would know IMMEDIATELY. There went my choices.

So I removed my clothes. Then I got a text from my wife. Just before I placed the phone in the box. “Follow Direstions, Carefully and Immediately. Don’t talk back please.”

So I placed them inside and waited, naked and worried. Then came more instructions. Inside the box was my chosen attire for the appointment. Please put it on promptly, and quietly. What was this? When I opened the box I found a pair of what looked like cuffs, and a blindfold. OK, this is fucked up. Therapist my ASS! Again, Quietly.

So what the hell. Only one way out. I put them on. And again directions. Wait quietly on my knees. Please. While doing this. I heard a door open, then close. I felt breath on me. I could smell what made me think of soap, and clean.Then I heard a voice that melted my insides.

The voice was like music. Soft and sensous. Spoken at a level that could be heard clearly, but not loud. With confidence, but not arrogant. With authority, but not demanding. It was almost like it was a fantasy coming from inside my head.

She told me I would address her as Mistress. I felt her checking everything, then she secured both wrists together in front of me. “Follow Please”. And i was led by both wrists presumably out of the room, turned and walked. I wasn’t thinking enough to count steps. Another turn and heard a door close behind me.

“This is Missy. She will be participating. Any nudge, or action on her part will be obeyed immediately, just as if it came from me. Do not disappoint please.”

At this point I felt like a lab rat. I could hear them breathing, while they circled. Then I felt the first touch. I was just a finger on my neck. Just below my ear and trailed down to my collarbone. And it brought goosebumps. And guilt. I pulled away.

This was rewarded bursa escort bayan by a quick smack to my ass. Not too hard, but suprising none the less.”You were not told to move.” And the hands resumed, as well as the circling, like sharks. A hand across my shoulders, another on my stomach. touching my arms, my ribs. Both of them. And all I could think of was her. Was Elaine aware?

They watched me shrink. Of that I am sure. Then came the voice again. ” Are you enjoying?” of course. “Yes Mistress” I replied.”But.”

“No buts, except this one” she replied. And patted my ass.

I felt a little scared, and worried. How would my wife feel about this? The touching continued. And continued everywhere. My stomach, ass, thighs, calves.

After the initial “inspection” I was again led to a different spot, turned, and pushed. Pushed into a verticle padded wall. And told to hold still. I was VERY suprised with the first hit. Right across my shoulders and quickly followed by a second, third and started to feel a pattern. But it didn’t hurt. After a short time it stopped and again I was touched, a gentle carress.

“Thank Missy for the touch” I was told. “Yes Mistress, Thank you Missy”. And the hits started again. And started moving, to my butt. I was losing it. How could this be?

Soon enough it stopped again. And again the instructions “Yes Mistress, Thank you Missy”. I expected again for this to start. But not now. I felt someone pulling my hands, and was led again. Turned and gently pushed slowly backwards. To a table.

“Hop up and sit. Did you enjoy the flogger?”

“Yes Mistress. I did but-” and a finger was touched to my lips. “No more. Just an answer to the question. No more. Trust Me”

“Now lay back.” I did as I was told. Then i felt my hands seperated. Finally, Freedom. But short lived as they were secured above my head. then a strap across my chest and abdomen. Then a heard metal. and realized when my legs were being lifted I was being placed in stirrups. And secured. OH SHIT!!!

I felt hands on my testicles, then my penis. I was trying to get out. How could I have gotten into this? bursa bayan escort When I started to speak, some cloth was stuffed into my mouth.

“Please, relax. You have asked Elaine for this repeatedly. Now you’re getting it. No complaining.”

There was no getting out. One played with and pinched my nipples while the other squeezed my testicles. Then they were pulled on pinched and smacked a little.And I knew I was hard. And guilty. I felt shame as I was stroked. And it went on and on.

Finally I orgasmed. I thought they would be done. Oh God was I wrong. As the stroking continued, I got insanely sensitive. I squirmed. I wiggled, and I tried to escape. All to no avail.

Oh God. And I came again. And it continued. I tried to beg through the gag. Please stop. Please. PLEASE. My entire being was focused on those hands. and all the sensations in my penis. OH GOD! PLEASE STOP!

They finally relented. I was exhausted. Totally spent. Wrecked. All I could do was lay there.

My arms were released and my legs. Completely free I was helped up, turned and pushed face down on the same table. I needed to fight, but couldn’t as I was restrained again.

Again i heard “Relax. Missy Do as I instructed you earlier. Watch for his response.”

I felt a cold finger and my cheeks tightened. Then a quick smack. “This is going to happen” Mistress said, “So relax.”

Slowly a finger entered me. And slowly I began to relax. But I felt so ashamed. Then I felt it. Like she was pressing inside the head of my penis. Oh God. AGAIN?

Mistress said, “You see Missy?”

This went on for I don’t know how long. I was DONE! There was nothing left of me.

When it was finally over I was released. I was put on my knees, and told I was allowed to touch Missy. I Hugged those legs. For support, and some unknown reason some sort of affection.

Then I was told to close my eyes. The blinders removed. Asked to look up. My eyes were needing to adjust. As I looked up they adjusted to see my beautiful wife. Elaine

Then a whisper beside my head. “Meet Miss E. She wanted to understand.”

Then Elaine said, “I didn’t think an orgasm could ever be too much. We talked about you and I. About how I didn’t see me as able to hurt my husband. Now I see you can enjoy pain, and fear pleasure. It’s a different understanding. We have some learning to do. Are you willing?

I quickly nodded my head hugged those beautiful legs, and softly said “Yes Miss E”.