The training room is large, with a big open space in the center. Beate is standing in front of a large projector screen, leaning against a table, while me and the other three ‘girls’ eat sit on a chair on the other side of the room. All around the room are cabinets, clothes stands with clothes and various sex machines and toys.
“You look excited by what you see, Stephanie.” Beate says. She’s holding the cane, and gently taps the bottom of her heel with it. “I suppose it must be very exciting to see so many ways to become a true slave girl. Well, I’m glad you’re looking forward to the training. You will be in here every day for the next two weeks, training with these three ladies.”
Beate points the cane at the three other girls. Esther is sitting next to me, looking forward at Beate.
“That is Esther. The one over there is Danielle,” Beate points with the cane to a black-haired girl wearing a long silk dress and some very high heels. She’s looking down, avoiding both mine and Beate’s eyes.
“and that is Carey.” Carey has brown hair, tied into pigtails. She’s wearing a blue sundress, which is short enough for me to catch a glimpse of her cage underneath. Carey gives me a big smirk. Not sure what to think of that.
“And this, girls, is Stephanie. Our newest slave girl. You treat her nice, alright?” Beate looks at the other three girls.
“Yes, m’am.” They all three say in unison.
There’s a silence for a short while. Beate looks around at us. I cast down my eyes, like she taught me yesterday.
“Esther, why haven’t you done your hair today? I thought we had a deal, remember?” Beate says, walking over to Esther. I keep my eyes downcast, but out of the corner of my eye I can see Beate stroking the cane along Esther’s thigh.
“I forgot, m’am. I’m sorry.” Esther says.
I hear a loud whack and then a whimper from Esther. Then another whack and an even louder whimper. Before Beate can swing the cane a third time I yell out: “Stop! You shouldn’t-“
Before I can finish Beate is standing right in front of me with the cane placed gently on my lips.
“I shouldn’t?” She says softly. “Stephanie, you need to learn your place. You do not tell me what I should and should not do. Ever. Understood, girl?”
“Yes, but-” I stammer.
“Stephanie.” Beate kneels down in front of me. She places the cane on my chin and gently lifts my head with it until I am looking her in the eyes. “You never talk back. You’re a slave girl, Stephanie. You do not have opinions. You do not have feelings of your own. You have no desires, save for one: serving your superiors. And you always refer to your superiors as ‘m’am’ or ‘sir’. And I want to say this one more time, because I don’t think you quite get it yet.” She grabs my face with one hand as she whispers. “You never talk back. Do you understand what I am telling you?”
I feel my breathing quicken. She’s grabbing my face hard, forcing me to look at her. I am not used to losing control like this. I may not have had a great life, but at least I had control over it. I could etlik escort do what I wanted. I didn’t have to wear dresses, didn’t have to act and talk like a girl, didn’t have to have sex with men.
But I guess I have to do all that now. What can I do? Run? Not a chance of escaping anytime soon. Resist? And get punished for hours on end. I don’t have a choice. I don’t have control anymore.
“Yes, m’am. I understand.” I whisper.
Beate continues holding onto my head for another few seconds before letting go. She walks up to the table, and taps it with the cane.
“Esther, come up here, take off your skirt and bend over.” Beate says.
“Yes, m’am.” Without hesitation Esther stands up and does it. She bends over the table, ready to take more whacks with the cane. It’s hard to imagine Esther once having been an independent person. An independent man nonetheless.
“Stephanie, come up here too.” Beate says and points to the floor next to her.
I hesitate, but am well aware that I can’t resist. I silently say “yes, m’am” and walk up next to her.
Beate hold out the cane.
“You told me I shouldn’t punish her, right? Well, then you do it. She gets ten whacks for not doing her hair. I already gave her two. Give her eight more.” Beate says.
What? I can’t do that. I look from Beate to Esther. Esther isn’t flinching at all. She’s not bothered by this.
“Do you not understand what I’m telling you to do?” Beate says. “It’s a simple task.”
I move my hand up to take the cane. I don’t want to do this, but what else can I do? Hit Beate with the cane instead? I guess I could. And then get an intense amount of punishing. Or I could just swing the cane at Esther eight times.
Taking hold of the cane, I slowly move over to Esther. I hesitate. I prepare to swing it the first time, but am interrupted.
“Yes, Carey?” Beate says. I turn around to see Carey with her hand raised.
“Since she’s so slow, can I punish her next?” Carey says and gives me a big smirk again.
I open my mouth to protest, but am stopped by Beate.
“Sure, Carey. Good initiative.” She says, then turns back to me. “Now get to it. I’ve rarely seen girls be this slow at it.”
And so I swing it. I give Esther a whack with the cane, leaving a bright red strike along her ass. She whimpers, but keeps her head down.
“That was one. Seven more.” Beate says.
I do it seven more times. Esther whimpers after every whack, and when I’m finally done her ass is bright red. Esther stands up, puts on her skirt and sits back down as if nothing happened.
“Your turn. Bend over. For talking back and being so slow I think we should do… let’s just do twenty whacks. You’re new, so I’ll be nice.” Beate says. “Had it been any of the other girls who has been here a while, we’d be looking at a number closer to one hundred. So you should be thankful.”
I bend over the table and quietly say “Thank you, m’am.”
I hear the footsteps of Carey’s heels on the floor, then feel her pull my dress up to eyüp escort uncover my ass. I bite my teeth together and prepare for the first whack.
And it comes right away. And then the next. One after the other. Carey doesn’t slow down. I cry out in pain, calling for her to stop.
The twenty whacks feel like they take forever. When they’re done, I hear Carey’s footsteps as she returns to her seat and I am left at the table whimpering with an incredibly sore ass. Beate pulls back down my dress and gently push me towards my chair.
I look at Carey, and she just gives me a big friendly smile. Esther and Danielle are both looking down.
Returning to my chair, I have a hard time sitting down after being whacked twenty times. I try to find a comfortable position, but that’s impossible.
For the next hour or so I have a hard time focussing, but gather bits and pieces of what Beate is saying. She’s explaining how to give a good blowjob, but that just feels absolutely surreal. She telling me how I should suck off a man. Willingly.
She then puts on a short movie explaining the same thing. How to give a good blowjob. There’s a lot of footage of girls giving blowjobs, and I feel my cock press against the cage as it gets hard. It’s fairly painful, so I try to remember that I won’t be the one getting the blowjob. I’ll be giving it. It works somewhat. My cock softens a bit, and the pain becomes easier to endure.
After the instruction film Beate pulls out four dildos with suction cups and sticks them on the wall beneath the projector screen.
“Let me see what you have learned. Ten minutes. Get to it, girls.” She says.
The other three instantly get up, move over to the dildos, kneels down and begins sucking.
I stand up as well, but after the other three have already begun sucking. I move toward the remaining dildo, and notice how big it is. Compared to my cock it’s absolutely huge, and I’m not even that small.
“Stephanie, you really need to carry out orders faster. I’ll be noting you down for two hours in the machine later for your tardiness during this training. I except better tomorrow.” Beate says.
I look at her with panic in my eyes. Two hours? One hour yesterday was so much. It felt like an eternity. Twice that?
“Please no.” I beg. “I’ll be good, I promise. I’ll be faster, just don’t put me through that again. Please… m’am. Please, m’am.”
“Again? Three hours now. I told you to not talk back.” She grabs hold of my shoulders and push me down onto my knees. “Get to sucking. Show me what you’ve learned. And it better be good or we’ll do four hours.”
With panic running through my head, I turn to the dildo. I grab it with one hand and move my mouth over the tip. I suck the tip for a little bit, as I try to remember what I learned in the video before.
‘Worship the cock’ someone had said in the video. ‘Kiss it and caress it as if it’s the most beautiful thing in the world’. Alright. I can do that.
I begin kissing the dildo, kissing eyyubiye escort all the way over the shaft and then onto the balls.
‘Don’t forget the balls’ they had also said in the video. ‘Caress them with one hand while you stroke the cock with the other’.
I do that. I massage the rubber balls and run my other hand along the shaft as I begin sucking. I keep sucking, my head still in a panic of getting even more time in that horrible machine.
After a while I hear Beate yell out: “Hands behind your backs. Continue sucking.”
I quickly adjust the hem of my dress and catch a quick glimpse as the other girls. Carey is sucking off her dildo violently, as if she’s starving and this is the only thing that will feed her. Danielle is more calm and collected, and seems to be taking her time. Esther is licking the balls on the dildo, and briefly lock eyes with me.
We all place our hands behind out backs, and I feel steel closing around my wrists. Handcuffs. I continue sucking, but now with my hands locked behind my back.
“As slave girls you will often be tied up in some way while pleasing your masters. They may use simple handcuffs, like these, or they may use more advanced bondage. We’ll be covering that at a later time. For now give me ten more minutes of sucking.” Beate says.
I do so. I keep sucking. At one points I feel Beate grab a hold of my ponytail and hold my head back against the dildo. I feel it brush against the back of my throat and I gag, but she holds my head in place. As she lets go, I return to sucking, afraid of what she’d do if I took even a short break.
She said ten minutes, but it definitely goes on longer than that.
After unlocking our hands Beate has us return to our seats, then puts on another few instructional videos.
After the last video she says “That will be all for today, girls. Stephanie, you come with me. I will see the other three of you tomorrow.”
I remain seated with eyes downcast as Esther, Danielle and Carey leave the room. I catch Carey’s voice as she walks past me, as she whispers “Have fun.”
After they have left Beate tells me to follow her, and I do. I follow her out of the room and towards the punishment room.
Inside Green Dress – Marie – is talking with a young man around my age. They both look at me as I enter with Beate. I keep my eyes down, but can feel my face get red. I’ve been fucked by three men so far, but having a stranger see me like this – in a dress, blindly following orders – is absolutely humiliating.
“I’m very disappointed to see you in here again so soon, Stephanie.” Marie says and crosses her arms. She turns to Beate and says “Has she been bad?”
“She’s not nearly as obedient as we hoped, I’m afraid.” Beate says, walking over to the machine I was strapped into yesterday. “But I’ll get her there.”
Marie walks over to me, and gently places a finger on my chin to make me lift my head and look into her eyes.
“You’ll be a good girl for me, won’t you?” She says softly.
“Yes… yes, mistress. Of course.” I stammer.
She smiles and helps Beate strap me into the machine. I see the dildo in front of me inching closer and then entering my mouth, moving back and forth. I then feel the dildo at the other end beginning to fuck me.
I feel someone adjust my dress, before I hear the sound of a door closing.
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