The Little Man in the Boat

Big Tits

This story is completely true. No sex, no bondage, no violence, no domination. Just extreme, voluntary exhibitionism. Everyone described here was of age.


My girlfriend and I had arranged to go on a clothing-optional live-aboard diving trip in the Caribbean. Warm weather, warm water, good reef diving, and freedom from clothes and bathing suits! After flying to the designated port we met up with a harbor craft that ferried us and about twenty other divers out to a medium-size vessel with private staterooms for each pair plus the dive instructors and the tour hosts.

Among the group were two young men who had signed on before the cruise was announced as clothing-optional, and it turned out they were the only ones who chose to remain clothed for at least the first part of the cruise.

The daily routine, besides wonderful meals and evening sing-alongs, included dives in the morning and afternoon, with plenty of free time up on the sun deck.

During free time the second day out, I was on a sun deck lounge chair in a near twilight doze, exhausted after the morning dive and a full lunch. My girlfriend was on the lounge chair next to me, reading as I dozed off. After a while, from the depths of my sleep I thought I heard the words “little altıparmak escort man in a boat” over and over. This being a ship at sea with plenty of small boats like life rafts and skiffs, these words seemed to fit so I didn’t pay much attention, and remained half-asleep. But later, as I emerged from my stupor, I slowly opened my eyes to see my girlfriend on her lounge chair just as before, but now with her legs over the armrests, with the two guys I mentioned before, one sitting and the other kneeling, in front of her, in their bathing trunks.

Rather then sit up, I stayed in my reclined position, kept my eyes closed, and listened more attentively. From what I was hearing, she was apparently giving these two fellows an illustrated anatomy lesson! I decided to remain “asleep”. She was describing every part of herself, and I could hear her telling them to wait a moment as she now spread herself apart first on one side, then the other, then fully. She told them to notice how one small part of her became slightly larger. And did it now look a little darker? She explained why it got larger and darker and described what went on in a woman’s mind while these changes happened. She then asked if they could see the acemler escort wetness. She now told them this is what she meant by “the little man in the boat”—it was now awash in a little “ocean”. She showed them where a woman likes to be touched, and, after making it clear they were not to touch her, pointed out where to use their fingers, their lips, or their tongues.

All this time, I’m feigning being asleep, but can’t avoid forming images in my mind’s eye of what I’m hearing, and trying to control my own reactions to what’s going on just a couple of feet away. This was a struggle for me, but a very pleasant one. I could hear the two men obediently agreeing with everything she was saying, every detail she was pointing out, and now it was their turn to describe what they were seeing and what they had learned.

Hearing their nervous, unsteady, but eager voices trying to repeat back what they’d learned and what they saw only inches in front of them almost made me crack up, and finally I could no longer pretend to be asleep. So I managed to fake a slow emergence from a deep sleep, appearing to be disoriented and asked what I’d missed. Not changing her position, my girlfriend introduced me to her two new bursa anal yapan escort acolytes, and then told them to run along and to use their new knowledge wisely when they got girlfriends. Like puppy dogs, they complied.

Whew!! Before this, I’d had no idea my girlfriend had it in her to do something like this. We’d always been nudists together, but never exhibitionists. While still sitting there on our loungers, I sitting up, she still in her “demo” position (she said she was enjoying the sea breeze), she explained that she’d heard from one of the other women that these two young men were not yet sexually experienced, so she decided to make it her mission that they would not disappoint the first women they would eventually become intimate with. She figured she could do this without crossing any boundaries, and have some fun at the same time. This explained why she had shaved smooth that morning—which she now confessed to! She admitted this had been a real turn on for her, and that the changes she’d pointed out to the two young men were real. Yes, other people were watching, as most of the guests were on the sun deck at the time, but nudists really do keep their noses out of other peoples’ business.

A couple of days later, one of the single women who had observed the “lesson” from a distance came up to my girlfriend and thanked her profusely for the time she had taken with these two young men. It seems that in the privacy of her stateroom one of them put his new knowledge to use, and she was not disappointed. And before the cruise ended, one of the wives came and told her the same thing!