Chapter 1 A Mother And Her 18yo Son
(edited 13th June 2016)
The front door opened and Kate and Jake almost fell inside, still panting from their run, Kate with sweat marks on her light grey T-shirt, under her arms and between her breasts, Jake with beads of sweat on his brow.
Kate was an attractive, fit, thirty-four year old, and Jake was her eighteen year old son. Kate had fallen pregnant to her high school sweetheart, and Jake was born when she was sixteen.
Jake looked at his young mother and thought how desirable she looked with patches of sweat on her shirt, nipples visible through the material stretched over her pert breasts, and slim, feminine figure. He nearly said so, but pulled himself up and said instead, “Well done, Mum. You beat me fair and square in the sprint home.”
“Only because you let me,” she chuckled as she slumped into a lounge chair. Jake was a footballer in constant training, so it was unlikely that his mother could beat him in a running race, although she worked out, and it was possible that in a sprint, one she called for, and in which she thereby had a split second advantage in, she might have actually won fair and square.”
“No, Mum, you won. Now, would you like a sports drink or a cup of tea?”
“Tea would be nice,” she replied.
“Okay, I’ll make it,” he said.
The bond between them was unusually good for mother and son. She had lived with her parents until her studies were over, but once she had a good professional job, and thereby qualified for a mortgage, she left home, and they moved into this house. Jake also had an excellent relationship with his grandparents, who had played a big part in looking after him while his mother finished school and then went on to university, but for most of his primary, secondary, and now tertiary education it had been just him and Kate, and that mutual dependence and fellowship created a strong bond between them. Jake always respected the fact that she was his mother, and she loved her son, but they were also best friends, confidants, and companions. Kate had a live-in lover for four years, effectively Jake’s defacto stepfather for that period, but that relationship ended about eighteen months ago when he moved out after a serious row.
She called out so he could hear her from the kitchen: “I’m going to have a shower while you’re boiling the kettle.”
“Okay,” he called back, “but don’t be long — it’s already on.”
“I’ll be quick,” she assured him as she got up and went to the bathroom.
About ten minutes later, as he put her cup of tea and his bottle of electrolyte replacement drink on the coffee table he called out: “Tea’s up, Mum.”
“I’m ready,” she replied, as she emerged from the bathroom, clothed in a flannel robe, towelling her damp hair. As she sat down on the couch and picked up her cup of tea she said, “I wonder what I did to deserve a son like you.”
“Probably just being the best mother in the world,” he replied with a cheeky grin, as he picked up is bottle of Sports Refresh.
“You’ll get on,” she said with a warm smile.
“Hey, Mum, can I talk to you about something that’s been bothering me?” Jake asked.
“Of course you can, love,” she replied. “I’m your mother after all, and that’s what mothers are all about. Why the hesitation?”
“It’s a bit personal — that’s all,” he replied.
“That’s never stopped you before. You told me straight away when you and Cassie lost your virginities together — what could be more personal than that? We’ve always shared confidences in the past, no matter how personal. Is there some new girl on the scene?”
“No, no one special,” he said. “In fact the problem’s got a lot to do with Cassie.”
“I’ve often wondered what happened there, but I didn’t like to pry. I thought you’d tell me in your own good time, and I’ve been content to wait. You two were inseparable for nearly two years, so I wasn’t surprised when you told me you had finally got around to doing it.”
“How did it affect you, when I told you?” he asked.
“Well, apart from the moment of sadness which every mother feels when it looks like one of her children might be about to leave the nest, in my case, my only child, I was actually delighted. Cassie’s a lovely girl and if you were going to lose your virginity to anyone, I was happy for it to be her. I’m glad it didn’t happen when you were fifteen, like me, but seventeen-and-a-half seemed okay in these modern times. If you were still a virgin at nineteen, twenty, or older, I think I would have started to wonder if my son was normal, so, it had to happen one day, and I was happy for you… and over the moon that you felt you could share such a milestone with me. However, I noticed that after you two finally did it, your two year relationship seemed to fizzle out. Has that got anything to do with this personal thing you want to discuss with me?”
“Yes it has,” he replied, “… and I wanted the benefit of your experience with sex in general — not the birds and bees lecture you Erenköy Escort gave me when I was in primary school, but how girls, as distinct from boys, feel about it; what they like, and dislike; techniques; and all that sort of stuff. That’s why I said it was a bit personal. However, we do have that unique mother-son relationship you talk about, and if I can’t ask you, who can I ask?”
“I see,” she mused. “Of course you can ask… but why do you think I might have the experience necessary to be able to answer all your questions? After all, apart from a romantic and fairly active sex life in my mid-teens, which bought you into the world, it’s been mainly just you and me since then.”
“What about Clive?” he countered.
“Oh, Clive… of course. I think I must be in denial about him because I didn’t count him in my calculations. He moved in when you were around thirteen, and moved on when you were seventeen. Okay, it was good in the beginning, and we had a happy first year, but it started to slowly go downhill after that, and the last two years were very unhappy ones for me. I was very glad I had you for company — that kept me sane. I should have split with him years before.”
“Why didn’t you?” asked Jake.
“When you get older you’ll understand women better, but in a nutshell, when a woman is in a committed relationship it is a big decision to go back to living alone — well, not alone… I’ve always had you, of course, for which I am eternally grateful, but I’m talking about the intimacy between a man and a woman. I have sexual needs just like you, and I’ll give Clive one thing, the sex was good when we were both in the mood, so I just kept putting off the inevitable.”
“And then I buggered it up for you by threatening to punch his lights out,” said Jake.
“Oh, no! Please never think it was your fault. You were my knight in shining armour. He was hitting me at the time and you came between us. I was not only very grateful to you for that, but also love you dearly for protecting your mum. He was a big man, and you were a teenager, a big boy and a footballer, yes, but still, you put your own safety on the line to protect your mother, and I think you were just wonderful.”
“Thanks Mum. I think he always resented me, and the affection you showed towards me… and us standing together was the final straw.”
“Maybe he did resent me sharing my love, and if so, he’s not the man for me. Listen Jake, when you were born I was just a frightened, sixteen year old girl, and you were a baby who was totally dependent on me, so it has always been just you and me against the world. Any man who comes into my life has to be able to accept that, and I hope when you find a girl worthy of you, you’ll still love your Mum.”
“You’ve got no worries there, Mum. Tell me, is it really sad, not to have a man in your life?”
“I do have a man in my life — you!” she said with a grin.
“You know what I mean,” he said. “Do you miss the intimacy? You’re still young, only sixteen years older than me, and presumably still sexually active — I hope I am in in sixteen years time.”
“Yes I know what you were getting at,” she said. “I do get a sexual fix from time to time, and that keeps me going. When I go out on a date and say I’ll be out all night, you don’t think we play scrabble, or that I sleep in his guest room, do you?”
Jake chuckled and said, “No, Mum, but that’s not all that often… can I ask a couple of questions?”
“Sure,” she said.
“Why don’t you ever bring them back here instead of going to their place? After all, you don’t really know these guys well and if anything bad happened I’d be just down the hall when you screamed.”
“That’s very considerate of you, Jake. There are a couple of reasons. First, if it’s only going to be a short term affair I don’t feel comfortable parading my conquests in front of my son who I love and adore, and second, I do always arrange a safe call with one of my girlfriends, so there’s some security in that. You said you had a couple of questions?”
“Yes, well, why are they short term affairs. I trust your judgement and I am sure you only go to bed with nice guys, so why don’t they want to keep seeing you?”
“I don’t know,” she lied, “and the only reason I keep doing it with different guys is just for the sex. I hope you don’t think less of me for that?”
“Of course not, Mum. You don’t think less of me for being interested in sex, do you?” She smiled and shook her head, so he continued: “But, I think I know why they move on after they’ve had their wicked way with you.”
“Really?” she said, genuinely wanting to hear what he might have to say. Maybe her eighteen year old son could give her a few tips on keeping men interested. “Tell me more.”
“Me,” he replied. “I bet that they lose interest in continuing the relationship when you tell them that you have an eighteen year old son living with you. Be honest, Mum — is that the case?”
She thought for a long moment and then said, “Maybe Acıbadem Escort it is, but as I say, that’s the way it is, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Jake, you had no say in being born. It was my choice to have you, I have never regretted that, I have loved and cherished you since you were a baby, and I never want to hear you blaming yourself again — okay? Now, enough about my sexual needs… let’s talk about yours. Since you mentioned Cassie, I feel that after your sexual awakening you’re missing that bit of regular intimacy you once enjoyed.” He nodded in agreement, so she went on: “What I can’t understand is: one, why Cassie left you; and two, why you haven’t found another girlfriend. You’re handsome, an athlete, and I have seen how the girls lust after you. So, do you want to tell me about it?”
“I do,” he said. “Cassie and I had the hots for one another for the best part of two years, but initially felt we were too young to go all the way. Eventually our hormones got the better of us and when we turned seventeen we thought we were finally old enough, especially as a lot of our friends had already lost their virginity. The first time was mind blowing, for me, but apparently not for her, as I found out later on. We did it many times over the next month, until I realised that her heart wasn’t in it as much as mine was. I asked her about it and she said she didn’t like sex, and suggested we have a break. I later heard she was seeing another guy, a few years older than her, and a mutual girlfriend said that Cassie said the sex was fantastic — apparently he gave her an orgasm the first time they did it.”
“These things happen, Jake. A lot of girls say their first time was their worst time, so don’t blame yourself for that. Maybe you should have asked me what to do before you did it, rather than tell me that you’d done it, after the fact. My suggestion is that you find another girlfriend and move on, and if you want any hints and tips you can always ask me. We’ve always been able to discuss everything in the past, and now you’re a man, with adult needs, you’re very welcome to draw on my experience, if you feel the need.”
“Thanks, Mum” he said with a weak smile. “As I suggested at the beginning of this conversation, that’s exactly what I want to do. As for finding another girlfriend… well, without having any tickets on myself, that shouldn’t be hard because they do hang around me, as you say, and I do occasionally date in a platonic way, but as soon as it starts to get intimate I find myself backing off, and they either get pissed off with me, or simply move on to a more ardent lover.”
“Oh, baby!” she said in a sad and sympathetic way. “Why do you back off? Why don’t you just relax and see where it goes?”
“Because while we’re kissing and cuddling I often get an erection, but when she wants to take things to their logical conclusion, it shrivels up and I can’t perform, which usually suggests to her that I’m either impotent, or just don’t find her attractive enough to want to go all the way.”
“But you never had that problem with Cassie… did you?”
“No, we rooted like rabbits for two months — or at least I did. Whenever we had a private moment I ravished her. I had no inhibitions then, but now I do, and I think she rejected me because I didn’t think to ask her what she needed to turn her on. I foolishly thought that if it was wonderful for me then it would be for her too.”
“I see,” she said pensively. “So, what can I tell you? What do you want to know? How can I help?”
“Well, for a start, what do girls like? What do you like your boyfriends to do to you. What makes you think to yourself afterwards: that was wonderful!”
“Hmm… this is harder than I thought” she pondered out loud. “Well, all my female friends love oral sex, as do I; receiving it, I mean. It’s an almost guaranteed turn on. Did you do that to Cassie?”
“Yes, but it didn’t seem to impress her, let alone turn her on. She was more than willing to try it, but said it didn’t do anything for her.”
“Strange,” said his mother. “How did you do it? – or, more to the point, how did you know what to do — what technique to use?”
“By watching porn videos on the Internet” replied Jake, not really embarrassed, because he had only watched porn to find out what to do, and not primarily as a masturbation tool.
“Oh, Jake! Porn is the last thing you want to use for your sexual education. They’re just actors, often complete strangers to each other, not lovers, and they do things by numbers, or when their director tells them what to do. A thirty second lick, and then ramming it in, is not what happens in real life. You have to take your time, be innovative, think of her, and use technique.”
“Mum… could you show me how to do it” he asked with his heart in his throat.
“What!?” she both exclaimed and queried. “Show you, as in you doing it to me while I coach you?”
“Yes. Please don’t be shocked. Who else can I ask what to do, and who else would let me practise Göztepe Escort on her until I get it right, especially knowing I want to learn so I can do it to another girl?”
“But that would be incest, Jake, and besides… as much as I like sex, doing it with my own son would make me feel very uncomfortable. Wouldn’t you feel uncomfortable tonguing your mother’s pussy. A guy has to love, or at least be very fond of, a girl or woman to do that, and some guys I know won’t ever do it, even when they fully intend to have intercourse with the lady in question.”
“No, Mum, it wouldn’t make me feel uncomfortable at all, well not once we got started, because I have had a crush on you since I reached puberty. You are the most gorgeous woman I know, and you’re only sixteen years older than me — years younger than any of my mate’s mothers.”
“Do you really feel that way?” she asked. He nodded, and she said, “Funny, I thought the opposite — that any form of physical intimacy, other than purely platonic, turned you off.”
“What gave you that idea?” he asked.
“Well, when you were little we used to bath together, and even when you got a bit too big for that we have never had an issue with nudity. I come into the bathroom to bring you a fresh towel when you’re under the shower, and you come in to clean your teeth when I am towelling off, but I’ve noticed over the last little while that when I come in to the bathroom you turn your back, or if you have to come in while I’m showering, you make a point of not looking at me. I assumed it was just the modesty that exists between most young men and their mothers… and that you didn’t think it was okay to be naked in the same room together. Yet you say you have a crush on me?”
“I turn away when you’re talking to me while I’m showering, or when you’re naked, because the sight of your naked body, or the intimacy of me being naked with you in the room, gives me an instant erection. I thought you’d be shocked and horrified if you knew your son had the hots for his mother.”
“Oh my gosh!” she said with hand over her mouth.
“So you think I’m weird now, huh?”
“No, not at all” she replied. “I’m actually quite flattered that the most significant man in my life actually finds me attractive, in a lustful way. It never occurred to me.”
“But of course you don’t feel the same way?” he asked, tentatively.
“We’ve always been totally honest with each other, and I don’t want to change that now, so in the interests of honesty I’ll tell you that when I see you naked I also get stirrings in places where, as a mother, I shouldn’t be tingling. Mind you, the number of times I’ve seen you stark naked over the last year or two are few and far between, especially since you’ve been turning your back on me, but I have had glimpses, and they do turn me on, but I have always suppressed those feelings, thinking that they were very wicked indeed.”
He said with a cheeky grin. “So, you’ll show me how to do oral sex properly… and other things you like? I really need your help, Mum, and it’ll be a bit of fun too — you’ll see — something, it seems, we have both fantasised about, but never dared to even think about… until now.”
She made a big inhalation, held it for a long moment, exhaled, and then said, “Go and have your shower while I think about it.”
“Yes, Mum” he said with a big smile. After all, she didn’t say ‘no’, did she?
As he stood and turned to go she couldn’t help noticing the prominent bulge in his running shorts, and felt butterflies in her stomach. She was yet to think things through, but it was clear that they were getting dangerously close to realising a mutual fantasy, and that scared her a little… incest was such a taboo that she had never let herself pursue any such thoughts, other than once or twice in the privacy of her bed at night when masturbating and in need of some highly erotic mental imagery to get herself off. This was no longer a suppressed fantasy — it was actually happening, and while she knew it was wrong, she also knew, deep down, that now the process had started, the inevitable was almost a fait accompli.
By the time he came back from the bathroom, with a towel wrapped around his waist, she’d had time to think things through very carefully and resolve her stance on his request.
“Sit down, Jake,” she said in a soft but commanding tone of voice. “I’ve thought things through and made a decision. I’m your mother, and I love you dearly, in a maternal way, of course. For those reasons, if you ever have a problem I feel duty bound to fix it for you, if it is in my power to do so. Sexual hang-ups and inhibitions are serious problems as they can affect your relationships for the rest of your life, if not nipped in the bud. You’ve asked for my help, and I am in a position to help. My only reservation is the taboo of incest, but that is a social and legal issue which will never be a problem if we never mention this to anyone. As you say, it would be hard to find someone else to give you the help you need, and in any case, I don’t really want a stranger, either amateur or professional sex therapist, messing with my boy’s mind. So, I’ve decided that I will teach you what to do, and I’m happy to be the model you can practise on, if that’s what you still want?”
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