Chez Amore


Chez Amore.

The name shined in framed cursive lights over the new small restaurant in the Business District of Megapolita. A small walkway of lights lead right up to the doorway. Inside had a sleek modern look with round booth tables, low dim lighting and a black, white and red aesthetic. It was a Friday evening around 7:30pm. Usually the restaurant would be packed with business men and women but thanks to the extreme cold weather this evening, the restaurant was mostly empty.

The only people in the restaurant was a couple sitting by the bar and a man sliding into a smaller round booth near the back. The hostess placed down the menus and hung up the man’s jacket on the rack attached to the booth.

The hostess was a thin woman with long dirty blonde hair that reached down to the middle of her back. Her lips were glossed in a light pink colour that accentuated the plumpness of her lips, while her greenish-blue eyes and long black lashes made her face hard to look away from. Her white button-down cupped her C-Cup tits nicely, with one button undone to show a slight amount of cleavage. The black pencil skirt, that it was tucked into, framed her slender hourglass figure in a delicious way. Her long legs were also showed off by the skirt and heels, which looked quite nice. Before the waitress left, she placed a sliver of paper down onto the table in front of him.

The man looked up at her curiously and, as they shared a glance, a wicked smile crossed her face. Biting the bottom of her lip, she let her eyes travel down his body.

“Your waitress should be here shortly.” Her body leaned over the table, her perky C-Cup tits hung down in their push-up bra and dangled on display for his eyes. The man sent a flirtatious smile back at her and, with that, she stood back up and sashayed away. Her hips swaying side to side and her firm, shapely ass that made watching her walk away very enticing.

Bringing his attention back to the table, he picked up the paper. He opened it and chuckled to himself as he saw her cell phone number along with her name written in cursive. Cameron. She was gorgeous. Someone that could easily be on a Victoria’s Secret catwalk and had the ass of a trained dancer but sadly…not his type.

“So, what can I get you?” A woman’s voice rung out smoothly. From the corner of his eye, he noticed the notepad and pencil in her pink, sparkly and freshly manicured fingertips.

He shifted his gaze up from her hands and glanced over her entire body. She wore a white, short-sleeve button up. It showed off her deep cleavage. Her large breasts were pressed firmly together over the two unfastened buttons at the top as if they were gasping for air. Clearly she was sitting around an E-Cup minimum.

Her long black lashes and slight-winged liner complimented her deep chocolate brown skin. She glistened under the dimly lit fluorescent light. An after affect of the golden highlight on her cheek, slight outline of sweat and glittered cleavage. When she flashed a smile, her pearly white teeth were captivating and those lips… were painted in a Rouge Matte lipstick. It outlined those plum and succulent lips to perfection.

Her hair was pulled into a high ponytail. Her tight ringlets puffed at the top and drew her look together. Derrick sat at the table, his cock twitching with every second he stared at her. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. The way she moved. The way she spoke. Subconsciously, his left hand already had made it to under the table, taking a hold of his cock.

“For now… just a water. I’m waiting for someone.”

“Coming right up.” She smiled.

“By the way, my name is Jhené and I’ll be your server for the night.” Turning on her heels, she headed towards the kitchen. Derrick’s eyes glued to her as he watched her walk away.

Her white shirt was tucked into a high-waisted, black pencil skirt that hugged her curves. Her legs were thick and were showcased extremely well by her black, platform ankle-heels. And that ass…

The curvature. The size. It was big but not overwhelming. It looked soft enough to nap on but if it were smacked, it would make the perfect sound. He just wanted to know what it felt like. To press his bare cock against it in bed on a Sunday morning. He was solid as a rock from this point on. Throbbing under the table, he thought about Jhené and everything he wanted to do to her.

“That’s more like it.” He thought, entranced by the waitress.

As Jhené came back from the kitchen with the water, she looked over at Derrick who was staring down at his phone. On her way to him, she let her eyes wander.

He was a handsome man with mysterious dark brown eyes and a golden-brown complexion. His chiseled jawline showed strength and definition. He smiled down at his phone and it nearly blew her away. A smile that was beautiful and bright but there was a twinge of danger. A powerful alluring factor that began to dampen her panties as she got closer.

The jacket for his suit was off and hung bahçelievler escort over the side of the round booth, allowing for the exposure of his navy blue button up dress shirt. The tight dress shirt perfectly showcased his gold cufflinks and muscular, athletic build. His dark brown hair was shaved short and he wore rectangular framed glasses. But those sat on the table instead of on his face.

His posture was relaxed as he sat back, with one arm over the backrest and the other holding his phone. He seemed powerful, hot and actually quite familiar.

“Here you go. One glass of water.” She said as she placed the cup down in front of him. He gazed up at her once again and he shot her with an easy, devilish half-smile.

“Thank you Jhené.” Placing his phone down, he took up the cup and sipped on the water. His eyes pinned hers, not letting her look away. “Mmm… that hit the spot.”

Placing the cup down, he picked up his menu.

“Do you know what would like to order?” She asked.

“Yes.” He quickly glanced at her hungrily before biting his bottom lip and looking back to his menu. “However I’m still waiting for someone and I don’t want to order without them. It would be rude.”

“Fair enough.” She sighed. The gaze she felt over her, shook her to her core. And…her panties were soaked. She was beginning to become more than just hot and bothered. “Well if you need anything. Just let me know-“

“Actually, Jhené. Would you mind sitting here and keeping me company for a bit? You see my partner is running late and seeing that this place is empty. I assume you might be a little bored right about now.”

Taking a look around, Jhené contemplated the offer. The only other people in there, besides them, were the hostess who was on her phone and the couple that were viciously making out with each other. Seeing that he was right, she conceded to his offer and smiled.

“Sure. Why not?” She headed to the other side of the booth.

“Why so far away?” He teased.

“Come over here, I don’t bite.”

Derrick’s voice was smooth and intentionally hid a layer of playful seduction. As Jhené slid towards Derrick in the booth, Derrick moved closer as well. Enough to be comfortable but still far enough that she had to come to him.

“Oh, I’m so sorry.” She said, covering her mouth. “I haven’t even gotten your name.”

“It’s cool.” His arm went over the armrest behind her back.

“Derrick. Derrick Williams.”

“Oh shit!” She yelped before covering her mouth again. “Sorry… it’s just I knew you looked familiar, but I didn’t know. You’re like Derrick Williams. Like The Derrick Williams.”

Taking a deep breath, she collected herself and continued.

“You’re on the 30 under 30 list.”

“Yeah. That’s me.” Dropping his hand from the armrest, his arm curled around her waist. He felt his cock throbbing in his pants again, intensely. He was so close to this beautiful woman and, though he could have anyone he wanted, he wanted her.

His dominant power overwhelmed her and now that she knew who he was, she couldn’t keep her eyes off of him.

“So what brings you here?”

“Business. But you know, my partner’s not here”

“Ou interesting. I’m actually in school for Business Management. It’s my last year.” She said with a smile. “Dean’s list three years in a row.”

“Nice.” He smirked. “Let me know when you graduate and maybe I can help you with a job..”

“Seriously?” Jhené nearly jumped out of her seat and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Thank you!” Her tits pressed against his side as his hand pulled her waist closer to him. As their eyes met, their lips were only centimetres away from each other. Noticing what was happening, she took her arm from around her neck and drew an unsettled, horny breath. “I-I-I’m sorry.”

“It’s alright.” He smiled. Taking a moment to glance over her again, he sighed and brought his lips close to her ear. “I’m gonna be very honest with you. I am attracted to you. And I would love to fuck the shit out of you… right now”

Her eyes opened wide as she looked at him again. She could not believe he had just said that to her. So bold and upfront. The idea he wanted to fuck her…turned her on immensely.

“I’m still working… we can’t.”

“Fair enough. ” Derrick said as he moved his hand from her waist. Sliding a little closer, he took his hand and ran it down her leg “Might not be able to do that but we could do a little of something else.”

“What could we-” She moaned softly as she laid her head back onto the headrest. Derrick’s fingers stroked against her clit before inching his way into her already soaked pussy.

“Someone was waiting for this.” He whispered into her ear playfully. His fingers began working their way in and out of her pussy. The deeper and deeper he went, the more moans escaped her. She tried her best to make no noise but she had to grip the table to keep the moans from pouring out of kayaşehir escort her.

Derrick’s lips found their way to her neck, grazing against it. Her nipples began to harden as she shifted her hips side to side on his fingers and into the seat cushions. Bringing his free hand around, he held the crick of her neck and bit down on her neck harder. Meanwhile, his other hand finger-fucked her until she couldn’t hold back anymore. She let out a moan that tore through the silence, louder than any before. So much that it actually got Cameron to glance up from her phone and look around.

Her body jolted as she gripped the table and came onto his fingers. Her pussy contracted and he kept on fingering her through her orgasm until she was left breathless. Laying her head back, Derrick pulled his fingers out of her sopping wet pussy and licked them while Jhené sat there exhausted with her eyes slinking over him.

“You taste delicious.” He said with a devious smirk. “I wonder what more we can get done back here.”

“I’m wondering about that too.” The two of them looked up at the statuesque dark-skinned black man in a navy blue suit. He stood at 5″11 and had a brilliant smile that was framed by a short but full beard that suited his chiseled jawline. He was slightly bulkier than his partner, with a more muscular body.

“The prodigal partner has returned.” Derrick joked as he gave Miles a handshake.

“Oh my God.” Jhené snapped out of it pulling her skirt down and sliding out of the booth and standing up to straighten herself out.

“I am so sorry.”

“It’s no problem love. The name is Miles Parker.” Taking Jhené’s hand in his, he brought it up to his lips and kissed it. “Et tu?”

“Oh… ah… I don’t speak French.” She fumbled nervously. “But…uh, my name is Jhené.”

“Nice to meet you.” He said with a wicked smile. Showing off his pearly white teeth.

“Nice to meet you too.” She said as she tried to keep calm. “You two might want to get food so um… I’ll be back when you know what you want.”

“I know what I want.” Derrick raised his eyebrows and gestured her to return to the seat next to him as Miles slid into the booth “But if you must talk about food, give us a minute.”

“N-n-no problem, take your time.” Taking a deep breath, she centered herself. “I’ll be back.”

With a wink, she turned on her heels and sauntered away towards Cameron, the hostess at her station.

“That right there is a fine piece of ass.” Miles said as he watched her sway away.

“I know right.” He chuckled as he eyed her from over the booth. “By the way, you might have more use for this than me.” Derrick slid the piece paper he got earlier over to Miles. Miles took up the piece of paper and opened it up to see the number and scribbled name.

“Cameron, huh?”

“The hostess that you passed on your way in here.”

“Mmm… gotchya. The white girl with perky tits and the very smackable ass.” Miles looked back over and watched as the two girls talked and giggled with each other “Chocolate and vanilla. I could go for a twist cone right now.”

“I think the hostess likes herself chocolate.”

“Well, they do say dark chocolate is better for you.”

Jhené quickly walked back over to the table with Cameron following behind.

“Are you two ready to order?” Jhené asked as she pulled her pen from out of her bun and flipped her notebook open.

“Yeah.” Derrick chimed “Can I get a 4505 Burger with fries and a shake…”

“What type of shake?” Jhené asked as she jotted it down. “Chocolate, and really thick. Just like my women.”

Jhené swallowed the lump in her throat as those words rung through her ears. Her heart began to beat faster and faster as her panties began to dampen once again.

“A-as for you?” she asked turning to Miles, who was clearly occupied by Cameron. He was laying on extreme amounts of charm as her hand stroked his shoulder. Her eyelashes fluttered and drew the most attention to her plump, pink lips.

“Can I get a well done steak, a baked potato and a vanilla shake?”

“Vanilla huh?” Cameron smirked. “Is that your preference?”

“Depends on the day.” He shot back at her with a smile.

Jhené took the orders and headed to the kitchen to speak to the chef. While she was gone, Cameron decided to stay with the men to keep them company.

“Excusez-moi.” With no hesitation, Cameron slid across Miles’s lap, her ass rubbing against his half-mast cock through his slacks as she fell in between the two men.

“You know I could have gotten up.” Miles chuckled.

“Yeah, but we both know you didn’t want me to.” Derrick’s eyebrows raised as he watched the two of them flirt as he eased into the seat with his legs spread out slightly. Cameron’s eyes peeked from the corner, taking in the sight of his bulge before shifting her body towards Derrick.

“Do you want me to slide across your lap too?”

Miles eyes met Derrick’s and şirinevler escort he shot him a grin before easing back into his seat as well.

“No.” Derrick laughed. “But…”

“We’ve got something else in mind.” Miles finished. The both of the men unbuckled their pants, on cue as if it was rehearsed, and pulled their cocks out. Cameron looked over at both of them, gasping at their size and lengths. Miles was about 7 inches and that was with only half an erection while Derrick was already at a solid 8.5 inches, standing tall and thick as a fucking coke can. The thing looked malicious and delicious. Basically salivating at the look, her panties dampened as she stared in wonder.

“C-c-can I?”

“Go for it.”

Quickly shifting fully over, her head bent down and her ass perched up as her slender frame peaked out from under the table. She admired his giant black cock in her hands. Without another second to think, her tongue was already pressing against the slit of his dick and working its way around the head. As one hand held her up from falling off the chair, her free hand was playing with his large, heavy balls. Cum was accumulating fast and all she wanted to do was drink it.

She wanted to touch herself but her hands were too busy already. Derrick pushed her head down lower on his cock, and she took it as a suggestion to deepthroat his cock. A rough groan left Derrick’s lips as Cameron played with his cock in her mouth. She pulled her mouth off of his shaft briefly to take a breath. It was followed by a sharp and quick twinge of pain and pleasure. She tried to control herself as much as possible. She was still unable to stop a rather loud moan from escaping her.

Miles has slowly shoved his cock inside of her. 9 inches of cock. Pure. Black. Cock. She struggled to take it, tears rolling down her cheeks while her pussy ached for more. Getting familiar with his length and girth. Taking him inch by inch. Her nipples tightened and hardened as she whimpered and whined.

“Fuck…” They groaned simultaneously.

“Fuck me.” She moaned under her breath before clasping her lips around Derrick’s cock again.

Derrick looked up at Miles. Both intrigued and curious on how far this poor white girl was going to last with being filled from both ends. Derrick secured his hands on her waist, in this awkward sideways position, while he began to thrust into her. Her pussy tightened around his cock and it encouraged him to go further. He began to thrust harder and fuck her until she choked on Derrick’s cock.

Derrick thrusted his hips up and down as Cameron rode his cock with her mouth. Sucking vigorously as sensations shot through her body. She felt the tingles running down her spine as she felt Derrick forcing himself down her throat while Miles rearranged her organs. Her nipples were completely hard and erect like she was standing in the middle of a snow storm naked. Her pussy was as wet as a waterslide, expanding and ready to explode with an orgasm while the taste of Derrick’s precum made her feel warm and sensual.

Miles pulled onto her hair as he was getting ready to climax. His balls tightened under him as his cock throbbed inside her wet pussy. Her pussy hugged him tight, the wet walls gripping every inch. This encouraged him to indulge in every thrust. He fucked her senseless, his cock pounding against the walls of her pussy. He made sure that he had gotten completely inside of her, filling her to the brim before releasing his load. Thick white liquid filled her slick cunt. Pouring into her as he groaned and yanked her hair harder.

His orgasm caused a domino effect because, in seconds, Cameron was orgasming as well. Her pussy throbbed and contracted as she felt him cumming inside of her. The warmth of his cum turned her on as she pressed her ass further back against his dick. She gripped Derrick’s cock and began jerking him off voraciously. Since she had cum, all she wanted was for him to blow his load into her mouth.

“Do it.” She moaned.

Derrick’s cock twitched as he felt her hands grip tightly around it while her tongue danced on the slit and head of his dick. Unable to hold it any longer, he shot spurts of thick cum straight down her throat. As he grabbed onto the side of the chair and grunted.

She was quick and guzzled it like water. Her mouth sucking it down like a vacuum. Derrick and Miles sat there, mildly exhausted and amazed as they watched Cameron swallow everything. Cleaning Derrick meticulously with her tongue. From there, she pulled one of the napkins from off the table and put it under her before slowly pulling Miles out of her. Cum poured out of her and onto the napkin on the chair.

“Resourceful.” Derrick laughed as he put his cock back into his pants.

“Agreed.” Miles replied.

Cameron pulled her skirt down and tossed the napkin under the table before turning towards to Miles.

“You’re next.” She stated flatly as she gripped Miles’ dick and licked him from the base to the tip in a circular motion. Cleaning up the cum and other juices from his cock. Pulling from the head, she slowly raised herself and pulled the hem of his pants and buttoned his pants back for him.

“I guess tonight was one of those vanilla nights, huh?”

“Fuck.” He growled, his vocal tone dominant and dangerous. “You got that right.”