Changing Room Fun

Big Tits

This is effectively a follow-on from “Worth the Wait” but both stories stand on their own as independent stories.


I was the first to wake in the morning; my mouth felt rough from all that wine the night before. Slowly I moved from the bed and tiptoed to the bathroom, there I found the hotel freebie toothbrush and quickly brushed my teeth. Inspecting myself in the mirror, I was glad I had worn minimal make-up, I still looked vaguely presentable. It was still early, so I quietly climbed back into bed.

The clunk of the bathroom door woke me with a jolt; I still felt a little groggy but I knew this was a good moment to escape. I’d had a fantastic night with Ben but the walk to shame was going to be bad enough without an awkward goodbye.

“You’re such a bitch.” I muttered to myself, springing from the bed.

My clothes were spread across the room, I quickly darted around recovering my items. There was a feeling of dread in my stomach as I realised I could not find my knickers. Dread quickly transpired into a pang of naughtiness as I pondered travelling home with my snatch exposed to the elements.

It dawned on me that travelling commando wasn’t a great idea and I continued my search. I was halted by the sudden realisation the shower had stopped in the bathroom. Quickly fixing my bra whilst slipping on my shoes, I then pulled on my dress.

Conscious I was rapidly running out of time; I hastily made my way to the hotel room door. Spotting a spare towel at the bottom of the open wardrobe, it suddenly occurred to me that there was a gym on the fifth floor; unsure if it even had a shower I grabbed the towel and Ben’s spare key card before leaving the room.

The ride down in the left felt like it took it ages. I felt so slutty, so not me, standing there in the lift with no underwear. My dress was flimsy, the wrong wind would have quickly left me exposed. As the lift arrived at the 5th floor, I was actually a little unnerved to leave its safety as I stepped into the corridor.

The sign directing people to the gym was small and took a while to spot; I followed the direction of arrow down a winding corridor. Finally coming across the glass door to the gym disaster struck, a sign affixed to the door read ‘CLOSED – Private Training Sessions’.

“Damn.” I said audibly. All the more frustrated that I could see a small corridor at the end that I was sure must lead to a changing room and shower. Through the glass door I could see the whole of the small gym; it was deserted with no sign of activity. Keen to feel clean, I tried the keycard from Ben’s room anyway, I was in luck as the door unlocked. With time tight, I dashed across the small room and through the door I had spotted on the other side.

I entered a small room, there was a bench running around the side and a larger one in the rooms centre; beyond the bench was a small corridor. There was a level of moisture in the air which told me that there must be shower in the corridor but also warned me someone had recently showered.

I listened out for the signs of anyone else but heard nothing. Confident I was alone, I threw down the towel and my bag. As I peeled my dress up over my head I got the shock of my life; as I regained my view of the room, I realised I had not been alone as I thought.

A blissfully unaware perfectly tanned male body was heading towards me, has face and view obscured by the towel he was drying his hair with. As he came closer, I was able to make out his solid physique; he had the huge strong arms I craved and a rippling six pack. Gazing only briefly at his stunning pecs, I quickly took my chance to chance to check out his package; I found myself lustfully staring at good looking flaccid cock sat on top of a large pair of shaven balls.

“Thought I had this booked!” The strange voice announced, startling me.

My eyes snapped back up, now looking at the tanned chiselled face of this perfect stranger; his damp brown hair and tanned skin contrasting his deep blue eyes. His towel was now held on his shoulder by his hand, he made no attempt at modesty.

“I’m so sorry, I just wanted a shower.” I babbled apologetically; he still made no moves to cover himself. “I’ll give you some privacy.”

“No need. You’ve seen everything now.” He responded with a cheeky grin; “plus I’ve seen most of you now so no need to be shy.”

It then suddenly dawned on me that I was stood there only wearing a bra, my matching knickers still somewhere 15 floors above. I knew she must be blushing which would be especially noticeable on my fair skin.

“Anyway, I’m Tim. Tim the trainer.” Tim chuckled, clearly his nickname amused him.

Tim’s eyes darted around my body; I’m sure I didn’t quite match up to the sort of gym bunny girls he has probably used to but that didn’t stop him roaming eye. I know men are enthralled by my fiery ginger hair, Tim’s eyes followed the flow of freckles from my face down my ample D cup breasts which were the only part of me enjoying some modesty. After clearly sizing up my breasts, his eyes worked their way lower taking in my soft maintained mound of ginger pubes and tidy pussy.

“Not here for a workout then?” He asked bringing his eyes back to my face.

Tim’s eyes quickly flicked back to admiring my body, there was a definite movement of blood to his cock as he did. Clearly I was turning him on and I felt a little giddy myself. Despite a great fucking last night, this was exactly the sort of man I craved and with the right signals I could have right now.

“It’s rude to stare.” I snapped, testing his reaction but he barely averted his eyes as I unclipped by bra and tossed it aside.

As I walked toward Tim to reach the shower, his eyes seemed to follow each nipple in time as they bounced with my stride. Tim still blocked the doorway and as I reached him, I placed my hand firmly on his left hip, my thumb sitting nicely in his Adonis belt. I applied enough pressure to make it clear he was in the way and he obliged, pivoting back against the wall.

Loosening my grip on Tim’s left, I placed my other hand on his left, just a little lower and further this time so I could feel the firmness of his buttocks. Pushing myself past, I cheekily rubbed my hardening nipples against his firm chest. Being a good foot shorter than him, I could feel his hardening cock rubbing my chest as I pushed past.

Just as I pushed past Tim, he grabbed my right arm as I swung it back towards me. Holding me in place, Tim swung his body to be behind me before pulling back towards him. Tim gripped my torso before rapidly raising his hands to fondle me breasts and tweak my very erect nipples. Tim’s hands enveloped my breasts, massaging them in a strong but sensual fashion; in the mirror dead ahead I could see him admiring his work.

I bit my lip, breathing deeply as Tim freed a hand to work further down my body. His arms were unable to make up the height difference and he stooped behind as his hands reached my soft tuft of pubes. His hands reached further, pushing past my labia to explore my swollen clit.

I was so lost in the moment as Tim’s fingers circled my clit and his hard cock throbbed, poking at my back. Muffled animalistic moaning left my lips uncontrollably as Tim continued his work. I was desperate to see and feel his cock, what I could feel up against me felt far from disappointing.

After what can only have been a matter of minutes, I could already feel an orgasm building. My moaning was getting loader and was beginning to writhe in Tim’s arms, he must have known what was coming.

“Go on cum! You know you want to!” Tim was insistent and I was compliant as my body shuddered and I growled loudly.

I felt weak at the knees, but that didn’t matter as Tim had already begun lifting me up off the floor. Grasping me beneath my knees and under my arms, Tim carefully turned in the corridor and carried me back into the changing area when he lay me on the central bench.

Although my dress and towel offered some cushioning, it wasn’t amazingly comfortable; I was a little confused as to why my head was hanging off the edge. I looked around as Tim was moving himself towards where my head hung, as I looked up my view was filled with an erect cock and balls.

As Tim lowered himself onto his knees my view got better and better; his balls were perfectly shaped and huge with it. As his cock came into clear view I like what I saw, it looked around 6 or 7 inches long, it was nowhere near as thick as last nights but it had beautiful thick veins which led to a bulbous purple head which sat clear of his retracted foreskin.

“You’ll be able to take more of it in this way.” Tim informed me, guiding his angry cock head towards my lips.

Now I knew why I was positioned like this, he wanted to be deepthroated; my head was full of fear and trepidation, I’d never tried this before. I quickly moistened my lips and had barely put my tongue back in when Tim began feeding me his cock. He wasn’t shy about getting it all in, shuffling forward for his best angle of attack.

I gagged a little when he was about three quarters in, clearly this turned on Tim even more as he more eagerly pushed the rest of his cock past my lips. I guess my life was made easier through Tim’s efforts as he bucked back and forth, fucking my mouth. Occasionally he’d thrust in hard and make me gag again, it was great to add my own sex noise over his grunts.

I raised one my hands up above my head so I could fondle his huge balls and Tim groaned in appreciation as fondled them. My other hand worked its way down my own body, vigorously stroking my own clit despite the distraction of regularly gagging as Tim fucked my throat.

After what felt like an eternity, Tim had clearly tired of feeding my face with his cock. As he withdrew his slobbery cock, I prayed that I would finally get to feel it in me. I quickly sat up and spun round on the bench ready to be positioned by Tim.

“We don’t have long! The next booking is due soon.” Tim warned me as he pushed me backwards and quickly moved my towel to cushion my head. I’d not even contemplated the risk of us fucking here in an unlocked changing room.

Tim was back down on his knees, rubbing his cock against my pussy lips. I exhaled loudly as he finished his teasing and entered me. He started slowly, his trusts acclimatising him to my extreme wetness. The feeling of his cock hard inside me was intense, especially as I watched the contusion of his muscles with every thrust.

Suddenly my legs were hoisted into the air as Tim drove himself deeper into my aching pussy. Little else in the room could possibly have been heard over my load moans; I was getting it hard and loving it. Here was this muscle stud ticking all my boxes and my inner slut could not care less when the next appointment may appear.

An orgasm was definitely building, I could feel my body tingling in expectation. In a brief display of decisiveness, I broke my legs free, wrapping them around Tim to drive him deeper into me. Moments later my moans had turned to screams as an orgasm took control of my body. Tim was unable to move as my legs and spasming pussy held him in place.

As I released my grip, Tim withdrew; I couldn’t feel that he had come and wondered what his latest plan was for me. Tim stood towering over me stroking his cock which looked shiny and slick from my juices.

As Tim continued to stoke his cock, his breathing got deeper; as he threw his head back and looked at the ceiling, I knew he was about to cum on me. He grunted loudly as the first rope of spunk shot from his cock. The first spurt of cum was followed in rapid succession by many more, I couldn’t even recall how much, it was more like a cum shower. When Tim had finished there was warm cum rolling across my chin, tits and belly.

“I think you definitely need that shower now!” Tim proclaimed as he stood proudly eying his handy work.

“You’re a bastard!” I retorted, the sex was over now, and I could show my wickeder streak.

I sat up, pulling the towel up from under my head; cum trickled south along my body. Tim moved off out of my path and rushed towards the shower, trying not to drip as I moved. I quickly found the shower and shutting the door behind me I eagerly pressed the start button. My mistake was immediately clear, I was hit with a blast of icy cold water.