{This story was actually written by my late husband, Ted. I did make a few changes and corrections. Some of you may have seen Ted’s stories here under the nickname, “magichands”. I found this and a pile of other writings, mixed in with articles and stories from over many years. To give you an idea of the volume of his writings, they fill 4 very large cardboard boxes. I will post any I feel readers might find interesting.}
Sharon and I were so young when we married. She was a tiny woman, only 4’10” on a good day, and just 93 pounds. The first few months of our marriage was a whirlwind of sex.
I was 19, she was just 18, our combined sexual experiences were limited to a couple of feels through clothing and some long hot kisses. Sex before marriage just wasn’t all right in those days.
Once married, sex was OK, and we went at it every spare moment, experimenting and learning what new pleasures were like.
One day I was feeling frisky, and with no real planning or forethought, I had her flash some older guy in a gas station. Sharon kept trying to pull her dress down and I kept pulling it up. We were laughing and giggling, she was slapping at my hands to no avail. Finally she gave in, her face went pink and her lips pursed out silently, she was getting fussed up.
One thing I was sure of, Sharon never wore panties, her mother never did, either. Her Mom was convinced that they caused diseases or something like that. The truth be known, her Mom was a bit of a nasty old gal, on the chunky side but OK. I got lots of glimpses of her hairy bush when Sharon and I were dating. Mom would sit across from me on the couch in their living room. When she got up, every time her knees would come up apart, then down as she rolled her stocky frame up and off the sofa. I could see all the way up her dress.
Maybe that is where I got the ideas for what followed, I don’t know for sure.
Anyway, back to the story. The attendant went a little nutty, even down to running a vacuum around on the floorboards trying to get a better peek up her dress.
He got one, too! At one point he was leaning inside the passenger door, poking around under her side of the seat and actually pushed on her right knee a little. She resisted, I told her, “Let the man in there so he can do his job” or something stupid like that. She looked sideways at me, turned even redder, then just moved her right knee so far her leg stuck out the door!
I looked up at her face as she stared out the windshield with the oddest expression. The attendant had his head down and was looking up her dress, pretending to poke around with the vacuum hose. The hem of her dress was almost all the way to her crotch, she was completely wide open to his view.
My own thoughts were confusing, I was excited at the idea but almost upset that she was so blatant about it when she did it.
This was the day Sharon realized the power her body had over men. That night she was like an animal, I was actually sore afterwards.
Plus I got to watch her cheeks puff out as I blasted a load of sperm into her mouth. She got a strange expression on her face and ran to the sink to spit it out as I laughed at her uproariously.
That same night I tasted her for the first time, she had a different attitude after that. I was learning about her, too!
We did a lot of risky flashing attempts after that, they were fun. Some reacted in shock and turned away, some just stood and stared.
Sharon now knew that she could get almost anyone to do whatever she wanted just by using her body, and she used it to best advantage.
It şişli escort got to be a regular event for her to get “caught” in various stages of undress when the meter reader or the guy who filled the Propane tanks showed up.
The meter reader had to walk around to the back where the pole was, right outside our bedroom window. Sharon would be moving around topless, or laying “asleep” on the bed, often completely nude. One time I was looking out the small bathroom window as the meter guy stood there looking in at Sharon. He stood there a long time. After he left I went around and looked, she was laying on her stomach reading a book, not a stitch on. She lay sideways to the bed, legs apart enough that I could easily see the pink of her through her pubic hair.
The other delight she had was the gasman. He always came to the door with a receipt for us to sign, she would get her hair wet and answer the door with just a towel wrapped around herself. She would be losing and grabbing at the towel as she fumbled with a pen to sign. Usually I was not home when he came, but I saw her do that a few times. It was starting to become a kick to do.
Sharon had lots of accidents like that.
I decided to try it myself one day. There were two ladies, one young and one quite a bit older, part of the group that constantly canvassed the area for a religious organization. No amount of “no” ever got them to not come back.
One day I looked up and saw their car coming. I darted into the bedroom and jerked off all of my clothes, pulling a small towel around my waist. When the doorbell rang, I waited a bit, then opened the door. The two ladies stood there almost in shock as I said “Hi” and reached for the flyer, losing control of the towel at the same time. The older lady’s eyes never left my face, the younger one’s dropped right to my cock, now standing at half mast and on the way up. I got the towel back under control said, “Thanks.”
Funny, they never came back after that. Sharon was sitting on the couch the whole time, and she started to giggle so hard I thought she was going to choke. Somehow that excited me, though. I grabbed her and we bounced around the living room for about a half hour, great fun.
One thing about sexual experiments, there is always a next step. Ours was the same, we got bolder and bolder. One day right in the middle of making love I asked her if she ever thought of being with someone else, she seemed to freeze up at that.
I tried to broach the subject again another time, right after we had done one of those “had to much to drink and passed out” scenarios with a couple of buds who came over with some beer.
Sharon ended up stripped and naked as a jaybird, pretending to be passed out as we all looked at her. Then the guys crashed in the living room while Sharon and I went at it in the bedroom, just another crazy night.
No amount of talking would get her to even consider sex, though, I just gave up and forgot about it.
One day she mentioned that the salon she went to had a Masseuse, I had no real idea about that at all but I asked her a bit about it.
It seems they had a woman and a man on staff, the lady did all the women, and the guy did all the men, perfectly legitimate. I wasn’t about to let any guy touch me, and I told her so. But she wanted to try it, so I said sure. Then she told me it was “only” $10 an hour.
“Only!” I yelled, I was making around $2.25 an hour at the mill, $10.00 an hour was insane!
“It’s just once in awhile.” she said, doing that lower lip pouting thing that always let her get her way.
Well, I eyüp escort still wasn’t going to pay that, but Sharon had her own ways to make money. She designed patterns and made clothes from scratch, she could make a blouse that cost about $0.50 in material, and she sold them for $4.00. She had a dozen regular customers, plus she also made bread rolls.
I know, it sounds silly, but she made them up in a pan, her Mom had worked in a bakery and taught her. Sharon’s dinner rolls were so light and fluffy they almost floated out of the pan. She sold those all made up ready to bake at Christmas and Thanksgiving, making about $2.00 a pan. Some holidays she would get orders for 20 pans of them and more.
So she usually had $50 or so hidden in a sock someplace, if she wanted to waste it, not my business.
So she got her massage from the lady therapist, and she loved it. So much so she tried a couple of times to get me to go, no way was I letting some guy rub me down, that was all there was to it.
Finally one day she told me that Connie, the female masseuse, would work on me if I liked. I wasn’t really interested, but after bringing it up a half dozen times over several weeks, I finally gave in.
I ended up on a table while this nice chubby lady rubbed me from the top of my head to the tip of my toes. I was only 21 by this time, and I got a woody that would bring the house down. I know I turned bright pink trying to hide it and make it go away, it just would not.
Towards the end of the session, Connie said something about me “Looking uncomfortable” and next thing I knew she had my cock in her hands and in about 10 strokes I was pasting the ceiling.
Up to that point, no one had ever done that to me, not even the wife. We simply screwed, she would sometimes go down on me but even that didn’t last long, I wanted to be inside, and right now.
Young, yep….But that was the day I decided I wanted to be a massage therapist, besides, making $10.00 in an hour sounded real good to me. But I only wanted to work on women.
I loved it. There was no doubt, I was hooked. I had Sharon do me with her hands that same night, the feeling was the same. It was 100% better than when I did it myself, I wasn’t really sure why.
Still, $10.00 was a lot of money to us back then. So I never did go back to see Connie, nothing to do with anything other than we were always stone broke.
One day Sharon popped up with, “Connie is coming over tonight.”
“Yes, I want a massage.”
“Oh, Ok.” And I thought nothing more of it.
About 8 PM that evening a car pulled up, and this tall guy with blond hair piles out and heads for the house, I was working out in the garage trying to get my old 25 horse Evinrude to run so I could go catch a fish.
“Hi.” I said.
“Hi, is Sharon home?”
“Yes, inside.” I answered, a little puzzled.
I looked him up and down as he headed for the house, he was about my size, blond, and he looked like he worked out or something. T-shirt and slacks, he looked kinda…well..scrubbed?
Sharon came out to the garage a few minutes later, and told me that Connie had something come up, and had sent Darin over.
“For the massage?” I asked, getting the drift.
“Yes, is it all right?”
I went right into my resistance mode, she went right into hers right back. I protested the idea of some strange guy rubbing her body, she retorted with “He has worked on me before!”
Well, this was news to me…
I finally gave up after getting the confirmation that he was a “perfect Gentleman” and a “professional”. beşiktaş bayan escort I relented with, “Oh the hell with it, go ahead.” Off Sharon went towards the house, I went back to work.
I wanted to go fishing, it was Friday night and the Evinrude had to run or I was staying home. I found the fuel line that had the plug, cleaned it, gave her a yank and the engine started right up. Pleased as all getout with myself, I washed up in the sink and headed for the house. I was just at the front steps when it hit me.
Should I just walk in? Should I knock first? Hey, it was my wife, and it was just a rubdown. Then I got curious, here was some blond bimbo type in there with his hands on my wife.
I went and got a ladder, leaned it up beside the kitchen window, and peeked in. All I could see was bare feet sticking out. But I saw that the west drapes weren’t drawn. We had a small deck out there off the side of the mobile home we lived in.
I knew from experience that after dark, no one inside could see out, the sliding doors acted like a mirror.
At first I thought I shouldn’t then I couldn’t help it. I put out my smoke, knowing that could be seen from inside, and sneaked around the house and stepped up on the deck.
Sharon was laying on her stomach on the table, the guy was rubbing her legs with gusto. She was sideways to where I stood at the window, Darin’s back was to me so it was hard to see. I watched as his hand got higher than I thought they should, but still he seemed to be leaving room. All she had covering her was a towel over her fanny.
Just then he leaned down and said something, Sharon turned over. All she had covering her was a towel, her breasts were completely bare. I was almost cold with shock, then excited at the same time. Sharon was baring her breasts to this guy as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
I watched as he ran his hands over her upper body. Then he had them on her breasts, he even rolled each nipple in his fingers. He spent a long time doing that, too. I watched as her knees came up slightly and her legs parted a little. She rather obviously liked it.
I thought that was a bit much but the end, as he worked on her stomach for awhile. Then he moved down to the foot of the table.
He stroked her right leg fully, but his back got in the way, I couldn’t see his hands. I was almost sure he was touching her. Then he moved to the other side, the towel got higher and higher. Her bush came into view, I could see it from outside, he was standing right there. Her feet were a good 2 feet apart, there was nothing hidden.
Then he reached down and pressed his fingers between her legs, she let him! Her butt came up to meet his touch, in seconds he was masturbating her furiously.
I couldn’t believe this, here was my wife who resisted every single thought I ever came up with, spreading her legs for this guy like she was expecting it.
It hit me she was expecting it. I watched as she turned her head to stare at the bulge in the front of his slacks, I fully expected him to drop them and climb on her.
But he didn’t, her body arched as she came, I could see he now had fingers deep inside her.
I was worried about getting caught peeking when Sharon turned her head and stared at the windows, I knew she was trying to see out, so I sneaked off.
I lit a smoke, trembling at what I had just seen. In a few minutes, I heard the door open, his car start, and he was gone.
I went inside.
Sharon looked up, she was fully dressed. “Did you get the engine running?”
“Yes, it runs fine.”
“That’s nice, are you hungry?”
“No, how was the massage?”
“Oh fine, he is pretty good.”
“Did anything happen?”
“Yes, anything I should know about?”
“No, just a normal massage.”
I looked at her and smiled. “Maybe I will go see Connie next week.”
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