Here’s one I wrote fast, a spin on another idea I’ve presented before. Written in first person, in the mind of a young woman who has been hypnotized, yet doesn’t remember it and has lost all her inhibitions. This one was a fun, little challenge. Hope you enjoy.
“That’s right, Brad. I’m done. I am going to dress this way from now on. I am fucking tired of all the constant glares and gawking.”
“What is this all about?” asked Brad, looking away from me, instead at the floor.
I was dressed in a miniskirt and a blouse that was wide open, exposing my braless tits to my brother, Brad (assuming he’d look up). My nipples were bigger than average and a bit puffy, but otherwise perfectly centered on my large breasts. Brad was not just my big brother, but also my roommate in college, as we shared a small one-bedroom apartment. He usually slept in the living room, but on rare occasions, we had been forced to share the bedroom. We certainly never did anything criminal, but living in such a small, enclosed space meant Brad had seen me naked a couple of times before today.
The first time he walked in on me naked, I felt a bit awkward, as his eyes tended to be drawn to my huge tits with my clothes on, and there I was completely naked. However, he instantly diverted his eyes and looked away. He always did that when those uncomfortable situations occurred, doing his best to not to look at me at all. My nudity had the same effect on others, as I discovered today. Perhaps it had been Brad that somehow sparked the idea.
I explained it all to my brother. “Listen, Brad. You know that no matter WHAT top I wear, people are always staring at my tits. I couldn’t take it anymore. I was in my Advanced Psychology class and caught not only my group partner, Tim Pillars, but the teacher himself trying to look down my top. We had been studying the effects of hypnosis and meditation. They had been sneaking peeks down my blouse and I just lost it. I ripped open my shirt and lifted my tits out of my bra. I swear, Brad, more people looked away and started treating me with dignity after I did THAT, rather than all my other efforts of ever dressing modestly. Well, I figure, if people only want to look at me as a pair of tits, I might as well give it to them, right? They can PROVE just how low they are, or otherwise they can treat me with some goddamn respect! Apparently, this method commands that kind of respect.”
“I think you’ve gone crazy,” said Brad, finally looking at up at me, perhaps for the first time ever of getting a very clear view of my bare chest. For some reason, I just didn’t care.
“I’m telling you, Brad. I got more respect dressed like this…” I waved my hands up and down my torso, “…I got more respect in one day looking like this, than the five years combined I’ve been here. After class, I went to the cafeteria and picked up lunch. I got none of the usual cat-calls from the staff there, either. None of it. Everyone was simply behaving!”
“It’s uh… probably from the shock, Becky. Once they get used to this, I dunno… well, I don’t know if your idea will work.”
“Oh, yeah? Look at you. You’re actually looking at me in the eyes right now. You know how rare that is?” Finally, Brad glanced down to scope my breasts as I said that, but he quickly brought them back to my eyes. “I mean it, bro. You spend a lot of time peeking glances at my cleavage and now you are being more respectful than ever.”
“I’m not sure what you want me to say. Whether I agree with your line of dress? Becky, you’re naked.”
“It’s not about the nudity, Brad. I’m making a statement and I think it is one that matters. Women should NOT be looked at as pieces of meat. I can’t help how I look, but just because I have big tits doesn’t mean I should be subjected to stereotypes and untoward advances.”
“And showing your tits to everyone is going to send this message?” asked Brad, incredulously.
“Of course, big brother. You know it will! It works on you, doesn’t it?”
I skipped over to the kitchen to make myself a baloney sandwich, my tits swinging with the motion. As much as I’d always hated people trying to perv on me, for some reason, I now felt free and just didn’t care. Being able to be unashamed in my appearance and my body was a liberating experience, and I was enjoying the newfound freedom. It felt good allowing my huge tits to be unbound. Constrained, they were always uncomfortable. I turned back to my brother.
“Brad, I hope you will support me in my decision.”
Brad finally snapped, “Listen, Becky! You do whatever you want outside, but do you actually have to be this way here? In the house?”
“What’s it matter?” I asked. “For once I feel good about myself.”
“I never thought you didn’t. Look, I am sorry you caught me peeking down your blouse a few times. It’s just… well… it’s unavoidable. I’m not sure you can understand, but THIS is taking things a bit too far, don’t you think?”
“Listen, Brad,” I said, lifting bonus veren siteler my tits up high, squeezing them and making my nipples cone-shaped, pointing right at his face. “This is the new me Brad. I’m NOT going to obsess over keeping these things covered anymore. I’m not going to despise people gawking at my tits all day. I’m going to be me and THESE are very much a part of me.”
Just then, there was a loud knock on the door.
“Would you put those away?” asked Brad.
“No!” I insisted, “You’re being ridiculous!”
Another four raps on the door. Brad was obviously too ashamed to answer the door with me holding my tits in the air, so I marched over and opened it myself. Sure enough, the man standing in front of me only briefly looked at my tits before holding respectful eye-contact. It was Tim Pillars, my partner from class.
“What are you doing here?” I asked. “How did you even know I live here?” I never cared much for Tim. He was kind of uppity. However, he seemed genuinely distressed and quickly stepped in, shutting the door behind him.
“Uh, excuse me?” I asked. “Can I help you, Tim?” I crossed my arms under my tits, making sure they weren’t covered. If he was going to look, I was going to own it.
“Becky, I’m sorry I am here. I’m not stalking you, i promise, though I did look you up in the online student directory. It didn’t have a phone number, but it did have this address.”
“Oh yeah, we had our phone plan canceled when we submitted our information to the directory.” I looked over at Brad. “Never thought to update that stuff.” I looked back at Tim. “Well? Okay, what it is?”
“Can we sit down? This may take a while to explain.”
Now Tim had me curious. I motioned for him to sit on the couch in the living room. As he did, I took the loveseat across from it, while Brad stood at my side.
“Becky, today in class. Do you remember what happened?”
“Yes, I was just explaining to my brother…”
“It sounds crazy to me,” said Brad, “but she insists this is the new her.”
Tim cleared his throat and continued. “Becky, today in class, Dr. Anderson hypnotized you.”
“What? No way. I don’t remember that at all!”
“Yeah, he was performing a demonstration. You don’t even remember him approaching our desk when he offered to do that, do you?”
“When did he do this?” I asked.
“Near the end of class, before you uh… before you ripped open you shirt and flashed everyone.”
“I didn’t flash, Tim! I took a stand. Enough is enough.”
“Well, yeah, I agree with that. You did say that,” Tim countered. “Let me explain. When you were hypnotized, the professor said that when someone is in a trance state, they still won’t do something that they wouldn’t be willing to do when awake and aware. To give us an example, he offered to hypnotize you and ask you what your most deepest, darkest, most shameful secret is. He said you would refuse to answer the question.”
“I don’t remember any of this,” I said. “You’re lying to me.”
“No, I’m not. It only took him a moment to put you under. You volunteered, Becky!”
I vaguely remember something when the teacher was standing at our desk, but this was all foggy to me. I honestly didn’t remember anything in class happening like this.
Tim continued, “Once you were under, rather than refusing to answer, you rambled on about how you couldn’t stand people always looking at your tits. That it made you feel like a piece of meat. You said some other things, too, but I won’t get into it.”
“Now this is beginning to make sense,” said Brad. I looked up at my brother. He was genuinely buying into this story, but as I sat there with my tits completely exposed, feeling quite happy about my attitude of it, I just couldn’t accept what Tim was telling us as truth.
“Okay, Tim. It’s not how I remember it at all. I DO remember you and the teacher taking glances down my cleavage when I was speaking to you.”
“RIGHT! We were! It’s hard not to when talking to you. It’s probably why you brought it up when the teacher asked you what your secret was. Apparently, you can’t stand it when people do that. It makes you feel like a slut. That’s what you said, anyway.”
“Hmmm… okay,” I said, meekly, sitting back a bit. His words caught me off guard, because they were true. I mean, if I was truly honest with myself, the constant attention to my body from my peers did make me feel a little slutty, even though I wasn’t one in the true sense of the word.
“The teacher asked you, if you were to drop all inhibitions, how would you respond to the people who gawk at you and make you feel this way?”
“You said your shame… your deepest, darkest secret… would be to fuck all of them. To make them pay for undressing you in their minds. That you get full ‘ownership’ of their cocks.” Tim made the quotation mark sign with his fingers as he emphasized the word, “ownership.”
My mind was shattered. My absolute deepest and darkest secret had indeed bahis just been revealed to me, from my annoying lab partner, no less! It was so embarrassing to know that he knew this about me, but I immediately objected anyway. Never would I admit to such a thing in public, right?
“That is a lie! I would never say that!” I didn’t deny it, but implied so. I didn’t want Tim or my brother to think I had slutty thoughts like that.
Tim looked at me in a sincere way; one that revealed a touch of humility. “I’m sorry, Becky. We all heard it. Whether it is a dark secret that you don’t consciously hold is for you to understand, but I promise, Becky, that’s what we heard you say.”
I almost wanted to cry. “I don’t understand. Why would you do this?” I was so humiliated.
“We should never have taken it so far. But Becky, the thing is… the professor gave you a post-hypnotic suggestion.”
“Of course he did!” cried Brad. “That explains her tits being out.”
“That’s stupid, Brad. I made this decision on my own.”
“You did and you didn’t,” interjected Tim.
“Excuse me?” I asked.
“The professor told you that you would no longer feel ashamed of something that you can’t control. The ogling and whatnot you claimed occurs so often in your life. He said you would devise a way, in your mind, to no longer be a slave to embarrassment when people try to look at your tits.”
“And this is how I answered that? By showing my tits?”
“Apparently so,” said Tim. “There’s more. He also told you that you will no longer feel ashamed to hold such dark fantasies in your mind. That you will find an outlet to explore your needs, and that you will lose any inhibitions that would prevent you from achieving a healthy sex life.”
“He was suggesting I am sexually repressed?”
“I think so, yeah, maybe.”
“Man, this is getting heavy,” said Brad.
Tim looked up at him. “The thing is, I spoke with the teacher after your sister left.” Then he turned back to me. “I think he may have accidentally turned you into slut. An actual slut.”
“WHAT?!” I screamed.
“Calm down,” said Tim. “Obviously, nothing has happened to you yet. Well, other than you showing us your tits… but you can remain calm.”
“Listen, asshole,” I yelled. “I got my tits out to STOP being treated like a slut. It’s worked just fine, too!”
“Exactly,” said Tim. “It HAS worked. You had to go to all the trouble of getting your tits out just to get some respect from me, but what happens if I STOP respecting you?”
“What do you mean?”
Tim glanced at my huge knockers for just a second, before taking a deep breath and raising his head. He grabbed me the shoulders, looking me squarely in the eyes. “Becky, what I am suggesting is that we have unwittingly taken away what would be considered a healthy amount of modesty, or shame – whatever you wish to call it – from your personality. I am actually suggesting that the professor unintentionally removed ALL shame from you.”
“You mean like I would be okay being a total slut? Hate to break it to you, partner, but nope, that is not the case. Just because my tits are out does not make me a slut or even a sex object. This is my freedom. It’s my insurance on demanding respect!”
“Yes, yes, you told us that. What will be your reaction when someone doesn’t respect you, though?” Tim took his hands off me and slowly lowered his eyes, landing on my large nipples. Instead of only glancing, he now stared.
‘How dare he?’ I thought. He was antagonizing the situation, purposefully being obnoxious about seeing my tits out just to get a reaction from me.
“Hey, wait a minute, Tim. Now I KNOW this is a prank. You wouldn’t stare at my tits just to be a pervert. You’ve already proven to me that you aren’t like that.”
But my words had no effect on him. Tim continued to stare at my body and I felt as if I was forced to arch my back out and really pronounce my breasts out.
‘Look at my tits, you jerk!’ I thought to myself. ‘If that’s what this has been all about. Taking advantage of my newfound freedom just to show your true pervert colors.’
“Do you feel anything?” asked Tim.
“I feel like you’re being an asshole. You’re not respecting me.”
This was really pissing me off. If Tim was going to perv on me and my brother wasn’t going to come to my defense, I had to do something drastic. I immediately stood up and removed my skirt and panties.
“Hey, Asshole. I’m not just a pair of tits. I got a great ass and pussy, too! Why don’t you just treat me like a piece of meat, you fucker? Didn’t your mother raise you any better?”
Sure enough, I noticed a sizable growth in Tim’s pants. He really was a creep. Finally, he stopped looking at my body and looked me in the eyes again.
“Becky, does behaving this way feel normal to you? You realize you’re completely naked?”
“I’m only naked because I might as well be! You are ALWAYS undressing me with your eyes!”
It made perfect sense to me to be deneme bonusu protesting Tim’s action in such a way, but I certainly hadn’t planned on seeing my brother’s reaction to my nudity, as I caught him scratching at his crotch, which was every bit as engorged as Tim’s! Fucking perverts to look at me like this!
“What have you done?” asked Brad to Tim. “Can you fix it?”
Tim pretended to not care about seeing me naked and responded to my brother. “I think I can, but she’ll have to allow me to. I think she’s resistant right now. I would be, if I were in her shoes.”
“Stop talking about me as if I’m not here,” I screamed, lifting one leg up onto the couch. This allowed my pussy to be seen better by the two. I could easily stroke it, I thought, which I might as well do, considering they were sporting erections as if I was just some everyday slut.
“This is getting weird,” said Brad. “What are we going to do?”
“First thing, I don’t think we should let her out of your place until we resolve this. I can try to hypnotize her again and break this suggestion, but I’ll call the professor if we must.”
“I think maybe you should call him now,” said Brad, trying to avoid focusing his attention on my fingers which were rhythmically stroking my clit.
“So are you two finished looking at me as if I am a slut?” I asked.
“Yes,” they said in tandem. They both looked me in the eyes and I sensed sincerity.
“Alright then, I’ll put my skirt back on.”
That’s when my brother paused to look at me again. He took a couple glances back at Tim and said, “You know what? Fuck it. Let’s have fun with this a minute.”
“Excuse me?” I asked, standing up straight again.
Tim eyed Brad and smiled. “Really?” he asked.
“Sure, why not. She’s my big sister and she spent years torturing me growing up. So long as you promise me we can fix this.”
“It’s just a post-hypnotic suggestion,” said Tim. “I’m confident it can be reversed.”
Finally, they turned their attention to me fully, though I hadn’t yet put my skirt back on as I said I would, I was holding it, using it to cover my shaved pubic area as they spoke to me.
“Becky, do you feel in control of what you are doing right now?” Brad asked.
“Of course. I told you so,” I said. “I’m not exactly sure I believe Tim’s story.”
I mean, I had to admit, some of these actions I engaged in seemed a bit strange on the surface, but when I really thought about it, it seemed to make sense. I think what I did proved to the two that I deserved every bit as much respect as they got from me. It may have been a bit graphic, and it may have even turned me on a little if I was honest about it, but I think I got my message across. Unfortunately, their conversation implied they were up to something else now. I stood up straight and watched as my brother approached me, already going back to gawking at my tits.
“I am going to look at your breasts,” he said. “Maybe even feel them. I am going to appreciate your body for a while. Since you are willing to expose yourself to me, then I am going to take advantage of that.”
“Take advantage all you want, Brad! But I didn’t think my own brother would become such an asshole. You don’t have to be such a creepy perv, you know. It was one thing to try to sneak peeks down my cleavage, but for you to disrespect me like this… now?”
“Yeah, yeah… whatever,” he said, just eyeing my fully exposed cans. Tim was doing it, too. No shame in either one of their faces.
I quickly dropped my skirt and laid on the floor, spreading my legs wide. I rammed two fingers in my pussy.
“If you assholes think treating me like a piece of meat is cute, you got another think coming. Show me your cocks, you fucking nitwits! Show me you even got half a chance with the likes of me!”
I grabbed the bottom of one of my breasts, lifting it to my tongue, wetting the nipple. Both Brad and Tim were naked within seconds displaying healthy erections. My brother only beat Tim’s in size by a little bit.
“In my pussy. Now!” I yelled. I hoped it would be Tim’s, because I wasn’t sure I wanted my brother fucking me. Brad would have to do with a blowjob. I quickly arranged them as such and they got busy pumping.
“Thanks, sis!” cried Brad.
I pulled his cock out to say, “You should be ashamed you think of me like this, but as I see it, you’re the fucking slut here, not me. Just look at you. Begging me to suck your dick.”
“I’m not begging,” he said.
“Oh, yeah?”
I refused to service any attention on Brad’s cock as I allowed Tim to pound me in my vagina. I sat up a bit to watch his thick cock go in and out or my swollen pussy. Even if I didn’t give a shit what this asshole was to me, I might as well enjoy the view.
“Come on, Becky. Put it back in your mouth.”
“No, not until you say you’re sorry.”
“I’m sorry for treating you like a piece of meat, Becky.”
Good enough for me. I swallowed his large cock again and sucked to my discontent. Or rather his. Soon, his load filled my mouth, forcing me to swallow some deep into my throat. It was salty and bitter, but I managed to hold it down.
“Oh my god,” said Tim, as I was wiping the last bit of cum from my mouth. He pulled out and unloaded all over my stomach.