This is a follow-up story to ‘Lisa, directs her first porno’ and should be read beforehand.
“We now have more than two hundred of these berry shrubs growing at our resort but we don’t know anything about them, except for the effect it has on a person’s sexual appetite.” She thought aloud.
Lisa then decided to contact her friend, Anna, who is a chemist and does research in agriculture, among other things. She asked Anna if she would analyze the berries for her. Her friend told her to bring some over and she would check them out.
The next day Lisa brought over a handful of the berries to Anna.
Anna looked at them and said they looked ordinary.
Lisa said to her, “Anna, I found these on the island that we crash landed on. When we ate them, we had uncontrollable sex urges which lasted a long time.”
Anna replied, “Lisa, what’s wrong with that?”
Lisa laughed and said, “Nothing really, but it sure worked wonders with the guys. The never stopped fucking us. They came in us, their cocks staid hard and they fucked us some more and kept cumming in us. They must have continuously fucked us straight for an hour.”
Anna answered, “Send the guys to me.”
She went on, “Seriously, that is a lot. Let me analyze them and I will get back to you.”
Lisa told her ok and thanked her and went home.
About three weeks later, Anna called Lisa and told her to come over.
Lisa went over and as they had coffee Anna gave her the analysis of the berries.
Anna said, “Lisa, so far I found out several things about the berries:
First, they do look like blueberries and have the same general characteristics.
Second, they have a high content of salt in them, which is unusual but since they are on an island, that’s understandable.
Third, their juice content is much higher than an ordinary berry, almost ten times the normal amount of a berry.
Fourth, the skin of the berry is exceptionally soft.
Now, all of these things make for a very unique berry, which requires more study.”
Lisa replied, “So, what do we do?”
Anna just said, “We have to experiment.”
Lisa answered, “How do we do that?”
Anna smiled and said, “I think that will be the easy part. We will need volunteers…six to be exact…three men & three women…and, I prefer we use professional people you know from porno.”
Lisa replied, “Ok, I can get the volunteers and…”
Anna interrupted, “We need blacks and whites Lisa.”
Lisa answered, “Not a problem. I will get them. And, we can use my cabins at the resort.”
Anna told her she will get a doctor to be a part of the team as well.
They decided on starting the experiment in one month.
Lisa then left.
As soon as she got home, she made some phone calls.
I heard her call Tammy, the young lady who was her co-star in some of Lisa’s porno movies.
I heard her tell Tammy about bahis siteleri the project. Lisa asked if her husband Tom would be interested and obviously, she said yes and agreed because I heard Lisa say thanks as she hung up.
Then she called Tyson, a black guy who also was in Lisa’s porno movies. I remembered him because of his huge cock and capacity to cum tons.
He must have told her he could get a black female because I heard Lisa tell him that would be perfect and thanked him as she hung up.
Just as she was going to make another call, she stopped and looked at me and said, “John my love, would you be interested in joining the experiment? You would be perfect. Please baby.”
I looked at her and replied, “If you think I can do it, I will.”
Lisa smiled and said, “Baby, I know you can do it.”
So, over the course of the month there were many meetings with Anna, the doctor, Tyson, Tammy, Tom, Cherie and myself.
The doctor gave everyone complete physicals and finally, we all headed down to the resort to start the experiment.
When we got there, Jessie took us to the cabins we would be using. She showed us where the cameras and microphones are and got everyone settled in.
By this time, it was time for lunch and we all headed to the main dining room.
Over lunch, we chatted about the berries mostly and what we wanted to accomplish. Everyone seemed eager for the process to begin.
Lisa made an announcement, which caught me by surprise.
She said, “I want to thank you for your participation in this program. As far as we know, there are no side affects from eating the berries,unless you call endless sex a bad side affect. Now, since you are volunteers, I am going to give each of you $100,000 as a thank you. Also, if things work out and we can market the berries, you will all be considered a minority partner, each with 5% ownership.”
Everyone’s jaw dropped and they could only say thank you.
Anna then said, “The program starts in the morning.”
At 8:00 a.m. we all had breakfast and when we finished, headed to our respective cabins.
Tyson and Cherie went to one, me and Tammy went to the other one and
Lisa and Tom went to another cabin.
Anna visited Tyson & Cherie first and explained the process. When she was finished, she gave them each a berry and left.
She did the same for me and Tammy and Lisa and Tom.
Anna then went to the master cabin where she could monitor what was happening in each cabin and take notes.
Things started up pretty quickly too.
By the time she got to the master cabin, Tyson and Cherie were already fucking.
Anna watched as Tyson told Cherie that he was going to cum. Just then he pulled out his huge cock and shot ropes of cum all over Cherie.
As soon as he finished cumming, he shoved his still rock hard cock into her cunt and started fucking her again.
In an hour’s canlı bahis siteleri time, he fucked her six times, shooting ropes of cum all over Cherie who was enjoying every minute of it.
Then Anna tuned into the cabin Tammy and I were in.
I had already fucked Tammy once and shot an unusually lot of cum on Tammy’s tits.
My cock, still hard found Tammy’s cunt again and fucked her five more times, cumming all over her until she was covered.
By the time Anna zeroed in on Tom and Lisa, she was already swimming in cum and Tom must have fucked my wife five or six times and still going strong.
Anna took notes and saw that the effects of the berries were wearing off as we all kind of drifted off to sleep.
Anna let us rest as she prepared for the next session.
After dinner, the next session was ready to begin.
This time Tyson was paired with Lisa, me with Cherie and Tom with Tammy.
Anna gave us each a berry and then she went back to the master cabin.
As she monitored the participants, she noticed that the women were not as active as before.
It seemed the berries were less potent on them this time around.
However, the guys seemed to be more into sex than before.
Anna observed that the guy’s cocks and balls looked larger than before and as soon as they finished, she ran to each cabin and took measurements of their cocks and balls in limp and hard stages. She didn’t notice any significant changes though.
Later that night she got everyone together to discuss her findings.
As she mentioned how much bigger the guy’s cocks and balls looked, I told her that I never shot so much cum as in the second session and I could feel how much bigger my cock and balls felt. Tom & Tyson agreed with me.
The next morning was the same, except with different partners.
After the sessions, Anna analyzed the results which showed that the guy’s cocks seemed larger as did their balls and amount of cum they shot but they measured the same as previously.
The results also showed that the women were experiencing a decline in sexual aggression as the men’s were increasing.
For the next session, Anna told the women to take two berries with the guys still taking one.
As expected, the women got more sexually aggressive and the guys maintained their huge sexual appetite.
That night Anna took some of the berries that Lisa was growing and gave them to the participants instead of the island berries.
Anna monitored them and at the end of the session, she concluded that only the island berries worked on the men & women.
When she told this to Lisa, she was disappointed.
Anna concluded that the sea salt was what made the island berries work so well.
Then Lisa said, “If it’s the salt, why can’t we add sea salt to the water that we use on the plants?”
With that, the program was put on hold for six months until güvenilir bahis the sea salt was added to the plants on a regular basis and the berries ripened.
Six months later…
Anna met with me and Lisa and decided to try the locally grown berries where the sea salt was added.
Anna joined us in our cabin since the cameras & recording equipment were removed.
She gave us each a local berry and watched.
In a matter of minutes, my cock was rock hard and Lisa was all over me, begging for me to fuck her.
I wasted no time in getting my cock into her cunt and started fucking her.
It wasn’t long before I told her I was going to cum.
Anna yelled out for me to cum on Lisa, so I pulled my cock out and shot ropes of cum all over Lisa.
Anna just stared her in disbelief at the amount of cum I shot.
My cock was still hard and I fucked Lisa again, with the same results.
I was ready to fuck her again but she said she was sore so I got her on all fours and fucked her ass and I shot a huge cum load all over her ass and back and was still hard.
Lisa just laid there exhausted…
Anna stood up and removed her clothes and got on the bed next to Lisa.
I wasted no time in getting my cock in her cunt. I fucked her until I was ready to cum.
I pulled my cock out and shot cum all over Anna.
It was then that my cock went limp with cum still oozing out.
I fell next to them spent.
Some time later, we all sat around and came up with some facts.
Anna said that the sea salt was the catalyst to the berries and that the more sea salt, the more sexual appetite.
Anna then asked Lisa what she planned on doing with the berries.
Lisa thought about it and said, “If I try to market them, I am sure the government will interfere, so that’s out.”
She continued, “I can offer them to individuals here at the resort but I’m afraid that word will leak out and I’ll get in trouble.”
Lisa ended by saying, “I guess I will only offer them to special people I know, like you Anna and the participants in the experiment if they want them.”
I replied, “Well, as for myself, I wouldn’t mind using them when the situation arises. To be honest, the more I can fuck my lovely wife, the more I like it. And, even if the berries don’t make my cock and balls bigger, I get the feeling of them being bigger, which is fine with me.”
Lisa responded, “Ok, then it’s settled. The berries will only be given to select people. And, if there is going to be an orgy or gang bang, we will use them,” as she laughed.
We all had some champagne and we gave Anna a bag full of the berries.
Lisa called the participants and told them what was decided and they all got a bag full of berries and could have more whenever they wanted them.
Lisa and I told Jessie that the plants were off limits to everyone and that we will pick the berries when they ripen.
We also warned her not to give any out to anyone.
She promised she would look after them and not give any out.
Before we left the resort, we gave Jessie a few berries for her own use and told her to enjoy them.
She smiled and said she will…
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