Jane sighed as she cleaned her eighteen-year old son’s room, dusting and vacuuming. She picked up some of his clothes that were strewn across the floor (rather than put neatly away in a drawer or the clothes hamper) and piled them near the closet. Eyeing her son’s computer as she dusted, Jane felt a sudden impulsive urge to snoop.
Did he have porn?
He’s a teenage boy, of course he does!
But what does he look at? And where does he keep it?
She touched the keyboard and the monitor lit up and the computer woke. To her surprise, it was only on standby and ready for access, she didn’t need to try and figure out his password or anything.
Sitting down, she idly scanned the desktop.
“Nothing here,” she mumbled quietly to herself. “What about Movies?”
Clicking the app, it started up. Jane moved the cursor to the Recent list and saw a long list of titles. Choosing one at random, it opened a video clip of a lovely girl masturbating.
“Bingo!” Jane said with a sly smile.
Closing that, she chose another, this time it was two girls.
“Hmmm,” she hemmed with interest. “And this?” Another girl/girl clip. And another. And another.
“I detect a pattern here,” she laughed and clicked some more. Most of them were girl/girl, but there were some solo and boy/girl, and Jane found herself getting a little aroused by them.
As she went down the list, some had hints of what they might contain, others were cryptic sequences of numbers and/or letters. Then the list displayed a folder: Jack Mehoff. Jane chuckled as she got the pun.
“And what is this?” she wondered with a sly grin. She clicked on the first title in it and was surprised by the image of an older woman, very busty, jerking off a long, hard cock. The clip read “Mom lends a helping hand.”
“What?” Jane was a little shocked at this.
She opened the next, and it was another MILF video, also with an incest theme.
“Jason?” she muttered, surprised and a little aroused as she watched that one, and the next, and the one after that.
“My God, he’s got a whole library of incest porn!”
Jane found herself going through the entire folder. Many were an older woman – mom or aunt – but about a third of them were sister/brother, or sister/brother/mother &/or aunt.
Jane sat there stunned. “Does Jason really get off to these?” She shook her head at herself. “Of course he does. Why else would he have them?”
She watched them all and found herself feeling conflicted. She didn’t mean to pry, and certainly hadn’t meant to discover anything-like this. Maybe it was just a phase? Or maybe the fantasy simply appealed to him somehow? It didn’t have to mean anything untoward or unhealthy, did it?
“I suppose,” she said to herself, “I could always just have a talk with him about it. I mean, I never had ‘The Talk’ with him – that was supposed to be his father’s job. But with Dan gone…”. Jane didn’t look forward to the task. bedava bahis It would very likely be quite awkward and uncomfortable for the both of them.
“Doesn’t mean anything,” she told herself again. “It’s not like he’s spying on me, or his sister.”
Jane stood there paralyzed with intense curiosity. Glancing around, she moved to her son’s closet and opened the door wider. She saw nothing suspicious and relaxed. With a sigh, she picked up his dirty laundry and went to stuff them in his hamper when she saw something that made her freeze. A pair of her daughter’s panties.
“Karen’s underwear?!”
Jane pulled it from her son’s hamper and examined them. They were stained, and she could detect the salty aroma of cum when she cautiously sniffed them.
“Oh, my God,” she said aloud. She poked around and found another pair, one of hers – an old one she thought had been eaten by the washer or dryer because it had gone missing a few weeks ago. “Jason!” she exclaimed. Her panties, too, were stained, right in the crotch.
“That does it!” she affirmed. “I’ll have to have a talk with him when he gets home.” Jane took the panties, determined to confront her son with the evidence.
Jason got home in the late afternoon from school. He hurried to his room only to find his mom waiting for him sitting on the edge of his bed, tapping her toe as she watched him come in.
“Uh, Mom? Hi,” Jason mumbled and dropped his book bag on the floor next to the doorway.
“Jase,” Jane said, “we need to talk.”
Jason swallowed. Her tone was tight and she was clearly here about something. “Uhm, okay…” he replied.
“Close the door,” Jane told him, reluctant to begin.
Jason obeyed. When he turned back, he felt a lump stick in his throat as his mom brought forward the pair of panties he had stolen to masturbate into.
“Mom – I can explain!” he blurted.
Jane stared at him, the accusing panties held tightly in one hand. “Please do,” she instructed. “I’m curious to find out how my panties, and your older sister’s, wound up in your clothes hamper.”
Jason knew he was busted, and stared at them, unsure what to say.
“Have you – ,” Jane started, then stopped. “Have you been masturbating to them?” she asked. She found herself more curious than angry, and hoped he would be honest with her.
Jason’s eyes moved to his mom’s. “Yes,” was all he said.
Jane watched him a moment, and saw the guilt and shame that flitted across his face and felt a pang of sympathy for him.
He’s not a bad boy! she told herself. Just curious, and horny!
“Jason,” Jane said, “Look – I’m not angry, but – I have to know…” she glanced at his computer and recalled the videos she had found there. “Have you – been thinking about me, or Karen, while you – jerk off?”?
Jason gazed at her like a deer caught in headlights and she knew his answer. It caused something deep in her body to suddenly casino siteleri go tight, and warm.
“Y-yes,” Jason answered quietly, his face burning with shame.
Oh, my dear boy! Jane found herself suddenly wanted to comfort him, not inflict some terrible guilt on him. And she felt a surge of appreciation for his honesty.
“Thank you for telling me the truth,” she said. Jane felt a trickle of moisture in her pussy, and shifted in awkward silence. Her son stood there, waiting. Waiting for the axe to fall.
Her curiosity fulfilled, Jane felt her interest piqued.
“I also found some videos on your computer,” she said and looked at it before turning back to her son. “A special folder called ‘Jack Mehoff’?”
Jason’s face went redder and he stared at the floor.
Oh, my God! Jane fought a grin. He’s so ashamed, he’d do anything to make up for it! She felt a naughty impulse flood through her.
Jane reached over and nudged the computer awake. “Do you really like those videos?” she asked.
Jason looked at her, quiet.
Jane started the first one, the mom giving her son a hand job, and turned back to her son. She saw his eyes flicker to the screen, then quickly at her before returning to the floor again. She smiled faintly.
“Does that turn you on?” she asked, knowing the answer already.
Jason shifted uncomfortably. When she didn’t say anything, he looked up and could see both the video and his mom as she sat watching him.
“Y-yes,” he replied softly.
Jane nodded and turned to watch the video some more. “You like to think about an older woman jerking you off like that?”
Jason nodded, and Jane found herself quite wet.
I’m going to need to get off, and soon! she thought with a little embarrassment of her own.
“Show me,” Jane found herself saying aloud. She hadn’t meant to, and she stared at her son as he blankly stared at her.
“Wha-?” Jason responded.
Jane fought down her sudden shyness and repeated, “Show me. I want to see what you do when you watch these.”
Her son gazed at her in disbelief, but Jane felt an intense excitement flash through her as he slowly reached toward his fly.
“Go on,” she instructed. “I want to see what you do when you watch these videos.”
Hesitantly, Jason undid his zipper and let his now hard cock flop out. Jane felt a shiver at the sight of it!
“That’s it,” Jane told him. “Take it out and start stroking it like you’d do if I wasn’t here.” She was clutching her thighs together and shifting slightly to put pressure on her clit. Ohhhh God, that feels good!
Jason closed his fist around his cock and started stroking it mechanically.
“Oh, Jason,” she scolded him mildly. “Like you would if I wasn’t here!”
Her son tightened his grip and started stroking himself more in earnest.
“That’s it! That’s right, honey!” she encouraged. “That’s the way!”
Jason, bahis siteleri stunned with disbelief, stared at the screen and began to jerk off more enthusiastically.
“Oh, that’s it, honey,” Jane murmured to him hotly. She gazed at him. “But you don’t just think about any older MILF stroking you, do you? No – you think about me, don’t you?”
Jason nodded, his strokes growing faster, his grip tighter.
Jane was sopping wet. She stood and quickly peeled off her panties, the crotch clearly marked with her wetness, and held them in Jason’s face.
“You love to think about Mommy and smell her pussy, don’t you?”
Jason nodded aggressively. “Yeah…” he groaned as she held her wet panties to his face. “Ohhhhhh!!” he moaned as he climaxed. Ropes of thick, white cum shot from Jason’s cock, splashing onto Jane’s dress and legs, making her shudder and nearly climax as well.
“Ohhh, that’s it, baby,” she crooned as her son shot cum on her. “Oh, cum on Mommy!”
Jason complied, squeezing out every last drop in front of her, and Jane felt a wave of little orgasms roll through her.
“Ohhh, that’s beautiful, baby,” she murmured and knelt down in front of him. She took his still rigid dick and cradled it lovingly. Then she leaned forward and kissed it, enjoying the reek of Jason’s cum and the warm stickiness of it on her lips.
Jason stared down at his mom, his climax fading and reality flowing back in. Jane could see the wonderful, animalistic high being replaced by shame and guilt, and she hurriedly went to stop it.
“No, no – it’s okay!” she said. “Jason – it’s okay! I don’t mind. Really! I – I’m flattered, and thrilled that we could share this. This was – beautiful!”
Jason gazed at her. “Really?”
Jane smiled up at him lovingly. “Yes! Yes, of course! Really!”
He leaned against the door, his legs shaking from weakness. “Wow. I – I never thought… I never thought I’d ever – really – do this.”
Jane watched him warmly, seeing her son in a new light. “I’m sure,” she said, agreeing. “I mean, I never thought, either. I never knew…”.
Her son reached out to her and touched her cheek. “I love you, Mom,” he said.
Jane looked up at him, his words sinking in and dawning on her. “I love you, too, honey,” she replied. She felt joy at Jason’s delight in her reply.
Looking down, Jane laughed. “Oh my gosh! You made quite a mess!”
Jason chuckled in relief.
Jane stood and brushed herself down, and laughed again as she wiped cum off her dress. “Oh dear! I better get this in the wash before it sets!” She gave her son a quick peck on the lips as she prepared to leave, then paused and gave him a more deliberate, loving kiss. “I love you,” she said, then touched his face.
She stood there appreciating her lovely son, gazing into his handsome face. Jane knew her daughter would be home soon, and she wanted to get her dress off and the laundry started before Karen suspected anything. She took the stained panties with her, but smiled at her son and nodded at her most recent, and still damp pair.
“You can keep those for a while,” she said with a wicked smile, and she left.
Jason stood there in his room, dizzy and bewildered, and very, very pleased.
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