Bathroom Beat Off Session


I work as a strength and conditioning coach take me to different high schools, colleges or training academies around the state and sometimes the Midwest. These contracts typically are very short, between a few weeks to a few months, once I have put programs into place and trained staff on implementation I am off to the next location.

Setting up a new program involves are great deal of planning and physical setup. This requires me often arriving at a site very early in the morning or late in the evening when the schools or gyms are not in operation and I have the run of the place without interruption. Sometimes these long hours can be the worst aspect of the job. I try to find the highlights in everything and try to look at these early starts as the perfect time to get in a really good lift or cardio session with no distractions and some world class equipment.

A few years ago I was helping a high school restart their strength and conditioning a program and retool their gym for the 21st century. The school was not far from my house so the commute was short and I was able to get there early, around three or four each day. I would spend an hour or so maybe setting up equipment or busting my ass lifting hard. The school showers were old and scummy and I refused to use them and end up picking up a fungal problem.

Lucky for me just behind the field house and gym were the school’s administration suite. Within the administration suite was a single long hallway that held a dozen small offices for clerical staff, the dean of students and the school’s two principals. Near the end of that hallway lay a set of two private bathrooms that included showers.

Since I was a 15 year old boy I have had two habits that endured. First lasting habit is that I love to beat off after a really good lift. I do not know if all the testosterone flowing through me or if I am just always horny but nothing finishes sex izle off a workout better than stroking one out right afterwards.

The second habit I have held since high school is that I am a very vocal cummer, even when by myself. This means that every morning after I lift, and before I shower, I grab a big gob of Vaseline from my gym bag and get stroking.

The harder I pull or stoke the more engorged my cock becomes and the louder the groaning grows. I typically work myself into a frenzy of deep growling and grunting until I am ready to blow my load. When I nut I always bellow out a guttural “GGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” as I spray ropes into the toilet bowl. I figure nobody is there so who cares right?

This was my routine for the first two weeks lifting and jerking off loudly in bliss all alone. What I did not know during those first two weeks was I was not alone in that administration hallway at all. There was an attendance clerk, Jen, who would come early every day as well. She was quietly updating records with only her desk desktop computer light on her office a dozen feet away from my bathroom every morning.

I had run into Jen a few times during the day while working at the school but knew her only at a cursory level. She was maybe in her early 40’s, not traditionally pretty but was sexy. A sexy desperate look some woman get as they age. She always had dirty blonde hair piled up on high, with a little too much eye shadow trying to hide bags under her eyes. Her face was rounded out with a set of big full lips, a toothy but sexy smile.

Jen’s body still could turn heads. She was a tall woman, slightly chubby, but the right type of thick at those thighs with amazing hips which swung when she walked.

Her best feature by far was her sultry, deep voice.

In the first two weeks we would make small talk, and I would flirt a bit and so would she, her voice alt yazılı porno was relaxing and she had a quick wit. I flirt with women quite a bit and had just assumed that this was just one more, lazy, harmless flirt and never thought much of it

But it most have been much different for Jen, because in those two weeks of afternoon’s filled with “harmless flirting” each morning she listening to me as I pleasured myself loudly groaning and grunting. She must have known what I was doing in that bathroom every day.

On the second Friday on the job, I am rushing down the administrative hallway after another hard work out to beat off. I reach the doorway and toss my gym bag into the bathroom and turn on the interior light. Just as I am about to shut the door, I get startled because down the hall her full office light comes on. I stop dead in my tracks for moment.

I look back down the hall and catch as Jen pokes her head into the hall and says “Hey Vince what do you do every day yelling in the bathroom?” She then lets this flirty goofy laugh loose as she tilts her head and tosses her hair a bit.

I can tell by her laugh and look she is down to fuck. So I playful poke my own head out of the bathroom doorway and say “Wanna come and see?”

She giggles and walks down the hall after me.

I got my shirt off when she comes in, she exclaims “Holy fuck you are jacked!”

I am breathing hard as I look her over thinking she must have planned this by how she is dressed today. She is wearing a tight white blouse showing ample cleavage and a pair of tight black slacks with a pair of big hoop earrings.

Jen is hungrily looking me over as she starts feeling on my shoulders pecs and biceps. She leans in close while her hands are madly rubbing all over my upper body and is cooing in my ear “Oh my god! Baby look at you, fuck.”

She smells amazing and altyazılı sex izle her voice cooing in my ear is driving me wild.

I pull my fat cock out and say “You really wanna see?”

She is going nuts at this point keeps telling me how “Sexy I am” that I am “So huge” and that she “Loves my cock”. Jen moves her hands work down from my shoulders and upper chest to my abs and is now kissing on my neck and chest.

I tell her to get the Vaseline from my bag. She digs in and pulls out a large wad and starts milking my cock with both hands vigorously from base to head. It feels amazing and I tilt my head back and really groaning hard.

She is leaning into my shoulder and cooing in my ear again but this time she just keeps repeating “Big fucking cock.” “Big fucking cock.” like it is a mantra.

I pull her face to mine and kiss her deep.

Jen’s hands fall from my cock and using her Vaseline slippery fingers to rub deep into my chest and shoulder muscles. I start vigorously backhand stroking my cock with my left hand.

We are now making out in a very sloppy manner, drooling saliva on both our faces as I get bolder. With my free right hand I reach around and roughly grab her ass through her tight pants, poking into her butt hole with my thumb.

I can hear her making mewing noises as I poke her butthole and this is all too much for me to hold back. I bellow out a loud guttural grunt “GRRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH” into Jen’s face out I blow a massive load into toilet.

Jen is smiling like mad and keeps repeating “There you go baby!”

I tell her to “Pull the rest out.”

Now I am thinking she is going to jerk me some more and pull the last of the cum out. I am happily surprised instead when Jen drops to her knees and puts her big mouth around my massive cock head starts sucking the rest of the cum out of me vigorously. Her greasy hands are feeling deep into my thighs and abs. She starts swallow more of my cock gagging as she throats more and more. Her eyes are big and wild staring into mine. I know she is addicted at this point.

I went on to have lots more fun with Jen in the staff bathroom for the next two weeks.