© 2020, All rights reserved – mimaster
Ann was sitting on her deck, the sun having set over the mountains to the west over an hour before. Her neighbor Samantha was there as well, the two of them enjoying a mug of warm cider. The leaves were rustling in the trees, a faint breeze coming from the south, bringing with it the smell of wood burning in a fireplace somewhere nearby. It was a perfect October evening, and yet Ann was restless.
She glanced at the baby monitor, the silence reminding her once again that Owen was sound asleep. He’d run himself ragged during the day, playing and laughing as hard as she could remember. He was truly a happy child, and she couldn’t describe the immense joy he brought to her world. Yet she was lamenting the struggle of being both a good mother and attentive wife.
“I honestly don’t know what to do, Sam,” she sighed again, looking for answers from someone that had never been in her situation.
Her friend offered a warm smile, patting her on the arm to reassure her that she wasn’t alone, even if she didn’t have any practical experience or words of advice to share. But that didn’t mean she didn’t have an opinion or two, and she didn’t hesitate in offering them.
“Well, I think you’re doing an amazing job,” she said softly.
“Oh, what would you know,” Ann griped in response, regretting it as soon as she said it. “I’m sorry, Sam. That was awful of me to say that… or even think it.”
“No, you’re right. But I still think you’re being a bit hard on yourself.”
“I… I just don’t feel like I’m balancing my life well enough yet.”
“Then talk to me. Tell me what you’re really struggling with. You keep saying things, but in reality you’re not saying anything at all. Be specific, and maybe I can help you somehow.”
“I wouldn’t know where to start.”
“Start with what you’re feeling right now. What’s got you so upset? What do you mean by not being able to balance your life well enough?”
“It’s just that I’m trying to be the best mother I can be, you know.”
“And you are. Have you seen how happy Owen is? He is so loved, and so cared for, and he knows it. He can feel it, Ann. And anyone that knows you can see that.”
“Okay, but I feel like I’m not being a good enough wife for Neil. I swore before we had a baby that I’d do everything I could to keep our sex life as much like it was before. I knew it would be hard, and I knew we’d slow down a little. But ever since I ‘proclaimed’ to him that Anna was back, I feel like I haven’t really lived up to that name like I should.”
“Has Neil been complaining?”
“Well, no. But that’s the thing. He wouldn’t. He loves me too much to say anything. And he’s an incredible daddy, so he’s going sacrifice his personal pleasure for Owens’ happiness.”
“Just like you are,” Samantha nodded.
“It’s not just Neil that’s missing out on the sex life you want. You’ve been missing out too, and I think that bothers you.”
“Well, yeah. Of course it bothers me. But it’s really more about being a better wife for him.”
“You mean a better slut,” she laughed.
“A better slut?”
“Isn’t that what you’re really struggling with, how to balance being an amazing mom and the perfect slut?”
“Huh. Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“You’re an amazing wife because you’re taking care of the house, raising a wonderful son, and working too.”
“I only work one day a week, Sam, and that’s for my sanity. I need that time to feel like Anna. But I don’t seem to follow that up and act out on it as much as I should.”
“And why do you think that is?”
“I don’t know. I wish I could figure it out, because it’s driving me nuts.”
“It’s because I’m sitting here right now, and Neil’s not.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
“You feel like you’re not doing enough. Like for some reason, you don’t measure up to other mothers. First of all, there are no other mothers that think like you; ones that put such a priority on their sex life. You want it to be so incredible it’s practically legendary. Second, if they did think that way, they aren’t saddled with an impossible schedule to work around.”
“I’m sorry, I still don’t follow, Sam. I don’t see how I’m any different than any other mother.”
“Will you admit you’re different when it comes to viewing what a normal, active sex life is like? You make sure you have every Sunday together, no matter what. Most new mothers are happy with having sex once a month, not once a week. And you’re doing more than that. Can you at least admit that?”
Ann sighed and nodded. “Okay. I do have it good there, I suppose.”
“Okay. So how many of the new mothers that do put a priority on sex have to deal with a husband that works the odd shift schedule Neil does?”
“But that’s not his fault. It’s his job.”
“I know it’s not. But it’s still a fact. My father had a saying. Just because you choose to ignore the facts, that doesn’t mean they cease to exist. Facts are facts, Ann, not faults.”
“You know, Neil’s dad says bostancikadin.com that, but I never really thought of it like that. About faults.”
“Exactly. If a mother wanted to be a slut for her husband, she’d put her kid to bed like you did, and she’d be fucking right now instead of talking to her horny old neighbor. You don’t have that option, because he’s at work right now. And next week, he’ll be on third shift, and you’ll have to deal with that! You’re playing cards with a deck that’s stacked against you.”
“Well now I’m more depressed than ever,” Ann groaned.
“Don’t be. The biggest hurdle to solving any problem is learning to understand it. Once you do that, it’s easier to determine what course of action you need to take.”
“I’m not sure how I’m supposed to do that, Sam. I can’t change his shifts. And believe me, if I could I would. This weekend is going to suck because it’s his short one. Going from second to third blows, for him and for me.”
“I’m sure it’s hard on Owen too. But you make the best of it as a mother. Now we just need to help you make the best of it as a slut.”
“And just how do you propose doing that?”
“Again, the first thing to do is admit you need help.”
“I am admitting it. That’s why we’re talking, isn’t it?”
“I don’t mean by just talking. You also should be leaning on your friends.”
“How am I supposed to do that?”
“You could start by using them to help you with Owen.”
“I already do that every Wednesday,” she replied, referring to how Felicia watched him one day each week.
“That’s so you can work. Not so you can be a slut for Neil… and just as importantly, for yourself.”
“So you’re saying I should just get a babysitter so I can find time to fuck my husband?”
“Why not?”
“Because, I’d feel like a bad mother. I’d be making someone else responsible for my child while I’m out getting my jollies.”
“Why would you feel like a bad mother?”
“I don’t know. Because I’m supposed to be home with him, I guess.”
“But how is getting a sitter to have sex any different than getting one to go to the movies, or to go out dancing? You use Felicia to watch him so you can go to work, and you say it’s for your sanity. How is this any different?”
“It just feels like it’s different.”
Samantha turned in her chair, trying to focus on Ann’s eyes in the darkness. Taking her hand, she held it tenderly. “Anna. If you want to be a slut, something has to give. You said it yourself. It’s all about balance. If you want to be more attentive to Neil, then motherhood needs to take a back seat every once in a while.”
“How can you say that? How can I do that to my child?”
“What is Owen doing right now?”
“Well, he’s sleeping, of course.”
“Then how it going to affect him one way or the other if you decided to do something with Neil right now?”
“It won’t, obviously. But as you so eloquently pointed out, you’re here, and he’s not.”
“Right. But I AM here. You need to look at your resources and be willing to ask them for help. You might be surprised by their answer.”
“So you’re saying I should just go right now, even though Neil is at work.”
“Have you ever surprised him there?”
“No, why would you ask that?”
“Because he’s surprised you at work a bunch of times. Why not turn the tables for once?”
“Really? What, so you’d watch Owen?”
“Hell, I’d be watching TV. He’s sleeping, remember? How much harder is it for me to watch your television instead of my own for a couple of hours?”
“You’re serious aren’t you,” Ann giggled, the sudden rush of doing something impulsive and sexual making her pussy wet with excitement.
“They say it takes a village to raise a child, Anna. Who’s to say it doesn’t take a little help from the village to support a slutty mother as well?”
Ann was nervous as she drove over the railroad tracks, feeling every bump as she slowly crossed them. Making a sharp right, she drove parallel along side them on the service drive, switching off the headlights in hopes that her car wouldn’t be noticed.
“I pray this isn’t a mistake,” she whispered, hearing her voice crack over the silence in her car. She’d turned off the radio; the only sound that of the tires slowly rolling over the gravel.
She’d taken the back roads from her house, along the winding, hilly terrain, her heart pounding harder the closer she got to her destination. She saw the lights of the plant parking lots in the horizon as she approached, illuminating the dark sky like she was coming up on a football stadium. Turning before she got there, she slowed down, creeping along the tracks until she got to that back-service road.
She passed the two security lights on the corner of the massive building as she pulled behind it. The grey wall to her left was four stories high. To her right, across the train tracks, was a hill running the entire length of the property; a man-made barrier that helped provide security. Parking in the dark, she turned off the engine, reaching for the bag on the passenger seat.
“I love this phone,” she grinned as she flipped it open, carefully dialing the number she knew by heart. “Please be at your desk. Please be at your desk. Please be at your desk,” she chanted as she listened to the ring.
“Good Evening, Neil Thomas.” She nearly swooned from his strong, virile voice coming through the earpiece.
Her heart jumped into her throat, and she had to fight to contain her excitement. “Hi baby.”
“Hey Ann. Where are you tonight?” he joked, knowing he didn’t need to worry about that any longer since he’d bought each of them mobile phones. Still, he couldn’t resist teasing her about how she’d been spending many of her nights away from the house while he was on second shift.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” she playfully responded in her sexy bedroom voice.
He jerked up in reaction, the tingle that ran down his spine making him hit his knee on the underside of his desk. He knew that instant he was really talking to his Anna. “I’m not so sure, now,” he chuckled.
“You know what I love about this phone, Neil?”
“That you can call and get me hard no matter where you happen to be?”
“That’s one benefit,” she said with a lilting laugh.
“What would the other be?”
“Before I tell you, are you busy right now?”
“Well, sort of. I am at work.”
“You also answered your phone, which means you’re not on the production floor.”
“True. I just got done making my rounds, so I have some time to talk if that’s what you’re asking.”
“That is so not what I’m asking,” she hissed.
“It’s not. Then why did you call?”
“Isn’t this phone for emergencies too?”
“Well, yeah. Obviously.”
“Good. My car has stopped. I think I need jumped.”
He heard what she said, but she certainly wasn’t acting like she was stuck somewhere. In fact, she sounded… well, horny, as usual.
“Where are you?”
“Behind the plant… second door from the south end of the building. Bring your keys unless you want to walk around the front to get back in. Be here in five minutes or I’ll be gone.”
She hung up the phone, wondering if she’d just made a colossal mistake. After all, it was one thing to do something so risky at her job. The place had practically invented the concept of having sex at work, what with it being housed in a former brothel. Besides, her boss literally encouraged her activity.
Perhaps that was an exaggeration, but Mary Ann didn’t mind whenever Neil stopped by to pay his wife a visit, even if it meant he might take her upstairs for a little while. Or behind the store, like he had the last time.
That’s what Ann was basically doing now at his work. But this was more dangerous in that it was his livelihood, as well as that of their family. While they were doing well financially, they couldn’t afford for him to lose his job.
Still, it was a calculated risk. It was ten o’clock at night, and there wasn’t anyone where she was at. Plus she’d left it up to him. If he didn’t feel it was okay to come out, she’d be leaving shortly. Then again, she really didn’t give him much of an option. He was a man, and with what she was proposing, he likely was thinking with the head of his cock instead of the one on his broad shoulders.
There was little chance he wasn’t coming out, if for no other reason than to appease his curiosity. He left the office almost immediately, circling around the back side through a warehouse, and then moving along to the shipping area. With it being that late at night, there was never anyone there.
“She couldn’t have planned this better if she tried,” he said as he rounded a corner, spying the door in question down the darkened aisle.
Going through it as she’d instructed, he walked outside, his eyes having trouble focusing at first. He heard a car door open to his right, and he headed carefully in that direction. As he got closer, he could make out the silhouette of the car, and the sexy feminine form leaning against the front bumper. She was waiting for him in a fur coat that came down past her knees.
“Where in the world did you get that?” he asked as he moved closer.
“Samantha let me borrow it. Its fake, but it’s warm,” she cooed.
“Well, you look amazing in it,” he said as reached for her hand to pull her toward him.
He attempted to embrace her, intent on giving her a steamy kiss in the cool night breeze, but she resisted. “We don’t have time for that,” she said as she traced a finger down his chest, squatting in front of him to lower his zipper. “God, I love it when you don’t wear your boxers,” she said as she easily removed his growing shaft. “I bet you give all the pretty girls here at work such a show. You know they can see how big your cock is in your pants, don’t you?” she teased, slowly stroking it, feeling it harden. “I always can… that’s why I love that you do it for me. I love showing you off.”
She took it in her warm mouth, quickly getting him fully hard, making sure he was slick with her saliva. Then she stood, opening the front of her coat, revealing she was wearing nothing but black stockings and a garter belt to go with her spiked high heels. He’d assumed she was naked underneath, pleasantly surprised she’d gone to the trouble of dressing up for him in the way that she had.
Taking off the coat, she threw it on the front of her car like a blanket before leaning against the hood with her hands, her perfect ass jutting out. Wiggling it to entice him, she looked back over her shoulder.
“Hurry lover! Hard and fast… you don’t have a lot of time,” she pleaded.
Her pussy felt like warm butter as he slid his cock the full length inside. She slammed her ass into him and he took the hint, grabbing her ribs as he began bucking his hips. The two of them began rutting against each other like they were possessed. He found himself leaning to the side, loving the way her full breasts were bouncing wildly as they hung below her body.
She was emitting a high pitched mewl as her climax started to build. He was tempted to swat her magnificent ass, but that wasn’t the mood she was in. This was an impromptu tryst; the ultimate quickie. And that was something that was lost on him before. He knew without asking that this was an answer to something that had been bothering her. She’d mentioned to him more than once that she felt like she wasn’t doing enough for him. It was always casual, and he’d always rebuffed any notion that she wasn’t the perfect wife to him. But he suddenly understood.
He’d always prided himself in being able to hold out, making their lovemaking or their energetic fucks last a long time. While he could cum faster if he felt the need, he never stopped to consider just how wonderful such an encounter could be if looked upon in the right light. Their coupling felt almost desperate, as if time really would run out before they finished. And that sense of urgency and passion added to the excitement of fucking his wife in a place where they probably shouldn’t be.
She came, her body shuddering as she held in her urge to scream to the heavens. Instead, she barked at him, demanding that he fill her with his load; telling him how much she needed him to explode inside her.
He wasn’t far behind, a minute perhaps. Then he lunged forward, nearly lifting her feet off the ground as he began spewing his sperm deep inside her womb. As he growled, she let out a contented sigh, feeling his hot seed coating her inner walls.
When he pulled out, she spun around and squatted once more, sucking his cock greedily, making a mess of her perfectly applied makeup. She made sure she squeezed his cock for every drop, letting it land on her cheeks and lips, deliberately smearing it all over her skin with the head before sucking it some more.
Letting go with a distinctive pop of her lips, she simply patted him on the cheek. “Thanks for jumping me lover. You better get back in there before they miss you.” Turning abruptly, she grabbed the coat, not bothering to put it on, instead tossing it over her arm. Strutting toward her door, she climbed in quickly to get out of the cool night air.
Neil was stunned by the unceremonious goodbye, watching in silence as she started the engine. She gave a little wave of her fingers as she pulled past him, the breeze from the car making him realize his hard, wet cock was still hanging out the front of his pants.
“God that was amazing,” he sighed as he watched her pull around the side of the huge building, leaving him there alone on the cold access road. He waited until he saw her pull out on the main road that led toward home, only then did her lights pop on. Tucking in his cock, he pulled out his keys. He glanced at his watch once he was back inside, checking the time from when she called. “Wow, the whole thing was only fifteen minutes? That was fucking awesome!”
However cold she was from being exposed to the chilly breeze, Ann was warmed by the huge, thick load of cum moving around deep inside her pussy. She was also experiencing the heat that came from doing something so dangerous and erotic. Her upper chest and neck were actually flushed from her rapid heartbeat, the energy she’d expended in the furious fuck feeling like the burn of one of her high-intensity workouts.
“That was so much fun!” she practically screamed as she pulled into her odd little development.
The thrill of doing something so naughty and the suddenness of the moment was more than just the culmination of a bolt of inspiration supplied by Samantha. It was an answer to the way she’d been feeling. Yes, she’d still need to work at balancing between being a loving mother and a passionate wife, but she suddenly felt there was hope. She just wasn’t sure how to keep the momentum going after what she’d just done.
It was a strange thing, not having the answer. She always seemed so inventive when it came to their sex life. But for whatever reason, while she wanted to act more like Anna, it was obvious being a mother would always come first and she struggled to find time and ways to act on her desires. Samantha helped open her mind, but she needed a little more of a push. She just didn’t know it until she walked into the house.
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