Teasing the Prisoners


I hadn’t been to Hippie Hollow in a while so being fresh out of interesting prospects I decided to go out and pass out a few thrills and maybe collect a few. It is a couple of hours trip, so I had to plan for it a little. Found an open weekday and got an early start. It had been at least a year since I’d been there, so I like to keep up with changes. Costs more to get in now, but not enough to keep out the real public. The trees and undergrowth have been cleared out some, especially down to the right off the main trial. I used to have some fun back in the woods, but the view is just to good for the park rangers now.

Other than that it looks a lot the same. I got there early, I wasn’t sure I’d stay if I didn’t find the kind of action or prospects I was looking for. That left time to go into town or cruise around. I don’t think I’m supposed to get naked in the parking lot anymore, but the rangers can’t see you if you go to the parking places all the way down to the left. I’ve never been to afraid of naked in the parking lot anyway, in fact quite the opposite.

Guys don’t see many single women, especially if you leave your bottom off or drive around in just a towel. I parked to the left and got out of my car already naked. There weren’t many cars yet, and I didn’t see anyone close in the lot as I collected my stuff. Bottle of water, towel, and some lotions. As I was locking up a couple of guys drove up in a pick up. I was hoping they would do more than just leer.

“Hey, what’s up sweetie?” said the passenger.

“Not much, headed down to catch some rays—what are y’all up to?”

“We’re supposed to be at work, but we won’t be missed for a while. We can make up time on the road, catch up at lunch, or work over if we have to. You staying for a while?”

“I don’t know yet, figure I’ll make it till past noon and see what turns up.” I had walked over to their truck and was within an arm’s length of the passenger while the motor was still running.

“Do you guys have any smoke or maybe something to drink?”.

I had leaned over so that my boob touched the passenger’s arm, he didn’t jump but I think escort bayan mecidiyeköy I surprised him. They looked interested and the driver was looking for a place to park. They were okay, but not necessarily what I was looking for.

Before he could answer I turned and started off for the trails. I just wanted to keep all avenues open, and maybe score some free weed later.

“Hey, babe wait up, maybe we can help you out.” This time it was the driver.

“Maybe later guys, see you down by the water if you decide to come down.”

I took a trail and got down to the main road and started looking for a place to lay my stuff down. As I was walking I noticed one of those pick up trucks that do maintenance; like picking up trash from the big trash cans all over the park. As I got closer I noticed a young blonde woman with a baseball cap driving and with her were four guys in orange jump suits. I couldn’t believe my eyes and ears, it looked like county prisoners being guarded by the blonde and they were doing some kind of work release.

“Check out this pussy!” says one of the guys to no one in particular.

“Okay guys, let’s keep our minds on picking up the trash.” Blondie wasn’t going to let things get too much out of hand, but she was in the driver’s seat and the guy who said something was sitting in the bed of the pick up.

The road isn’t very wide so I stepped to the inside almost in reach of the guys in the back if they leaned over. I didn’t say anything, but I absently ran my hand over my tummy teasingly toward my breasts while I caught his eye and leered back at him. They passed and I continued down past the rest rooms and down toward the lake in that general area. I found a place, laid out my towel, and relaxed for a while. Maybe half an hour later I heard the pick up stop up by the restrooms and trashcans to make a pick up.

“Okay, you two go that way and you other two go down over here, keep up the good work-pick up all the loose stuff and get back up here as fast as you can, we’ve got more parks to get to today.”

So that was it, these guys must be fatih escort trustees or volunteers, maybe even get some good time for community service. They were pretty young, a range of twenty-somethings, except for the guy who had made the comment. He looked a little rougher, maybe he’d been in trouble a few times before, nothing too serious (he was still at county), and was thirties maybe even forty. It seemed a little too good to be true if you’re in the county jail, to be able to go do community service and scope out naked ladies at the same time . . .. they were even being supervised by a pretty cute young lady.

I had on my sunglasses and as the guys came into view from either side I decided to add to their agony at their inability to follow up on anything they saw. I pulled out one of my lotions and stared to apply it in a slow sensuous manner. Sunscreen doesn’t go in easily and takes a little work. I did my face, arms, and shoulders first as I watched to see if they were coming into view. I couldn’t make out what they were saying, but the two younger guys had spied me and were watching as much as they could without tripping on the rocks and falling.

I squirted an ample amount of lotion on my boobs and began to massage it in. I wasn’t being shy about squeezing and even pinching my nipples. I was really getting into this now. The other two had noticed by now and were going slow so as to take advantage of the situation as much as possible. I put the lotion on my legs and began stroking up and down my legs, first the left and then the right.

I wasn’t sure where the sheriff was, she was probably above where she could see all four of them. Trouble was, she could probably see me too, and if I got too carried away I could wind up in jail with these guys. Lewd acts are in the eye of the beholder, and I didn’t know this sheriff, so if I was going to tease I was going to have to be more conservative than I normally would. Normally as hot as I was getting I would have masturbated right there in front of them.

That being said, there is absolutely nothing wrong with me making sure none of escort bayan nişantaşı my more sensitive areas are left unprotected. I got to the top of my thighs and began to rub it in really well. I was taking extra time on the insides of my thighs right next to my slit.

“Can you believe this fucking slut.” It was the older guy.

The sheriff couldn’t hear him from where she was, but I’m sure all I would have to do was say something loud to him and he’d have stopped. I just wasn’t saying anything, and he took full advantage of the “invitation”.

I was now putting lotion all over my belly and rubbing along my sides, I dipped my hands either side of my slit and rubbed slowly and thoroughly.

“My dick is so hard I could break rocks out here.” I looked over and the guys were all trying to keep the tented orange overalls from being too obvious to the sheriff.

“I’ll bet she’d fuck all four of us right here.” It was the older guy keeping up the patter.

“I’d be happy if she just fucked me.” Finally one of the younger guys said something.

I couldn’t go the one step farther that I wanted to, so as a parting present I turned around on my knees. I leaned over on my elbows looking for my water with my ass in the air and my legs slightly separated.

“Holy shit she’s just begging to be fucked.”

“Yea but where, I’ll bet she’d love to have one of you in her ass while I get some of that wet slit I can see from here.”

I turned to look at whoever was talking behind me and licked my lips.

“Oh God, she wants it three ways. She’d probably wear all four of us out.”

If he only knew! I couldn’t stay in this position forever without drawing a little too much attention from the lady above. So I turned back around with my water, took a drink, adjusted everything, and lay back on my towel.

“Let’s go guys, I don’t see any more trash down there.” It was the sheriff.

As they dragged the plastic bags of trash, they started to slowly move back up where she was. I spread my legs wide, and then pulled my ankles up under by butt with my knees bent to give them on last parting shot. They couldn’t be too loud now.

“Honey, you bring that sweet fuck machine back out here anytime, but especially in three weeks when I can do something about your teasing ways.”

That was the last I heard from them as they made their way back to the truck.

Sweet dreams boys.