Liberty Summer Ch. 09


CHAPTER 9: Sunday Bloody Sunday.

(C) 2023 by Ted Ursi/TeddySmutWriter, all rights reserved.


After dinner, which rocked by the way, Chloe and her mom went home, Mom and Conrad unloaded the Havraneks, Dad, Greg and I headed into the house. Mom and Conrad came in a few minutes later talking.

“I’d like to spend time with your daughter with the door closed,” Conrad said. “No rambunctious exhibitionism stuff, just loving.”

“Of course Dear.” You could hear her capitalize the ‘D,’ I swear. He was in like Flint. “That would be better than you know.”

While I was still in the process of getting naked, my mother brought my new black lover to the very door of my bedroom, gave him a not so chaste kiss on the lips, and swatted his backside. As I sat down to brush out my hair, something I suddenly felt compelled to do, I heard Mom stop and ask Greg about work tomorrow.

“Pool opens at noon on Sundays Mom. I don’t have to be there until four.”

“Good, then you won’t miss church.”


“Hush Dear, I know. It’s your choice but you can’t blame a mother for trying.”

Overhearing this, Conrad asked “Church?”

“Yes,” I answered. “We’re Episcopalian.”

Conrad got undressed. I watched him use the physical task meditatively. “I was raised catholic.”

I wanted to ask “Raised?” but I let it drop. “Dad, Mom and I usually go. Please don’t come if it’s only to please me.”

“I understand.”

I went over and closed the door shut very carefully. I turned and Conrad was just laying out on the bed. He’s a big guy and it was a small bed. Just a twin. The twin of this twin was in my twin brother’s room. I went over and took his hand and tugged. “Get up.”

That got a questioning look. “I want to move the bed to the center of the room.”

“Why?” Despite the question he got up and pulled the bed away from the wall with a loud scrape.

“Room to maneuver.” I surveyed the situation. My room was not made for this… “Let’s put the head against the wall.”

We did that.

“Okay but…” He pulled the bed so the headboard wasn’t up against the wall. “Don’t want it to bang.”

I started pushing and pulling him until he was sitting on the bed. I straddled his lap.

He put hands on either side of my face. “I want to prove to you I can please you without any wild and crazy shit.”

“Me too,” I said. I leaned my face to the side and kisses his arm. “Just you and me together all night long.”

The accidental song lyric reference made me leap up and head over to my desk. Conrad watched confused until he saw me set up my Bluetooth speakers and fished around on my phone to find some slow sexy music. I decided saxophones were just the thing and started a playlist. As the slow sexy strains started I resumed my position beside him. “Sorry about that.”


“Where were we? Oh yeah…” I took his hands and placed them around my face. “You were saying?”

“Slow and easy,” he said. He ran his fingers up through my hair. “Taking all the time we need.”

I pushed him down on his back and leaned over him, kissing his forehead. “Getting to know each other.”

“Like lovers do.” He caught my lips with his and we just did that for a long time. His big hands roamed my body, stroking my tummy, my back and thighs. I did the same, as far as I could reach on his larger frame. By unspoken agreement, neither of us went near the others genitalia. This wasn’t about that. Yet.

When we broke our kiss I started kissing and licking down his body, starting at the crease below his lower lip where he had cut himself shaving, then under his chin and down his neck, along his clavicle. I took my time. One of my hands was on his face, caressing him and getting its fingers sucked and kissed in return. My other hand explored his torso, his muscles and his ribs. I tongued both his tiny dark nipples and gave them some gentle attention with my teeth.

He liked that. His hips shifted and I actually heard his cock flop over.

I nibbled down his stomach and drilled into his navel with my tongue.

“Shit,” he said as he squirmed. He gathered up my hair in his hand and held it, not pushing or pulling, gently following my movements.

His beautiful cock was right there. I wanted to just engulf it in my mouth but that wasn’t the plan. I gently moved it out of the way and continued down his body, kissing, licking, nibbling wherever seemed right along his hip bone, the creases at the top of his right leg, his long powerful muscles and the hard bones of his knee and shin.

I have to say the least beautiful part of Conrad was his feet. That’s why I gave them special attention. Licking all his concavities, kissing and nibbling all his convexities. I imagined the abuse they had taken in his training and spent a few minutes to just give him a nice foot rub.

I looked up at him across the vast landscape of his body to see him looking back, raised up a little so he could see past his own cock. That massive pole was sticking up at an angle Beşiktaş travesti like the gnomon of a sundial. We both knew what time it was.

I moved to the other side of the bed. I grinned and licked my way up his other leg trying very hard to ascend as slowly as I had descended his body. His cock twitched with anticipation. It already glistened with precum. I licked up right past it again and kissed his face.

“We have all night,” I reminded. “Just come for me whenever, no worries. ‘kay?”


I grasped his shaft to position it for my swooping lips to engulf the head. Then I cupped his balls, gently massaging them as I tongued at the sensitive patch under the head. Conrad again gathered my hair in his hand. I lifted my head a little farther from his body so he had a better viewing angle, bringing his captive cock with me.

I knew this wouldn’t take long. It didn’t matter. Time didn’t matter. Care, connection and affection mattered. His coming in my mouth sudden but wasn’t a surprise. I swallowed what I could and let the rest dribble onto his belly. When I had dealt with his sperm in my mouth I licked him clean, swallowing as I went. Finally I crawled up his body and kisses his lips.

I don’t think any woman had ever kissed him with jiz on her lips. There was a bit of hesitation but then he threw himself into it, giving me one of his very special Conrad kisses I so adored.

“Your turn?” he asked. I crawled on top of him.

“No,” I said. “There are no turns, no quid quo pros. Do what you want with me when you want, I will do the same.”

I felt his fingers towing at my butt plug. I started to reach back to help but he held my hand. “Let me.”

As he grasped the base and pulled I relaxed. It came out slowly, the little knob at the center of its shaft expanding my ring just enough to hurt just a little as it passed. Then suddenly it was gone and I felt air where silicone had been before.

“I’ll try to take you if you want…” I offered.

“No baby,” he said. “No pressure, no force, no pain. I just want to play with your naughty little butt awhile.”

And that’s what he did. His gentle giant fingertips explored me, circling my sphincter, pressing down a little on the rim here and there, spreading me slowly in one direction or another. I squirmed a little at his exploration, savoring it.

I kissed his massive pectoral. My hair was in his face but he seemed to like that and I liked that he did. But he had to breath so he blew my hair away and then pushed it down under his chin with his free hand, taking a moment to stroke down my shoulder and arm.

A fingertip pushed into me. It felt… nice. I gripped at it.

I nuzzled his chest. I ran my hand down his body and started to stroke his cock. He grasped my wrist and pushed my hand between my thighs and held it there. The finger in my ass pushed deeper. The message was clear. This was about me.

I did the thing where I pushed my lips apart with my outer fingers and curled the middle two inside. Conrad gently pushed his finger as deep as it would go and wiggled. I brought my other hand over to play with my clit. Soon I was squirming just like I usually done in my bed Jilling off but this time I had strong arms around me and lips loving my face. Not to mention that finger. Oh that finger… So present… So undeniable…

On a beautiful summer day with clouds whisking across the sky I walked gently up the grassy hill and twirled about in the sunlight. And then an angel came down and carried me up, just like in that sculpture, Eros and Psyche. The orgasm was just like that.

As my body was still trembling Conrad maneuvered me so we were almost spooning. His arm slid under my leg and hooked his elbow behind my knee, spreading me wide. I reached down and guided his cock into me. Once again I felt that magnificent spreading, my world narrowing down to that insistent intrusion, the aftershocks of my orgasm making it too much. I put a hand on his thigh and he paused.

When I was ready I took my hand away. In he came ever so slowly. I twisted my upper body just enough so we could kiss. His other arm came around from beneath and his hands grasped each other. He had me encircled and undeniably under his control but gently, reverently so, as he pushed deeper and deeper. Perhaps it was growing familiarity with the massive invasion by his cock that it no longer completely dominated my senses, that I could feel his skin on my skin and his lips on my lips. Perhaps it was the loosening from my recent climax. Whatever, it was good.

We didn’t say anything. The only sound was our gasping breaths barely louder in my ears than the music, as we fucked. Made love. Fucked. Whatever. It was sweet and gentle stroking but with that thumping thrust at the end. It was his way and it was good.

We went on that way for some trackless time, jazzy saxes playing as I lay there completely in the moment, not looking forward or back, no goals, no desires beyond the moment. The progression was slow, our breaths becoming quicker and I became Beşiktaş travestiileri more vocal, just a quite “eee-eee-eee” timed with his thuds against my pussy.

Conrad let go of his two handed grasp around my body. The hand of the arm under my knee grabbed my are at the elbow. The other hand, of the arm on which my chest rested, went for my throat.

His chest rumbled as his thrusts became quicker, harder, insistent.

I took it mindlessly, going into some space where definitions like joy and lust were silly fussing over detail. My mouth went slack and my eyes rolled back. I know I was making a noise of some sort. I know he was pounding into me now and my legs were starting to shake. And then I was gone. Just gone. Vaguely I knew Conrad shuddered and came inside me. He slowed and he stopped, his big dick just there inside me as I floated back down to earth.

Eventually I found I could speak. “That was too good.”

“Too good?”

“Scary,” I said. “I’m scared the next time won’t be good, that I’ll compare every other fuck to this one.”

Conrad hugged me in close. “What did we have for dinner.”

“Tacos,” I answered.

“Were they good?”

“Fabulous.” Messy tongue delving fun.

“Last night? What did you have?”


“Was that good too?”

“Yes.” Spicy tomato sauce soaked slick cabbage leaves cooked to an erotic softness stuffed with belly filling goodness.

“In life there are many meals,” he said. “Sometimes a snack, sometimes a banquet. Don’t compare them, just enjoy each as they come.”

“Aren’t you all philosophical like,” I said. “You sound like Mom.”

“Or my grandma,” he said. “I am blessed to be surrounded by wise women. Present company included.”

Hugs and giggles and playful wrestling ensued followed by kissing and rest and then, eventually… sleep.

You know that thing where your partner wakes up and arouses you awake enough so you respond and fuck and then go back to sleep and don’t remember exactly what you did. That happened… I think.

All I know is that I had a blissful smile when the sun woke me. My vagina was all squishing and sloppy and the sheets were tangled and soaked. It should have been disgusting but it wasn’t. I eased out from under Conrad’s arm and padded to the bathroom. I went and then hopped in the shower. I brushed my teeth. When I emerged I smelled bacon.

Downstairs I found Greg in the kitchen making breakfast. He was wearing an apron and his butt plug. I kissed his shoulder and patted his ass. “Morning Bro.”

“Morning Sis. Have a good time?” The tone of his voice was light but sounded forced.

“Yes thank you,” I said. “It’s the watching from the sidelines thing, isn’t it?”

“Objectively I should be very happy,” Greg said. “I mean I’ve had great sex this week. Other guys should envy me for the half the crazy stuff that’s happened. But instead I’m torn up with envy myself. Hence breakfast.”

“I don’t understand.” I hopped up on the counter and sat legs dangling.

“Last night listening to the music and the faint sounds of you two I came to a kind of weird epiphany.”

“As opposed to a mundane epiphany?”

He looked around at me. “Rather than fight the envy I rode it down into anger and then defiance and spite, not at you, not at myself, but at the negative emotions themselves. I decided to defy all the shit swirling in my head by doing something positive. Hence breakfast.”

“That’s… wow.” I hopped off the counter and started to hug him but he pushed me away.

“It still sucks,” he said. “I still feel like I’m tied to a guard rail on the turnpike in a blizzard and the whole world is splashing me with slush as they drive by. But at least now there’s food. And I won’t do anything stupid, you know?”

“Shit Greg,” I said. “I’m not supposed to tell you this but Chloe wants to take your cherry at her party.”

He looked at me. “Really?”

“Yes really. She’s got it for you bad. She’s just been so standoffish because you’re going away to school and she’ll still be stuck in her senior year.”

“Oh shit,” Greg said. “I never thought of it that way. That sucks.”

“What sucks?” Mom asked as she padded into the room. She looked at me and then at Mr. Coffee. I took the hint.

“Case gave me Chloe’s perspective on our situation.” He started another load of scrambled eggs. “I never realized how screwed over she must feel.”

Greg dumped a load of bacon on a paper towel covered plate and started another batch. It was looking like eggs and bacon but no pancakes, so I fished a bag of hash browns from the freezer and put them in the microwave. Sub optimal but folks would be hungry. I knew I was.

Conrad came in. “Morning.”

Then came Dad. “Coffee?”

Mr. Coffee picked that moment to make an exasperated wheeze. We all chuckled.

Another naked Clarke family breakfast with special guest. Only one this time. Afterwards Mom, Dad and I got dressed for church. We went in Mom’s car. Conrad wasn’t there when we got back. Greg was in the basement doing travesti Beşiktaş his leg routine. I was a bit out of sorts. Naked metal air guitar out by the pool helped but only a little. I put it down to nerves over my audition.

I went to Mom and begged her to do my face. “What look are you going for Dear?”

“I figure a band shirt and short skirt. Maybe my old Docs real loose so I can kick them off.” I had a pair I got of eBay cheap that had laces half way up then buckles at the top.

“I have some runny fishnets that would go with that. Don’t forget bra and panties. You need layers for a good strip routine. “

“But I don’t have any that would go.”

“Play off that, sweet and innocent girl underneath.”


“Or… ” Mom went to a dresser and fished out some scraps of black of cloth. “I got these in anticipation of our cruise.”

It was one of those ridiculous micro bikinis. The ones that make you look more naked than if you actually were because the tiny pieces of cloth screamed at you “here are the naughty bits!” The bottoms came to a point at the top and then spread out to barely cover your vajayjay. In the back? Forgetaboutit.

“Thanks Mom.”

Mom went back to work on my makeup. When she was done I looked in the mirror and almost didn’t recognize myself. She had overdone everything. Especially the eyeliner.

“Make sure you scrub it all off good when you get home sweetie or it will kill your complexion.”

“Hey Case, you ready to go?” Greg came in the room dressed for work. “Holy crap!”

Mom gave me the stockings and I got all gothed up. At least I thought I was: Black alligator barrette, my cut up Slipknot T, short denim skirt with wide leather belt, mesh stockings and what I later learned were called tanker boots with the buckles loose.

We drove to the Fox-n-Hounds. Even though we were early there were a bunch of cars in the lot. A second after we pulled in a red ’85 Mercedes 280SL pulled in next to us. A tall blonde woman in stiletto heels and breasts just shy of qualifying as bazoongas got out. She didn’t look like a stripper, but definitely stripper adjacent.

We looked at her and she looked at us.

“Hi” she said.

“Hi, I’m Casey,” I said. “This is Greg.”

“They doing beefcake too?”

Greg said, “I’m just her ride.”

“We’re new,” I said.

“Never would have known,” she said. “Amy. Kat inside. Never give your real name to the customers.”

Amy slash Kat had no difficulty crossing the gravel parking lot in her heels.

“Should I go with Rusty?” I asked Greg.

“No. Definitely not. That’s our name for you. Don’t cheapen it.”

“Okay,” I said. “How about Amber?”

“Works, I guess.”

The front door was wide open. We went past a big members only sign. It was actually rather nice inside, like a high end nightclub with quality furnishings. The stage looked like a fashion runway except it was high enough you could sit on a bar stool next to it. There were in fact bar stools around it. A half dozen women were sitting at tables. Nobody was talking. Everyone was filling out forms.

Greg was the only guy. We took a seat at a table in the back. I picked up a form and started filling it out. The first blank said, “stage name” and I wrote AMBER. It was a long form with more than one page. The second page had a lot of things I had to initial about all kinds of stuff.

Right at two o’clock a woman walked in. He hair was shaved on one side and dyed red on top. She had multiple face piercings and her shoulders and arms were covered in tattoos. She had a clipboard in her hand. A heavy set bearded man with tiny glasses followed her in.

“Hello everyone, I’m Terry and this is Mel, welcome to the Fox-n-Hounds.” She looked around. “Are any of your brand new? Never danced pro before?”

I raised my hand. Two other women did.

Terry looked at me then at Greg. “Sorry, we’re not looking for male talent right now.”

“I’m just her ride,” Greg said. “I can leave and come back if that’s a problem.”

Terry looked at Mel who shrugged. “Can you handle watching your sister get naked?”

“Is it that obvious?” Greg asked.

The room filled with giggles.

“You look like twins,” Kat said. “Are you?”

“Guilty,” I said. “Our family are naturists. He can handle it.”

“So you see naked girls all the time?” Mel asked.

“A few,” Greg admitted. “We don’t go to resorts or such, just around the house.”

He looked at Terry. “Test dummy?”

“You do like girls?” Terry asked.

“Very much so,” Greg said.

“This may be your lucky day then.” Mel said.

“Which brings up the ‘of legal age’ issue. We need to see legal ID from everyone. That includes you nature boy.”

The next little while was spent doing that and finishing up on the paperwork.

Terry started in on her briefing. “The Fox-n-Hounds is a gentleman’s private club exclusive to paid members and their guests. We don’t have a liquor license or serve food, so we can’t be hassled by those respective regulators. That means full nudity is okay but anything that hints at sexual penetration will get us busted for prostitution. Not in the club or in the parking lot. Get caught doing that and you are gone. Any arrangements you make with members is between you and them and we don’t want to know about it. I mean that. WE DON’T WANT TO KNOW.