Our Family Adventures Pt. 14


******* Comments to the readers ******

I would like to address the comment left by the first ‘Anonymous User’ on the previous chapter. First and foremost, thank you. Thank you for taking your time and reading my writings and thank you again for your time to comment on said writings. I do welcome and appreciate all comments and e-mails regardless if they are positive and supportive or of constructive criticism or even if they are downright rude and obnoxious.

I find your comment to be of constructive criticism and I believe you are absolutely correct in your assessment of this story. Thank you again for agreeing with me or at least understanding what this story is about. Let me explain what I mean.

I lurked on Literotica for quite some time before I ever decided to write anything and like most of you, I read the ‘Incest/Taboo’ category. Let’s be real here as grown adults for a minute. We read this category of stories because the subject fascinates us and titillates our fantasies. If it didn’t there would be no reason to read this category as there are many other categories to choose from if you’re just wanting to read a sex story. What I found though was that a lot, NOT all, the stories are quite boring and lack substance. I could sum up a lot of the stories as follows. — I woke up one day and wanted to fuck my mom/dad or son/daughter and after a bit of flirting or playing guessing games we did and we never had any troubles, in fact all the normal troubles of life just went away. And we lived happily ever after. —- I mean no disrespect to any writer on Literotica whatsoever. We all have a certain writing style, and some readers actually enjoy the quick read and release if that is what they are looking for. I was looking for something different to read. I did find a few continuing stories that I very much enjoy and follow those authors and stories.

When I decided to finally take my own turn and write something, I again chose the category and subject that I find fascinating and turns me on, ‘Incest/Taboo’. At first, I was just going to write a complete fictional story where nothing was real or believable but then I decided that would be just like what some of the other stories that I didn’t enjoy was like, so why bother. I decided that even if a family did engage in an incestuous relationship that there would still be the everyday problems of life. Life goes on with incest or not. People are still people and if there is an issue between say a father and daughter or mother and son, brother and sister, I just don’t believe that all would be solved just because they were involved in an incestuous relationship. Same with other things in life. Accidents or bad things don’t stop happening to a family just because of incest, so why does most stories make it seem so. I didn’t want this story to be like that.

I have read that when first trying to become a writer (That I will never become) that you should write about what you know and/or have a passion about. I think I have mentioned this before previously. So, what I know and what I have a passion for is my family. (I do know sex and I will get into that more in a minute.)

So, what I decided was to write a story that follows our real-life family and throw in the incestuous sex and other sex for fun. I never intended anyone to ever believe or even try to believe that any of it was true. Now, with that said, yes, I did say that some of this story is true and that I was not going to say which parts were and which parts were not. BUT, now after receiving said comment and some other e-mails there seems to be reason enough to explain this story and what is exactly going on before some of you contact the FBI or the fictional writer’s police. I honestly never thought it would come to this as I clearly stated in the first three chapters I believe it was that this story was purely fiction and that all characters are over the age of eighteen. Which if the character is fictional, I don’t know why that matters but it does to most, so I have never tried to imply that anyone is not of age.

I again agree with the comment left by the ‘Anonymous User’ that I or anyone for that matter would have to be a complete idiot to write about true incest or true crimes or just whatever anyone else may think is true about this story. Let me put your minds to rest as I explain better what is and not true from the beginning.

Our names of course are not true. No one’s is. We do call the girl that represents Milla, Milla as a nickname because she does look a lot like Milla Jovovich but that’s it. Also, the nicknames for the guys such as Snipe and Smurf and Ping Pong are their real nicknames for those reasons I wrote.

My husband and I did meet when we were in high school. He is a child of rape, and his mother did die from cancer, and they were very close. No incest. His Aunt helped raise him but again, no incest. We really do own our own business that the entire family helps with. We have also expanded into other görükle escort business that I was going to be getting at in the upcoming story as well.

My folks are still alive and were swingers when they were younger and yes, I knew about it. My husband and I did become swingers ourselves but again, no incest.

My daughter did find my journals that I wrote years ago and yes it was quite the conversation to explain the incestuous fantasies that I and my husband share and I had written about. But NO, that did NOT lead to incest. It did lead to us having an even stronger relationship than before and there is innuendo jokes passed here and there.

The lady that plays Susan is a girlfriend of my husband and mine. She does have a daughter that is best friends with our daughter, and she did date my son for a short time. Both she and my daughter are bi-sexual and I’m sure they have explored that aspect with one another but there has never been anything voiced about it. Susan did have a foster mother in Seattle that was ailing, and she did go stay with her for a while, but she has since passed on. Susan did get pregnant by ‘Tommy’ which is ‘Adam’s’ best friend. Not exactly as the story goes but it did happen.

I did meet ‘Kim’ and the way I met her was fairly close. She did work at Victoria’s secret and ‘Ashley’ did have a fitting for bras, but the story version is fictional. Just some play thrown in for fun. ‘Kim’ has turned out to be more than just a friend and is now also a girlfriend of mine and my husband but more mine than his. She would be my complete partner in life if I was not married to my husband. Oh yeah, yes, I really am bi-sexual or pan-sexual. And yes, I do have a sex addition. I actually go to therapy for it as I would have addressed later in the story. I have all types of issues. I’m human and not a perfect person that most depict in their stories. I don’t speak perfect English as you can probably tell from my writing. We say ya’ll a lot around here and wanna and gonna. Ain’t, is a word, and I have no idea what a dangling participle is, nor do I really give a rat’s ass.

I want to say here that by doing this I now realize that there is very little reason to continue with the story at all as I’m going to be giving away plenty of spoilers of what is going to be happening. There won’t be any more excitement as to what is true or not or what might happen. Hmmm. I’ll have to think about if I want to continue or not. Anyways……….

Let’s see….. My husband really did get into an accident shortly after my daughter discovered my journals. He actually lost his left leg from the knee down. Not at the time of the accident but shortly after due to some complications. I was going to address that as well but now. Who knows.

The girl who is ‘Milla’ really was raped by her stepfather. Her stepbrother was just a piece of shit but never raped her. Her mother was a drug addict, but she is passed on now too. My husband and I adopted ‘Milla’ and she still lives with us to this day.

It’s funny or ironic but most all the parts of this story that sounds ‘outlandish’ are true or at least true in our world. Like ‘Milla’s’ rape. Yes, she was raped, but no, nothing that I wrote in the story of how it went down happened like that. That was just story telling so that the story was a bit more exciting than just –Yeah, Milla was raped. And then we went home and had sex. — I’m sorry to those of you that only want exact facts no matter how boring the read is. But then again, it’s an incest story and as mentioned if the incest was true, it would be stupid to write about it. I get enough e-mails as it is with people asking if they can come join our family. Maybe this will put an end to that. Just kills it for the reader as well though, I’m sure.

The fire? LOL Yes ‘Kim’ did have a fire around the same time as ‘Milla’s’ ordeal and yes ‘Milla’ was there at the time but no it didn’t happen like that. The stepfather did show up earlier that day and harassed ‘Milla’ but nothing else happened.

Let me just say this, the non sex parts are all real-life events that happened but not necessarily the way that is written. None of the incestuous sex parts are real at all and only some of the non-incestuous sex parts are real. Some of the regular sex parts of my husband and I or ‘Kim’ and I may have happened but again not necessarily the exact way it was written in the story.

Also, moving on to the whole crime thing. NO, no one in my family has ever killed anyone that I know of. We do live in the hills of Appalachia, Coal country, and there are people going missing all the time but none by our hands. Again, I tried to make the overall story more exciting than just sex scene after sex scene which is totally unbelievable even if some do enjoy it. Nobody fucks 20 times a day. No man anyway can cum that many times that I have ever met and trust me I have met plenty.

One of my favorite shows is “Yellowstone” and I tried bursa eskort to steal a little bit from it as far as the whole ‘Cat Ride’ goes. On the show they have the ‘take em to the train station’ I was going to play on that with ‘given em a cat ride’ as in “Caterpillar’ big equipment, which we use in our business quite a bit. Purely fictional and I never once thought someone would take me seriously. Especially, again, when at the very beginning of the story I wrote that the entire story was/is fictional. Sorry to those of you who took it seriously. I really fail to believe that any story written under the category of ‘incest/taboo’ on Literotica is actually true one hundred percent. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

Another true part of the story is that our family business does employ quite a few people that needed second chances. Some ex-convicts and ex drug addicts and just people down on their luck needing a helping hand. We weed through the ones that will never be appreciative but the ones that work out do become a part of our family. They do refer to my husband as ‘pa’ and me ‘ma’. They show the upmost respect to us and to anyone else that may visit our home if they are there. My son who has taken over for his father is referred to as ‘boss’. And my daughter ‘Ashley’ is called ‘Princess’, even though she hates it. She can get out on a job site and out work most of the guys when she wants to.

Another question I get is, does the family know I’m writing this story. Yes, they do, and they add or subtract parts as they see fit. I only write what they allow if the part has to do with them or their character I should say. I believe I mentioned it in the first chapter but the part of the story I’m writing right now happened two years ago. Early part of October 2022. So, I do need help remembering how things happened and in what order they happened in. Also how to write it that it all makes sense. Which apparently, we did not do a very good job at. For that I apologize.

Lastly, I want to address myself. I mention throughout the story that I’m not a very good person. I have fought my own demons for many years and yes some of that has to do with narcissism and being a control freak, I’m hypocritical at times, I want what I want when I want it, and I can be a terror when I don’t get my way. I do have issues with sex and have been diagnosed as a sex addict in which I attend therapy for. I was not and never have been molested or sexually abused by anyone. My folks are loving, and kind people and we have a very strong relationship. I can be very neurotic at times and almost everything I write about myself in the story is true to form of how I am in real life. I have lots of work to still do on myself.

I know some would say then it is counterproductive to write such a story, and you may be right. I did talk with my therapist before I started, and she advised against it at first, but I find that my writing can be a bit cathartic and actually helps me with some things, so she has been a bit more supportive. —She’s also very hot in a therapist kind of way and I have had many fantasies about her that I was going to include later in the story. lol

As far as the future of this story goes, I have decided this. I will write this chapter and then leave it to you, the readers. If you all think it’s not getting the job done or now, it’s ruined by this confession of sorts then please let me know and I will discontinue the story. OR if you would like it to go on regardless, please let me know as well. Comment or e-mail please. As I have said. I do read them all but have no desire to address every single one of them.

I would like to give a huge shout out to the other ‘Anonymous User’ that has been commenting lately on each chapter and giving me five stars and a favorite. You sir or mam are amazing, and I thank you for your time reading and rating. Thank you, sincerely.

Okay I think that about does it for correcting any misleadings I may have given. No need to call the FBI or anyone else. It’s as simple as it was when I started. It’s a fictional story written with some truths to carry it forward but none when it comes to the incestuous parts or the crime/killing parts. It would be real stupid to admit to that being true anyways. Jheeze. (wink) Hope you enjoy this chapter. It’s a long one so be fair warned.

Our Family Adventures

When I awoke later that day it was close to noon and only Ashley was laying next me. As I stretched and yawned, she awoke as well and moved closer to me for a hug and simple kiss. I’m sure my morning breath was outrageous.

“Where’s Brittney?” she asked as she looked over the bed.

“Not sure. I just woke up myself and she wasn’t here.”

Ashley started to get up, but I stopped her. “Ash, can we talk for a bit. I have some things I need to get off my chest.”

Ashley laid back down next to me. “Sure mom. What’s up?”

I didn’t know exactly where to start but I know I had to bursa escort start somewhere. I wasn’t even sure what I was going to say or how or if I’d even remember everything I wanted to talk about. My thoughts were a jumbled mess and I just kinda laid there for a minute.

“Mom? What is it?” I heard Ashley say.

“Umm, yeah, well, I wanted to say I’m sorry first and foremost.

“Sorry? Sorry for what?”

“Well, you see, it was brought to my attention that I was not a very good mother when I went behind your back and had sex with Milla when she first got here. Which I’m not even sure you know of or not, but I did. The same night we brought her home I had sex with her and I’m sorry for that.”

Ashley didn’t say anything, so I went on before I chickened out. “I know you said you liked her and then invited her out to dinner with us that night and well, everything happened with her stepdad and such and then she ended up here and I was attracted to her, and I couldn’t help myself. Okay, forget that part. I could help myself, but I chose not to and her and I had sex out in the RV.”

Ashley remained silent and just kept staring at me. I felt very uncomfortable, but I continued anyways.

I also wanted to apologize for putting you in that situation with Kim at her house. The whole cross thing. That was wrong of me, and I am very sorry.”

This time I got a reaction. “Ok, what’s going on. Where’s my mom and who are you?” she was laughing as she said this, and I had no idea how to take it.

“What do you mean? I’m trying to apologize for some past wrong doings that I feel I may have done to you, and you want to make a joke about it.”

She quietened down and looked at me squarely. “Okay, first mom I was only joking. Second as far as the cross thing, are you kidding me? I loved that thing and was hoping for more. No, I didn’t like being left up there while you and Kim were messing around, but I liked how it was something new and exciting. I even want to go back and do more.”

“Well, the slap was way out of line and that shouldn’t have happened. I only took you to Kim because she had displayed some dominate characteristics to me and I thought maybe she might have a way to help you with your incessant need to be a part of everything that goes on and…..”

“You mean like you?”

She might as well had slapped me in my own face with that one as it stung worse coming from my own daughter. I do know and recognize my own need to control everything and wanting to be a part of everything. Especially I must be the first person for another when it comes to something they have never done before or it’s the first time with someone. I had to humble myself and admit she was correct.

“Yes, like me. Just like me. You are correct and I didn’t like it coming from you so I thought I would teach you a lesson. I just didn’t know that the lesson was going to turn out that way and I whole heartily apologize for that.”

“Mom, it’s no big deal now. Yeah, at first, I had no idea what was going on, but the day turned out good and we had lots of fun which is all I’m looking for in all of this. As far as the Milla thing goes. I suspected or maybe I even knew, but deep down inside I was okay with whatever. Sure, I like her. It didn’t take me long to realize that what she is looking for and what I’m looking for is not the same so who she has sex with doesn’t concern me. I feel bad about what has happened to her, and I hope she gets better. I even hope she comes back here to live but I’m not mad about you and her having sex or even her and dad. I just want more with you both.”

“I’m glad you brought that up because next I wanted to talk to you about all of this and what you are hoping to get out of it.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I mean, we started down this road of an incestuous relationship and I pretty much jumped at the reins and have led the way, doing this or that and I never have actually talked to you about what you want out of all this. I need to talk with your brother as well.”

“Well, I can’t speak for him, but I have told you what I want out of all of this the very first day.”

I thought back to that day but couldn’t remember much of what was said. “Please refresh my memory.”

‘I want you. I want you in every way possible. I want you and dad and Adam but mostly I want you. Or I should say I want the woman I fell in love with that wrote those journals. I want her. If she still exists anyway. And if she doesn’t then I will take the woman you are now. I…”

I interrupted her. “What do you mean exactly by you want me?”

“I want to experience you in those kinds of ways. I know we can’t be a couple. Although I wish we could, but I would like to have you as a lover or as you guys were saying last night, as my woman or I yours. However, it works. I just want to be able to experience all that I can with you. Sexually and otherwise. I said it that very first day. I want to be a complete slut for you to do and teach me everything you know. Now it’s with dad and Adam as well, but I want it with you more than anyone.”

I didn’t know what to say and my mind was racing. I was about to say something just to be speaking but she added something more that totally caught me off guard.