Mable’s Breasts Pt. 03

Big Tits

The following day, I had to blow off John for a second time. It kind of grieved me to do it, because I genuinely liked the guy and I knew he was bursting with questions about my day with Mable and her computer.

I patiently explained to him about the fledgling computer repair business that Mable was setting up for me, and how I was supposed to meet with two prospective clients at her apartment today after school.

He seemed to understand and even offered encouragement for the computer repair business, but I still felt bad. I promised I would give him a tell-all, play-by-play when next we met, and that seemed to pacify him a little more.

“Oh, hey, I almost forgot,” said John as he walked me toward Mable’s apartment building. “I talked with Joel yesterday, and we were thinking about running another all-nighter again at my house to run a bunch of the new elite dungeons that just became available in WoW.”

I smiled, “Count me IN,” I said enthusiastically, “Just tell me when.”

“Cool,” He smiled, “I still gotta clear it with my folks, but I’m going to try to shoot for this Friday night.”

Whenever we pulled an all-night gaming session, it was always of a Friday or Saturday to give us a day to rest up afterward.

“Excellent,” I responded with a smile, “Just let me know.”

“Okay, man,” he said, clapping me on my back as he peeled off to make his way home and I made my way toward Mable’s apartment. “Good luck with your computer thing.”

Mable answered the door with a smile and, as she had guests in her apartment, embraced me somewhat platonically. “Everyone, this is James,” she said. “James, these are friends of mine from work, Eleanor and Michael.”

Mable was barefoot, wearing a tight-fitting pair of denim jeans, and a pull-over sweatshirt with the sleeves casually cut off at the elbow. As she moved, her breasts swayed beneath her sweatshirt in such a provocative way, it left no doubt in my mind that she was again without a bra.

I stepped forward and shook hands with Michael and Eleanor. “We all work in the same office together,” offered Mable. They were both seated on the sofa and Mable had pulled up two easy chairs on the opposite side of the coffee table facing them. I took a seat on the chair beside Mable, and she poured me a small glass of wine. I smiled, to see an empty wine bottle on the coffee table along with the half-full bottle she poured my drink from. It appeared the three of them were feeling rather mellow at that moment.

Michael was the eldest of the two. I estimated him to be at the very least in his late 60’s or early 70’s. He had lost most of his hair and had only a fringe above the ears that was a solid gray.

Eleanor, on the other hand, was a rather striking woman and very attractive in a strange sort of way. I estimated her to be in her mid to late 30’s. She had dark red hair, pulled back into a severe bun at the back of her head, giving her a rather stern countenance. Her heavily made-up eyes were so deeply brown they almost appeared black and, along with her dark burgundy lipstick, contrasted dramatically with her very pale skin complexion. The first thing that came to mind as I shook her hand was how much her pallor seemed to resemble the character, Elvira, Mistress of the dark.

Contrary to her rather Goth appearance, she wore a light, colorful summer dress, short enough to reveal she possessed exceptionally nice legs.

Mable turned to me and smiled. “Once I told them about the wonderful job you did on my computer, they couldn’t wait to meet you. They both seem to be having the same issues with their computers that I had with mine.”

I nodded and looked from Eleanor to Michael to see them smiling and nodding in agreement. “Sure,” I said with a smile, looking at each of them in turn. “I’ll be happy to help if I can.”

“Mable has already explained the prices you charge for your services,” said Michael, “and I believe they are more than fair, especially when it comes to having the peace of mind to have someone willing do all the work in my own home.”

“I totally agree,” said Eleanor, pursing her lips, “I’m so tired of constantly lugging my computer down to BestBuy, only to have them keep it for several days, which is completely annoying. The idea of having my very own personal computer guy looking after my computer in my own home is absolutely the best idea I’ve heard in years.”

“Mable mentioned the necessity of buying an external hard drive to back up all of our work files, said Michael. “How much do they cost?”

I nodded, “Yes, I highly recommend an external drive. Anything you presently have on your computers, that you cannot afford to lose, should be backed up externally. The cost varies,” I continued, “depending on the number of files that are needed to be backed up. Your work files, music, pictures…”

“Videos?” Interrupted Eleanor, crossing her legs with a slow elegance that only women with gorgeous legs can.

I nodded, “Yes, again, anything you can never afford Gaziantep Oral Escort to lose. Pictures and videos especially are often very large files. If you have a lot of those things, I’d recommend at least a one terabyte drive. The upside is that they’re reasonably cheap these days. I think BestBuy has them for a little under fifty dollars.”

“That sounds good to me,” said Michael. “I’ll make the arrangements to get to BestBuy and pick one up. I can even pick one up for you too if you like,” he said, looking over to Eleanor.

“I have to go by there later today,” I said. “If you both agree, I can pick up two drives and we can just add the price to the original agreement?”

Michael smiled at Mable, “I like this guy already,” he said.

“So?” Said Mable, looking from one to the other. “If James picks up the drives for you, we can make the initial charge two hundred and fifty. Are you both good with that?”

They both nodded and smiled. “All right then,” continued Mable with a smile. “Let me get together with James and go over his calendar. I can call you both later tonight with dates and times for your approval.”

I suppressed a smile, check my calendar, indeed. At the moment it contained nothing but cobwebs. Mable was proving herself to be a shrewd businesswoman and an excellent partner.

“Perfect,” smiled Michael, rising from the sofa and extending his hand to me. I stood and shook his hand as Eleanor too stood and offered her hand as well.

They both thanked Mable for the wine and her hospitality and said they looked forward to her call. They both gave Mable an affectionate hug as they departed.

I stood with Mable at her front door and, as she closed it, she turned to me and took me in her arms. “I’ve been wanting this from the moment you got here,” she murmured, her lips close to my ear.

She took my hand and led me to the sofa where we sat, and she added more wine to our glasses. She raised her glass to me, and I clinked mine against hers. “I think that went rather well, don’t you?” She smiled.

“I nodded, “Thanks to you,” I said. “You handled the meeting so professionally.”

“Thank you,” she smiled. “I have several other people from work that I know would welcome your services as well, probably ten or twelve right off the top of my head. I’ll keep you posted on any new developments.”

She went on to tell me where Michael and Eleanor lived and, thankfully, they were both in the same neighborhood. Michael in the same apartment complex Mable lived in, and Eleanor in a different apartment complex two blocks away. Both conveniently within walking distance.

I would be easily able to get to their places after school and probably have the time to get most everything done in one session as I had done with Mable. I took down their addresses and she and I made calendar appointments for Michael tomorrow, Wednesday, and Eleanor the following day, on Thursday. “I’ll call them later today to let them know the dates and times,” she said.

“That was nice of you to offer to pick up the external drives for them,” she said, toasting me with her glass. “Smart too, in a business sense, giving them a very real sense of service for their money. Right now, they’re both probably thinking how great it is to have you working for them.”

“I’ve never seen you in pants before,” I said, changing the subject as I glanced down to appreciate how well she filled out her jeans.

Mable laughed softly, “Quite a change from the way I was dressed yesterday, isn’t it?”

I smiled wistfully at the memory. “I’m kind of hoping you might even wear that nightie again, maybe when I come over for your monthly computer service.”

Mable laughed and tossed her hair, “Oh, I think you can pretty much count on that happening again. I thoroughly enjoyed the effect it had on you.”

“Last night, though,” I said, looking directly into her eyes, “God, Mable, last night was one of the most incredible things I’ve ever experienced.”

Mable dropped her eyes, her cheeks flushing brightly. “That…I never intended that anything like that would ever happen,” she said, keeping her eyes averted demurely.

“I’m really happy that it did,” I said.

She looked up at me and smiled tentatively, “I am too,” she said. “Although, I’m a little embarrassed at how I seemed to lose control of my emotions so easily.”

“I thought it was absolutely beautiful,” I said, reaching out to place my hand on hers.

“It WAS beautiful,” she said, her eyes welling as she reached out for me. She took me into her arms. “I’m so glad you’ve come into my life. Thank you for knocking on my door.”

“It was my pleasure,” I said, smiling broadly.

She raised her head, loosening her embrace and looking into my eyes with a smile, “Oh, I can pretty much assure you that the pleasure has been mutual,” she said, giving me a wink.

As we had embraced, I noticed a strange-looking device on her end table. It looked like some kind of plastic squirt bottle, but with a clear plastic cup attached. Almost like one of those exceptionally loud air-horns you hear at sporting events.

“What might that be?” I asked, indicating the object with by tilting my head.

She turned her head to see what I was looking at and gasped aloud, “Oh, fuck,” she said, her eyes widening. “Has that been there the entire time? Damn, that’s embarrassing.”

My curiosity was now definitely piqued. “What is it?” I asked once more.

Mable sighed, picking the device up and holding it in her lap. “It’s a breast pump, honey,” she responded. “And it really pisses me off that I left it out where Eleanor might have seen it.”

Wow, first of all, what was up behind the scenes with between Mable and Eleanor? And secondly, holy fucking shit! A breast pump? For breast milk?

At my look of astonishment, she smiled, “I have to periodically express milk from my breasts to keep them from swelling too painfully.” As she spoke, she raised the cup to her breast and squeezed the handle several times, miming the process.

“Wait…” I said, trying to wrap my head around the concept. “I mean…I guess I thought only women who had babies developed breast milk.”

Mable smiled and shook her head. “Unfortunately, that’s not the case with a lot of women, myself included,” she said. “My breasts have been producing milk since I was a teenager. My doctor told me, way back then, that my pituitary produces way too much of a particular enzyme that’s responsible for stimulating the production of milk. That, along with the fact that my nipples so sensitive they’re constantly being stimulated by my clothing…which helps contribute to lactation also.”

“That’s amazing,” I said in complete awe. “How often do you have to take milk out?” I asked.

Mable shrugged, “It varies…but usually every couple of weeks or so, maybe a little longer. I’ll feel a kind of pressure building inside my breasts and it feels a little uncomfortable. So, I use the breast pump to express enough of the milk to ease the discomfort.” She held up the breast pump, “Not all that much, maybe only about up to here with each breast.” She indicated approximately half of the small container.

I thought about that for several moments. “What do you do with it once you take it out?”

“Oh…Well, usually I save it to pour over my corn flakes in the morning,” she said suppressing a smile at my wide-eyed look of astonishment. “Kidding,” she laughed aloud, punching me lightly on my shoulder. “Seriously, I usually just pour it down the drain. Why do you ask?”

I shrugged, “I don’t know,” I said, “I guess I just think the whole thing is so fascinating. Have you ever tasted it?”

Mable laughed and nodded, “Sure I have, it’s really not a whole hell of a lot different from store-bought milk. It’s kind of like skim milk, maybe even a little sweeter. Would you like to taste it?”

“Sure,” I smiled, thinking she might use her breast pump so that I might watch.

She reached down raised her sweatshirt up to her neck, letting her bared breasts hang freely. She took her nipple between her thumb and forefinger and squeezed several times to force the milk inside toward the tip. As I gaped in complete astonishment, a creamy bead of milk formed on the tip of her nipple.

“There,” she said, lifting her breast toward my mouth. “Go on and taste it.”

I bent my head to her breast and flicked out the tip of my tongue to the small bead of milk at her nipple. I sat back and savored the taste. To my surprise, it was just as she had described, a flavor not unlike that of store-bought skim milk, but sweeter.

“If you’d like,” she said, still holding her breast up to me, “you can try sucking on my nipple to get more of a taste.”

I needed no further encouragement, I lowered my mouth onto the erect portion of her nipple and began sucking as if sucking on a straw. I got nothing and began sucking a little harder.

“Okay…wait,” she said, lowering her breast with a smile. “That’s probably not the most efficient way to get milk from a woman’s breast.” She pursed her lips momentarily, “Here, let me show you.”

She made a fist with her right hand and closed it over her left thumb, allowing the tip of her thumb to protrude from the center of her fist. “Do this with your hands.” She said.

I did just as she had done with my own hands, and she took my hands in hers. “Okay,” she said, “If we look at this as if it’s a woman’s breast…” She circled the area around my protruding thumb with her fingertip, “This part being the breast and this part…” she tapped my thumb, “This part being the actual nipple, okay?”

I nodded.

“Okay, first of all, it helps if you stimulate the nipple to make it stand erect…like this.”

She bent her mouth to my hand and closed her mouth over it. I felt the tip of her tongue, circling my thumb and flicking lightly several times.

“That’s usually enough to make the nipple begin to become erect, you might have to repeat it a few times. Then, once erect, use your tongue and lips like this to bring milk to the nipple.”

Again, she closed her mouth over my hand, and I felt her tongue pressing against the side of my thumb, stroking her tongue against my thumb repeatedly as she applied suction with her lips.

“Now, you try,” she smiled encouragement, lifting her breast toward me once more.

I bent my head and closed my mouth over her. I flicked my tongue against her nipple and circled it with the tip of my tongue as she had shown me. To my surprise, I felt the nipple actually responding in my mouth. I also felt my cock responding rather painfully to the very same stimulus.

“That’s it,” she said, “you’re doing it perfectly.”

I continued using the tip of my tongue to stimulate her nipple and, when it seemed fully erect, I slid the flat of my tongue against her nipple an began sucking as she had done. Almost immediately I was rewarded with a burst of her breast milk flowing over my tongue. I swallowed it, very much enjoying the taste and sucked several more times. Each time brought a new small flow of milk into my mouth.

She pulled her breast from my mouth, her cheeks lightly flushed. “All right,” she smiled. “Now you need to do the same with my other breast and try to take the same amount to keep them balanced.”

I moved to her other breast, once again teasing the nipple erect with my tongue and then sucking several small mouthfuls of her milk into my mouth.

“Okay…” She said, pulling her breast from my mouth, her voice a little husky. “I think that’s probably quite enough of that for now, I seem to be enjoying it WAY more than I should be.”

Indeed, her cheeks were highly flushed, and her breathing seemed elevated as well. She lowered her top and smiled at me. “So,” she said, “What did you think?”

“I think it was absolutely amazing. I really like the taste of your milk.” I smiled as a thought popped into my head, “Let me know if your breast pump ever breaks down,” I grinned. “I’ll be happy to help out.”

Mable laughed and tossed her hair, “I’ll keep that in mind,” she smiled. “Although, in all honesty, I have to say it was definitely a lot more pleasant doing it that way than with the breast pump.”

A quick glance at my watch told me I had to be going soon, I was definitely expected for dinner tonight and still had to run by BestBuy for the external drives.

“Listen, before you leave, and in case I don’t get a chance to talk to you again before you go over to Eleanor’s to work on her computer, there is one tiny little thing I think you should know about her,” she said, looking serious.

“Yeah, what’s up with her?” I queried with a smile, “She’s got the complexion of a vampire?”

Mable smiled, “Well, she’s a true redhead,” she said. “So, she comes by that milky white complexion naturally. But…and I’m being very serious right now. For someone like you, she’s almost every bit as dangerous as a vampire, so you’re going to have to be careful around her.”

My eyes widened in surprise, “Okay…” I said, drawing out the word, “How so?”

Mable sighed heavily, “For one thing, at work, she’s known as the office slut.”

“What?” I laughed, “You’re kidding. She comes off more like some kind of Goth librarian or something.”

“Don’t let that look fool you,” said Mable. “She may not look it, but she’s extremely aggressive sexually. It’s a rather well- known fact around the office that she’s slept with quite a few of the male employees.”

“Wow,” I said with a shake of my head, “she sure doesn’t look like the slutty type at all.”

Mable leaned close and raised an eyebrow, “At our last company Christmas party, she…shall we say…entertained several men in a back room, and all at the same time.” She raised an eyebrow and made air quotes with her fingers at the word “entertained”.

“Seriously?” I asked incredulously.

“Apparently, one of the men involved made a video recording of the entire affair,” she explained. “I’ve never seen it, but I’ve talked to others who have. Evidently, the men used her in every way imaginable for well over an hour. And, she wasn’t forced, they said she appeared to really enjoy it.”

“Holy shit,” I murmured, my imagination running wild. Part of me had trouble imagining that rather severe-looking woman being so openly wanton. While another part of me was actually excited by it and wishing I could have seen the videos myself.

“I’m telling you this because…I’m reasonably sure she might very likely come on to you sexually.”

My eyes widened in surprise, “Me?” I said.

“Don’t look so surprised,” said Mable with a laugh. “You’re a very sexy young man. And, if I can see it, then I’m damn sure Eleanor can as well. Today, before you got here, she was all about putting on her little miss prim and proper persona. Then, once you arrived, suddenly her whole demeanor changed. She made sure her dress was raised a little higher and she kept crossing and re-crossing her legs so that you would notice.”

I nodded, I had, in truth, noticed her legs and even admired them.