Sisterhood of Humiliation Ch. 05


Liz sat slumped in the passenger seat as Katie drove her back to Emily’s. She had spent hours in various bars servicing filthy men and women, lapping at their genitals, drinking their fluids, and offering her naked body to any who would have it. Yet she remained unsatisfied. The effects of the pills, although lessened, demanded ever more. They were relentless and every few minutes another wave of drug-induced euphoria smashed into her, sending her spiralling into a frenzy of uncontrollable sexual desire. While Katie drove, Liz frantically masturbated with a dildo she had found stashed in the glovebox. With each climax came precious release, but it was fleeting, for the next wave was never far away.

“I can get you out of this,” Katie said.

“Fuck you.”

“I’ve been where you are now. I’ve sucked and fucked my way through more men that you could ever imagine, and for years I was her play thing. Believe me when I say: she has barely started with you. But it’s not hopeless; there is a way out.”


“You must become one of us, a Sister. There are rules within the Sisterhood. Rules that Emily must abide by. Rules that are strictly enforced. She will lose much of her power over you. She won’t be able to feed you any more of those fucking pills and those videos she has of you, will disappear.”

“What about John?”

“You’ll be expected to keep him like one might keep a pet. As a natural submissive, he longs to be dominated, to be humiliated. How do you think Emily seduced him so easily? He’ll lose his job, either by choice or through some humiliating scenario that the Sisterhood will inflict on him. He will keep your house in order and tend to your affairs. As a Sister you’ll receive a comfortable pay package and, depending on the Sisterhood’s needs, you will either be asked to continue with your current employment or offered a position within the Agency.”

“I just want this to stop. I’ll do whatever I need to do.”

“This isn’t some bullshit get-out-of-jail card. You need to want this, to be committed to this life. I am putting my ass on the line here for you.”

“I’m sorry. What do I need to do?”

“I’ll make the play, just follow my lead. Look, I know you’re angry, and you’ve been through a lot, but be mindful how you speak. You must always show respect, especially to Emily.”

“Why is she even doing this to us?”

“It’s not her, it’s the Sisterhood. You need to understand that the Sisterhood isn’t Emily and us girls: it’s an entire society that has kept itself secret for generations. Those in service to the Sisterhood maintain its power through domination and humiliation. As Sisters we carry out the wishes of our leaders – the Coven. They demand fealty and they do not tolerate insubordination. Together we are indomitable and we are legion. Emily is but a clog in this ancient and formidable machine. You need to accept that you may never know why they they chose you. Emily may not even know.”

“She was my friend for years.”

“Above all else, the Sisterhood is patient; we play the long game.”

They pulled up to Emily’s house where the party was still in full swing. Katie covered Liz with a blanket and led her inside. While they were gone, the party had lost any pretence of a civilised gathering and had degenerated into a wild orgy, depraved and without boundaries. The slapping of skin and the moans of sexual pleasure could be heard outside, even over the music.

John was lying supine on the couch. His face was buried deep in Rachel’s ass. Perched on his face, she rode him like a mechanical bull, gyrating and grinding as he pleasured her. She held her pendik escort ass cheeks wide apart, granting him access to that wrenched hole that he apparently adored. A trio of women wearing strapons were gathered at the other end of John. They each waited for their turn to assault his asshole, lubricating and stroking their massive faux cocks. The woman currently doing the deed had a body like an Olympic athlete. She was fucking him like a piston, like a machine. With each stroke, she slammed into him, lifting him from the couch and emitting a satisfying grunt. Her taught muscles glistened with sweat, and she relentlessly pounded him as if she despised his very existence. Liz watched her work for a moment, captivated by the display of raw intensity and rhythm. John’s cock stood rigid; though, it was now encased in a studded leather sleeve complete with a tiny row of spikes that dug deep into the tip of his penis like the teeth of some demonic worm. She imagined he would be howling out in pain if it weren’t for the pill’s effect and Rachel’s massive ass.

Liz felt giddy with arousal watching the display. She balled her hands into fists, digging her fingernails into her skin. By focusing on the pain, she managed to fight the desire to cast her body into the orgy. Though, she was unsure if any amount of pain could overcome Emily’s cursed pills for long. Katie, as if reading her thoughts, grasped her arm and pulled her away from the sexual frenzy.

Emily, one of the few still dressed, intercepted them in the hallway and ushered them into the sitting room. Liz, feeling too weak to stand, sunk to the floor and began masturbating as they talked over her.

“How many tonight, Katie?”

Katie shrugged. “There was a sports game on.”

“I can’t tell you how happy that makes me. Give me a run down, then let’s have everybody gather in the family room and we can watch the highlights on the TV.”

“Emily, please. She’s been through enough tonight.”

“You think I should go easy? You of all people, Katie?”

“You weren’t there tonight. It was a bad one.”

“Worse than any of yours?”

“Yes, worse.”

“And what would you suggest?”

“Clean her up and give her to Jeff. He can take her home and look after her. Send John to watch. He has had it far too easy and he is the husband.”

Emily’s eyes narrowed. “That’s not all, is it, Katie?”

“For your consideration, ma’am, I propose we induct Elizabeth for the good of the Sisterhood and the humiliation of all.”

“Elizabeth? Oh, Katie.” She sighed. “And what are you prepared to do for this favour you are asking of me?”

“I’ll— I’ll take a green pill.”

“Katie, you surprise me. We seldom see such unselfish behaviour in our little group. I shouldn’t even consider your proposal. We may upset the Coven, and they do not take kindly to dissent. You’re putting me in a very difficult position.”

“I will pay the price, if it is asked if me.”

“It will be demanded! But of me, not you.”

Emily walked to the window and stared out over the garden. “Why do you choose to risk yourself for her?”

“Because she doesn’t fight. You saw her last week, she leans into the humiliation. It’s like she wants it, needs it. She is one of us. I’ve never been more sure.”

The conversation ended and Liz looked up at them. For a moment they seemed far away, and the air grew heavy and the lights diminished. Her vision wavered and she found herself back in the forest when she had first attended to her sexual needs. The taste of his cum and piss stained her mouth. Her pertek escort legs trembled as she squatted in the bushes, where he had been, touching herself. Again she licked the ejaculate he had spilt across the plants. The foul act pushed her over the edge and she sprayed her own fluids, dousing the ground where he had urinated. She became so ashamed of what she had done that she wanted to flee, to run forever and never stop, but she found she couldn’t move. Somebody else was there, watching. A hand grabbed her shoulder. It twisted her around and sent her flying to the ground.

She was kneeling by a urinal watching piss pour from a stranger’s flaccid penis. As she watched she grew overwhelmingly aroused, and taking it in her hands, she franticly drank from it, savouring every drop of his rancid waste. When he finally ran dry, she was grabbed from behind and thrown aside.

Emily’s sodden vagina gapped open and Liz could see that it was filled with her husband’s warm, thick spunk. She crawled to it and lapped at the result from Emily and John’s love making. Those gathered to watch her humiliation, laughed and jeered as she drank from Emily. Their hands touched her, fondled her, probed her, and as she acquiesced, they grew bolder and rougher.

Then they were gone and only Emily and Katie remained. She realised that they had been present as she had relived these moments of shame, and that they had shared their own moments of humiliation with her. She had experienced the extent that Katie’s brothers had humiliated her, making her strip in front of their friends and masturbate them, and how Emily had been relentlessly bullied into performing indecent acts by the local girls.

The woman lay together, naked and intertwined. For hours they held each other, lapping, licking, prodding, and fingering. Orgasm after orgasm shuddered through each of them and every time it was shared. For the longest time Liz did not even notice the woman that was standing over them as they attended each other. When her attention finally turned to the mysterious woman, Liz was struck with awe. It was the most beautiful sight that Liz had ever seen and, in that instant, Liz knew that she loved Her.

The vision faded and the three of them were back in the sitting room. they stood in a circle holding hands. Tears streamed down their faces, and Liz realised that she too was crying. Something extraordinary had happened and for the first time in a long time, she didn’t feel alone.

Emily gasped as if waking from a dream. “We have Her favour.”

The effect of the pills was gone, purged from Liz’s body. She felt young again, as if countless years of toil and suffering had been undone. “I feel pretty fucking good,” she said.

The women giggled and she realised how close she felt to them, how she loved them.

“Yes, Elizabeth, but, honey, you stink like a blocked urinal. Katie, find Phoebe and take our new Sister upstairs. Shower her, fix her hair, and brush her teeth.”

“An enema might be in order as well, ma’am,” Katie said.

“I expect so. See to it.”

“Her wedding dress is also in a bad way.”

“Well, I suppose that can’t be helped. I’ll get it cleaned and repaired during the week. I’ll have Desmond work his magic and it will be better than the day it was bought from that ghastly shop.”

“I thought Desmond moved to Paris.”

“He did, Katie. But he missed my companionship so and could not abide the nonsense they put him through over there.”

“I see, well it’s good to have him back in the fold. What are your instructions regarding Elizabeth’s pınarhisar escort clothing? Perhaps something fitting for Jeff?”

“I suppose you’re right. Go into my bedroom and find something appropriate. It kills me, but she’ll look stunning in the Dior.”

“Is that the blue one, ma’am?”

Emily rolled her eyes. “Yes, Katie, the ‘blue one’.”

“I’ll personally ensure that the dress is returned to you unspoilt.”

“I am rather fond of it. It was made especially for me, you understand.”

“Yes, ma’am, I’ve seen the editorial.”

“You better get to work, Katie. Make sure she’s respectable.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Katie turned to leave, but hesitated. “And the green pill?” she asked, trembling. “Am I still bound by our arrangement.”

“I don’t know, Katie. After what we experienced, I feel I should do one as well. Let us discuss it another time.”

An hour later they were back in the Kitchen. Emily was waiting for them. “You look simply amazing,” she said. “You’ve been torn down and remade as one of us.” Emily pulled Liz into a passionate kiss. She slipped her tongue in and Liz did likewise. “You are one of us now, Elizabeth. The rest of the night will be concerned with repairing the terrible damage we’ve been forced to do.”

“And John?”

“Oh, Honey, He is your property and, as such, his humiliation is most effective when administered by you. Though, I’m always happy to provide guidance and crack the occasional whip – literally if needed. There will also be times when I’ll be in need of his services. We all share our men in the Sisterhood, don’t we, Katie”

“Yes, ma’am. And our women too.”

Emily gave Katie a devilish grin. “Yes, Katie, quite right. And our women too.” She handed Elizabeth her wedding ring. “It has been thoroughly cleaned. Though, it would do you well to remember where it has been, lest you find yourself thinking fondly of your wedding. Consider it remade as a symbol of your binding ownership of John and your right to humiliate him as you see fit. You must, however, cease wearing your engagement ring, which no longer has any meaning. Keep it for a while longer, however, for John’s sake. You must temper him with love. Too many changes or too little affection will cause him to lose hope, and then you’ll no longer keep a cuckold – an important station for us women in the Sisterhood. There’s an art to cuckoldry, Elizabeth. Above all else, remember that you are not alone in this endeavour, we are here to help.”

Elizabeth looked to Katie who nodded, then she addressed Emily. “Yes, ma’am. Thank you. I- I know what needs to be done.”

“Very good. Fetch Jeff please, Phoebe. Tell him that his lover needs his affection. It has been quite an eventful day for me and I now wish to enjoy my party. I’ll leave Elizabeth in your hands.” Emily gave Liz another kiss and turned to leave. “Oh, and, Elizabeth, welcome to the Sisterhood.”

Katie rushed to Elizabeth, embracing her and following with a deep, lasting kiss. Elizabeth returned it and, placing her hands on Katie’s hips, brought her close so that they could feel the warm of their bodies on each other.

Breathless, Katie took a step back. “Save your energy for Jeff. John must see not only how happy you are with your lover but also that you still think of him tenderly. You can’t be thinking of me, though I’ll surely be thinking of you.”

* * *

Elizabeth sat in the back of the car, as Katie drove them back home. She sat wedged between John and Jeff, fondling their cocks. John’s was still restrained, and so she ran her fingers over the tip to keep him suitably firm for the odd-looking device, and its spikes.

“What does the green pill do?” she asked of Katie.

Katie’s hands tightened on the steering wheel and her skin went pale. Phoebe looked across to Katie who kept her eyes on the road and for the longest time said nothing.

“Pray that you never find out,” Katie said at last.

They continued the drive in silence.