For those who have stumbled across this story for the first time, please be aware that this chapter may or may not have much or anything to do with the selected category. Many of the earlier chapters do fit more neatly into the exhibitionist area; please be sure to go back and start from chapter 1 if that is where your tastes lie.
Now, standard disclaimers.
This is a story about sexual exploration and, open relationships. Open relationships can and do happily exist; but they are not for everyone. If you do not believe it is at all possible for open relationships to exist without damage to any and all involved parties, please do yourself a favor and don’t waste your time reading this.
Also, this story takes place in a world where STDs don’t exist and only babies planned for and wanted do—in other words, a fantasy world. Any resemblance to real-life people is purely coincidental.
Much to the Slut’s disappointment, it was not guilt or inhibition but time and opportunity that put the damper on Gwen’s sexuality over the next couple of months. Her sister-in-law had only been able to come over and ride once in that time as she and Adam had been busy preparing for and then traveling on their annual trip to the Caribbean. Natalie had been insistent the Nelsons join them, but the ever-increasing demands of the business put a vacation out of the question for this for now and Gwen had eventually promised that she and Tim would seriously consider going along with them next year,.
To no one’s surprise, Cricket was a regular visitor, but she was again studying for the CPA exam Gwen had convinced her to take after she had put it aside during her divorce, and spent her Saturdays holed up in her tiny apartment. She left her books on Sundays to come ride, and Tim had contrived excuses to be somewhere else a couple of times during her visits in the hopes of hearing later what had happened in his absence.
Even the weather had conspired against her, Gwen’s rare opportunities to get out and perhaps give someone an “accidental” peek at the mall or grocery store curtailed by the need to dress warmly and therefore, conservatively. Only the sex with Tim remained a glorious constant, and the couple were more active in the bedroom than they had ever been.
“Do you think Cricket’s pretty?” Gwen asked as the couple climbed the hillock to the hot tub that cool Sunday evening. The young woman had shared the spa with them on several of her visits, all parties modestly dressed so as not to make the others uncomfortable. With her absence, the couple happily ditched the bathing suits.
Tim chose his words carefully, knowing it would be counterproductive to lie. “She looks like you, so in that way, yeah, I think she’s pretty. Why?”
“I see you looking at her when we all come up here.”
He shrugged helplessly and held the gate open. He had tried to make it seem like he was just being polite by letting Cricket climb the hill ahead of him so he could check out that cute little ass work under her one-piece. And her suit did cling to all the right places when wet… “I’m a guy. We look. We can’t help it. I’m also a married guy, so I don’t do anything more than look. You know that, right?”
Two bodies eased themselves into the steaming water. My mother has that much right about men, Gwen admitted to herself. Every man looks.
“Lookin’ helps my imagination when I’m listenin’ to your stories.” Tim paused. “You can look at my friends, if you want. Don’t women ever look at guys?”
It was Gwen’s turn to weigh her words. “We do, we’re just more discrete about it. And as for your friends, I would rather not look at Charlie, thank you very much. He’s not exactly in peak physical shape. Besides, if he ever caught me he’d probably think I was checking him out and decide he could do the same to me without at least pretending he’s not.” Definitely not Charlie, but there were others who I wouldn’t mind watching take off their clothes, the Slut offered.
Tim chuckled but said nothing. Charlie had been checking her out for years; he mentally undressed every woman. But to him, Gwen was the unattainable trophy, the one who never showed anything. His friend still thought she lived her life fully dressed at all times, even if he did have to admit she had begun to occasionally flash glimpses of her carefully-hidden warm and caring personality. Tim had not let it slip yet that she had begun to frequently show much more than a smile, and wondered if Charlie would even believe him if he did.
It was quiet save for the sounds of the darkened forest, Tim and Gwen leaning back against the wall of the tub, savoring a last few moments of peace before bed and the upcoming work week.
“Does he have a big one?”
He opened his eyes to see her looking back at him. “Huh?”
“Does Charlie…is he, uhh, well-endowed down there?” Gwen motioned with her eyes below the surface to Tim’s midsection.
“Oh—uhh, can’t say. I don’t think I’ve seen him naked since the locker room in high school, and he sure as hell wasn’t hard then, so I don’t know how big he is. To hear him tell it though, he’s huge.” Tim smiled. “Why? Looking for something bigger?”
“I’m not looking for anything—or anyone,” she quickly countered, the Lady certain the rude question had offended her husband. “It’s just that I haven’t seen that many, and it seems like there’s quite a variety.
“Yeah, they do come in a lot of shapes, sizes and colors, not that I’m lookin’ or anything. It’s okay if you do, though,” he added. “If I can go around imagining Cricket nekkid, no reason you can’t do the same to Charlie.”
“Thank you very much, no,” Gwen retorted, moving next to her husband and tucking herself under his arm. “He’s someone I have to believe looks better in his clothes than out of them.” Some of our employees, on the other hand…the Lady ominously warned of even the thought as grounds for a workplace harassment lawsuit.
There was silence again. After a while, Gwen spoke in a low voice, barely audible above the hum of the filter. “Have you ever seen an uncircumcised one?”
Tim laughed. “You don’t look at other naked guys too much or else you get a reputation. But yeah, I’ve seen one or two. Not real common when I was growing up, but I guess more and more parents are letting their sons keep the natural look.”
“Jason’s uncircumcised, you know.”
Tim smiled. “Ali told you too, huh?”
Gwen looked up at her husband. “She told you? When?”
He shrugged. “Back when they were first dating. She found out he was…uhh, that way, and called me to ask about the proper care and handling of the uncircumcised penis.”
“She admitted to her own father that she had become that—familiar—with a boy? What did she even ask you about? You’re circumcised-you don’t have any experience with—that, do you? What in the world did you tell her?”
I let her know I didn’t have any experience with foreskins, either. But since I’ve got the stripped-down model, I think I told her Jason’s was more or less the same thing, just still in the natural wrapper. You pull it back when want to get at what’s underneath, if it’s not already out of the way, and that I was sure Jason would be happy to explain the finer points. I think I was able to get her going in the right direction and not screw her up too bad. He did marry her, after all.”
“I’m really sorry you got put in that situation. You must have been so embarrassed, your own daughter ask you about having sex before she was married! Alison should have been able to talk to me. She must think I’m a terrible mother.”
Tim hugged her to him. “I kinda knew the girls weren’t waiting for marriage, so I just wanted to make sure they were safe and informed, at least as much as they’d listen to me. And as for you…you were an incredible mother, and continue to be an incredible mother. I can still remember how you would become mama bear when one of the horse show moms would try and rattle the girls before they rode. You were so good about protecting them in everything they did, bringing them up right. So you weren’t comfortable talking about sex back then—so what? You’re getting better about it now, and I think the girls know that—I mean, Ali told you about Jason, right?”
“No,” she mumbled, looking down. “Not exactly. I accidentally saw a picture of his…of him on her tablet.”
“Oh…does she know you saw it?”
“Yes, she saw me looking and told me sometimes he takes pictures like that and sends them to her when he’s traveling.”
Tim doubted the flow of pictures was only one way, but put the thought aside “Caught you looking huh? There’s one way to add to you collection. She was okay with you looking?”
“I didn’t mean to! It was just—there. And yes, she was a little embarrassed, but she seemed alright with me seeing it.”
“See? She was fine, you were fine. No big deal.”
‘Course, some of the things I saw and heard when they were younger would probably have been a very big deal to you back then, Tim mused. KD’s pregnancy scare had been the most nerve-wracking—the potential father would not have been his first or even fifteenth choice for a son-in-law-but there had been other heart-to-hearts regarding sexual matters with both of his daughters as well. A faint smile crossed his lips as he remembered the morning he had found a recently-used condom on the pool deck. He had quietly confronted Alison, thanking her for using protection but asking that her friends pick up after themselves. No man likes to pick up another man’s used rubber, he reminded her, especially after the rubber had been in the man’s daughter. Alison had blushed furiously and mumbled her apologies, begging him not to tell Mom. “If she finds it first next time, I’ll be hiding in the shop while you tell her,” he had replied with a half-smile.
He waited until it was quiet again. “So? Does he have a big one?”
It was Gwen who was caught off guard this time. “Huh? Who?”
“Jason. Is it worthy of my daughter? Think it’ll be the right tool for the job when it comes time to make us a grandkid?”
“I—I’m sure it’s perfectly fine for that. I don’t have much to compare it to,” she stammered, remembering how big and capable she had thought it when he had been preparing to put it in her daughter. But there would be no grandchildren using that entrance!
“Well, how big compared to me?”
“I don’t know, maybe a little shorter than yours—it’s hard to tell with the extra skin.” That’s what men wanted to hear, right—that theirs was bigger?
“Thick or thin?”
“It was hard to tell from the picture,” she lied. Definitely thicker, the Slut opined. The Lady was aghast that she could so casually compare her husband’s and son-in-law’s penises like cucumbers for pickling.
“As long as it comes when called…” Tim’s hands began to roam over his wife’s body, stopping to gently squeeze a breast. “Ready for bed?” Gwen nodded and they climbed from the water. He led the way down the hill to their room, laid her down, and resumed their caresses.
He didn’t bother to remove his lips from where they were nuzzling her neck. “Hmm?”
“Did you ever…from behind…before you met me?”
“From behind? A couple times, yeah, I guess. Why? Am I doing it wrong with you?”
Gwen laughed nervously. “No, not that way, the other way…from behind.”
Tim pulled back from her neck, a little confused. “You mean-” he patted her lightly on her exposed ass cheek—”back here?”
Gwen could not look him in the eye. “Yes, there.”
“Well, uh no, never did that…why?”
“Oh, you know… Natalie lets Adam do it that way some times, and Ali and Jason do it that way, too—”
“Wait. Alison and Jason have anal sex? How do you know that? I can see Natalie telling you about her and your brother, but Ali…sounds like she’s been talking to you, after all, unless you saw that on her tablet, too.” Tim smiled hoping to make the joke obvious, but Gwen found it too close for comfort. No, not her tablet.
“I just know, and I thought that since everyone else does it, that maybe if we’re not doing it we should be, or that you want to? I’m sorry, I’m not making any sense.”
Tim’s cock jumped at the idea of Gwen even mentioning that most forbidden zone, and he fought to remain calm and sound reasonable. “No, you’re fine, and not everybody does it, at least from what I’ve heard. The guys I know make a big deal of it when they do get it, and I think they’re making it up half the time. You know you and me, we can have sex however we want, right? Whatever you and me decide we do or don’t do is nobody else’s business.” Tim spoke slowly, carefully. “Are you asking because you think we should be doing, or because you want to?”
“I don’t know… I want to give you something you want for once rather than have it be all about me. I’m willing to try it, if you think you might like it.”
“It hasn’t been all about you. Trust me, I feel like I died and went to sex heaven. I don’t want to make you do something you don’t want to do…aren’t you afraid it might hurt?”
“I was, and I still am a little bit, but Natalie gave me some things to practice with and it’s really not that bad, especially after I relax a little.”
Good ole’ Natalie to the rescue, Tim thought. “Practicing? With what?”
Gwen rolled off the bed and to her feet. “I’ll show you. Be right back.” She returned in a moment, laying the spreaders and lube on the sheets. “These. I put one in back there and then leave it in for a while.”
“Really? And it doesn’t hurt?”
“Not really, no. I get used to it pretty quickly.” Gwen looked down at his straining erection—the interruption had not seemed to affect it at all. “So, did you want to try? Your umm, cock seems like it wants to.”
Tim’s length, already hard just from the prospect of going where no man had gone before, twitched in response at his wife’s use of that rarely uttered word. “Uh, sure, if you want to, but I’m really not sure how to start…”
Practical Gwen had already thought this through. “Off the bed,” she ordered, removing the Magic Wand from her nightstand and dropping next to the pillows she had piled on the spot Tim had just vacated. The shorter, fatter dildo was also placed within reach. She lay stomach-down on the pillows, positioning the vibrator underneath the junction of her spread legs and reaching back with the rubber cudgel, putting the bulbous tip to her already-wet opening.
Tim watched the show from the end of the bed, tentatively stroking his length, fascinated by the sight of Gwen’s upturned ass and the dildo beginning to split her pussy lips. “Damn, that’s a hell of a view,” he muttered. “I could just stand here and watch you do that.”
“You can if you’d like,” Gwen replied, her face on the bedspread as she filled herself with the faux penis, sliding it in until the testicles rested against her. “I’ll understand.”
“No, no,” Tim said hurriedly, putting a knee on the bed. “But I do want to watch you do that some other time. So, what do I do?”
She imagined him staring lustfully at her exposed rosebud, presented for his pleasure. “Take the bottle and squirt a little on my, uh, hole, and spread it around.” The bed sagged as he shuffled between her legs and flipped the cap open. Her puckered ring contracted at the first touch of the cool liquid, and Tim began to delicately spread it over and around the muscle, delicately exploring the texture of the wrinkled ring. “Try and get some if it inside me.” Tim was gentle as he tentatively pushed against the ring, letting it yield to his push. He marveled at just how tight it was and doubting whether the somewhat-larger thing between his legs would fit, although it was very eager to try.
Gwen involuntarily contracted around his finger, feeling how much thicker and rougher it was than her own or Natalie’s. It continued to fill her, slowly pushing deeper, until knuckles brushed the curve of her split. The invader withdrew a little and slid forward again, twisting and turning to coat her walls with the slippery liquid.
“You, uh, you think I should use some more?”
Gwen’s head stayed on the mattress, her eyes closed. “Maybe if you put some of it on yourself, we can try that next, if you want.” She heard the bottle top snap open again and steeled herself against what was about to happen, a fist gripping the blanket while the other hand snaked under and between her legs, ready to flip the switch on the Magic Wand. “Is the angle alright?”
Tim moved, straddling her thighs, lining himself up. “I think so.”
“Just go easy, okay? Stop if I say stop?” Gwen asked with as much calm as she could muster, unaware she was repeating her daughter’s plea from the video.
“We don’t have to if you don’t want,” Tim repeated, his length already lying in her crevice, anxious for the go ahead. “You can say no any time.”
“I want to try, at least…”
Gwen thumbed the vibrator’s switch, feeling the first jolt against her clitoris as the tip of her husband’s cock touched and tested her still-tight muscle. It hesitated there, engaged in a last-minute debate with its owner, and then compressed as Tim worked out how much pressure needed to be applied without being too much. She felt the now-familiar stretching as the crown of his head slid past the taut muscle and pushed her ring open further than it had ever been opened before, then stopped.
Gwen nodded, her eyes still closed, willing herself not to show the nervous anticipation or discomfort she felt, concentrating on the tingling of her clit and the fullness in her other opening. “Okay.” The head again pushed forward, the shaft behind holding her open, past where the spreader would have begun to narrow and allow her ring to snap shut and capture its neck. Now, there was nowhere for her muscle to relax, just more of an impossibly thick penis to grip. Her body fought to expel the invader but the Slut welcomed it, reveling in this incredibly perverted act of submission; she had given up her most forbidden opening.
And then she felt her husband’s hips lightly press against her rear; he seemed unwilling to burrow any deeper. “Do you want me to take it out?” he rumbled, anxiously looking for some sort of reaction, fearful of the hurt he might be causing.
Gwen’s hips twitched at the vibrations tormenting her button, involuntarily pushing back to seat his length just a little bit deeper. “No, it’s alright,” she groaned softly. “You can…fuck me now…if you want. Just go slow, right?”
Tim’s answer was to withdraw himself a bit, then grasp her hipbones with strong fingers and push forward again with just a little more force than the first time. “Jesus Gwen, I thought your pussy was tight, but this is incredible. Are you sure you’re alright?”
“I’m fine. It’s actually not too bad once you get used to it.” That was the truth; she enjoyed the feeling of him sliding against the length buried in her vagina, just a thin layer of flesh separating the two lovers. She wondered what it would be like to be filled completely, to have her face in another man’s lap instead of the blankets. Three men, taking her, using her, each trying to outdo the other…
Tim established a slow and steady rhythm, being careful not to become too energetic, the tightness of her ass and the thought of what he was being allowed—invited!-to do bringing him close to orgasm in a short time. Gwen too was beginning her rise to climax.
He stopped after one thrust, letting his urge to let it fly subside a bit. “Uhh, should I pull out before I shoot?”
Gwen thought for a second—Alison’s video had ended well before the final act and she had no idea if there was any reason why he shouldn’t finish where he was. “No, you can stay in me if you want. Just don’t get carried away, okay?”
Tim smiled. “Let me give it a try.”
He managed to stay in control despite his rapidly growing need to come, giving a few more pushes before emptying himself inside her. He started to pull away with the last pulse. “Stay there,” Gwen hissed, and her own orgasm overtook her a moment later. Tim could feel her contracting around his still rock-hard dick, shuddering and bucking against the man pinning her to the bed in a most unnatural fashion. He waited until she seemed spent before withdrawing.
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