Hamamda Turistle Beraber


Herkeze selamlar ben ihsan size daha öcede bir hikaye yollamıştım.neyse konuya gelelim ben burda (kuşadası) hayatımda ilk kez bir hamama gittim. kabin e girdim peştemalımı giyindim içimdede mayo vardı belki açılır diye giyinmiştim. çünkü ilk defa giriyordum birde burdaki hamamlar turistler için yani unisex girdiğimde bir oğlan 16yaşlarında bana girdiğimde merhaba dedi bende selam verdim biraz konuştuk ve alman olduğunu söyledi.ve bana bir yer gösredi orası yıkanmak için garip bir yerdi ve de önünde perdeler vardı ve benim o perdenin arasından bakmamı istedi gittim baktım ve gördüklerime inanamadım.içeride kadınla erkek sikişiyorlardı benide görmediler çünkü biraz baygın bir haldediler adam bir eliyle kadının amını ovuşturuyor ,bir eliylede tasla su döküyodu tabiki tüm çeşmelerde açıktı ses çıkmasın diye olsa gerek daha sonra içeriden tellak geldi ve onlara seslendi perdeyi açacaktı ki onlar hemen toparlandı ve tellak hiç birşeyi çakmadı çünkü bayağı bir yaşlı gözüküyordu.bunlar giderken ben bunların önündeydim. adamınkini İskitler Escort gördüm ve ağzımın salyaları aktı.adamda beni fark etti ve gülümsedi.kadın ise orospu gibiydi. neyse bunlar keselenmek için gitti ardındanda o çocukla ben gittim gittiğim yerde kadını keseliyorlardı ve kadın üstsüzdü o yaşlı adam sürekli kadının göğüslerini keseliyordu sıra bana geldi ve bende keselendim ve bana adamın sürekli baktığını farkettim bakıp bana gülümsüyordu ve birden adamın peştamalinin arasından o güzel yarrağın sarktığını gördüm ve ben iyice azmıştım.artık o adamın beni sikmesini istiyordum.artık alman çocuk gitmişti onla vedalaştık sonra ben ve onlarla beraber kaldık bizim keselenmemiz bitmişti ve yıkanıp su dökü nüyorduk.kadın şampuan almaya gitceğini adama söyledi ve bende onun yanına iyice yaklaştım ve sohbet etmeye başladık kadın hala ortada yoktu biz sohbete devam ediyorduk ve bir adam gelip kadının otelde çok acil bir işinin olduğunu ve orayı terk ettiğini yanımdaki adama söylemişti ben de içimden allah a şükürler İskitler Escort ediyordum artık o benim di ben ona tuvalete kadar gitcegimi söyledimok dedi bende tuvalette hemen mayomu çıkardım ve orda bi yere sakladım. içeriye adamın (dick) yanına gittim ve konuyu sex e getirmeye çalıştım. ona vücudunun çok güzel olduğunu söyledim teşekkür etti ben beden öğretmeniyim dedi hollandada bende hiç sormamıştım nereli olduğunu ve korkarak hiç bir erkekle oldunmu diye sordum oda tabii dedi ben bisexüelim dedi bende neden baştan demedin dedim ve seni çok arzuladığımı söyledim oda ben senden cevap bekliyodum dedibende neden duruyoruz dedim ve benim dudaklarıma öyle bir yapıştıki anlatması mümkün değil.ordaki bir kabine girdik ve beni sik dedim kocam ol benim dedim ve aletini çıkardıben hemen onun aletini emmeye başladım oda bana hadi sevgilim aşkım demeye başladı bende aletini yalıyor dum aleti o kadar büyük değidi ama çok kalındı 18 cm vardır siki dimdik olmuş ve bana arkanı dön dedigötüm zaten birkere yarrak yemişti İskitler Escort Bayan onuda alır zannettim götüme soktu girmedi sabunla denedi ve yavaş yavaş girmişti içime girdiğini hissediyordum biraz ileri geri yaptı ve kökledi gözümden yaşlar geldi.ama buna değerdi çok güzel bir zevkti bu beni öylece 10 dk siktiktensonra içime boşaldı ve tekrar aletini emiyordum kapının açıldığını duyduk ve hemen ordan yıkanıp çıktık soyunma kabinlerine gittik orda da ağzımı sikti ve hamamdan çıktık.sana doymadım dedi bende sana dedim ve otel de devam ederiz dedi bende kadın var dedim doğru dedio kadında bunun sevgilisiymiş artık 2 sevgilisi olmuştu.bize gidelim dedim evde kimse yoktu o saatte saatte 1 e geliyordu sabah bize gittik orda beni 3 kez sikti sonra annem ler geldi bizde başka bir otele gittik sabaha kadar siliştik götümde ona çok alışmıştı artık kolaylıkla içime alabiliyordum 4 gün boyunca beni o otelde sikti (ilk günden sonra gündüzleri)geceleride öteki sevgilisinin yanına gidiyordu son gün beni o kadınla tanıştırdı ve beraber içtik eğlendik barlara gittik .bu olay tamamiyle gerçektir her yaz sevgilim gelir ve benim götümü siker bu sene de öyle geçti zaten geçen sene tanıştık yazları o beni siker kışları da önceki hikayem de anlattığım barış siker sikerim bu yazı da sabırsızlıkla bekliyorum herkezi sikinden öpüyorum..Gönderen: you shang

En Başa Dönüş


DÖRT PERDELİK OYUNI.PERDE( SİBELLE TANER TELEFONLA KONUŞUYOR,SİBELİN KOCASI UYUYOR )- Alo,Sibel, günaydın- Alo, günaydın, kiminle görüşüyorum- Ben, Taner, sevgilim duyuyor musun sesimi- Yavaş lütfen, deli misin sen,sabahın köründe- Oohh, sevgilim yeni uyandım, önümdeki dimdik şey seni istiyor- Taner deli misin sen,yavaş,kocam yanımda uyuyor- Canım, bir tanem, buraya gel ,bağırırım yoksa- Şimdi nasıl geleyim oraya ?- O zaman telefonla hallet kızılcık sopasının işini- Ööff, ben de bir tuhaf oldum,yapma ne olur- Ooohh, senin yuvarlak memelerini düşünüyorum, arasından kayıyor benimki- Ben de senin iri taşşaklarını yalıyorum, acıta acıta- Çok iyisin devam et,ben göbeğini yalıyorum- Ellerin organımın üzerinde geziyor, kıllarımı okşa – Tamam canım sen de artık meme uçlarımı ısır biraz- Ooohh, çok güzel oynuyorsun bızırımla, fındık kadar oldu- Hadi artık çabuk ol kocan uyanmadan em biraz benim kobrayı- Memnuniyetle hayatım, off ağzıma sığmıyor- Sığdırırım ben,aç,aç bak giriyor- Offf devam et sen de bızırımı yalamaya devam et,devam et ne olur- Tabii tatlım oohh sende emmeye devam et,çok harikasın,evet böyle- Ooohh, ben gelmek üzereyim tatlım oohhh, sadece sıcak menilerini bekliyorum- Ooohhh,al işte al hepsi senin sıcak sıcak,al,al hepsi senin, oohhhhh- Ooooohhh, oohhhh,,ağzımda hepsi de ,geliyoruumm,aaahhh…….( SİBELLE KOCASI CEVDET YATAK ODALARINDA )- Ne oldu hayatım neden bağırıyorsun,- Bir şey yok kocacığım- Bağırıyordun Sibelciğim, uyandırdın beni- Korkunç bir rüya gördüm Cevdet- Hayırdır – Beni bir adam kaçırmış zorla oral seks yaptırıyor, benim de bızırımı yalıyordu- Ayyyy- Çok korktum Cevdet- Canım karım gel,sarıl bana…….II.PERDE( SİBELİN KOCASI CEVDET BANYODA, SELMA SALONDAN Hasköy Escort BANYOYA GİRİYOR )- Selma sen misin?- Evet hayatım- Banyodayım, duş alıyorum- Geleyim mi yanına ?- ……..- Cevdet duymuyor musun beni, geleyim mi diyorum ?- Tamam duyuyorum,bir saniye bile bekleme,soyun gel- Ne oldu böyle, öğle vakti apar topar çağırdın beni – sabah sabah bizim karı rüyasını anlattı, tahrik oldum- Onu becerseydin ya- Hiç içimden gelmedi, kim şey yapar o karıyı ya- Neyse, vaktim az bir buçukta işte olmam lazım- Hadi o zaman vakit kaybetme, al ağzına- Tamam. Mmmhhhh,, harikulade bir şey bu- Oohhhh- Küveti de köpüklemişsin, beni uyarmak için, sevdiğimi biliyorsun- Evet canım, bu gün seni meme arasından becereceğim köpüklü, köpüklü- Oohhh, gel hadi kaymaya başla,köpükledim memelerimi- Geldim canım,al sen de dildoyla idare et bu günlük- Ver, oohh, seninkinin başı çok güzel görünüyor, emmek istiyorum- Al,al dudağına değiyor,ne güzel, oohhh- Sevgili dildom içimi dolduruyor, aletin ise mememi,ohh,ucu patlıcan gibi oldu- Canım sevgilim, oohhh,al işte boşalıyorum, al,al,al- Fışkırt,fışkırt, oohhhh,mmmhhh,geliyorum,fışkıırrttt- Bittim, öldüm- Ben de, aahhh…….III.PERDE( SELMANIN KOCASI AYHAN DERYA İLE EVDE )- O orospu neler yaptığını bilmediğimi sanıyor Deryacığım- Ne oldu hayatım kimden bahsediyorsun ?- karım olacak Selma kaltağından- Lütfen bana bahsetme o şırfıntıdan- Evet, iyi söyledin bir şırfıntı o- Ne oldu yine ?- Geçen öğle saatlerinde yine o Cevdet denen adinin evine koştu, takip ettim- Ne o kıskanıyor musun yoksa- Hayır hayatım ben seni seviyorum ama yine de 7 yıllık karım işte- Hadi sakin ol,soyun da sana masaj yapayım- Evet, bu iyi gelir galiba- Tamam,hadi çorapları Hasköy Escort Bayan da çıkar, evet başlıyorum- Başla ben ne dersem sırasıyla yap- Emredersin hayatım- Önce ayak parmaklarımı yala- Mmmhhhh,mmmhhh- Evet, şimdi kıllarımı okşayarak dizlerime doğru gel- Tamam hayatım- Şimdi göğsüme yaklaş masaj yap oralara- Tamam- Oohh, gevşedim biraz biraz- …..- Şimdi göğüs uçlarımı çimdikle- Tabii sevgilim- Evet, şimdi yalayarak göbeğime doğru ilerle, kasıklarıma in- Emredersin erkeğim- Ooohhh harikasın,minik orospum benim- Benim güçlü erkeğimi memnun etmek benim tek mutluluğum- Ooohh şimdi iyice bir yala efendinin kamışını- Ooohhh, zevkle hayatım- Oohhhh,çok güzel devem et,devam et – Mmmhhh,mmhhhh- Şimdi banyodan saç kremini getir- Tabii erkeğim- Oohh bir güzel sür onu,evet sadece başına değil,dibine kadar, hah tamam- Şimdi ne yapayım ?- Kıçını daya başına aletin- Ne ?- Evet iyi duydun- Ama bunu daha önce yapmamıştık, korkuyorum- Benden esirgiyor musun- Tamam işte getirdim- Yavaş yavaş üzerine oturmaya başla- Ahhh, canım çok yanıyor- Oh,benim çok hoşuma gidiyor- Acıyor Ayhan, çok acıyor- Oohhh, tam dibine kadar otur- Tamam – Şimdi otur,kalk,otur,kalk- Tamam,aahhh- Ooohhh,oohhh, otur ve öyle kal barsaklarını dolduracağım,oohhhh- Aaahhhh…….( AYHAN İLE DERYA ORGAZM SONRASINDA )- Öldürdün beni Ayhan- Ooff,sen de beni dirilttin canım- Çok acıdı – kızgınlığım ancak böyle geçerdi- Neyse, sana feda olsun,erkeğim benim…….IV.PERDE(DEYANIN KOCASI SAMETLE SİBELİN SEVGİLİSİ TANER EVDE )- Senin karının adı Deryaydı değil mi Samet ağabey- Evet sevgili ibnem- Ben ibne değilim kocacığım- Kocacığımmış, kazık kadar herife bak- Biliyorsun biseksüel olduğumu, neden kabul Escort Hasköy etmiyorsun- Sadece benim olmanı istiyorum Taner- Seninim ya- Sibel denen o karıyla da beraber olduğunu biliyorum- Hangi Sibel- Bak bilmezlikten geliyor,Cevdet?in karısını diyorum- Sadece birkaç kez- Senin bir karıyı düzdüğünü düşündükçe gülesim geliyor Taner- Ne var gülecek sonuçta ben de bir erkeğim- Erkekliğini yesinler senin, canım çekti,soyunda gel yanıma- Iııhhh- Ne o naz mı yapıyorsun, gelirsem yanına görürsün gününü- Tamam, tamam- Ohh, kıça bak, gel önüme, eğil bakalım- Samet ağabey ben de istiyorum ama, şey- Anladım, çağır o zaman o Sibel kaltağını- sabahın bu saatinde mi ?- Ne fark eder- Bu saatte kocasının yanından nasıl kalkıp gelsin- Telefonla ara o zaman – Bu iyi fikir- Oohh, gel bakalım önce al şu benim aleti içine de öyle ara- Tamam, Samet ağabey…….( TANER SİBELLE TELEFONLA KONUŞUYOR- BKZ.I.PERDE -, SAMET TANER?E LAF YETİŞTİRİYOR )- Alooo, Sibel, günaydın- Ne diyor kaltak- Ben, Taner, sevgilim duyuyor musun sesimi- Gel bak Sibel sevgiline boru döşüyorlar- Ohh, sevgilim yeni uyandım, önümdeki dimdik şey seni istiyor- Arkandaki de istiyor mu bir şey ?- Canım,bir tanem buraya gel ,bağırırım yoksa- Merak etme ben bağırtacağım seni birazdan- O zaman telefonla hallet kızılcık sopasının işini- Sakin ol ben halledeceğim o meseleyi- Ooohh, senin yuvarlak memelerini düşünüyorum, arasından kayıyor benimki- Kayan bir şey gerçekten de var burada- Çok iyisin devam et,ben göbeğini yalıyorum- Sen de devam et yavrum- Tamam canım sen de artık meme uçlarımı ısır biraz- Ne?- Hadi artık çabuk ol kocan uyanmadan em biraz benim kobrayı- Senin kocan çoktan uyandı da seni beceriyor- Sığdırırım ben,aç,aç bak giriyor- Evet hem de çok güzel giriyor- Tabii tatlım oohh sen de emmeye devam et,çok harikasın,evet böyle- Hem emip hem gömeceğim,sakin ol- Ooohhh,al işte al hepsi senin sıcak sıcak,al,al hepsi senin, oohhhhh- Yooo, hepsi onun değil, birazı da senin al bakalım oohhh,oohhhh,oohhGönderen: tamerden

Living With My Plug: First Week


I slept long and sound that night, exhausted from the physical and emotional effort of the day. In the morning Lauren came to my room and got me up. She commanded me to show her that I was still wearing my panties in bed, and then remove them so she could inspect them. I was relieved to see the plug had prevented and escape from my bowels – the rear was pristine. But the crotch was saturated with vaginal secretions.

“Ah good, I can see and feel that mom had kept her panties on all night. And her butt-plug kept all her nasty waste inside.”

Lauren read Dr. Baxter’s instruction notes with me, which had been told to me verbally but which I had not properly taken in the day before. The cleansing ritual was to be repeated each day, and the procedure was given in detail. For the whole of that week Lauren took charge of the and sat on the toilet seat while I turned my rear toward her and leaned forward.

“Hold your buttocks apart now, Mom. I’m going to ease your butt-plug out from you and I want you to try to close your sphincter as I take it out.”

She slowly extracted the plug from my anus, pausing and holding it with the widest part at my ring and keeping the muscle stretched to the maximum. I tried to tighten my buttocks and close my rear opening. I was able to prevent any messy and embarrassing premature emergence on the first days but with each day my attempts became feebler. I suppose the plug, holding me open all the time, was gradually stretching and weakening the tone of sphincter muscles. By the fourth day I was unable to prevent a medium-size log from slipping out and dropping into Lauren’s white PVC apron. She took it upon herself to wash and rinse my plug.

“Don’t worry about that, Mom. Lauren doesn’t mind if her apron gets dirty.”

Each morning she took a sample of my stool and put it in a container and then wiped me clean and gave me in a fresh, new pair of my panties, putting he worn ones in a ziplock poly bag and labelled with the date. This was also to be repeated every day so I would visit Dr. Baxter the next week with a set of worn panties and specimens to show her.

The notes explained …. “You may suffer some vaginal irritation due to the presence of your plug, and which can lead to infection. The best prevention is a copious flow of your secretion – that has a natural cleansing effect. So I want to wear your panties continuously so I can inspect them next week and check your discharge is normal, without any discoloration or bad odour. In any case I am giving you these pessaries – insert one twice a day. They will promote your flow. I should warn you that you might feel heightened arousal, a desire to masturbate, so do not be concerned about that. In fact that is highly beneficial and you should not hesitate to rub yourself whenever you wish. Also insert one of the suppositories into your rectum after each voiding and before replugging. Both the pessaries and suppositories contain a mild antiseptic to combat any infection that might otherwise develop. They also have a lubricant base to help you feel more comfortable. “

I certainly noticed the effect on my libido. The plug made me feel naughty, as though about to defecate and the naughtiness made me feel wanton, while the pessaries seemed to stimulate my arousal. Each morning my panties were drenched in pussy juice, even though I slept soundly. Lauren was quick to take advantage of my condition, and encouraged me to put on the most lewd displays, grinding my hips and running my hands all over my body while she watched.

“Oh Mom, you’re so wet, your cunt’s pouring with juice … let me see you do your little dance, the one you like to do alone in the bathroom to bring yourself of …. Come on, grind your hips a run your hands over your body, put on a good display the way dirty slutty girls do … yes, like that, oh yes Mom that’s great.”

She would then feel my wetness through the crotch of my cotton panties. With that she would pull them down and tease apart my labia, first the major and then the more delicate inner lips. By then my gash was awash and when she began to tweak my clitty I came uncontrollably. Then she would insert one of the pessaries “to make sure you don’t dry up” she said. She took special delight inserting the both my pessary and suppository, taking her time to ensure each was well embedded before re-inserting the plug inside me.

“Is the suppository secure and comfortable inside you?” she would ask, and then poked a latex clad finger in as far as it would go. “Yes, I think it is well inside you to do its job properly.”

I became very turned on by this attention. Lauren would dress in just her PVC apron or even more scantily, and took every opportunity to excite me with the sight of her slim figure and nicely trained limbs and abdominals. During each of these ministrations she would press against me and, as if carelessly, touch me intimately. Naturally Lauren also became very aroused and I could see the secretions dribble from Kızılcahamam Escort her vagina. Sometimes she would ask me to check her own flow for quantity, clean consistency and odour.

Lauren also saw to it that I was well-fed, providing me with plenty of healthy breakfasts and dinner containing loads of cereals, vegetables and fruit, in fact everything to add bulk and roughage. All the time I wore my plug, but during the last couple of days I noticed a soiling of my panties. There must have been seepage of liquid, perhaps from the suppositories, coloured brown with my stool. It embarrassed me that I would have to show them to the doctor – despite the intimate nature of last week’s examination, I had never had to show my panties in such a state.

By the time of my next appointment with Dr. Baxter I felt decidedly full, thanks to Lauren’s meal preparation. I was afraid the pressure from my bowels would even expel the plug. I showered and shaved myself as close as I could. Lauren took extra pains to help me with my butt-plug and attach the harness, to avert any danger of an accident on the way. Lauren had put out the clothes she wanted me to wear, simple but smart and comfortable on such a warm summer day – a white cotton short-sleeved blouse and a pale blue pleated cotton skirt, white ankle length cotton socks, and pastel coloured street-cum-gym shoes. Underneath my skirt I one of the remaining pairs of white panties that matched a new white bra I had bought. I collected together the samples of my stool in their containers and the worn panties, which I carried in a small rucksac.

I felt particularly vulnerable as I travelled on the bus, or perhaps it was the frisson of anxiety due to the impending appointment. But the familiarity of arriving at a place for the second time relaxed me somewhat. Dr Baxter greeted me as I entered, and was wearing a white lab coat as before.

“So, Mrs. Jenkins, how have you been this last week? No problems with your butt-plug, or discomfort I hope.”

I described as best I could and Dr Baxter seemed quite unconcerned. She explained it is normal for anyone wearing a plug all the time to experience some stretching at first, and often it was necessary to move up to a larger size to maintain a secure fit.

“My nurse is busy just no but she will be here a bit later. I should examine you anyway so please go into the treatment room as before and undress down to your panties, of course keep your plug in. I first want to inspect your panties including the ones you’ve been wearing this week and your stool samples. Then I’ll take some routine measurements and then check you down there.”

I did as she said, but as I was removing my skirt there was a gurgle in my bowels and again some liquid oozed out and into my panties. This, and the fullness inside made me even more self-conscious as I stood to wait, clad in just my white cotton panties, which were completely sodden in the crotch. I was also much more aware of the presence of my plug than at any time during the last few days. When Dr. Baxter entered she immediately went to a cupboard and rummaged around for a few moments, then took out a white bib apron. I expected her to put it on over her lab coat but instead she removed it to reveal herself clad in only a very brief blue string panty. The material was a thin micro-fibre and they stretched tight over her small mound so as to accentuate rather than hide her contours. I could not refrain from staring. She looked at me, remarking, “These plastic lined aprons are a bit uncomfortable so if it’s OK with you I’ll leave it off for now.”

I looked at her tanned body, lean and toned, and I felt the sense of power it conferred on her; she was one who looked more dominant naked than dressed. I felt a wetness inside me as I considered being at Dr. Baxter’s mercy. I was sure I would become completely pliable as soon as she began the exam. I saw to my surprise a dark patch at the crotch of her briefs at first thought she had leaked some pee. But she said, “I can see you looking between my legs, where I’m wet. It’s OK, Ms. Jenkins, I don’t mind.”

Her openness was a shock at first and I felt anxious about what she was going to do, but then I relaxed as I realised I need feel no embarrassment with her.

The firsts test were routine – pulse, temperature, blood pressure – but the last was quite intimate as she took my arm and held it against her naked body. Not surprisingly the reading was elevated. She then asked for the stool samples and the panties I’d worn each day. She inspected them in turn, looking closely into the crotch. As she did she remarked with satisfaction on the copious flow of vaginal fluid. She asked me if I had any fear the plug would slip out or otherwise failed to keep secure my rectum.

“No, it seems to hold all my solid waste, but there is some fluid that oozes out into my panties.” (I was embarrassed to use vulgar words, like ‘shit’.)

“That’s not Kızılcahamam Escort Bayan a problem, KY jelly is the base compound of the suppositories and it will have accumulated some excess liquid. That’s all, nothing to worry about except for staining your panties. If you do not feel any soreness you do not need to insert them, unless you wish to continue. Some people enjoy the insertion of a suppository as well as the feelings they induce. There’s nothing wrong with that, nothing to feel ashamed about. Now I want to look at your panties, the ones you have on now. Take them off and hold them open so I can inspect.”

I removed the last emblem of my modesty and displayed the wet, soiled garment.

“Yes, these are in a lovely state, Ms. Jenkins. Plenty of cunt juice, I’m glad to see that and I am sure you must have masturbated several times to make them like that. You mustn’t feel you are doing anything wrong, I urge you do masturbate as often as you like. And quite a large brown patch. Yes, I’m certain the suppositories are responsible for that. You have to decide if you want to continue with them, at the cost of soiled panties, or to stop, with some risk of soreness. Now I’m going to proceed with the more intimate part of the exam. Please don’t worry or feel embarrassed, however dirty and humiliating it might seem. I’ve performed thousands of anal examinations, both male and female, and many have been much dirtier than yours.”

She then put on the apron and I instructed me to lie on the table, on my elbows and knees, and to keep my legs apart.

“Just relax in that position, Ms. Jenkins. No need to force anything. I’m going to undo your harness and slip the plug out of your anus. Don’t worry about letting any wind, that’s quite normal. Don’t try to hold your stool, but don’t forcibly expel it, just relax and allow everything to happen naturally. It is important I examine closely so I can judge how you have responded to wearing the plug inside your anus.”

She first tested the fit of the harness, feeling me all around my buttocks, pelvic area, my groin and shaven mound. Despite the strong, assertive demeanour, her hands were remarkably gentle, her touch so delicate and sensual to be almost a caress. I leaked more juice from my vagina and had to control myself to conceal my arousal

“I know this is a very intimate matter, but please do not be embarrassed at anything. Again I tell you I am very experienced in these examinations and treatments and it doesn’t bother me at all about the smell and mess.”

She slipped on a pair of surgical gloves, I heard the snap as the latex closed on her wrists. She then positioned the skirt of her apron so it was held by my knees and thus directly under my bum. She was very close behind me as she slowly unfastened the harness and drew the plug out in a smooth movement. I felt the usual stretching as the large knob of the plug passed through my sphincter but nothing like a week earlier. It seemed my ring was now accustomed to having to accommodate the object. I made no attempt to contract the muscle after the passage and almost immediate I felt a wet mass being extruded through my anal opening. I felt it emerge smoothly and easily, and must have been quite soft, as well as bulky. Then I felt a resistance.

“I’m holding my hand against the emergence of your stool, and I want you to close your sphincter and pinch off the piece that has come out. Don’t worry, I’m wearing latex gloves so just let go in my hand. Yes, that’s perfect. I have a good piece and I need to squeeze it to test the consistency. ….. Ah yes, a nice one.”

I felt my stool being pressed against my buttocks and flatten into a patty, coating my cheeks with my soft brown excrement. It felt nasty and dirty, and yet I wanted her to coat my cheeks in that way.

“I’m sorry if this feels a bit strange. You mustn’t mind your bum cheeks getting filthy like this. You will be cleaned up in a while anyway.”

“It’s OK, doctor, I don’t mind you getting me dirty.”

Then there was a squishing sound and then looking back I saw her smear the brown paste on the white cotton of her apron. The smell reached my nostrils but was not as strong as I expected, I had become quite used to it and even relished the rich aroma. There was a wide brown band across her previously spotless apron. It excited me to see the white apron in that despoiled state.

“Don’t worry about my apron getting dirty. I keep a supply of these plastic backed one just for this purpose – I never know when I might have to do a mucky job like this. Now let some more out.”

I heard a soft plop as the second log dropped onto the Doctor’s apron. She perhaps feared for the loss of modesty in performing such a normally private act, and kept reassuring me with her words.

“Yes that’s good, Ms. Jenkins, fine smooth stool, a nice even colour consistency. You’re doing splendidly.”

The defecation proceeded for several seconds, Escort Kızılcahamam then paused and resumed. Altogether I must have spent a couple of minutes as I released my stool. From time to time Dr. Baxter interrupted and pushed a latex clad finger into my anus and worked it around, and then would wipe it on her apron. By the time I had voided completely there was almost as much brown as white. To the unprepared nostrils the stench would have been sickening, but I had become so used to the aroma of my waste that I did not react at all, and it seemed that Dr. Baxter hardly noticed at all. Anyway the extractor fan would efficiently remove the gases from my body wastes.

“Just stay like that a moment, Nurse Schloppfarth has just come in and will wipe you clean.”

A second pair of hands, larger and whose touch I remembered from last time gently parted buttocks, then placed one hand on my pussy and gently stroked. I felt a soft damp cloth applied to my soiled cleft and anal opening and she wiped me clean.

“You may get off now, perhaps you like to see how much you have produced.”

I was amazed to see such a large volume of steaming brown excrement lying in a pile on the doctors’s apron as well as smeared. I had not realised until then how the diet of natural fibre had made for so much bulk.

The nurse, Ulricke was clad in a regular cotton uniform – blue tunic over which was a white starched cotton apron. As before, the tunic was cut shorter and closer than is normal in a normal clinic or hospital. Her manner was as I remembered and her open, clear expression. Today her hair was shorter and styled, and wore a moderate amount of makeup. She looked most attractive and I wondered what had motivated the change. She unfastened the apron of the doctor who stepped away, leaving the apron and mass of stool on it. Despite the operation of the extractor fan, the aroma was noticeable from the steaming, gleaming pile. Both doctor Baxter and the nurse looked at it, fascinated by its smell and appearance.

“That is a lovely stool, don’t you think nurse.”

“Certainly. Ms. Jenkins obviously follows and excellent diet. Do you want me to carry out the normal tests of consistency?”

“Yes, place a small quantity in one of the S4 containers as usual. But I think provides an opportunity to introduce Nurse Watkins to an important aspect of her training. It takes quite a well-trained professional to deal with quantities of excrement without being repulsed. Ms. Jenkins’ production will provide just the experience she needs. In the meantime, take Ms. Jenkins’ butt-plug and cleanse it, and bring one of the new integral latex ones. Come back, and bring nurse Watkins, in about 20 minutes, both of you in your uniforms.”

As soon as the nurse had left Dr. Baxter led me to another exam table and ordered me to lie on my back, spread my legs so she could fasten into the stirrups.

“I want to check on your libido, Ms. Jenkins, and that you can engage in sexual intercourse while wearing your plug. It means you’ll be reaching orgasm with me, I hope you wont mind, it won’t be too embarrassing.”

I told her I did not mind as it was an important part of the checkup, to make sure the butt-plug was not interfering with my sexual response. She spread me very wide and tilted the table back so to gain easy access again to my anus, quickly inserted another butt-plug. She seemed particularly satisfied with my situation. In a moment she had slipped off her briefs and had attached a large strap on dildo. It was at least twelve inches long and three across, and was covered with lumps and veins.

“I want to check that you can experience normal sex intercourse while wearing your plug. You might need the security of a plugged asshole while enjoying the penetration of a natural male genital organ, or a female artificial one. But I want to make sure you are thoroughly lubricated so I am going to masturbate you to orgasm.”

I was excited the doctor was going to commit this perverted, lesbian. For the next minute she teased my labia and then, having felt the first new secretion, pressed my middle finger hard on my clitoris and then plunged two fingers of her other hand deep inside my slimy, wet love canal.

“Oh, yes doctor, I’m cumming, I’m cumming! Fuck me doctor, fuck me in my sopping wet cunt. I need it. Fuck me now!!”

Her hands were replaces by with the monster and I was filled. I screamed in a mixture of pain and and pleasure as it stretched and tore at my delicate membranes. She became crazed as she ploughed into me brutally and without mercy, slamming the dildo into my front opening while using her hands to work the butt-plug into my rear. Despite the pain I was involuntarily bucking in unison with the thrusts, and I came in a massive climax that went on and on until I could no longer catch my breath. I was covered in perspiration, and so was doctor Baxter. However, the doctor was not finished. She moved up and tore off her strap-on and then straddled my face, forcing her cunt onto me and leaking juice onto my face. Then she pushed with her hands onto my lower bellu, right over my bladder and immediately I experienced a new sensation. I lost control ] and urinated long and hard, my jet arcing and landing on the floor a few feet away. I felt wanton and full of wicked lust.

Mad Modification



Words merely made the pain in the woman’s temples seem to worsen. It quickly spread making the haunting shadows seem to bend and twisted into horrid silhouettes of beasts of the subconscious as she shivered at them not daring to reach out to touch them.

For the fear they maybe real in her pain hazed state everything seemed so. All sounds amplified, all darkness a monster of childhood fear.

Flashes of light flickered in the mental as the nauseous feeling tightened in her abdomen .

The…. No.. her.. it was her breath like murmurs in the poorly warm ,damp air of the silent room.

The flickers clouding her vision as her ill, pale yellowish pallor and weeping was hidden by the darken tresses.

Her darkening, stressed eyes coupled vilely with sinking looks into disenchanting depression while the voices whispered deeper and deeper into her blackening mind.

Pages blank fluttered over the stained carpet stain with something dark and foreboding to her senses coppery, fleshy in nature.

Ill regular patches of carpet staining slowly from harsh inks as her fingertips played gently over them. The carpet seemed Nallıhan Escort to desire nothing from her as the pages sought her fingertips merrily. It was a high even she could deny.

A ghostly shade had taken her reddening eyes earl on in this it was starting fade as the shock set on it her shaking frame. Yet the redden eyes sought the sightless flecks of multi colored flickering. Color dulled the feeling. The sensations were numbing in a disappointing way now. The flashes of metal glinted dully in the dimly lit room. Attempting the clawing at the shadows as the she hung feeling the hooks slide slightly

She swayed struggling vainly in her hallucination filled waking lucid dreaming while feeling the skin detaching from her back.

A whisperingly painful feeling setting in the shock of transcending in her mind. A fainting tugging at her tan exposed back as she was raised higher from the floor.

Making her forget briefly how her ending up in this place as she swam in the scent of her own of the feeling of more rings being forced in her already over pierced flesh. It was awful and divine at the same time Nallıhan Escort Bayan it burned, it froze. It was hypnotizing. Things drifted as the floor faded from memory pictures of people she thought she knew maybe her what was the word.

“Family” Human voices were a luxury in this place. Her voice nearly too soft, almost metallic as if she rarely spoke met her ears it as was washing way by the sight of the loose hooks that hung around her view. Again she felt the flesh loosening from the muscle of her back.


II Downstairs

Music played faintly danced in the background impishly between clock ticks like the tick tock of the metronome. It was the heavy sound of compulsion. It danced around the candle flames, it hunted among the tapers of wax.

Her wrist bearing raw red indentions. Rope like marks her hands ached from stretched near out of socket. As the white taper’s wax dripped over spotting flesh that lack the sun touch.

The flesh risen and pink . Tainted with blood from the missing the needles.

The couch’s gloomy victim breathing shallow and somehow frightened mingled Escort Nallıhan with a untrusting discomfort.

Skin pinkened and shivering meeting blunt plastic chased the minute sounds of flesh popping under poorly sharpened metal. A wavering voice counted, crying like a wounded lamb or a scarred child. The brightly colored tips and pins come quicker. Leaving little seconds for thought. The neat swiftly done piercings followed by neat pretty green tread making spider web patterns with the pins as the guides.

“Don’t flinch”

The pressure as the thick needles were inserted in the nape of her neck was almost too much. A few drops of blood and sweat met the piercer’s hands as the muscle in her shoulder twitched. The air perfumed with blood and metal. A slight whine drifted through the air.

Damn it the needle was off center the flesh tore a sharp heavy crash echoed though the house.

Flesh was the hardest canvas to use yet they made the most divine for this type of work

Beth and Martin were slowly being perfected yet Sarah was almost more troublesome for her measure. Too much personality ruined his canvas and art work.

Her eyes still a glaze from the having her head smacked against the table. Her skin giving as the colored pin enter in a rapid pace. Her legs from ankles to thigh lined with the same spider web needle tread blend pattern. The silvery needles catching the shine off her eyes as she reached for another pin.

Linda Gets Pasted and Fucked


As Linda turned her car into the drive she noticed that instead of one decorator’s van parked outside the house there were three, something that struck her as odd specially as it was 6.00pm and they normally packed up at 5.30. Also David’s car was not there and he usually got home from work an hour before she did.

They were having four rooms redecorated in the house (including the spare bedroom which was the scene of her messy initiation and which had never been finished) and the decorators were on to the third at the moment and well ahead of schedule.

Opening the front door she walked through and then on to the lounge to find Joe and Tom, the two men who had done all the work so far, sitting and talking to four others. Joe owned and ran the small decorating firm and had been recommended to them by DH who had used them before. He was about thirty five along with three of the other men and two looked much younger.

As she entered they all stood up and moved across the room forming a circle around her. Slightly perturbed by this she asked what was going on and whether David was in.

“Well he did come in about half an hour ago” said Joe “and we talked about how things were progressing. I asked him whether, as we are half way through, he could pay us half the money as agreed. He said no as he was a bit short on bonus this month and could we wait for a week or two.”

“Well” Tom joined in, “then we showed him this photo that we found behind the sideboard when we moved it and thought maybe we could negotiate something with him.” and he showed Linda the photo.

It was a copy of the original photo taken by Phyllis upstairs in the back bedroom, of a near naked Linda hands tied above her head, mouth taped over and being groped by several hands, the owners of which could not be seen. Linda remembered that she and David had a copy as a memento but it had disappeared some while ago and must have fallen down behind the sideboard.

“So David told us all about it and everything that has happened to you after your friends threatened to put it on the village website but relented subject to your…er… co-operation and so we thought along similar lines. David said that you would be home soon and that we should speak to you about it. Then he went out again. So you are alone here with us!”

As Tom finished speaking, she felt the back of her skirt being lifted up and a voice said “Yep, as he said, suspenders and stockings!”

She turned around quickly but the culprit, whoever he was, had let go and all she saw were three cherubic faces grinning at her.

“I could pay you now” said Linda.

“That is what we are hoping” said Tom.

“No, in cash” she replied.

“Bit too late for that” he said “now we’ve seen the photo and David has told us what you have been doing.”

After a moments pause, Linda said “There’s no way out of this, is there? I can’t appeal to your better nature, I suppose?”

“Haven’t got one” came the reply.

“O.K.” she sighed ” as there looks like no alternative, what do you want me to do?”

“Well we have two new guys here, Darren and Steve,” said Joe “After David had left I thought that we could treat this as a training session so I phoned everyone to come over. Tom, myself, Tony and Bill could give them a demonstration on how to prepare and carry out a proper sequence of decorating.”

“All you have to do is to be good and do as you are told.” said Joe.

“Right boys, when you are getting ready to decorate a room what is the first thing you need to do? Tom can you show us?”

“Well, I always mix the paste first because then you can let it stand and thicken up.” said Tom and taking a bucket he poured in a generous amount of wallpaper paste powder and then some water.

“Then stir to a good consistency” he continued and taking a short wooden stick he stirred vigorously. Linda looked on wondering what was to happen to the bucket of paste when it was mixed.

“Eventually it gets to what I call knicker dropping thick” (now she knew) “and fortunately, today, I can demonstrate exactly what I mean like this. Now, Linda if you wouldn’t mind just slipping out of your skirt…”

Linda reached round to the zip at the side of her skirt and slowly pulled it down and undone and giving Tom a nervous smile let the skirt fall to the floor stepping out of it.

“Now if you could just hold out the front of your panties for me.” said Tom and he turned to Darren and Steve.

“It must not flow too freely like water.” he added and tipped his bucket towards the inviting target.

“It must be thick enough to flow only slowly.”

As he said this the freshly mixed paste oozed over the lip of the bucket. Linda closed her eyes and grimaced as a large dollop of the cold slimy paste oozed into the inviting receptacle.

“You must always use enough” said Tom and carried on pouring until it reached the waistband of Linda’s panties.

“You must make sure that all surfaces are covered and now I need your help Bill, if you would just pull out the Keçiören Escort back of her panties as well, please.” he said and Bill moved behind her and the process was repeated into the back of her panties.

Putting down the bucket he went on “Then you must ensure that the paste is worked into every corner” he said and massaged the front of her panties (while Bill similarly worked on her bottom) and easing her thighs apart, worked the paste between her legs.

“Now Darren and Steve would you like to come here and to show you have been watching carefully just demonstrate the spreading process. You will probably get a better feel for it from inside.”

Darren and Steve slipped their hands into Linda’s panties and began to work the paste into every nook and cranny they could find. Meanwhile Linda had to bite her lip and clench her fists to stop trembling too much as fingers poked and prodded around in her underwear.

“OK that looks alright” said Tom “now we can let that stand and get on with other preparation. Can either of you tell me which coat of paint we put on first?”

“Undercoat and primer,” called out Darren. “Good” said Tom “come here and you can help me with that.”

“Linda, could you undo your top two blouse buttons please?” he said and then rolled the collar over.

“Right Darren, open up that 4 litre tin of undercoat and I will watch you apply it. Right above her head now please.”

Darren tipped the tin and 4 litres of grey undercoat poured out over Linda’s head.

“Make sure of complete coverage” said Tom and Darren moved the tin to ad fro above Linda.

The sticky paint flowed over her head plastering her hair to her forehead, covering her face and neck and running over her blouse. Some found it’s way inside her blouse and onto her breasts. As there was so much, it carried on running down her legs and started pooling around her feet.

“Very good” said Tom and Bill. “Now next we need to check the surfaces we are going to paint and select which colour we want to use as a topcoat, so we need to get a good look at the paint areas. As we are papering a feature wall we must not disturb the paste bucket at this time. So I suggest that you get rid of all loose top coverings before you continue.”

Despite everything being covered in undercoat, Linda’s blouse was quickly removed, leaving her in just her underwear, a nicely matched set of bra and panties (which were still full of wallpaper paste). Where the undercoat had run under her blouse, her bra and her midriff were streaked in paint.

“OK” said Bill “what do we need to do next before applying topcoats?”

“Make sure the surface is perfectly smooth.” said Steve.

“Correct and what do we need to do to check that?”

“Take everything off?” asked Steve.

“Yes” came the reply “but as with all this work, don’t rush.”

So over the next few minutes, Linda was slowly completely stripped of bra, suspender belt and stockings then, using her bra,her hands were tied behind her back.

Bill added,”O.K., now we can check the surface for smoothness.”

So six pairs of hands started running over Linda’s body. The still wet undercoat covering her head and shoulders made the inspection a bit messy.

They decided that her upper body and breasts after much deliberation and fondling,( which both the men and Linda quite enjoyed) was fine but that something needed to be done about her pubic regions as the hair would spoil the paint finish.

“I’m afraid that will have to be smoothed out, ” said Bill “any suggestions?”

“We could shave her.” said Steve. “Good idea.” Bill replied.

Although the thought of having her pubic area shaved by complete strangers was quite undignified Linda realised that she could not stop them so she decided not to protest.

“How strong is that pastetable?” asked Bill.

“Strong enough.” came the answer, she was untied and lifted onto the table. They found a roll of cable left around by the electricians doing the re-wiring, cut four lengths and with a man at each wrist and ankle, she was spreadeagled and tied to the table legs.

“Darren, go to the bathroom and find a razor and some shaving cream,” he said “David should have some up there.”

Darren came back empty handed.

“I am sorry but I could not find the shaving things but I did find this” he said and with a big grin on his face he held up a leg waxing kit “it’s the kind with the tape which you rip off” he added.

At this Linda blanched, it was painful enough on her legs but between them?

“No, please don’t” she said but she knew that it was useless to protest.

Soon the first strip was applied then yanked off accompanied by loud squeals from her then the second strip was applied and removed equally as quickly accompanied again by even louder squeals and more protest all six of the men has a turn with the waxing strip and when they were all finished she felt totally humiliated and vulnerable.

When they had finished they all ran their Keçiören Escort Bayan hands over the newly shorn area and voiced their opinion as to the smoothness. Some of the hands then started wandering over her body probing between her legs, fondling her breasts and tweaking her nipples Linda closed her eyes and felt the hands move over her body.

As her tension mounted she started to move in response until she could hold out no longer and the men were treated to seeing her having an orgasm on the table before them. She strained and wriggled against her bonds but to no avail until at last with a gasp she slumped down.

When she had finished Bill suggested applying some aftershave and Darren passed him a bottle of David’s he had found in the bathroom cabinet. Bill upended the bottle and poured it liberally over her. Linda gasped as the after shave stung her newly shaved pubic area.

“That’s the trouble with cheap aftershaves” he said” they do sting a lot,but we may as well finish it all” and with that he emptied the entire bottle onto her groin.

She was then released, roughly hauled upright and her hands retied behind her although she still a bit in shock and was not quite aware for a few minutes of what was going on.

“That’s fine, now we need to choose the colour of the topcoat. I suggest trials of different colours,” said Bill.

“But liberally applied.” added Joe “all the better to make your choice. You go first Steve. I suggest you use the same method as Darren earlier.”

“I rather like this yellow,” Steve said and opening a 2 litre can held it over Linda’s head and upended it.

The paint flowed over her body dripping off the end of her fully erect nipples, over her belly and thighs.

“Make sure that it is brushed out evenly.” said Joe giving Steve a 2 inch paintbrush.

So Steve diligently brushed the paint into her bottom, over her stomach and her newly shaved groin.

Next was Tom who selected a blue gloss and artily painted a spiral pattern round Linda’s left breast ending at her nipple, which he gave a little flick for luck.

Not to be outdone in the arty stakes Bill decorated her other breast in a bright orange sunburst with the centre on her nipple again.

Joe went last. He led Linda over to the pastetable and bent her over it face down.

“Never forget,” he said “just because you cannot see some places they cannot be ignored.”

So saying he took a brushful of white gloss paint and spreading her legs applied it vigorously.

Linda squirmed, she was enjoying this but had an idea that things had not finished yet.

Joe hauled her upright again.

“Almost finished now,” he said “we just need to check for any bits which may need finishing off, you know re-sticking or something like that. I always use this Uni Bond impact adhesive.”

He opened the tin of thick white adhesive and gave it a good stir.

“The best way to use it is to apply generously,” he added and filling a paint brush sploshed a generous coating to Linda’s bare breasts and stomach.

“Now to show how versatile this is……” he said and poured a puddle of it onto the paste table. He then bent Linda over the paste table so that her breasts and stomach , which had adhesive on them, were pressed firmly against the glue covered surface. Realising that this would place her in an extremely vulnerable position, Linda tried to wriggle and struggle but Joe asked two of the others to come and help him and the three of them held her down firmly for about 5 minutes.

“OK that should do it” he said and let go. They had stuck her across the table with her head overhanging one edge and her bottom, the other.

Linda tried to move but found that she was stuck firmly to the table, making it impossible for her.

“Don’t worry,” said Tom “I have a bottle of solvent here.” and he placed it on the mantelpiece on the other side of the room.” David can use it later.”

Linda was now stuck face down on the table, totally naked and with her hands tied. She was completely defenceless.

“Well, it looks like I am at your mercy” she said “not that I expect any! What do you want to do to me now?”

Joe just smiled.

“This is where the filling in bit comes,” he said “as there are two ends to fill perhaps Tom can help me with a demonstration on one of them while I do the other and then we can let the trainees have a go!” The two positioned themselves either side of the table.

“Now be a good girl and open wide!” they said at the same time and as she was a naughty girl she did as she was told!

(I will leave the next half an hour to your imagination!)

Some time later the men heard a car draw up outside.

“That must be David” said Joe, “time for us to go, there’s just one more finishing touch. Tom, how much paste is left in that bucket?”

“About two thirds full” Tom replied “those knickers were so small they couldn’t hold much.”

“OK” said Joe ” where are they?” and after Tom had passed them over he Escort Keçiören stuffed them in Linda’s mouth.

“OK now for the bucket give it here.”

With that and knowing David would be in soon so ho could remove it, he jammed the bucket over Linda’s head and twisted it slowly round. At the same time, Tom picked up a 4 inch paintbrush, which unfortunately for Linda had a long, round handle, tapering off at the end and wiping some wallpaper paste on to the handle to make it slippery, turned it around in his hand and ignoring the muffled squeals of protest coming from the bucket and using a screwing motion, slowly inserted the handle as far as it would go into her bottom so that it stood out like a tail. Following Tom;s lead, Darren took a broom, which was leaning against the wall and parting her legs, inserted the handle into her vagina (so Linda had another indignity of having foreign bodies inserted into both her orifices simultaneously) for about 6 inches 😯 😯 . Joe then took out his phone and took a picture of the much abused Linda for future possible use 😉 .

“That’s filled all three now” he said. As they left, the men each gave her a slap on her bottom.

“Goodbye, hope to see you again sometime soon!”

Just as they went to open the front door, David came in.

“Thanks for that” said Joe “consider THIS HALF of the bill paid. Perhaps we can make a similar arrangement when we finish everything?!” and he gave David a huge grin.

“Don’t see why not”said David “saves us some money!”

David entered the living room.The sight of his naked, helpless wife covered in multi coloured layers of paint, hands tied behind her back, bent face down over a table, with her head inside a bucket of wallpaper paste and a paintbrush and a broom inserted into her had an instant effect on his groin. She had obviously just been used totally as a sex object.

“Come in here,guys” he called and IO JW JP and DH followed him in.

“Very erotic” said IO “but hadn’t you better pull that bucket off?”

David had been so transfixed that he hadn’t thought of that, but quickly went over to Linda, removed the bucket wiped the paste from her face and removed her panties from her mouth.

Linda coughed and spluttered a bit, then raised her head and looked at him with a grin on her face.

“You naughty boy, you set me up again, didn’t you and whatever they have inserted up my arse and inside me, they are jolly uncomfortable! Could you PLEASE remove them!” she said.

“I don’t know what you mean.” he replied (pointedly ignoring her remark about the paintbrush and the broomhandle )

“By the way,I just happened to bump into the guys in Sainsburys while I was out doing a bit of shopping” he added “and I hope you don’t mind but I invited them back for a nightcap and then we met Graham outside and said he could pop in later”

Linda looked behind David and saw the gang JP, DH, JW and IOR.

“So what did you buy?” she asked warily.

“Oh you know, this and that.” said David “a couple of pies, some rice pudding, custard and the guys bought a few things as well.”

The helpless and unlucky Linda realised then that she was in for even more messy treatment and this was confirmed as David, after emptying his carrier bag out, took hold of a deep Bannoffee Cream pie and pushed it into her face, rubbing it round and round. This was followed by a carton of custard poured over her head and rubbed into her hair. Not to be left out the rest joined in and soon Linda was having pies smacked on her bottom, between her legs, eggs broken on her and was finally covered in a liberal coating of syrup and jam.

The doorbell rang, Graham had Rory with him, who looked to have grown bigger and heavier in the last three months, along with another Wolfhound.

“Hi,” he said grinning “I’m looking after Rory’s brother Bryn as well for the week and he would pine if I left him on his own indoors so I hope you don’t mind me bringing him along.”

“Well the more the merrier” said David looking at Linda “as she is I think the two would make a lovely pair of bookends don’t you? Although I will have to remove these first.”

The broom slid out quite easily but the brush was more stubborn he pulled on the handle but it did not move.

“I am afraid I may to push it in a bit more first before it can be pulled out” he said “as it appears to be stuck.”

So to accompanying squeals from Linda he pushed and twisted but to no avail.

“Here, let me have a go “said Ian but his tugs and twists only elicited more squeals and he had no more luck.

“Maybe we could try to dislodge it by smacking her bum” said David “all of you come over here and help me. ”

So all six men crowded around Linda’s bottom and proceeded to slap it as hard as they could until her cheeks glowed but again this only elicited more squeals from the unfortunate Linda and no actual loosening of the brush.(In fact the smacking went on when this had become obvious but they were all, except Linda, enjoying it too much to stop!).

I think you will need a drop of lubricant” Ian said to David.

“OK there is some oil in the garage that I recently drained off” came the reply. “It’s on the workbench if you would like to go and get” IO left the room but soon returned carefully carrying a tin tray full of engine oil.

Louise Sexploration Ch. 04


I slept most of the next day, mostly because Louise was insatiable the night before. She laid down after my own explosive orgasm, on top of me, while she sucked on my neck and proceed to tell me in great detail about going over to Debbie’s house meeting with Jason and Debbie stayed in the living room while Jason and Louise used their master bedroom.

Great, so Debbie was in on it too. Bad enough that Gina seemed to know all about it. How the heck was I going to be able to go to work now, good thing I had a job offer at another company because I don’t think I could show my face in the same building as my wife, her girlfriends and her lover.

The hard thing for the day was that in addition to her sexcapades last night Louise told me that Gina’s boyfriend George was coming over tonight, and that I had better be ‘up for the challenge’ George is six feet tall or more, with bright red hair and a course sense of humor. I liked him well enough but was concerned as to how much he knew was going on since Gina seemed to know everything. Louise wasn’t talking, she would either laugh or just smile evilly and would only say, “I guess you will have to wait and see, wont you?”

Gina and I showered and played some but she didn’t allow me to get full penetration or anything, telling me, “You need to save your strength for later.” Dressing later she told me not to bother putting on underwear, just a loose shirt and sweatpants, while she just put on a silk sheen snap button shirt that hung to just over the top of her hips and those skin tight spandex pants. No panties, or bra.

Around seven that afternoon, George showed up with a few beers which he handed to me and gave Louise a big hug reaching down behind and groping her ass. With me standing there no less.

“What about Gina? ” I asked.

“Oh George is here tonight next week, if you are a good boy, you will go over to their place.”

“Yeah, the little lady is right pissed off for losing the toss too.” Seeing my confusion, he added, “See they been working on this swap plan for some time. G knew I was kinky and into it but there was some question about you. So they had to work out some way to find out.”

“And Jason?”, I ask.

“All he knows is I wanted to fuck and he was the lucky bastard to get it. He doesn’t know, nor need to know anything else.” Louise responded, ” Besides if I just talked about all if it you would have just dithered around and it would have never happened. I love you dearly but sometimes you just can’t make a decision about anything, so this time I just took charge of the situation and well so far, no real complaints.”

This whole time George is fondling Louise’s ass and I am still stunned.

“So you ever suck a dick before, James?” George asked

“Once back in high school.” I replied.

“You like it? Obviously you aren’t gay as you are married to this hot little girl here. Hmmm damn love the way that spandex feels on your ass girl. Here, loose a few of those snaps, not all of them mind.. yeah just perfect.” He said this while Louise undid a couple of snaps on her shirt showing more cleavage and then George’s free hand started rubbing her breasts through the shirt tweaking her hardening nipples.

“Don’t Mamak Escort really know, just tried it that one time” “See what I mean? He doesn’t make up his mind about stuff.”

“No it isn’t that, just one experience isn’t enough to be any judge of anything.”

“The man has a point, my first time sucked, the guy got excited and shoved it down my throat making me gag, but the second time I tried it was actually kinda fun.” George stated

“My experience wasn’t that bad, but it wasn’t great. Sure wasn’t something I was in a great hurry to repeat.”

“Well that’s ok, you like to eat this pretty lady’s pussy right and proper don’t you?” he asked.

“hell yeah.” Louise and I responded together.

“Good, since I am the guest of honor so to speak and if the lil lady is amiable, then we are gonna get all comfy on the couch here and I am gonna get a nice slice. Have to admit I have been looking forward to this night since lil G told me last week. Of course it was all pending on last nights little adventure and all went so well I damned near blew a load when G told me all was a go!”

He then un-tucked his shirt and un-buttoned and un-zipped his jeans. He didn’t pull them down just loosened everything up, and then sat down on one end of the couch. Louise go on one knee next to him.

I sat down on the other end of the couch. Mixed emotions surging. Nearly jealous and yet turned on intensely. They had started kissing deeply, tongues probing aggressively. George had one hand up groping and squeezing Louis’ ass, with his forearm rubbing her pussy through the spandex. The other hand I was pretty sure was fondling her tits, I would have been anyway. I sat back enthralled by the action taking place before me, my dick was starting to get hard as she started moaning. Louise had clamped her legs together trapping Georges arm right up next to her pussy, she then started rubbing herself on his forearm, then let loose of his arm which went right back to massaging her ass cheeks.

She broke off suddenly, George pulled back his arm and Louise turned to me saying, “we don’t want to leave you out now do we?” then she grabbed my hair pulling my face back and she kissed me deeply, demandingly. I reached forward cupping her pussy with one hand and one of her tits in the other. I could feel how hot and wet she was getting through the spandex material. After some time of this she pulled back and plopped down between us and she put one hand on my already pressing tent in my sweat pants while she reached into George’s opened fly.

“Oh, my.” She said, “Two cocks all to myself tonight, what to do, what to do!” she laughed huskily then.

“Well not to counter the little lady here but since is your first experience with such things, I will leave it to your discretion, but I had thought that, well I had thought that this was a full three way we had goin here tonight.” George interceded.

“Huh?” I added intelligently.

“Oh indeed, I have never liked to suck dick myself, but George if you want to go ahead. I am sure interested if it is as hot in real life as the porno me and Gina watched was,” Louise stated.

Then it dawned on me all at once, “Oh you Mamak Escort Bayan like … uh… want to suck..” I stammered out.

Instead of answering he layed across Louis’ lap pulled the front of my sweat pants down enough to expose my raging hard-on and immediately pulled it into his mouth. The immediate warmth and pressure as he crushed the head of my cock to the roof of his mouth with his tongue was nearly enough to undo me.

“Oh… oh hell yeah.” Louis exclaimed, ” that is hot.”

“You think s-s-so? Be on the res-s-sieving e-e-end… hnnm” I replied.

George took my cock out of his mouth and said; “hey bud why don’t you get up and strip for me so got better access to that thick chub you got there,and you pretty lady, don’t just sit there enjoyin the show.” He admonished Louise with a wink.

I quickly got up and opened up my shirt and got rid of the sweat pants, and resumed my spot on the couch. Louise was doing something, it looked like she was working George’s pants down. I lost track because immediately George went right back to sucking my dick. I looked over at Louise and saw her staring intensely with a look of pure lust watching me get a blowjob from this other guy. She pulled her hand up from where I had thought was her lap and put her fingers into my mouth and I could taste her. “Ah,” I thought to myself, “she has been fingering herself while enjoying the show.”

She must have been stroking him as well because I noticed that his jeans were off of his ass and he was moaning now and again.

“OK boys, watching this has me so hot, I have to have some cock in me, and right now!”

“Well bud,” George stated after he pulled his mouth off of my dick with a wet pop, “you better hit it while its hot, and I will finish getting these clothes out of the way.”

I quickly and aggressively grabbed Louis’ legs behind her knees and lifted them forcing her body to twist so that she was laying back across the couch, then I grabbed the waist band of the spandex pants she was wearing and pulled them down enough to pin her legs together then I grabbed her feet pushing her knees to her chest and slammed my cock balls deep inside of her.

“Oh yes-s-s,” Louise gasped, “Take it baby.”

And I did, I slammed it hard and fast into her, making her cry out in the throws of a good orgasm just as I blew my load she had grabbed the armrest of the couch behind her and was pushing back as hard as she could. Now depleted I sat back and got a good look at George for the first time. His dick while narrow and straight was quite long, had to be ten inches at the least.

I reached over to Louise and pulled her spandex the rest of the way off so her legs were freed and before the leg on the outside edge of the couch could go all of the way George had it back up and was propping it up on his shoulder as he said, “If you don’t mind terribly, I got to get me a piece of this.”

“Hell we’ve come this far,” I replied with a grin, “it would be awfully rude to stop you now.”

George didn’t wait for anything further, he knelt down, with one of her legs propped on his shoulder, her other leg in my lap, his knees on the edge of the couch. Temporarily Escort Mamak frozen there, Louise staring at Georges ten inch cock then looking back at me, finally I grabbed Georges cock and eased the head into Louis’ already soaked pussy.

Frozen tableau over, George rocked his hips and Louise let out a moan as he thrust it in, not fully on the first thrust, but it would be by the second or third. Me, I was nearly rock hard again. George was fully in and then fucking Louise with full even strokes. Till he pulled out then stood up with his cock level to my face, offering it to me. “Why the hell not,” I though and licked Louis’ cum off of his cock then took the head into my mouth tasting her all over it and then starting to taste him as well I wrapped a hand around the base of his cock squeezing and milking it while sucking and licking the top portion of the shaft and head. Just like I wanted Louise to do to me.

“Oh fuck yeah!” George cried out as he grabbed my hair and pulled my head back and tilted so that Louise who was masturbating fervently as she watched could see. With is other free hand, George jerked off two, three quick pumps then sprayed his cum all over my cheek and chest. Just before nearly collapsing back into the chair across the room.

Next I knew Louise was pushing me back and mounting me, “fuck me, oh fuck me that was so hot..” then she was fucking me like there was no tomorrow. Rubbing her tits into my face, smearing George’s cum all over her and me till she came herself with such intensity she also collapsed back. And my raging hard-on was still rearing to go, so I just collapsed on top of her and went at it, grinding and pumping away. I don’t know how long I lasted but Louise was screaming in passion by the time I blew my second load into her.

Sweating profusely I stood up and back admiring my wife as she lay there panting, my cum leaking out of her, Georges cum all over me and her, then I looked over to see George sitting there rock hard himself and ready to go.

“What was it you said early, man?” I asked George with a grin, “you better hit it while its hot.”

I then went to the fridge for one of those beers and to sit back and enjoy the show. By the time I got back to my chair Louise was screaming again, only George had gotten her up on all fours and was pounding her from behind. Her ample ass was rippling with each hit, she was coming so much that her front collapsed so that her ass was the only thing up and it was propped up against George. Soon George grunted and grabbed her by the hips as he slammed as hard and deep into her as he could go, I knew that he was coming now himself.

He staggered back and got up and went to the fridge and got a couple more beers, Louise just stayed where she was as she was trying to catch her breath. I got up and went over there to look and could see her swollen lips and her pussy had a little bit of a gap to it and it was wet all over and around it.

Louise just then straightened her legs moaning as she did so. She finally turned over and propped herself up enough to accept the beer from George that I was holding for her. “I am going to be so sore.” She said hoarsely.

I could see as she laid back splayed out like she was, the cum was starting to leak out of her. I could feel my own member twitch at the site of it.

“Well, darling,” George drawled from across the room, and I could see he was looking at and admiring the same thing I was, “that is tomorrow and tonight is still young.”

Librarian Finds Long Overdue Love Ch. 03


“Ah, that sucks,” said Tom, hanging up the telephone in Angelina’s kitchen.

“What’s wrong?” asked Angelina, clearing the last of the lunch dishes from the table.

“A friend of mine left a message on my answering machine saying he can’t go to the Giants game with me this afternoon. All my other football buddies are out of town, so now I’ve got no one to go with. “

“I’ll go.”

“Really? Are you sure. Neither team’s very good. I can always scalp it.”

“Yes, I’m sure. I never miss a game on TV and haven’t been to the Meadowlands in ages.”

“OK. Great. I didn’t know you liked football.”

“I know it seems like we’ve known each other a long time because the past 36 or so hours have been so intense, but there’s a lot of things you don’t know about me yet, Tommy boy.”

“You’re right. We haven’t done a lot other than make love,” said Tom, recalling the three sex sessions the pair engaged in the day before, including a marathon night tryst that practically left Angelina speaking in tongues before he was through. “Well, good. I’ll go to my apartment, get the tickets, come back and pick you up around 3:00. That’ll give us enough time to make it to the 4:00 kickoff.”

“And don’t forget to pack an overnight bag,” Angelina reminded her 22-year-old lover. “You’re spending the night here again, remember?”

“How could I forget? That’s the first thing I’ll do. Man, I love three-day weekends. I’d better run. “

“Be back soon. Maybe we can make love again before we have to leave for the game.”

“Maybe,” said Tom, grabbing his coat from the closet and digging into the pockets for his car keys.

“I miss you already,” said Angelina with a pretend pout, as she walked over to Tom and wrapped her arms around his waist. “We haven’t been apart since Friday night.”

“I know,” said Tom, but if I don’t leave now, we’ll never make the game in time.”

“This’ll make you drive the interstate like it was the Autobahn,” said Angelina sexily, as the middle-aged librarian tilted her head and moved her face in toward her young flame.

Tom met Angelina halfway for a soft, delicate kiss on the lips. Within seconds, however, their passions re-ignited, the pair began ravaging each other’s bodies in a blur of hands.

“Angelina, please. I really have to go,” exclaimed Tom, a minute later, coming up for air. “You and I both know what’s going to happen if we don’t stop.”

“It doesn’t look like all of you wants to leave me,” she said, pointing a red nail polished index finger at Tom’s erect penis straining the fabric of his trousers.

“C’mon, Angelina.”

“OK, go,” said Angelina in disappointment. “You’re just so hard to quit, though.”

Tom stood motionless for a few seconds.

“What are you waiting for?” asked Angelina.

“Umm…your hand,” Tom said, moving his head down to where Angelina’s hand had proceeded to cup his groin.

“Oh, sorry,” she replied, removing it from his bulge.

Tom kissed Angelina quickly on the lips and walked out of the house, seconds before what little willpower he had left emptied from his tank.

“It’s open, c’mon in,” yelled Angelina from the entrance way of her house when Tom returned two hours later.

Tom turned the knob of the front door and walked in.

“I’ll be ready in a sec,” Angelina said, catching sight of her young paramour in the mirror in the foyer, as she applied a fresh coat of lipstick to her full lips.

Tom had been looking forward to seeing the Giants play in person for weeks, but seeing Angelina from behind – high-heeled, knee-high, black leather boots zipped up over her tight Jordache jeans – made him want to forgo the game and engage in an entirely different ‘sport.’

“Are you sure you want to go to the game?” Tom asked, walking over to Angelina. “It’s getting kinda chilly out. It’d be warmer if we watched it on TV.”

“I think I’m dressed appropriately enough for the elements,” answered Angelina, dropping her lipstick into her purse and donning a pair of black leather gloves. “Plus, I packed a little something extra to keep us warm.”

Angelina dipped down again into her purse and emerged with a hip flask.

“Do you like brandy?” she asked, waving the silver container with a gloved hand and an impish grin.

“Yeah, sure,” Tom replied. “But I don’t know that alcohol really does much to guard against the cold.”

“We’ll just have to see,” said Angelina, dropping the flask back into her purse.

“We’d better go then. Traffic’s always a hassle at the stadium.”

Tom helped Angelina on with her fur lined, Calvin Klein black leather jacket, held the door open for her, then closed it behind him as the couple left the house. Fifteen minutes later, he parked the car in the Giants Stadium parking lot.

Once inside the stadium, Angelina and Tom descended the steps on the lower level from the 50 yard line to their seats. As they passed the rows, Tom smiled to himself with pride as he saw male fans turning their heads one after Kalecik Escort the other, like falling dominoes, to get a peak at his sexy companion and her attention-grabbing boots and jeans.

“These chairs are fantastic!” marveled Angelina, as the two settled in their midfield seats. “Where did you get them?”

“They’re actually called seats, Angelina,” corrected Tom, almost sheepishly. “They’re a co-workers’.”

The game started on time and as the sun dropped beneath the clouds that late autumn afternoon, an already chilly day turned even cooler. Tom didn’t mind, though, as the cold drew his date closer to him in an attempt to gather heat.

The cuddling, however, did little to warm Angelina’s bones. Nor did the frequent nips she took throughout the game from her flask. So, by the time the game ended and the two were back in the car, it was quite apparent that Angelina was tipsy.

“Ugh…we’re not going anywhere anytime soon,” stated Tom, his car a good 50th in line to exit the stadium parking lot.

“I know something we can do to pass the time,” purred a frisky Angelina, knocking back another swig of brandy from her flask before leaning across from her passenger-side seat to nibble on her lover’s neck.

“Angelina, please,” said Tom, brushing off his lover’s advances. “We’re in public. People will see us. Give me that flask. You’ve had enough.”

“Oh, you’re such a prude,” she said in a voice that was growing increasingly slurred and higher, reluctantly handing him the flask. “It’s dark out. No one will see. Henry and I used to do things all the time that would make your toes curl.”

Angelina returned to her seat with a glum expression and reached a gloved hand into her purse. Fumbling about, she first took out her long, black cigarette holder, then cracked open her silver cigarette case and withdrew a long, slim all white cigarette. With a shaky hand, she somehow managed to screw the cigarette into the holder and went back into the purse to retrieve her lighter. Finding it, she handed it to Tom.

“Light me,” she demanded, before placing the mouth of the cigarette holder between her lips.

Tom took his right hand off the wheel and fired up the lighter. An orange-yellowish flame pierced the darkness of the car as Angelina unevenly directed the holder to the light. Upon connecting with her target, she drew in on the holder for a second then slid it out of her mouth and blew out the light with her exhale.

Angelina took another soft pull from her holder as a sly, playful smile crossed her lips.

“I think I know how we can have some fun and pass the time and not be seen,” she said, as smoke simultaneously oozed slowly from her mouth and nostrils.

“Can you wait until we get back to your place?” Tom asked, looking straight ahead at the cars in front of him. “With any luck we’ll be there in 15 minutes.”

Clenching the holder between her teeth to free up her hands, Angelina unclasped her seatbelt and once again moved over to Tom’s side of the car. With both hands she proceeded to unzip Tom’s trousers. Before he knew what hit him, his lover had deftly removed his penis. Stroking it delicately with the fingers of her black leather glove, his dick quickly filled with blood.

“What are you doing?” Tom asked her rhetorically.

Angelina removed the holder from her mouth, turned her head away from Tom to casually blow out the smoke, then went down on the engorged penis lying before her. In an instant her open mouth engulfed it. To Tom, Angelina’s mouth felt as warm, wet and inviting as her vagina had been to him the past two days.

It was quite apparent to him, that no matter how drunk she was, Angelina’s mouth knew her way around a penis. While this was the first blowjob she’d given to Tom, Angelina was certainly no blowjob virgin. Her blowjob was all lips and tongue, with not a trace of teeth. Angelina was confident, skilled and in total control of Tom’s pleasure.

“Oh, my God, that feels so good,” moaned Tom, as Angelina slowly and rhythmically worked her mouth and both sides of her tongue up and down his shaft, flicking it back and forth, periodically licking it from bottom to top like an ice cream cone.

But as all-arousing as the blowjob was, Tom also knew that he had to keep his composure, so as the neighboring drivers wouldn’t detect anything unusual going on in his car. He also didn’t want to cum, hoping he could hold off until the two could make it back to Angelina’s house, whereby he could work his way between her legs and really let her have it.

For the next several minutes as his car inched its way out of the parking lot, Tom fought an intense internal battle between his desire to give in and fill Angelina’s mouth with cum and his resolve to keep the enjoyment going and yet hold it in for later.

Finally, when his car slipped out of the lot, Tom sped off down the highway toward Angelina’s house. It would only be about 10 more minutes, he said to himself, before they’d Kalecik Escort Bayan be safely inside and then he could finish what she had started.

Tom was so intent now on getting there that it was a couple minutes into the drive west before he realized that Angelina’s mouth was now only loosely wrapped around his penis. Two more minutes passed before he grasped that the head lying face down in his lap was only moving due to the motion of the car.

“Ummm…Angelina? asked Tom hesitantly.

No response.

“Angelina, are you okay?” he asked.

Again, no answer.

Slowly, Tom took his right hand off the steering wheel and gently shook his lover by the shoulder. The motion was enough to move Angelina’s mouth off of his penis, but she still didn’t stir.

Now, Tom reached down and grabbed Angelina by the scruff of the neck. Carefully lifting her up off his groin, he pulled her upright and turned her face to him. As the passing lights from the highway flashed by Tom could see that behind her owlish-framed eyeglasses, Angelina’s eyes were closed. Looking closer, a strand of pre-cum hung from the corner of her mouth.

“She’s out cold,” Tom said sarcastically. “Great.”

Tom positioned Angelina back in her seat and pressed his foot harder against the gas pedal. A few minutes later, Tom pulled his car into Angelina’s driveway and shut off the engine and headlights. Pausing for an instant, he took another look at his passed out lover, gave a ‘what the hell’ shake of his head and exited the car. Walking over to the passenger side, he noticed that the lights in the living room of her sister’s family next door were on. Wonderful, he said to himself. That’s all I need is for her family to see some strange guy carrying Angelina into her house. That wouldn’t draw suspicion or anything.

Opening the front passenger door, Tom quickly began to extract Angelina’s unconscious body from the car piece by piece, starting with her arms. Once he had her leaning with her back against the car, Tom draped Angelina over his left shoulder and carried her toward the house.

At the front door he paused to rest and propped Angelina up against the side of the house, holding her up at the shoulder with one hand while digging through her purse to find the house keys. Fortunately, Tom found them quickly, inserted the key in the lock and opened the door.

Turning his attention back to Angelina, Tom allowed her limp body to fall over his left shoulder and he carried her into her house, shutting the door behind him in hopes that no one had noticed their awkward entrance.

Tom allowed himself a sigh of relief before fireman carrying Angelina up to her bedroom, his hands holding onto the back of her thighs, under which swung her black leather boots. Angelina’s head bobbed behind him and arms dangled loosely, the gloved fingers of her right hand still holding her smoldering cigarette holder.

Mounting the staircase, Tom took Angelina into her bedroom and gently pitched her forward onto her bed. Tom sank in a chair in the corner of the room. Watching Angelina’s unconscious body bounce softly on her heart-shaped mattress before coming to rest, the erection that she caused in the car – which he subsequently lost while trying to covertly carry her into the house – returned even harder than before.

Climbing onto the bed, Tom gently clapped Angelina’s left gloved hand. No response.

“Angelina, wake up,” he said, moving up to her face to lightly slap her rouge-covered cheeks.

Still nothing. Angelina was more deeply passed out than on the occasions when she fainted. Nothing short of a rock concert in the room would revive her. Angelina would likely be sleeping off this little drunken bout with brandy until morning.

That didn’t mean, though, that Tom couldn’t have some fun with his lover. As Angelina had so generously offered, Tom was free to “use her like a pincushion” whenever she passed out while they were intimate. Lying next to his sexy, yet helpless companion – a raging hard-on threatening to break through the zipper of his trousers – Tom wasn’t about to let this opportunity go to waste.

Rising from the bed, Tom stripped naked, then climbed back in and repositioned Angelina, moved her up on the mattress to rest her head on a pillow and brushed a strand of her dark hair out of her eyes. The barely-smoked cigarette that had been burning in her holder since she began to blow him had now worn down to the filter. Tom removed what was left of the cigarette and placed it in the ashtray by Angelina’s nightstand. Popping open the cigarette case in her purse, he withdrew a fresh one and screwed it into her holder. No matter that Angelina wouldn’t be smoking it; Tom just loved the look of Angelina clutching her long black holder adorned with a long white cigarette.

Sitting on his knees, Tom gazed down in awe upon Angelina, lying sprawled and spread eagle atop the burgundy red duvet. Eyes closed, cigarette holder in leather gloved Escort Kalecik hand, pre-cum still at the corner of her slightly open mouth. Tom looked further south. Angelina’s breasts were heaving with every breath, camel toe shown through her tight-fitting jeans, and finally, last but certainly not least, her sexy, knee high, black leather high heeled boots, the toes pointed straight up, just as his penis was now doing. Her body was perfect, she was all his and he had all time he wanted with it.

Tom was not so young or too love struck not to admit that there were more beautiful women in the world, but at that moment, there was no woman who he’d rather make love to than the sexy, horny 51-year-old librarian lying unconscious before him. Other women surely wore boots, smoked from a cigarette holder and were younger and more attractive, but he couldn’t imagine anyone who combined all of those features – and his fetishes – in the one hot-blooded, kinky nymphomaniac that was his lover: Angelina Lione. Vice Principal Seymour’s loss several years ago was definitely Tom’s gain.

Tom unzipped Angelina’s leather jacket and removed her arms from the sleeves, re-inserting the cigarette holder back between the index and middle fingers of her right gloved hand. Then he took a tissue from the Kleenex box on the nightstand and wiped the pre-cum off her lips before tossing the dirty tissue in the wastebasket alongside the bed.

Climbing back onto the bed, Tom cuddled up to the unconscious Angelina, feeling the warmth of her both against his naked frame. With his hand, he turned her face from the right then moved in and kissed her full on the mouth. Her full lips felt soft to the touch, her mouth wet and warm. Tom went in again, only deeper this time, kissing Angelina saw hard that he threatened to inhale her fillings.

When he finished, Angelina’s head slumped back to the right and he moved down to her chest. Lifting the form-fitting sweater up over her breasts he proceeded to cup them with both hands and simultaneously massage them.

Never much of a breast man, though, Tom soon tired of the exercise and continued on toward Angelina’s boots. Crossing her right leg over her left, Tom gently rubbed the two together, the friction of the leather making a heavenly squeak. Then with his right hand he gently caressed and squeezed the wrinkled leather, then repeatedly swept it the length of her calf. The leather was as hard but pliable as his erection. Wanting to feel even closer to the boots he switched from his hand to his penis, moving it slowly up and down the inside and outside of her booted leg. The sensation practically brought Tom to orgasm, but he knew he had more work to do.

Unbuttoning Angelina’s designer jeans, he slowly slid the tight pants down her legs stopping right above the knees. Now all that was left between the two was Angelina’s hot black thong. Tom unfurled the G-string to meet the jeans, then spread Angelina’s legs. With his fingers he parted her bush then flung his body onto hers and popped his bloated penis into her vagina. Surprisingly, or maybe not so surprisingly, given how chronically ‘in-the-mood’ Angelina always seemed to be, the vagina was wringing wet with her love juices.

With nothing to stop it, Tom’s penis sunk to the bottom of Angelina’s vagina.

“OHHHH,” moaned Tom, his penis resting inside Angelina’s warm pussy. “That’s the spot.”

Tom lay there for a couple minutes, as still as possible – as still as his unconscious lover.

Finally, he began moving. Slowly, a centimeter or two at a time he took his penis out, before plunging it back into Angelina’s inviting pussy. With each stroke and every glance he took of the cigarette holder Angelina held in her gloved hand or her booted legs with the 4″ heals, he threatened to cum, but still Tom held out. There was no rush, he kept telling himself.

Eventually, the ascents and descents of his penis went the length of her pussy and the faster and harder he went the louder the glorious action caused by erection rubbing against gushy vaginal walls became.

Finally, Tom gave himself permission to give in to the pleasure and one more thrust in her luscious pussy hit a sensitive spot on his penis, resulting in the spouting of a groundswell of sperm that flooded into Angelina’s vagina.

Tom felt his legs quiver as the strength from his lower body transferred to his waist and for the next half a minute he unleashed the full extent of his sexual potency into her soggy, sticky fissure. The virile young man kept pumping even after he’d drained his member, hoping to defy medical science. When no second wind came, he collapsed on top of Angelina, penis still firmly embedded in her vagina, heart beating like a long-distance runner on his last mile, thinking that if he died right then it would be the perfect way to go.

A minute later, his breath finally caught, Tom pulled himself off his lover and rolled over on his back. Turning his head to the right, Tom looked into Angelina’s blank face. Completely dead to the world from her lost battle with brandy, a soft, high whistle emitted from the breath coming out of her nostrils.

Tom smiled and leaned over to kiss his unconscious lover on the lips. I hope on some level she felt and still enjoyed what I was doing to her, he thought.

Juliet’s Hideaway


“Let’s take your car, Jack,” Vanessa said as she smoothed her skirt. “Carla, sit in the back with me. Jack can be our chauffeur!” Jack grabbed his keys and slipped his hand across Carla’s back. She smiled and Jack caught the fleeing wink she exchanged with Vanessa. Vanessa turned to him. “You ready for this, buddy? Two hot women on your arm all night?” Jack looked her up and down. She was right: two hot women.

Vanessa’s legs were tanned and toned, striding confidently and highlighting her short, khaki skirt and her blocky heels. Carla was nearly as leggy, sporting a flower-print, swingy skirt and black stilettos. She gave a twirl on the way out the garage door and Jack stared happily as her skirt swung up to reveal a little peek of upper thigh.

Jack drove while the two girls tittered in the back seat. Vanessa left the dome light on and made a show of putting on makeup; every so often Jack checked the rear-view hoping for a look up a skirt. It was obvious Vanessa knew: every time Jack’s eyes drifted across the mirror, there was Vanessa with a raised brow. At one point she even elbowed Carla to say, “see? I told you. Absolutely obsessed. Have you noticed? You have, haven’t you?” Carla giggled in reply, “yes, he always does want to see me in my undies. It’s cute.”

“Jack! Jack, turn left! Turn in here,” yelped Vanessa. Jack saw the sign: “Juliet’s Hideaway, your fun little secret.” He pulled into the lot, the only car. A single bulb shone through the door but otherwise, the place looked dark.

“Pretty sure it’s closed, V,” he said as Vanessa scrambled from the car. Jack’s eyes hit the rear view too late; he saw a flash of light blue under her skirt but no more. She giggled and shrugged at him. Carla rolled her eyes and slid slower out of the car, deliberately giving Jack a look. He pulled up short: white, full-back, plain, slightly shiny panties. They clung to her every delicate fold. Carla smiled. “For you,” she said.

The door swung open and Vanessa strode in, grabbing Carla’s hand along the way. Jack came behind and saw the shop owner, Juliet. She was five-nine easy, lithe and fit, clearly strong. Her chestnut hair waved not-quite-straight to the middle of her back and her green eyes lit into Jack’s. He knew she took his measure in a single glance. “What can I do for you ladies tonight?” Juliet asked, turning to Carla.

Vanessa spoke first, of course. “Carla’s looking for something special,” she said and Carla pulled away. “I’m not, really… not really looking for anything,” Carla said as she turned away from the racks of sex toys. It was all here: dildos, vibrators, dolls, creams, lotions, games, costumes, feathers, restraints… and it was all top-quality stuff.

“Oh, just came to browse?” asked Juliet, but almost before she finished Vanessa was by her side. “No. Carla’s definitely looking. She needs something a little bit more… shall we say, fulfilling than what she’s getting regularly.” Carla blushed. Jack looked at his shoes. Juliet lifted his gaze to hers with a long stare. As he looked up, she cracked a broad grin. “Oh, I understand. I understand completely. I definitely have what you need.”

Jack withered a little but felt himself stiffen in his pants as Juliet stared him down. “Don’t worry,” she said, “we all come up a little short in our own way, big boy. Girls,” she barked, “over here!”

Juliet led them down a wall full of dildos. Vanessa grabbed one as thick as her arm and nearly two feet long, waving it around. “Here Carla, how about this?” Carla cracked up. “That’s not a dick, V, that’s a fucking traffic cone. Put that back. Oh, here’s one,” she said, turning toward Jack. “This isn’t making you… you know, uncomfortable, is it?” Jack stammered unintelligibly. Carla and Vanessa shared a look and a giggle.

“That’s a very special piece you’re holding, Carla,” said Juliet. “The model for that is local. Very local, in fact.” Jack looked up and felt even weaker. Carla held an impossibly realistic-looking cock. It utterly filled her hand. She wrapped her fingers around it the way Jack loved to have her fingers wrapped around his own… and he knew she was appraising him. She looked almost hungrily at the fake dick.

“Jack, come here for a second,” Vanessa called, and Jack shuffled over. V took the dildo from Carla and held it up to Jack’s crotch. “Wouldn’t you love to be packing that, Jack? Carla, what do you think? Think it looks good on him?”

“Well,” said Carla, “it’s certainly a bit of a change, that’s for sure. I mean, you gotta admit, Jack, Kahramankazan Escort Bayan that is a beautiful cock.”

Vanessa laughed and shook her head. “Hey, Juliet? What do you have to help us get control of Jack’s constant masturbation? Seriously, it seems like he can’t ever stop. Can you help?” Jack crumbled, going beet red but again Juliet was somehow able to pull his gaze to hers.

“Well, Jack, is that so? Constant beating-off? Is this a daily thing for you, or what? Is this the real reason why these girls are in here needing… accoutrements, because you’re selfishly pleasuring your own, rather than selflessly pleasing others as you should be?” Juliet turned to Carla. “Carla, you seem to know him, ah, biblically. Is this a case of too-frequent self-abuse?”

Carla blushed. “I don’t know, I don’t really think about it to be honest with you. We’re really just friends who’ve fooled around a few times; he can do what he wants.” Vanessa, of course, chimed in immediately. “Oh, believe me Juliet, I know. He’s my roommate. I’ve seen plenty of, um, evidence. Hell, I’ve even caught him in the act — with my picture, no less! If they gave out masturbation awards, Jack would walk the red carpet constantly. He’d be a winner of multiple jerkies!”

“Well,” said Juliet over a chuckle, “I do have some tools. Come on over here.” They followed, with Jack shuffling behind. Despite his embarrassment, Jack was now rock hard under his pants, desperately wishing for his erection to subside. Vanessa slipped in front of him and ran her hand up the front of his trousers, letting loose an excited giggle. “I fucking knew it,” she whispered, squeezing his cock. “You can’t get enough of this, can you?” Vanessa turned to Carla and whispered in her ear. Her eyes got huge and she turned to Jack, but said nothing.

“What we have here, ladies, is the male chastity device,” Juliet said as she held up a clear plastic contraption with a ring, a pin, a tube, and a lock. She looked directly at Jack as she said, “You simply slip the offending balls through the ring, slide the jerker’s jerk-stick into the tube, connect the ring and tube with the pin, secure the lock, and voila, there will be no more jerking without permission.”

“Do you think that thing will fit him,” asked Carla, “I mean, to be honest it looks a little… big.” All three women dissolved into laughter as Jack gritted his teeth. He was dying of embarrassment but at the same time it was all he could do not to blast a load of cum in his pants right that minute. The look in Carla’s eyes… Vanessa’s laughter… Juliet’s strange power in the whole thing, the entire heady mix had Jack in a terrible state.

“Let’s go find out,” said Juliet, grabbing Jack and pulling him to a back room as Carla and Vanessa followed, cheering Juliet on with giggling ridicule. “Time to lock up the nasty, drippy little nub, isn’t it?”

Juliet pushed Jack into a small room with two chairs and a dark window. She and Vanessa held Jack’s shoulders while Carla undid his belt and loosened his pants. In one swift motion she had Jack’s trembling manhood revealed, and all three girls cackled and guffawed at his erection.

“Oh, my god,” said Juliet, “it really is quite the little jerk-stick, isn’t it? Jack, how do you satisfy a woman with that? Carla, hand me the magic wand!” Juliet grabbed for Carla’s dildo and held it up next to Jack’s cock. “Do you see, Jack? This one isn’t just a good bit longer than yours, it’s quite a bit thicker too. That’s what we’re really after, isn’t it, girls? The girth. So… richly fulfilling. Yours looks like it’s good for masturbating though, I can see why you stroke it a lot. Are you a humper, Jack? Pillow fucker? Stainer of sheets? The floor-humping type? I bet you are, aren’t you, big boy. Let’s get you fitted, shall we?”

A bump and crash came from the room next door. Jack jumped, startled. The light went on and Jack realized he was behind a two-way mirror, looking into a studio with a couch, tables, and a wedge the size of an armchair. A shirtless man cursed, reaching for his toe. He was fiercely muscled; ripped even.

“Who’s that,” asked Carla and Vanessa at the same moment. “Funny you should ask,” said Juliet, pointing to Carla’s dildo. “That’s the model.”

“Okay, ladies,” so here’s what you do.” Juliet grabbed Jack’s balls and pulled them, one at a time, through the ring of the chastity device. “One nut at a time, through the ring. Then you have to center the ring so the pin will Kahramankazan Escort fit through. Lube up the dick… or should I say, the jerk-stick, and slide the tube over it. There’s an opening so he can pee, make sure you line that up right. Then, pin-to-post-to-ring and click! And you’re all set. Here’s a key. I have another.” Juliet put the key on a chain around Carla’s neck.

“Can we meet that guy?” Asked Vanessa. Juliet smiled a wicked smile. “Oh yes. Oh, yes, you definitely can. Just go right in, there’s a door just to your left. He’ll be quite happy to meet you.”

Vanessa grabbed Carla and pulled her through the door. “I’ll stay right here with you, Jack. Don’t worry… he’ll treat them both exceptionally well. You’ll see.” Jack didn’t know what to say, and so said nothing. His cock twitched, feeling heavy in its new confines.

The model took to Vanessa first, lifting her shirt and propping her up on the arm of the couch as he kissed her deeply. Jack saw Vanessa’s back arch and watched as she slipped down into the sofa, her legs coming up to reveal her light blue panties. The model took her legs and pulled her to him as he slipped a hand between her legs. He motioned to Carla, and put her between himself and Vanessa. Carla began rubbing Vanessa’s thighs and crotch, swaying rhythmically as the model hiked her skirt up and slipped his hands between her thighs, opening her legs.

Jack let out a little moan as he saw Carla’s panties clinging to the outline of her delicate mons. He could see she was already wet. Juliet leaned closer to him, whispering in his ear, “Oh, Jack, don’t worry. This is your place, isn’t it? This is where you belong, on the other side of this glass with me. You’ll have your chance, Jack, I know you will. Don’t worry, I’ll let you out of the cage so you can do what you do best. Just wait a moment.” Jack shuddered as he felt Juliet’s heavy tits press into his back.

The model pushed Carla’s head toward Vanessa’s crotch. She brushed her face across the fabric of Vanessa’s underwear and came up short, but the model pushed her down again, reaching up to slide Vanessa’s panties off. Carla buried her face in Vanessa’s crotch, and Vanessa opened wide, letting Carla’s tongue open her dewy gate. She bucked a little as Carla’s tongue slid past, and the model pulled Carla’s hips.

He smacked Carla’s ass and she jolted. So did Jack, beyond the glass, helpless. He strained against the plastic encasing his pitiful cock as the model slipped Carla’s panties off and unfurled his own erection. Jack couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Carla turned around and Jack heard her moan, “oh, god, yes.” She knelt down and pulled the model’s cock into her mouth, barely containing both his member and her glee.

Jack could hear the slurping sounds and felt Juliet squeezing his balls. “Look, Jack. You need to watch this. You are about to see these two women get pleasure that you would never imagine, let alone be able to provide them. You need to watch.” By now the model had picked Carla up and was depositing her across the wedge. He entered her from behind and she let out a scream of pleasure so deep that Jack could feel in his gut how true Juliet’s words really were.

Vanessa walked over and lay down in front of Carla. While the model pounded slowly into her pussy, Vanessa opened her legs to Carla’s lips again and Jack watched as Carla’s tongue worked its way toward Vanessa’s clit. The model quickened his pace and Carla began to grunt with each heavy thrust, “uh, uh, uh, unnngh, uh, uh, uh, unnngh.” Jack realized that Juliet had disappeared. He reached down, pulling at the lock that pinned his stiffening cock in its restraining tube.

The model pulled out of Carla and Jack stared at her gaping, pink hole. The size of it amazed him; Carla lay dizzy across the wedge and Jack could hardly take his eyes off her dripping, open cunt. The model picked her up and planted her beside him as he pulled for Vanessa. He lay Vanessa backward across the wedge and climbed atop her. She shrieked with ecstasy as he drilled his rod inside her.

Carla came around to hover over Vanessa, who arched up to lick her friend. It didn’t last, though, as Carla leaned forward to grab the model’s cock. Quickly, she pulled his cock from Vanessa’s hungry hole and slipped her mouth around it. The model fucked her face as Carla slobbered; a few strokes and he went back to Vanessa’s pussy, then Carla’s mouth, and so on back and forth for what seemed like minutes. Carla’s Escort Kahramankazan legs gave out and it was all she could do not to fall right onto Vanessa. The three all laughed.

Juliet had returned, and quickly unlocked Jack’s restraint. She slipped the tube off him and he popped up, rock hard. Juliet chuckled and squirted a drop of cold lube onto the tip of Jack’s cock. “Go ahead, beat-off boy, beat it off. You’ve known it all along, haven’t you? Yours is a cock for jerking, the bigger boys get the pussy because they know what to do with it. Stroke it, I want to see what kind of load you can produce. Can you produce, Jack? You can, can’t you? Well, let’s see. One catch, though: you need to last as long as he does, okay? So… get started, but be prepared not to finish for a while. Come on, jack-off Jack. Let’s go.”

Back in the room the model had Carla’s legs over his shoulders, holding her up with her back on the sofa. He pounded her viciously as Vanessa licked at her clit. While the model fingered Vanessa and Vanessa worked on Carla, Jack stroked himself slowly, watching the entire scene as if he were outside his own body. Carla began to moan, louder and louder, finally breaking into a scream. “Don’t you fucking stop goddammit, don’t you stop, give it to me harder, harder, harder, harder, I’m going to cum right now!” She screamed as her eyes rolled back in her head.

“Oh god yes,” said Vanessa as the model pulled his still-rigid cock out of Carla, “I need that now myself.” The model flipped Vanessa over the wedge and drove himself into her, fingering her clit as he pounded her ferociously. Carla lolled on the couch, catching her breath.

Back in the room Juliet handed Jack a small, black plastic bowl. “Here, Jack. Cum in it. It won’t be long now, and I don’t want any semen on my floor. Get it all in the bowl for me.” Jack stared at Juliet a long beat. “What? Don’t worry, Jack, I’m not going to make you… do anything with it. Just… get ready.”

Vanessa was screaming, begging for more on the other side of the glass as she reached her peak. She arched herself up and screamed out for Carla, “I’m cumming, Carla, I’m cumming so fucking hard I can’t fucking believe it!” Carla wobbled over to her and licked at her clit as the model’s cock rammed past her, deep into Vanessa.

Finally, the model motioned one more time for Carla, mumbling something in her ear. She nodded, and knelt on the arm of the couch, her ass in the air. Once again the model slammed his cock deep in her and she moaned with pleasure. He picked up his pace, pulling at her hips as he began to lift. “Cum in me, ” Carla shouted as Jack watched, mesmerized.

“Now, Jack,” said Juliet as she grabbed again at Jack’s balls, squeezing tight. “Cum in that bowl while my model pumps his load deep in your girl’s pussy. Do it. Spill that nasty jizz, you masturbator. Do it! Cum, you little whore! Look — he’s filling her cunt right now, Jack… I know you want to cum, you little slut… do it!” Jack felt the tension building from his feet to the tip of his cock, and he pulled the bowl in front of him and pumped one, two, three thick streams of cum into it. He stared at his semen in the bowl, hearing Juliet’s laughter, and looked up to see Carla, back arched, the model shuddering and holding her tight to him.

Juliet set the bowl of sperm down on the mirror’s ledge in front of Jack. “Nice going, beat-off boy. That’s a very good load for someone who masturbates as much as I bet you do. Now, give me the dick, it’s time to lock you up again.” Jack felt the tube slide over him and felt the heavy, final click of the lock. Carla and Vanessa stumbled through the door.

“Holy shit,” said Vanessa, “that man can fuck.” Carla could hardly speak, but managed to mumble, “let’s go.” Juliet handed her the bowl. “What’s this?” asked Carla.

“It’s Jack’s gift to you,” said Juliet. “The last one he’ll release without your permission, honey.” Vanessa and Carla looked at each other and smiled, letting one last giggle fly. “Let’s get in the car,” Carla said.

Jack drove uncomfortably home as Carla and Vanessa replayed their adventure for him from the back seat. At a stop light Jack’s eyes caught Carla’s in the rear view and she wriggled out of her panties and flipped them over the seat into Jack’s lap. “A souvenir, honey. I’m going away for two weeks, and I’m taking a key. Meanwhile, you can do what you want with these. I’ll leave a key with Vanessa, just in case…”

Vanessa laughed and Carla joined in, burning her eyes into Jack’s as they met in the rear-view mirror. “That is one epic pair of panties, isn’t it Jack?” chimed Vanessa with a raised brow. She turned to Carla with a wicked smile. “He’ll have a lot of fun with those. And I’ll let him out of the cage once in a while… maybe,” said Vanessa. “But we’re going to have to figure out a way for him to earn it.”

Job Satisfaction


I love my job.

I know I’m not supposed to: it’s illegal, immoral, and demeaning.

And stereotypical. Could there be anything more stereotypical than an Asian woman working in a resort hotel’s Day Spa (rub-and-tug massage place) owned by a mob boss?

But you know what? I don’t care. After my husband split, I was left with my daughter to take care of, and my legitimate job out of college (junior bookkeeper for the hotel) didn’t pay enough to cover all the bills.

I knew what was going on there, and that with tips most of the girls working the Spa made quite a bit more than I did. Everyone knew I was short of cash. So it wasn’t a total shock when Mr. Arrabito asked if I would like to work some shifts.

It wasn’t like I was innocent. Honestly, I’d been a slut! I’d stripped to pay for college, slept around a lot, and chosen my boyfriends based on their generosity. Maybe it wasn’t hooking but it was awfully close.

But I’d really done my best to Haymana Escort go straight after college, and to be a good wife and mother.

Now my ex had run off to greener pastures with most of our savings, and my white-collar job barely paid the bills. I was living month-to-month on expenses, and I’d just been told that Li needed braces. Plus I hadn’t got any since my ex left, and I was feeling horny.

So I tried it. I spent a couple of weeks training with more experienced girls in the mornings and doing my regular job in the afternoon, then I worked my first shift.

I felt a little silly wearing just that little Happi Coat robe that never stayed on long anyway, and putting on a Chinese accent thicker than my grandmother’s, but if the customers wanted a little FOB sexpot that’s what they’d get. Most of the other girls did the same. I had been a little surprised to find that most of them were US citizens, just like me, and they were Haymana Escort Bayan all here legally. It did make me feel safer; we might be sex workers, but we didn’t need to worry about becoming human trafficking statistics.

But I wasn’t surprised at all when Mr. Arrabito was my first customer. I’d always known he was interested in me. I thought he was cute, too, but I’d also known that I’d never be more than his piece on the side. Now he could try me out. And he did. He was gentle, he tipped well, and it was the best sex I’d had in a long time.

Pretty soon, I had a regular routine. He let me keep my bookkeeper job as a cover, and I actually worked at it for a few hours most mornings. I juggled my shifts in the spa so I was home when Li needed me, but I still made a lot more money. Our money troubles went away; I had savings, and Li’s college fund was doing well. And I was getting regular sex again.

I did my best to be a Escort Haymana good mother. I was so proud of Li! She’d graduated high school at the top of her class and had a partial scholarship to the local university. And she’d listened to my lectures about finding a good job she loved – she was majoring in biology, not English Lit like I had. Responsible, too; even though I could cover everything that her college fund and scholarship didn’t, she was looking for a part-time job to cover the rest.

So life was good. I knew I couldn’t be a massage girl forever, but I kept myself in good shape; I could probably do it another 10 years or so, get Li through college and maybe graduate school before I switched back to doing bookkeeping full time. And with my nest egg, and the twenty years work experience I’d built up on the side job, I’d be OK. I’d miss the frequent sex, but I had some fuck buddies I could see more often.

But for now, I still enjoyed doing my job. I was good at it, good enough that I was asked to train most of the new girls.

So it wasn’t unexpected when Mr Arrobito told me “Mei, we’ve got a new girl we want you to get up to speed. She’ll need training, but I think she’ll do really well here.”

I’m sure she would.

“Hi, Mom!” Li said.

Jenny’s Submission


Jenny had only known Bill about a month and she felt great, it was going well, and after a string of failed romances and wastes of space she had been out with before it was nice to meet Bill.

Bill was a mechanic; he did mainly restoration work on older cars. He would spend all day under the bonnet of a car if only Jenny would let him.

They had a sex life, nothing too exciting, but she enjoyed it. It usually involved the missionary position.

Tonight was their one-month anniversary and Bill had booked them a table at one of the fanciest restaurants in town. Bill had told Jenny about it the day before and she had rushed out that night to get a dress to wear that would be suitable of such a lavish occasion. She had bought a dress that fully complimented her athletic build and sizeable breasts. It was black, tight fitting and floor length with a slit up the side that went up quite a way. Jenny had pondered over it for quite a while, wondering whether it was too risqué for her, but adored the way she looked in it once she tried it on. She knew she would be self-conscious but after a couple of glasses of wine she knew she’d be fine. She had seen a pair of shoes, black 3 inch stiletto high heels which she had a bit of trouble at first walking on but got better the more she strutted around the store. She liked the way it made her stand, her breasts sticking out further and her sexy butt sticking the other way, they made her feel all together more feminine.

Lingerie, she had to get new lingerie for this evening, I mean it was Bill’s night too, she should treat him. She browsed through the rails of thongs and panties looking for just the right pair. She found a black lace thong, which was high cut and very sexy with a matching bra. As she searched for her size she noticed they did a very sexy matching suspender belt, she had never worn such a thing but she decided to give it a try. She went to the changing rooms and tried on the items, she had picked out a pair or black lace topped stocking to accompany the suspender belt. Looking in the mirror got her quite flustered, she looked amazing, the bra made her already sizeable breasts look even bigger, the panties felt wonderful and the stockings and suspender belt made her feel very sexy, she could help running her hands over her body. Suddenly Jenny was startled; there was a knock on the changing room door. She realised where she was and quickly removed her new underwear. She got dressed and went to pay.

She hadn’t noticed but she had become quite aroused when wearing the underwear and now on her panties there was a small damp patch and the unmistakable aroma of her pussy. She placed all of the underwear, her shoes and her dress on the counter and rummaged in her bag for her purse. The lady at the till was pretty and Jenny noticed this. She wore a see through blouse with a blue blazer, you could make out her lacy bra under her blouse that looked as if it were going to break any moment due to the pressure on it from her huge breasts. She also wore a short blue skirt that matched her blazer and some very shiny black high heels. Pinned on the front of her blazer on a badge were the words ‘Pleased to help’ and then her name ‘Dawn’.

Dawn smiled at Jenny and started to scan the items into the till. Dawn then came to the side of the counter and bent at her waste to get a carrier bag in which to put Jenny’s purchases. Jenny watched her every move and as Dawn bent over, her very short skirt rose up slightly to show her stocking tops. Jenny licked her lips and smiled to herself, yes she thought they are very sexy. Dawn started to wrap each of the items that Jenny was buying, firstly the shoes, then the dress, the bra, the stockings, the suspender belt and lastly the panties. Dawn spent what seemed like an age folding these tiny little panties into just the right shape. Jenny dropped her purse and bent down to retrieve it as she looked back up she was sure she had seen Dawn run her finger along the gusset of her panties. Jenny just smiled and paid for her clothes. As she walked away, she looked back at Dawn who was watching her walk away. Dawn smiled, lifted her finger to her lips and tasted it. Jenny slightly shocked smiled, turned and walked away.

Bill had also been shopping, he liked Jenny a lot but there was still something about her that he found too straight laced. She was vanilla, everything about her, she wore comfortable shoes, comfortable underwear and had comfortable sex, she was comfortable. To Bill, Jenny was sexy but she could be so much more.

Bill had been to a special store that he had learnt about a long time ago, but couldn’t remember quite how. It was a small Chinese-run shop that sold your general local shop things, like bread and milk. Bill walked in and moved towards the far corner, there was a small door there with a bell. Bill pressed the doorbell and waited. A small hatch opened and an eye looked him up and down.

“Do you know the password?” said a soft feminine voice.

“Yes,” said Bill softly, “Dragonia.”

The small hatch closed just as quickly as it had opened. Bill waited feeling Güdül Escort a mixture of nervousness and excitement. The door opened and Bill stepped inside and the door closed behind him.

Bill waited; his eyes had to become accustomed to the dim light. He looked around. It was a long narrow corridor with shelves lining each side. The shelves were lined with volumes and volumes of dusty old books. He hadn’t noticed but to his right stood a girl, she was no more than sixteen about five foot tall, Chinese with a pale complexion and long dark hair.

“My name is Ling,” she said softly, “please follow me.”

Bill just nodded and followed her. Ling walked down the corridor. Bill noticed that she was wearing a little black dress that clung to her body very tightly, it had two large slits up each side that made it easier for her to walk. She also had black stockings and some very high shiny black heels that were padlocked closed around her ankles.

Ling came to the end of the corridor and to a large oak door that was there. She knocked twice. A strong male voice answered, “come.” Ling opened the door and lead the way in.

Bill followed Ling into the room, it was well lit, and Bills eyes had to adjust from the dimly lit corridor that he had just been in. The room came into focus, it was white, everything was white. To Bill’s right there were two doors both white, to his left there were several white fur rugs and comfortable chairs, all white. Ling led Bill to the far end of the room, where there was a man dressed all in black sitting in a large throne-like chair. Ling turned and sat next to the man at which point he placed his hand on her head and stroked her hair, she smiled.

The man removed his sunglasses and looked up at Bill, “Bill how are you my friend?”

Bill felt a bit self-conscious here; he always did. He managed to spurt out “fine.”

“And what can I help you with today?” said the man in black.

Bill coughed trying to shake off some of his nervousness, “Um I would like to get some of you special inhibition potion.”

“Ahhhh, I see, you have something special planned Bill?”

“Possibly” said Bill not wanting to give too much away.

“Good, good,” said the man, standing from his throne. Ling immediately stood from her kneeling position next to him. “Ling” he said. Ling walked over toward the right-hand white door opened it, entered and then closed it behind her.

“Bill” said the man in black, “is there anything else that you require?”

Bill thought, “yes clothes, I’m gonna need clothes.”

“Excellent” said the man in black smiling broadly, “now what are we talking about when you say clothes?”

“Slut clothes” Bill spurted out without hesitation, “I want her to look like a sexy slut.”

“Very good” said the man in black, clapping twice, “Please wont you sit?” gesturing toward the white chairs.

Bill sat. “Begin” said the man in black still smiling.

The left-hand door opened and a girl about the same age as Ling appeared, she wore a black one-piece rubber suit where the breast and crotch parts had been removed. She wore very high heels and that was it. She walked over to Bill and started to model it for him, bending and posing in many different ways.

The man in black spoke up “so what do you think?”

“A bit too much” Bill replied, “maybe something a little more subtle?”

The girl turned and walked out only to be replaced by another girl. She wore a black leather body suit that was zipped down to show off maximum cleavage. She had black tights and thigh high stiletto boots on; she also wore a mask and carried a whip.

“Wow” Bill said, “very nice,” but I had something a little more discreet in mind.”

“Ok,” said the man in black, turning to the girl, get Victoria out her next.”

The girl replied “yes sir” in a soft voice turned on her heels and strutted purposefully towards the door.

The right-hand door opened and Ling came through holding a small vile of clear liquid. She walked over to the man in black and gave him the vile, bowed and then took her position kneeling next to him.

“Thank you Ling” said the man in black as he put the vile in his jacket pocket.

The left-hand door opened and out walked Victoria. She wore, a very short leather skirt and sleeveless zip front leather top, that pushed her sizeable breasts up and out. She wore a pair of black seemed stockings that had little black ties in bows that could be seen just below her skirt. She wore a pair of black patent six-inch stiletto heels with ankle straps and a black leather neck collar with a D loop at the front. She walked over to Bill and started to model. She bent over in front of him; Bill could easily see she wasn’t wearing panties. Lifting her skirt up a little she straddled Bills lap, rubbing her naked pussy on his now rigid dick.

“I’ll take all of this,” said Bill slightly breathless.

“Thank you Victoria” said the man in black as she got up and slowly walked out through the white door. “Excellent choice” he said standing up and gesturing Güdül Escort Bayan for Bill to follow him. They went to a small counter in the corner of the room. “How will you be paying?” said the man in black.

“Credit Card” said Bill as he fished for his wallet. He found it and put his card on the counter. The man in black took it and swiped it through the machine.

“Sign here please.” Bill signed.

Behind Bill the left-hand door opened and Victoria walked out, she was naked except for a pair of clear platform high heels and was holding a large black bag. Bill hearing footsteps approaching turned to see her. She was beautiful, large firm breasts, thin waist, shaved pussy and long, long legs. She walked round behind the counter and placed the black bag on it. The man in black returned Bills Credit card and then handed him the black bag. Bill opened the bag and looked in; there inside were the very clothes that Victoria had been wearing, all black leather and lace with her very high heels. The man in black fished in his Jacket pocket and pulled out the vile that Ling had given him earlier. He handed it to Bill.

“I trust you will be responsible with this?” said the man in black.

“Yes of course” said Bill nodding as he reached out and took the vile.

“Ling” said the man in black, “show Bill out.” Ling stood up from where she had been kneeling and glided over to Bill, she took his hand and escorted him towards the door that he had entered through. Bill took a glance backwards. The man in black had returned to his throne and Victoria had taken her position sat at his feet.

Ling guided Bill down the dimly lit corridor and out of the small door he had first come into. Ling smiled at Bill and kissed him softly on the cheek, “come again” she said as she closed the door behind him.

“Time to get ready for tonight” Bill said to himself as he walked out of the store smiling.

Jenny was excited, she had been getting ready now for two hours and it was still hours until her date with Bill. She had waxed her bikini line, her legs, and her armpits. She had applied her make-up three times in three different ways. But the one thing she was sure about tonight was what she was going to wear. She had her dress laid out on the bed, next to it was her new underwear and next to that her new shoes.

Jenny was finally happy with her make-up, enough but not too much, sophisticated not slutty. She started to dress, firstly sliding her new tiny black panties up her legs and over her curvy little bum. She smiled as she let the elastic smack her butt lightly. She then took her new bra and slipped it on over her breasts and fastened it in rear, she lent forward so that her large breasts filled the cups correctly. Whew what a cleavage she thought as she saw herself in the mirror. Next were her stockings she fastened her suspender belt and proceeded to roll on the sexy black stockings. Jenny felt very sensual as she rolled the silky stockings up her long legs and finally fastened them at the top to her suspender belt. Once complete, she picked up her dress, lifting it up and sliding it down over her head; careful not to mess her hair or make-up; she shimmied into it. She smoothed the fabric down over her body, liking the way her suspenders felt under it. Then she sat on her bed and took her new shoes from out of their box; she slipped them on her feet and then stood. She looked herself up and down in the mirror liking very much what she saw. She spun around; these slits on the dress are very high she thought you could even see my stocking tops if I move like this. Dismissing her self-conscious thoughts she grabbed a matching handbag and made her way downstairs to wait for Bill.

Bill had just pulled up outside Jenny’s house in his car. He grabbed a large black bag from the passenger seat and a large bunch of roses. Bill stopped a second; he started to pat his jacket over looking for something. Finally he found what he was looking for, he reaching into his right inside pocket and pulled out a small vile of clear liquid. Bill smiled and put the vile back in his pocket. He opened his door, got out of the car, locked it, and then walked over to Jenny’s front door. He rang the bell.

Jenny was just walking down the stairs when she heard the bell. She reached the bottom and went to the front door. Bill stood there; he was wearing a black tuxedo and looked very smart. Bill held out the flowers to Jenny, she smiled and took them, leaning in to give him a kiss.

“Thank you Bill, they are beautiful,” said Jenny, moving aside to let Bill enter.

“That’s quite alright,” said Bill as he moved past her in the corridor on his way to the main room. He put the black bag down in the corner out-of-site, and then turned to look at Jenny. “Wow you look great Jenny, really sexy!”

Jenny just blushed and started to walk to the kitchen, “can I get you a drink Bill?” she called out on her way.

“That’d be great,” said Bill as he once again felt his jacket.

There was a pop and a few seconds later Jenny returned holding two wine Escort Güdül flutes full of bubbly champagne. Bill took his glass and drank it down in one go.

Jenny looked at him surprised; “do you want another Bill?”

“Yeah that’d be great,” said Bill. Bill handed her his empty glass and she strode out to the kitchen to refill it.

Meanwhile Bill had reached into his right inside jacket pocket and retrieved the vile of clear liquid. He snapped the top off and poured it into Jenny’s glass. He gave it a quick stir with his finger and then returned the empty vile to his jacket pocket. Jenny returned with a full glass for Bill, handing it to him she said “to us.”

“To us” replied Bill raising his glass to his lips all the time watching as Jenny did the same. She drank the liquid down in several small sips as Bill once again emptied his glass quite quickly.

“Mmm nice” said Jenny; she felt her cheeks flushing with colour, “very nice.”

Bill watched at the liquid took affect on Jenny, her pupils started to dilate slightly and she looked a little dizzy. She decided that she needed to sit down, so perched on the side of the couch.

“Are you ok?” asked Bill.

“Oh yes,” said Jenny, “I think I just drank the champagne too quickly is all.”

Bill smiled, took Jenny’s glass from her hand, “another?”

Jenny just looked up at Bill and smiled, he went off towards the kitchen.

Jenny felt strange, it wasn’t the drink it was something different, she hadn’t really wanted another drink but felt that she must. She shook here head and decided she needed to splash some cold water on her face. She stood up and made her way upstairs. She locked the door to the bathroom behind her and looked at her face in the mirror. She then cupped some water in hands and splashed into her face. She then dabbed at her face with a towel. Jenny looked at herself in the mirror, before when putting on this dress she had felt self-conscious the more she looked at what she was wearing she felt over dressed. She looked at herself from every angle; no she looked terrible more like an old woman than a twenty-something. Jenny opened one of the draws under the sink and pulled out a small pair of nail scissors. She cut the slits of her dress higher, now you could definitely see her stockings. She then cut the top of dress down further so you could see more cleavage. She pulled up her skirt and looked at her stockings, suspenders and panties. Too much she thought as she cut the side of the panties away and pulled them off. Better she thought but could be even better, she reached to in the draw again and pulled out the razor she used to shave her legs. Jenny sprayed out the foam and proceeded to shave all the hair off her pussy. Once she had finished and had wiped the foam away, she looked at her bare pussy in the mirror and smiled much better she thought. She let her dress fall back down and stood in front of the mirror, not bad she thought – but still it’s the best I can do. She made her way back downstairs.

Bill had been wondering what Jenny had been doing she had been gone quite a while and he was thinking of looking for her when he heard the clink, clink of Jenny’s high heels coming down the stairs. She walked in a bit red in the face, “Bill look, I’m sorry I look a mess but I don’t know what I was thinking when I bought this horrible dress.”

Bill smiled, “I have a gift for you.” Bill went over to the corner of the room and retrieved the black bag he had put there earlier, “you can wear this,” he said.

Jenny looked surprised but smiled, “oh thank you Bill, I will go and put it on straight away.”

Jenny quickly ran up the stairs excited at what Bill had bought her to wear. She closed the bedroom door behind her and opened the black bag Bill had given her. She pulled everything out so she could see what was there more clearly. A little leather skirt, a matching leather zip top, some sexy stockings and the highest heels she had ever seen. She pulled the dress off over her head and threw it on the floor; she kicked off her shoes, peeled off her stockings, unfastened her suspender belt and unclipped her bra. She threw them all in a pile on the floor. She firstly took the stockings and slid them over her feet and up her legs, she tied the bow at the top, making sure the seem of the stockings were straight at that the bows looked pretty. Once she had done that she put the leather skirt on, it fit perfectly, she loved the way that on her long legs the top of the stockings could be seen just under the hemline of the skirt, showing just a bit of thigh. She then put the leather top on, sliding her arms into the arm holes, pulling it around her and them zipping up the front. The top forced her big breasts right up. The effect was amazing she looked at herself in the mirror and adjusted the zipper on her top so that it showed maximum cleavage. She then picked up her new high-heeled shoes and slid them on her feet fastening the buckle around her ankle. She was ready, she stood up, it was difficult at first standing in such high shoes bit she tottered around, all the time getting better at walking in them. She walked over to her dressing table to check her hair and makeup. She gave her long blonde hair a brush. Jenny then pulled out a bright red lipstick from her draw and applied it. She puckered her lips to blow a kiss to herself, gorgeous she thought.