Gossip City Chapter 1: Revenge of the Kindhearted


In this segment, Mayor Meg helps Gina, (an innocent girl, accused of sluttiness, who had been framed by an actual slutty bitch) escape from prison. There have been many times in my life, when I found myself dreaming of a world without bitches. Then one night, I woke up from one of those dreams, and had an epiphany. I sat up in bed, and an invisible light bulb, as bright as a helicopter search light went off above my head. “What if all the raving bitches could all be contained in one place?” I thought, smiling widely. I guess this plan kind of makes me a bit of a bitch too, but not nearly as much of a bitch as the catty bitches who would be banished from the rest of the world, into a very large city, which would be given the name “Gossip City.” After five years of hard work, my dream was finally going to come true. All these bitches would be in the same place. I had finally found enough kindhearted people, that agreed with me, and supported my idea. We came up with a system to determine who belonged in Gossip City. We would give each person the bitch test, which was made up with questions such as, “Have you ever made up a nasty rumor about a close friend for no reason?” and “Have you ever slept with a guy you knew your best friend was dating?” It was mailed out to every girl and woman in the city, and stated clearly at the top of the paper: “This is a survey for the government, which is confidential. No one will know about the info, EXCEPT for government officials. Government officials may use the information you provide, at a later date.” The papers never indicated what would be done with this information, and did say that the government may use the information provided, and there was also a telephone number provided on the paper, Bostancı Escort if the participants taking part in the survey had any questions. This prevented anyone from suing the government, or trying to take any kind of legal action – not that a lot of these bitches were intelligent enough to hire a lawyer and actually make a case. ———————————————————————-It was a week after the surveys were mailed out. I stood in front of the cameras, at my second press conference as a Mayor, and spoke to all of the nice people, explaining what this new city was going to be like, where to move, and where the rest of the kindhearted people would be residing from now on. My assistant blocked the satellites of all the bitches, so only the kindhearted people were able to tune in to the special news report – not that any of these bitches even bothered watching the news, they were too busy making up rumors, window shopping, or fucking their best friends husbands or boyfriends, most likely while thinking of what they could make the poor dick buy for them so they wouldn’t spill their dirty little secret.”My fellow kindhearted followers, I thank you for supporting my idea, and I am excited to announce, the grand opening of Gossip City is tomorrow morning. The last of the evil bitches are being transported into the city throughout the night, and if you are listening to this and see evil bitches around your home, you are in the wrong place, and need to travel north, to Rainbow Central. You will find all you need there. Workers will get you situated in a home, and take care of everything you will need.” I paused for a brief moment, as the live studio audience cheered, then continued. “There will be different Bostancı Escort Bayan sections of the city. First we have “The Evil Cavern” which is in the center of the city, then just outside of that, on the north side, there is a town called “Monstrous Mountains” with the underlying “Vengeance Valley.” On the south side of “The Evil Cavern,” there is a town called “Raging Riverhead” and just beyond that, on the southern border of the city is a town called “Spiteful Springs.” Along the northern border, there is a strip of land, which if split down the middle with “Fair-Weather River.” The entire strip is called “Tainted Two.” This will be the basic layout of the city. If you have any questions or concerns, or wish to file a bitch report to the police, please inquire help at the front desk in the Visitor’s Building in Rainbow Central, the main town of Kindheart City.” I continued on to explain all of the details of the layout of each town, and how the system works. Then I continued, taking questions from the press, answering all of them with answers that satisfied the press. Mostly the press questioned me about jobs and how the system would efficiently work. I explained that there would be plenty of new job openings between the new prisons, schools, and help wanted signs in psychology practices, along with the now empty job slots needing to be filled with non bitches. There were also concerns about the system being efficient, but that was cleared up when I clarified the system and explained the bitch test and experts who tested bitch suspects with lie detector tests. After the press conference, the Visitor’s Building was not flooded with many questions, only a few, but mainly with comments, and thank-you letters Escort Bostancı addressed to me, Mayor Megan. Most of them said the same things, and some shared their stories of being bullied, or stories of their backstabbing best friends, and how bitches ruined their lives, which they were finally going to get back, and be able to live, without being torn apart. Everything in town seemed to be going smoothly, just as I had planned. Many of the people who lived in Rainbow Central worked as security in Gossip City, as well as a few other fields of employment. There were the teachers, who taught classes on subjects such as, how to be kind, how to be a good friend, and anger management classes. Then there were the therapists, many of which hosted support groups for girls who were addicted to being bitches, and didn’t know how to stop. The most famous support group is called BA, which stands for Bitches Anonymous. There are also people from Rainbow Central who work as Guardian Guards and Caring Cops. There were two prisons in the city, one being a lot worse than the other. The really bad prison was in the heart of the city in The Evil Cavern. It was known as Penisless Prison, since there were absolutely no guys allowed in or around the prison. It was a prison for all the slut bitches who either cheated on their boyfriends, slept with or fooled around with a best friends boyfriend or love interest, and various types of other things typical slutty bitches do. Penisless Prison was split up into different sections, depending on the degree of slutiness in which the defendant was guilty of. There were four different levels; Semi-Slut, Slutty-Slut, Slutty-Whore, and Skanky-Slut. Semi-Slut was the least worst. The four popular girls in that section are all really sexy also. There is Chrissy, a blonde bombshell, with huge boobs and big blue eyes; Ariella, a skinny girl with straight, dark brown, almost black hair, up to her shoulders, and hazel eyes that complimented her olive skin tone.

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